Who Stars In Bláznova Kronika (1964)

1. Bláznova kronika (1964) - SFdb

  • Cast ; Emília Vasáryová, Lenka ; Valentina Thielová, Veronika ; Karel Effa, Varga ; Eva Senková, grevinnan ; Eduard Kohout, greven.

  • The information given here refers to film material in the Swedish Film Institute’s archive. Access to the archive’s stock is given on request, for research, other film archives and rights’ holders. For enquiries please contact filmarkivet@filminstitutet.se

2. The Jester's Tale (1964) directed by Karel Zeman • Reviews, film + cast

3. A Jester's Tale (1964) - Filmový přehled

  • The trio of main protagonists – young villager Petr (Petr Kostka), recruiting officer Matěj (Miloslav Holub) and their female friend Lenka (Emília Vášáryová) – ...

  • The exceptional qualities of Karel Zeman’s motion pictures were not only achieved thanks to the support of artistic and technical concepts provided by the director’s film crew, the contributing screenwriters were also essential to his output. It was Pave…

4. A Jester's Tale / Bláznova kronika (1964) Credits | SuperLogos Wiki

  • Screenplay: Deserved Artist · Karel Zeman and Pavel Juráček · Commentary: Radovan Krátký · Narrated by: National Artist · František Smolík · State Award Laurente ...

  • Filmexport Home Video Presents "A Jester's Tale" Screenplay: Deserved Artist · Karel Zeman and Pavel Juráček Commentary: Radovan Krátký Narrated by: National Artist · František Smolík · State Award Laurente Art Director: Zdeněk Rozkopal Music: Jan Novák In Lead Roles: Petr Kostka, Miroslav Holub, Emilia Vašáryová, Valentina Thielová, Karel Effa, Eva Šenková, Deserved Artist · Eduard Kohout, Vladimír Menšík, Čestmír Řanda, Jiří Holý · State Prize Winner, Josef Haukvic Film Editor: Miroslav Hájek

5. Bláznova kronika (A Jester's Tale) 1964 Ages 15+

  • Sep 21, 2018 · Director: Karel Zeman · Script: Karel Zeman · Cinematographer: Bohuslav Pikhart · Editor: Miroslav Hájek · Cast: Karel Effa · Music: Jan Novák ...

  • 'In this satirical take on the Thirty Years’ War, Zeman’s continuing innovations in blending live action, animation and trick photography collide with the nascent Czechoslovak New Wave. A script from one of that movement’s most brilliant and protean talents, Pavel Juráček, and aesthetic inspiration taken from the 17th-century Topographia Germaniae engravings of Matthäus Merian, enliven this star-studded romp, a picaresque affair very much in the anarchic spirit of Jaroslav Hašek’s totemic The Good Soldier Švejk.' – Melbourne Cinémathèque.

6. Bláznova kronika 1964 | Kinoafisha

  • Bláznova kronika (1964): World premiere – 18 December 1964. Runtime - 82 minutes. Rating 7.1. Genre - Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy. Similar films.

  • Bláznova kronika (1964): World premiere – 18 December 1964. Runtime - 82 minutes. Rating 7.1. Genre - Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy. Similar films. More information on the cinema portal Kinoafisha.

7. Bláznova kronika [Jester's Tale, A] ︎ Karel Zeman ︎ 1964 - DVDFreak

  • At last, a domestic release of a film by one of Czech cinema's greatest filmmakers, Karel Zeman (who would be celebrating his 100th birthday this year), which ...

8. A Jester's Tale DVD review | Cine Outsider

  • Oct 13, 2014 · Czech filmmaker Karel Zeman's 1964 satirical black comedy A JESTER'S TALE [BLÁZNOVA KRONIKA] is an exuberant and richly imaginative delight.

  • If you've been afflicted with the unfortunate conviction that an historical comedy made in Czechoslovakia during the 1960s cannot possibly be funny, then Karel Zeman's A Jester's Tale [Bláznova kronika] is just the medicine you need. A film that had me grinning almost continuously and intermittently laughing out loud, I was hooked from the jauntily designed opening credits, which unfold to the sort of rousing, patriotic-sounding East European march-to-war song that always makes me want to drink beer from flagons and join a revolution. Even this doesn't prepare you for what then unfolds, or perhaps more specifically how it unfolds.

Who Stars In Bláznova Kronika (1964)
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