The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Vi 7 i 7 themokmom bolcwso It fc TH TOST Ct if rriva! op a The result lias been the Almost HCKDEB fe road Co actioa' 1 cause A Political Quartette 4 ewbee taded THE 1 Ire hod he Wait and lor are lodging sod jderday and tbe 'settlement itbe navy yard hirt before Jb tr trial a verdict a comparatively 'a a safatr itikiI tha Vari fnr ha aa'ot rf fhu swl the rr and candidacy a i kqife I i 41 1 vl fcr dtebtfsllinr off May J87 wa 7f5728: OAttarlvhtrr nTHl TOSTAonld eddrui'i tithe ditrr Orifteet rvrieuwn or t'a star was hailed as a penitent back manifested for a few davs the But we greatly fear that he be lle has been indis Lj of District Attorney reason for a change In Mr Wells baa signally tftv nm ifteen Oreli JMonrtyncaJi PMnoailM1 Krr rekte te Nation wan headMr John A Co on oftliefcl aalKtmeer ree I 'p of Gen Granffbr a conpieu ugc ii ab uMuiutauu isiicr the post xatiobal tmtm P5 il'lient! Hi 1 ft i 'kwyraAiwi ft of that church Messrs Crldler II Biola contributed to the mu the programme white Miao Am Mary A oster CryptlTa! 1J Hay give appropriate read ce vful entertainment cloed wii of the Hollow Current 1 The board of visitor to the Naval Academy at Annapolis have preaented their report toSo reury Thompson The report speak in high terms of the management of the school and re coamaends among other things that a higher standard of admission be estabihhed and that the same ay tem of competitive examina tion that la required la tbe admUvioh of cadet engineer be alo required of cadet tnldbip mn Also that tb regulation agAnat the use of tobacco be rigid! enforced A tribute of reaped and appreciation La paid to the cbac ur and services of the late Commodore Parker oecolel oi ine uureau oi aianeuca lurmanee i uovernmeii usucr iiw an advance state mem of Ute export domestic i ben of Shiloh Baptist colored church In provistoMi and tallow of Um United Mates dur I erty ot which Martha was a member lac i iM0ia yoMsrany Mempkia AppeaJ ta tutn that though the colored people 1 A a jkm a wm of aaazlzina War vf UAV U'W JUSIS vi ucvuuuii vvnv IngTl earnest in lite dplre to secure education ttM'Jnxiety and eirntjstnessr have passed away andsjjoday Ignorant colored people nre not aa anApUi to educate as the Ignorant cl the white iraefeinior are they likely to become ao in theIufc Je but on ithe contrary they will be more hik 7 fjto vtro grazle still farther unless thef riVUa of universal education Work more earn i i 1 of nervous provintloa induced by a rallroaj acj I dat i in a fair way io recovery There bafbi no mental ailmeul a haa been reported A Scene more about iaarati Bernhardt bb wi iruj tter studio a actual mate dress tmtuera axpp jacket oi stlkl Ost her feet ixnrro Iht srw uaat at aatla1 slippers her soft hair friiMK forehead in the moot fetnlame way Her itMKyyof Uteu rejiresanud she says by the word just as her theory of art i represented by ihwcSrd "nature1! Some at the Loutavtlte Ky admirer ortftary Anderson who will live la a collage near jol wood pirk Long Branch by and by Lav fc fund of tUXC which will be used by pnrebai jlpr her a thorough bred Kes tacky horse The vrill be presented at Xar Branch on the oiAjhjuf July Mary like horse She is said to ha red den on several occasions so hard and long the her sboaldera wars sore ter week ve eve we was Mlu kiir tiny mouths filled with milk mittlng tubes tached to as many bottle Silence reigned oac more arid some fscts were alerted Ida a (black haired beauty is the Brt of the quartette Next toiutj Aiaria Jane John latter the smallest Specimen Aifai well formed and healthy looking children nttMr below the average size except lis Ida wha has besides a handsome suit) of hair XoMm 6f their weight at birth could be given bytb mother She is a Urgo bonJd heirtv looMcr woman and has borne fourteen children tu gether but excepting ohe'ilair of twins had been single birth She yas born in Norik Carolina and her busband InIrelsnd hewaj few years older than herself and her ar forty Had she any monyM No the rail road men had paid for her night's lodgingand board bu latter that she did dot know tiowbe nu ner oanes were io exist THE MARnasilUKCi oiZL 4se vv bile It was distant aud rather fanel i iV' fUiU' Wiwe frrirted in a flattering! tender albeit Admir of good Ut patrouizlog fashion by the Republican to leader botasX a the cue WUI be iuteraated 1 knowing that thi Lgre sion of the Democrat in who has a riitea nothing for thre year on aUigint Sonh iQt the of lh A Hemsrlsl Asloptosl ly tliu Dry Goods Mrtbaui Ist Might A meeting of dry goods merchants was held fast night at store No 415 Seventh street a large representation of the dealer being prevent Mr A Goddard presided A memorial tvoa presented from a meeting of clerk held last riday asking that the mer chants continue to close their stores an early hour A lengthy discussion regarding the time of closing was indulged In by those re sulting in the adoption of the following memorial which signed by present the undersigned merchants present at a meeting held on Tuesday June 17 1379 agree to cloe our place of buune from July 5 to September 1 UJ7f) at 7 JL 1I and from September 1 to July 5 180 atfi o'clock 1' it excepting Saturday and day preceding holiday Lansburgb A God dardJi ColleyMitchell A Martin Carter Henry Strasburger Sammon for National Toy Co4 Bebrend Davl Dickinwn A Bebrend Young Kerr Clark Trtinnell Young Stern Chas Baum JI Silver 11 Silverberg Gotlbelf Burdette it Co and After this meeting had adjourned the elerr alo met Mr loecker in the chair and Mr Clark a seo retary Mer Tilden Murphy and Garner wer8 appointed a committee to obtain additional signature to the above memorial A tyeli attended meeting ot loot and hoe dealer wa belli last nlxhtal shoe store No 632 street A memorial was adopted closing the shoe store at 7 Ji from June lb to Octoler 1 14T79 Saturdays sod night preceding holiday excepted KCKEAll BBlErii Gtisertf avc and by rane vvauieigu ui a awry suujewnau plot and rather common place in stylaThe hero nad i heroin whna smto JUNE 18 1879 Martha Maon colredof Alexandria been detected in drawing anon from iw Government under false pretene The uhM VK held from mem IK of the rite 85728: Wv1cs The exports of butter wi'r almonn1 that of tallo bow a Might toernw largest inere? in the export of amounting to over two millions of Tbo Navy department tened ywenjA following orders: UeuL Charles A to doty nrdlNew York I Wstkin to duty on board receiving ship Colorado at New York jutJr mmnder jj Gorringe has rtv42s bis return home having been detached eomma nd of the Gettysburg and has len de red to the hydrographic office Tbe cotnmlrtloner of patents has tested following circular No power of aitorney cuted fur July 1 purporting to ht been given to a firm nr cc8psrtneThfp wm recey nixed either in favor of th firm or its members udIcm all its member shall named in Mteh power at The comptroller of the currency bis upon the National bants for a statement sbowte their condition at tbB eloss Of baitrs on urday' the lllh tnst The tomptroller at the currency declj a dividend qf seventy five per rent in favor the creditors ol the irst National bank ct AsL land Ph Also a dividend of ten jer cent favor of the creditor of the I ock Harm HUU li WUBj Vt wacx AB a Mg A A0 UAMftiqg dividend amounting to fift per eent A Kteceifnl tlnterliailtinenl A musicaj and literary entertainment In of the Sunday school of the Sixt Bresbyttrii church waj held last night In ttp lecture of that church Mr Col IHnlsw Jli Crxit Clod Daniels and lorence Hop" rv i si ifJ is rar hl in BBS lab portton le Dewi horri tw la i ifia riTiddi4 VM'Jmt VmuvIb aad the mjorit Wi take 50000 votes for the ex hibition the Beiiublicans of the House have i made of tbenwlvcs on the question of the employment of the army at the poll Hr Gari ield anl his corpri of trained acrobats are not likely to achieve anything more wonderful than the double back action MHimieieault which landed them in Sir trap on Monday The one object which the Democratic ma jority in Congress should now address itself to an early adjournment The session ought to close by the last of this week There Is no earthly reason why It should le pro longed beyond next Monday or Tuesday IT Is not enough to suit the Radical pur ts po that the army may be iised at the polls on a pretext of quelling a riot The party innate on employing regular troops as a po lice tq guard the ballot box The people who need such a police have no occasion for republican institutions J1K Hayes will be afforded the choice of having money in sufliciency for the use of the of Justice to be expended however under certain restrictions or 6f hav none at all If the Judicial Expenses bill is vetoed that will be the end of it as! far as Congies is concerned It will not be passed again ACCORDING to Mr Conkling a Republi can leader in the Senate the Radical party Is In favor of the unrestricted use of troops at 1 the polls According to Mr Conger a Re publican leader In tho House the Radical party is in favor of political assessments for jmrtkan ends This is Congres slonal debate summarized There is no law except moral law and the requirements dccency to prevent Mr Hayes froth vetoing another bill And there is no law at all that' makes it incumbent on Congres to stay here and await his pleasure Congress will therefore adjourn when the appropriation bills are passed and let Mr Il tyes play solitaire till he gets tired of manipulating the carbs 1 The Judicial bill will in all probability be sent booming up the Avenue to day and will be by Ian able corps of spine bracers from the north end of the Capitol It cannot be other than a matter of indifference to the Democrats whether Mr ITaye signs tills trill or not He may rest assured that he will not have another i opportunity a far as it is concerned Much ingenuity is in the Republi can papers on labored attempts to explain why Mr Garfield aud tlie Republicans of the House voted against the Springer bill and thereby squarely committed themselves and their party to the odious doctrine of using Stoops as a regular iwlico fotbc at thd poTls The explanations are varied incongruous and conflicting and make a bad mat ter worse TiiBseparatc Test 5ath bill can be passed in the House inside of the next two daysif he Democrats will stand up squarely to their work A very respectable minority if notan absolute majority of the Republicans arc innately opposed to taking the party to the country with a record In opposition to the rejieul of the law aiiq therefore are by no means reconciled to follow present filibustering lead With a proper spportu nity these men will vote to take up the bill and jnss it TM Iqeling the Democrat! should take advantage of Mr Han't took the stand In the court at Jertey Chy Monday to te tify In his own behalf He admitted Ifc knew the liabilities of ti International Trust Co were Inex ces of it assets It not unlikely tliat Mr Ilayt will be acquitted for it will not bo cay to prove that he knew the capital waknot paid in In fact he makes oath that he sup posed it hid a en paid tn alien thcadvertUc m'ent claiming such payment of capital was I put forth The court rules that the state must prove the Intent tri defraud This may not be possible even In Hie face of Mr admission that he was aware tliat the com pany owed more than it was worth The unfeeling public Mill still hold to Its opinion resjiecting the honesty of bank officials who take In funda knowing that they have no means of paying' thcm backv hatever may be Hie verdict The Republican record In favor of statu tory jury packing is being amply rounded out by the fllibuMcring in the House to pre vent the passage of the Test Oath repeal bill (hie object of the Republicans In thl matter Is to wears the vote of Southern members against adjournment In case the Judicial bill is vetoed As the South is deeply interested nt Loul i Dmoertie Treaklenttal ticket wilt SSanH Tilden ol New York and John JL CrlG Illinot This teem Lon to be set riled'Jfcyond dispute wiay ThtyT jrrth ammua 1 tj TY yltemoCrat hB been wise In one fttwjrsiept every objectionable feature out of the provided for the piymentof their own Mihqa 11 1 Mr ere tel a fee Wro 4 lb brie PLc TtOhlo oster now withe he hd Tha soldiers secuvdloel to tup Sport ho Ewing Eiee ticket lb1 1 New Tsrle Corr pond at Deal Pnl iisMtch i "One of the extraordinary development or New York life withla the Hst year ha been the tmntnx letter whteb i now raping here Tb new ContUtution ot California appears to bve even increased Us latensiiy for it hs made New York the ret renter of minlop tpecute Uou People who have never teen a mine in tbeir liras Divert of thousand on the strength of reporw made by ralnlnp experts and the lanre fortunes recently made by uch venture appear to have Infected th most staid and humdrum people witb the deire to am a quick fortune by a venture In one of the favor ite tnieiog Irtock' You will see the most the staldest the men of New York buying share In mint which they have never seen aud out of which they are confident of realizing iarre fortune bo first business men of New York men who have a life tone reputation for core thrilt prudence and conscrratlsm plee thnelve at the bead of the nw mining enterprises which are engag ing the attention of the believers in tbi of investmenteJ The value of the gret quartz silver which are now the lead in attrac tions appear to be plainly measurable a tbe quantity bf grain in an elevator The indlca tLnn ai nf the Dreeton metal have been reduced to sueh a fine point that the rarieat novice can by at the appearance of vein or by Studying nn expert's report (pro vided alway the latter be truthful) tell with perfect adcurhey how much silver there Is In the mine Tbelwbote matter of apeculaUon tn mines indeed te fast losing Its character of un certainty' and i being reduced to a a point a the produce or dry goods business A company been? organized with acaptl of 10000000 for the development of the Horn silver mine of risco Baaver county Vtehi of whose marvelous store of precious metal the mort artorij hing reports have been made by the leading rMning experts of the country The Hom mine hear rieo te about 225 miles frpm Salt lAkei City in Beaver county Utah ajnd cavcntrrii mile from YorJr The Utah Southern IRMIroad I now operated as far I as York of the mine and the Union Pacific railroad are now Jointly building apo dal railroad from York to risco fori the trans portation bf ore Tbi railroad is to be opened in October and while at present owing to these Insufficient transportation facilities onjy 100 tons of ore'are taken out per day 200 or 250 tons per day will be token out as soon as the pilroad is in operation! Lt to estimated that attberataof 200 ton (daily production the ore ma now in sight and which baa been care fully measured would not be exhaust ed for teveh years Deducting nil ex I crushing smelting refining etc the net profit has been found to be in this mine at least 235 per ton so that the net yield at 200 ton per day would be over 22500000 an num Some of the experts place the figure very much higher and estimate the probable net yield of the mine from next October at over $3 000000 per annum At present there are 513 000' tons of ore actually in sight according to the measurements of Jlr Hookcr who to a very conservative expert in hl figures or nearly 600000 worth of silver net Air Hooper meas ures the average width of the ore body at only 30 feet and thus arrive at the above figures while others place tbeaverage width at over 100 feel bad a very interesting conversation with Mr ranklvn the principal director on the subject yeoterda and he informed me that he wa fully convinced this wa the largest silver mine in thri world and that fifty millions of silver gross were now: actually in sight Thus far the mine ba only been sunk 283 feet and while some of the other great silver mines have also yielded fifty millions of silver (gross) at a depth of 2000 feet that amount is already to day in sight in the Horn Silver mineswithin a depth of less than 300 feet The mine being en tirely dry nnd thirty even in it lowest (the fifth) level expert agree that it can be sunk to 1 1000 feet depth before any water will be met with Within ri few days risco has sprung up from a mere wilderness a lonely as the desert of Sahara a flourishing town of 1500 people with two largo store of stone a fine stone hotel no church thirteen groggeries and every evidence of mining prosperity All these 1500 people are In one way or another dependent on the mine At present the ore is shipped to Qbicogd where the refining wrirkji of the company are situated THE HAZEN 8TANIEY CASE 1 I 1 Cof Manley Ordered In bo Adniouisbcd by tho Court Martial i The finding and sentence of the general court martial of whiehGen Hanco*ck was president and which convened in' New York city Apri 10 for the purposeof tryingCol Stanley Twenty second infantry and Col Hazen Sixth infantry' were yesterday published by the War Department lAllbough both officer were ar raigned only Col' Stanley was tried There were two charges one with twelve and the other: with three specification charging the accusedwith conduct unbecoming an officer and gentle man and to the prejudice of good order and1 military discipline The court found Col Stan ley not guilty on the firat charge arid guilty of the second "The court thereupon sentences! him Col Stanley to be admonished In general orders by the general of the army Geni sherman in reviewing the case remarks os fol low proceedings findings and sen tence of the genera court martial in the foregoing casg of Col I Stanley I Are annroved Col Stanley ill resume cbm mand Of bls regiment The general court martial convened by genera order No 6C of Jfareh 20 1879 hereby dissolved The members and military witnesses Including Col Hazen yvflf return to their respective post In reviewing the voluminous record of thiscae the General of the Army affirm the Judgment of the court that Col Stanley in writing to Col Hazen then abroad the threat ening letter of September 6 1377 and after wards in allowing the publication of the article In the New York lunes 3f 'March! 1 1879 com mitted a breacji of discipline He had a peffect right to prefer: the charge and specification which he had done ffom New York on the Gth day of July 1877 but when advised that the President of the United States had considered them and had decided that the best interests of the service would not be advanced bya general court martlaj it was his plain duty to have submitted gracefully The Jaw officers of the Government have decided that the United States cannot arraign for trial any officer for offense committed more than two year before tbq or der for the assembling of the court ori this reason the charges against Col Hazen cannot Inquired into by a court martial so that thia trial: and Judgment of Col Stanley must ktand as theflnal decision of all the matters raised in the controversy Both parties will be care ful that the be riot injured by a revival of thl oy Henry Bessemer the steel man Is to be It Is reported that anny Vavenport under the management JH Harriy nj j( i A i I i la the early part of July Secretary if tteNriVyn Thompson will make a long visit io hishonnfftndn 1 1 i inow the superiority of our goods are de Alexander I of Bulgaria ha Ai not take placejand they rule nd have for many years and besides! huve civil lUt ol eoo to franc thriUcheat the Government out of half the duties ii i reported is about invoices and bribery of teustom bouse with a party of friend in Colorado The ArrifY Is it pot the duty of our Government la Intended to combine pleasure and bnsinesA? ir nwn nut atnn to thi carry it indeed 8b never ebfc ej Imoedtotety teparile be Being abroad or anraed Mire Hearn In any wy ipt sbwsMal be remaining at borne Europe ro I i Ai a 'I much for biased drew and education do so Lu I3' much for her that year Uter they meet and never did Never smoked wbote'figrrtte 'inj or IoTe her life Had the dress! up la i Trie EvohMiou of Maa" from the German log? Ye once A number of girts diilof Ernst Hecke is Popular Exposition of It wa a Chrteima frolic A to ht short bate the Principal Point of Humin Ontogeny and it had never been eut short exceBto Uui'pfcd to vL widen dm box maasDexorPn to tnre at br In the flluoirated Pyra jM bring to the notice of wider circle of people Hearn bd beaux twt wa not affitKed TbrVi Science which has berittoforie been vary exeio were not in lore with the ame ma4 there rely too fined to it own student no Jealousy lYahe evr eogsgrt vo Ibe lfr Much the ubetance of tteese Totomrawa do vered br Ute author In a re nee of lecture ried? Jllrt Duer kb re ar CaIr niSj of JeD4 aB(Jtokea doW3 iBaWt eereu Lq the fetter Mrs Hrarn ti feed jLind Beginning with the hi dory of evolu sitrbte nixnr tetter to Ella je be wjpjouteta widely known than Darwin giving In the habit of writing a great deal aml a hX' sketch of him also and then demonstrating in requert wrote her a tetter esedlnI mplet joredble language thethwira oft fA 4 wm 'woluuoo the wraler hu done the tcfeDtiSc Writing what Betters for Ke nou sclentifie world good service The rob pcr a little She cd Ella wil ihe tyvoJ nme re amply illurtrated with plate andwood tion of Tho talk about see to the number of three hundred and thirty joke of Mr Bearn' about by Appleton or rate by eartouv tort girl to Mia Duer A 'iranremri History of tfie wtr Department or tot ra ljRnltedSute with Blograpluea I sketches of the Skxatom BATAJto Garland WllfDi fV by Ingersoll a history of Carpenter a nb comtniuee of the pnpte Jtiflbi fjie and prosrea of titotbranch of govera eiary committee find that Mr Hay Was alto nent given to the public in attractive and reads gether too previous in nominating vcceesortyAe taped Part I give a general narrative bc to Judge Dillon in anticipation organization of the depart f5nent giving adear idea of it manner of work UC te nm Jn of anj wtr gJlrtng bi the matter for the present efon of all warsdmesticad foreign Ln which Government has been involved and tracing Tb 1 own eon tested election caeraper to? jtdJregt relations to commerce and civilization be settled at last Now let Mr SprXirJf cem II contain the live ol the Secretaries and mitteri turn it undivided attention i ndteaa appendix furnishes the rosters of the various if fi i bureaux There are illustrations of the old and and Pennsylvania if i War Department Building Published by WoMsjt right are better undeojd And The firt of series of Health more generally guaranteed In Enai khanfin is published by inday Blackts theiUnitedibtates Not only Is the LgljeM Sof txpp 25 'South Sixth street! PbiUdelpbia edited fice in the t'ealm open toiwoman by Wirth right jfpf Keen Di This first vol pre fcmw On English woman has Just been jnged or to the Pennsylvania institution for killing her husband and two other about tri Lljie deaf and dumb and explain with ample ii meet the same fate each for the mudqA ojf a fAiltrationni the structure of the ear physics i tll 'Lte nkvrnlAvw wf AnnJ T'lvA ehantCAn IJte pUJ JtyiVj Ul JUUteU rt' A MX? vuipivi education of deaf mutes is specially inter esting frTire Storyof' the Bible Told in Simple Iten swge for the is exactly what the title' I hplie it snould attract children to the Ole itself it will do them a service But it I tctald be very deplorable If they should be so intent With thia a never to go any farther In 4 Ikpara phrase all the quaint Idiom Is lost The yWk we'l gotten up and amply illustrated ferilished by Cnarles oster Philadelphia TVolume NXyiotthe International Scientific I fries'treats of Chromatics libations to Art and by Ogden Mxd The body of the work i occupiedEUhthe reentation amply illustrated of jnindamental facts connected with thetoe ption of color The theory of Thomas gating a modified by Helmholtz and Maxwell been adhered to and the subject of color is tlly discussed from both a scientific and an jibetlc point of view Published by Appleton sale by Mohun irkine lays flown Opera gar picturesque useful garment which (rtdi such an eventful with a strong dc (: jei to go and talk with the author She would rii such a charming person to have in the houe pjjijer the four leaf clover and thehorse shoeof igbl Name this little story through to the happy end have nncro i rave no Deroine oegin lueauiuor tie are glad of it We would rather know the fin and women she introduces us to than la ora and heroines And there are some de fe ou boyj Southern people and Northern with amartist or two The love story there I a glimpse of blue water in the iSry and an unusually charming episodein the iBve through the rain Published by Roberts Jraathera or sale by Robert Beall his newt book Life Worth Living jlllam Hurrell Jiallock give us the substance riHessays previously published jin the Contcm rar Review and the A'ineteeiith Century but ay revised and welded into pne continuous uttjole that it is virtually written anew The sThOclearness df thought firmness and strengthfargument And' charm of literary style that4 reading world found in New Reppb 1 1 IB here IThpre is perhaps san added shade ojarnestness arising from the fact that the au tt jdrops the semi fictitious characters who did tgj talking in the former book and say all te things himself and says them such force of conviction He seriously aiMte's here die positivism which he buridsqued iwtie Paul and This ques tfJ about the value of life is made in no spirit pfzjcntrmentalisni or petulant self despair but A scientific standpoint To attain hiscon clvia'fi the author ha laid under tribute all tg1! subtle analysis of the poets from Shak pjnfdpwn tbei theories of the philosophersMirtian and Pagan and the schools of modern tJSiight and otherwise! And the book bp la breadth arid depth which can by no mean bKompassedl in a passing notice Published bpil Sons or sale bv Robert i a very complete guide book giving all the necessary in as to how to get to Europe and bow wn there to make the best use of three months dimmer travel It gives maps descriptions ayai'full vocabulary of common words and Iftlerman rench and ltalian Pub ItWdi by the American News Co New York £4 the fasti number of the Health Richardson 'M 1) of the UUgversity of Pennsylvania treat of Long LEA tand how to Reach Clothing con tagffin houses1 food baths sleep mental power aWow'td' retain it all these things ate plainly aiv'Hitnpl' discussed in their relation to long ii land those who are growing rild are taught ho1 jo live within their diminishing vital in coJYi Published by Lindsay Blakiston £zJUt One i Day 1 not a sentimental love sta thfe title suggest No indeed! Itisa lifr ih day ofl twenty four hour filled to the jwith the fun and frolic and naughtiness of fofcj distracting children The (very clever 11 lug'Utmn on the cover of work baMe with tiali of yarn tangled through the give a very correct idea of the contents of jook Published by George Lockwood NTyork I' 1 rd Ti The Mxlcu Exposition Hotel Gazette hj nAtintrw ciirntfiOii rra ravpju VA VMU VVUUHJ cat jaa a a ftWH' rtnat tne iair ao exteosnciy auvernwu 4 0 Ki 1 a 'be AQeu jq tae vlty Vi Jiexicui next January i Tfrily to be abandoned Tbei fact is the liK peaa iraaer io mexico wau wuusv auu it 11)14 interfere'to let the people of tbatcoun live repeal infamous teat oath which a practical denial of the right of trial by jury in their fctate the Radicate hope by delaying bill to pre vent Southern thrffibrrs from rntlny for ad Joornment In caaei the Judicial bUl te cnt back This pretty harp strategy bjit if will mot Mtceced Die (UH enn and will I oon tba Democrat decide io alt it out There are RepuLIicatwi la the Hou ho will nott oppose It fnr they do not Iate to make th record any orse than The! Democrat ought to force a vote fUiout further delay AX awfuil warning come out of the IVe greatly fear it why be too late but this fcarsliall not prevent from doing all that CAti to avert a threatened disaster a dis aster that looms up the full projection of a calamity One of three ever wnkeful watchmen on the rttm parts of Radicalism haa discovered conspiracy and be loe no time in Bounding the laUnu lie vociferates withall hh might shouting from tle pral riea and sendiDg a shrill note over the Alte ghanie that Southern Delilah vrill shear the strength of the ederal Samson and the ITiIlUtincs wul bind Men and brethren this rnuat not be IVe flail upon tbcatatflsmen of thcSouth to be merciful and down in thunder on their Delilahtnnd we 'demahd that Mr Conkling and Mri Conger shall! take charge of csleraB ana preserve bls strength unsheared until only man ean save tisc is witb ta)oncc again 1 The ferics of successfully achieved failures' H' fttlij I 111 trip by means of a eanw barge which ex tend tip the Hudson toTcJjy and from there aloof the Hudson and canate to Lake Champlain One wou 1 1 k'jf0 Imagined that if any ope object could ewpe the touch of decorative art It would bes canal boat But it was not to be The the serpent Is over us all What HI the utf CJub do witb this boat to bring It np to the esthetic de mand of the occaddn? VUU they paint It in symphonies of color and furnteh lhe in terior after rtie books acjmake it bright with brfca brac for tii immer oudngf And will they not give treSext Inter on tile and of till canal boat as enduring wort mrtf tl New' York te to hare a JEgyptim obe lisk or to peak more acttrately the Uni ted States Is to have an obelisk land it will5 be placed in New York Vtgoda ion were begun eighteen month to aeciire he grand obeltek now fetandm at Vlcxandrta Egypt and th Khedive hfis: presented thl magnificent gift to Uhj wetr world The liberality of a citizen of Net York bii pro vided for the transport auvfc aud setting up In some conspicuous public cf the monu ment and the transfer will made with all possible dispatch It will an object of great interuet to scholars arf I archeologists and of curiosity to all an 1 Usf mere recount ing of its history will a jMpnlar means of gaining information conccnfa*g the most in teresting people bf antquifyc Ar obeltek like a family which has seen ytter days live motly in the past and it pfet Is briefly' as follows Jts family record Xm beck 2000 years to the time when ot rose colored syeniteiwere brougbfrom ithe gran ite quarries of Syene planter ln the shores of tbe Levant near aqd called Tly wete taken first to Heliopolis where thV fitocjd before the temple of the Sun grid brought to Alexandria during the reign Tiberius but took their name from a traion tliat they were brought to Alexandrians the I time of Cleopatra These monolithgjiverei seventy feet iu height ard in spite of controversy among the learned in regard them no ab solute certainty regarding tr import lias been readied That they rays that they deify thriving as the pyramid did the dead seemijp to be £he the ory corroboratetl by the hielyplflcs with which they are covered on the obelisk which Is to be bright to New York have not been deciphcdb'iti as they are of the same age and came from the same temple of Heliopolis as the Mi? which was taken to London hey will no doubt be similar The hieroglyphics on the Jxindon obelUk date back reign of Thotbmes thousand years ago The weight of the whole blocw'a2pO ton After Mehemet Ali in 1819 it to theEnglish government they fotjhel thejmselves unable to take it away A conissipn went out to look after it fragments? ivere broken off and sent to the museum a Greek merchant ho had bought thfand op which itjay and to get it out of htefay juried it again There it lay until thenterprise of one individual enclosed it in firjl6ati(g case towed it toEngland and set up Lon don We shall be able to avaS ourselves of trans Atlantic experience in oY)lsks They have devised a process inj Londmh for reading the hieroglyphics dbat w4e shall see when this monument is set up in 'New will be a rnolithi about sixty feet high tapering fegldlyj from base to apex the proportions Jhe base be ing one tenth of the height shaft up to the foot of tLe pyramidal top and written all over four sides wilh tip cipher dis patches of Thothmei HI and Ixnesesj IL 'As we anticipated Mr Sberfean finds tbe Legislative bill entirely lucid atnj affording no chance for possible misconstnictju ot any sec tion It will be at the White llota to day and will be promptly signed by MrIaye Thus end one phase of tbe difficult I re: Not one ot thejeastof the cvswhlch Con gress i creating by remaining in Session Is an act of Injustice to Conger Th? ob structionist been wilting Impatiently for some time for1 tbe to so that be can make a flying trip to Barift during tbe meeting ot tbe Assembly and Mptain few pointsin thfe way of Jininitj from Prof Paul De Casagnac If afidjournment is not soon brought about it will too late According to'a' Radical tb West tail of tbe Democratic hard iSney jlog of the is beginning to do hard: kick The force with which a do'glcks with bia tail 'is one of the most wonderf uMacts of nat ural history Tbe able editor frJu whom we have quoted would probably like (7j see that dog in the 1 Cannot Mr Garfield be prevailed fspon to vote oncei as be shoot off hl mouth? 1 TALMiGE seems to be creating ij sensation in England He preached at Islingtosi'ia't Sunday to an enormous congregation whittoverflowed into the streets for squares aroupcind the fact is cabled that the last half mile lifted up carriage and ail and carried ddily the church Thl i important it tru' lt doCS hot' accord with preconceived idea of JVesbyterian decorum but it prove that Tultfoge ha the same power abroad a at home of Milking fool of peopleand it inspire a hope £bt they will keep up this hero worship long enough to in fluce him there A I it I Conover's appointment was it seems because he was uspectej0f being a Grant man Now suppoe some nt men i'n Ohio do a little withdrawing on thr! own book about election time next October i 'ft would be a weighty revenge 5 Tub toadies are greatly wevk Like Desdemona they a divided Arabian stallion £pd a piece of Prince wedding cake IbeUrtter in pos session of a lady in tbi city are appealing to tbe upper register of tbeir adoption Our Washington toadits are concient)ts In tbeir peculiar way desire and Mnsicn fo do equaland exact justice They wouid not Inten tionally give to tbe uflion anyhyiage due to tbe cake Nor would they knoyigly aliate a Jot from the homage due to the $ke for the benefit of the stallions Natpralj the'y find rthemselve in great perplexity to Jjiiipide upon tbe Ju due of each claimant ltortunately there i no hand book that ii deerf good au thority In tbe premises i It would not strange if the nas of Hick enlooper should httgb after the matfher of Don Quixote the Republican state tltet obt of onio jy? In the fullness of her eounsersBtoloth Ah author of the Pooomoke tragedy hsj absolutely refrained from talking about herself during the trial It was not until Saturday tjershe bad given her esidenee in court that tljg newpaper correspondent was allowed to ealDMf MiMpuer In her pnon quarter where ins herwith her dinner untouched on one talaj and some recent magazines on the other as on the edge of the bed with her hands ongcti ride cf her down a long fatatne had evi dently whetted the appeU for detail and with her feet twinging clear the floorbe Memed to him a little She wa in good spirit on account of favorable effect her testimony just given hd'produced and when the reporter put her slirough the course of questions laid down in photo graph album she told him wlth 'erity and unexceptionable grammar what nebra of study be liked bet that he tdW medicinelx or eight month and thougilEYhe might bas become a jtbysician if she gone on They all a all tbe girl Mi Heanf well a meet the same fate each for the woman 1' Ji Tbe present fa*ge for collecting aj renders' a few bint a to how to diibguish' forgerie jot interest A rellablaulborliy iu vtbe Art Amateur fog Jiine the beginning of the rigteentb ibe great demand for these pelica fljdgd tbe market with clever imltations tfamjlyat Padua gave tbeir name to tbeir jot the I coins of the Roman Emperors hti called Paduans But the mister fjrtgb? one Becker a German an artist anfti waritl who1 lived it the beginning of this ceHugy lils coin were' admirable imitation andMJf metal He carried them in a box SSnoer I carriage with rusty nails to antique look These journeys lie tild tjj'e promenade of the The most freqnjsntly seen are jnade byVIalitingm mold bf an antique coin and silver or copper in the mold These'itatibliB are then buried in historic places wTif pol' excursionists find them on slight exvfttiorf and tarry them home in tritimpb coin were and were of unifonj yieigb rendering itjeosy to modern 'corM Te only safety In the absence of special teh a knowledge of tbe distinctive fcues tf antique artj In the three great peridj ilse antique renaissance and modernai dis tinguishing characteristic of tbe antiqM i t'greiit calmness with vitality In the reuaiOncb the effbr1s more strongly marked In ms'egij art! tbe anatomy perfect but wapOig Te Greek or Roman artist worked freedom but in the wdrkpuay ite seen the stiffness of the drawing Anjiits 'waly to determine the genuiness of 'a crej study the edges Ingenuine of preparing the metal dltjered accqrdiw tillage and locality Whereas forgers use but Wieg £inU of metal block for alt their coins of purchasing coin at auction at great as while traveling Ina sale atlawSYori: a few days ao many of those were! forgeries This shows that1 Jilctoi shoud demand a written asstiranctj authenticity of coins they purchase sined bg an expert as 'is done in Paris at such ss'gAnL unless archeological treasure are cfised from dealers whose reputation is beyofr tiou beware of buying Napoleons of thOiSe bjl Mr 1 iM Illinois has 29370(5 acres of growM Icons more than she! had last yearj and it ffiublL better condition than it was a year agpjSft there is a dangerous tendency to dl ttbft great cereal from it legitimate ue Jfriouil constituent are not likely to want for gbUkejjj next year 1 ''i i jt? i A NoIrnKi' social scandal Another t5atifn £irl belonging to an aristocratic and eihhy? family! AnotherhSndsome but illitera man' Tiite te 'getting to be a 'm'onota the wbman wbo inaugurate her with oil can Only iu thetcase of lasfc' New York girl who tried tp eldpe tbei a grater ui variation oi tact? iuculuii out in time to prevent the elopement a her to ais country residence The New Hampshire legislature ytWeriHy' elected Mr Blair to the United Statestjerie for tbei term which commenced on the 4to ofj Jlarch 11879 Of the new senator not said in Abe way of praise It ill be oira? fair? however to suspend judgment uijtil he'siw an opportunity! to display himself iri lM Hbwj Congressional role with a i i AASMUfasA slavv m4 asA'1 I Tbe Khedive leabout forty nine years of a man qofet easy habits and good edacatto die K) keeps a haremand has four wive or fcTtbe Baltimore uaxette be allow to give away their photographs Kg gV EwingJohn Sherman Blaine and Don The late BsronlElonel Rothschild 3tacf CaMrOn art all bound together! in one beau the English house of RotbscbUde was a 2 Ufp Jfdtmily tiel John brother Wtl generou in givinr £110x10011 hl incorfsi I llaf Jreeeumseb married Thomas sieter is said that more than a tithe ot it was apjP tihin (I ante Donald Cameron married daughter of charitable works! i brother ot John land Tecump Her Royal Highness PrincesLoais left I Mrtelne's mother wm a Gillespie and the bn Mupdsyfor Ptvtere du Eonpwbert 111 Glltpies are related to the Lwing these join ahi Marquis of Ixtrne TbedtetuguuheUiy I rt nt fmi lie form a ca to James lood draws 2W0 from the Nl Treasury four times a ycar tbat sum bebtjhe: a rer1 IntarBBf An A fMlfk inVMf in fl MMia It mArttfiYBf tslu*t hft put another five million la four percent Y' The decadent of illustnons names find thresh Bed pertinent iUuiratkn in the person rT Clay a grand on 'of immortal WZb ha jnl "vindicated 'hi honor by eowhldinguUle fellow fair alleged mbrepresentatloa al bbWXHl acts 1 1 Mr Robert Mlle th Cincinnati theetrfea'nttn egr think it i a ftaancial detriment to anlUlnM 14 marry! 1 told Alice he said tn of the Ootes ljur nt ease 7itai tbiee fouijp of br in ilVHt where hw among the young men and if she wa uMrrilry would nut care a rp to see 'ui A 9 mb ear Be Committed tn AnguM 1S7S Yesterday afternoon a colordd man who pre tbe name ot James Jones was arrested on Seventh street near by Offic James Arnold at the request of special detecti ve George farter of the Baltimore Ohio Railroad Co charged with the inurder of1 Charles Lantz at Jiartta burg August 7 187k On that day Latitz and a man named Reardon both In the employ of! ttto railroad company at that point were attacked while guarding' certain freight cars and Xrfrutz was killed and Itenrclon tradiy wounded! Subsequently Jeff Moseby and Mar shal Smith were arrested for thd offense if cat by escaped from the sheriff of Louisa county and Smith was tried and sentenced to ten lai prisonment Since then theosfeer have beta continuously on the lookout for Mosely and they claim that the man arrejted yesterday tbe right otic Parties at Martinsburg wt know Modeby have been telegraphed for nd will arrive to dy Tbe prisoner stoutly denial that he was ever near Martinsburg nl ayi that he hail from St cfninty Jld bat ha lived iu tbi city near 'Howard Univeyaily since May 1878 with a eolof ed man naiad Wheeler by whom he has been employed He I indignant at hi arrest and i safigula tint when the Martinabfirg parties Arrive he will be released 1 A (Roll road Caso Itc trled The case of Charles Lcnnjnt agaloit Washington Georgetown Rat for damage for injuries received through being wrongfully put off from a car al was commenced in the circuit tice Wylie yesterday Ataforn was foundlor the defendant for small sum Stub one ot the Juror acknowledged that he hart agreert to the verdict only to heabis to get' borne and the case wa set for new trifl Tbe plaintiff' who Is paralyzed caused as claims by the Injuries was not present flu trial yesterday but two stylish linly relatives (4 his were preent and gave testimony At former trial the sick man laid In full view ot tin out powcriut fitness iorn ixaudriu AiiiiH The finance committee met yl tax collector made their annual The sale of property for the non payment taxes will cbmtpence this morni ig at 10 in front of the Royal of th market building' A regular mont ily meeting of tbe 1 oung bten a ennsttan last night in the Baptist church i XTfifiegint I'itAltr 1 rlkrV frvr King street was sent to Jail yesterday ufferinjf with delirium tremens MrjUU tn art re ceived rtfs commission as Judge qt the Corpora tion courtroru Richmond yestei ihiy He resign tbe! ioliiefl of corporation attorney 'which he wk recently elected ai'tbe next Ing ot theyjouncil I jA JB Several car ot the material trail Key on tbe Midland railroad wer the track at Aeeotink Run Monday about William WHlm one of the hind employed on the train killed nd two other allgblfy wdtifided body wa brought to Alexandria bunri yesterday The chapel of tbe North Bsplkt eburth 0 ourteenth street near wad Crowded ho eveningwlth the friend of MrJl Kiehar successful institution tbe Eeledfe itrutotrjJ witness its Commencement exert lie ir gramme quite lengthy c4 reciUctlona by the pupils and Hnging Webook Mils Vesta Richard daughter A 8 Richards and Mi Carrie lowleJaWf ter of Col Bowie read com pMjion on Iver and dfees ively I 1 Cliargetl with YeitertlayiJ Close an employ Government IVtotlng'office wxnJ charging ievi ruiupuicy Mau him one night lat week ftt pvr stated that he did not discover day after tbe robbery police beadquarter and atterwagd "7 Miller recovered of tbeameu il arreated Among the tfiute moned Is Detective Miller 'the of Laborer Art the House yeiterdjiy during the dbaM of tbe LegUbthe bill I Mr Iteagkn rt opote the! claue in relation to the PT laborer at ibe DUUiet of Calutabl' I characterized Improper and crimination It wa making ot iizar house nrt eleemreynsnr There no reason by gratult should granted to laborer here and not tpoil teesi: everybody begin to fcM for ribs Zwitr 1 knife 1 1 rtJRITSHKD DAILY SUXDA GLOBE BUILDING No 341 PKNNSYXVANTA AVENUE which marks the caret! Wells furntehes ample 1 that Important office demonstrated hls Incapacity to proecyte strong and plain cxce i to conviction against a moderately able defensei And even here he has spouted conviction his methods have been so (irregular as either to furnish ground for a ne trial or a ardon The salary of the 'office which lie holds is quite sufficient to command good legal ability and faithfulser vice Is vitally important to every inter est of ttios community Ithnt criminals should not feell that they may violate Jaws In this District (with Impunity in case they have money enough to employ fair legal ability for their defense Our courts aud all the expeni vie appliances of justice are not in tended to punish only poor who have neither money nor friend' That they have to a great extent shonjn apparent discrimi nation in favor of those who have had cash and influence ha becii mainly due to inefll cient prosecution Not only in this locality but in many of the states the public prose cutors hive been! unable to cope with good lawvers universal failure to convict any class of crimi nal except the miserably Spoor W0 need here a prosecutor ho is not only a good criminal lawyer but an jablc advocate a man who stands high in the profession and com mands the respect of the bar and the confi: the bench' WHExkMr Carpenter was in the Senate before Ids habit of right out in meeting saying what thought and say ing ft with emphasis was severely repre hended by rigidly orthodox Republicans It was one of the numerous causes which in duced his political brethren in Wisconsin to permit him to go into retirement Although there is nothing in thie Republican creed which directly and explicitly forbids a states man of that school to have convictions it is not expected that he wijl give utterance to them if they reflect in ariy manner on any of the acts or purjtoses of his party freecdom thought Is tolerated in the Radi cal organization but utterance must be guarded As Mr Carpenter acquired a habit of expressing his thoughts in vigorous En glish without asking Morton whether he was right i or wrong he found himself un der a cloud On his return to the Mr Carpenter gave an itiaplied promise that lie would do a great deal better in this re gard He was hailed as a penitent back slider and manifested for a few days the redundant zeal of one liewly quickened in the faith careless arrain erect enough to talk hoiiestly and sensibly on two or jthree occasions but lias not been sufficiently) audacious to ivote tliat1 way He will find it much more conducive to his peace of mind to stop thinking heretically to forego tlie luxury of speech to fall in behind Chandler and keep step to the blaring music of his party Will hot some one wyite a history of the rise and progress of the canal boat? Time was when the canal boat was a reputable and rccogriized means travel To the safe keejting of its JowJr' cabins people of wealth and Ration did notdtesitate to commit their personal property apd themselves for long and leisurely journeys Up on deck in thecool momingsor the moonlight even ings they sat through long and quiet hours whose monotony was broken only by the thrilling crj' of bridge Driven iWlow by sun or rain they sat at jthe little windows almost on a level with the vatcr and looked out on the green fields that went sliding by Or they rend er wrote or sewed or indulged in the mild dissipation of Splaying checkers All these pleasant occupations were possible! There was no headlong rush of a railroad train to ruin the eyes of the and draw the retina out of shape no shuddering ofv steamboat to interfere with" writing no screaming wlijstle ami sudden Startsto set nervous peoplq on edge There were indeed! not nervous people in those days INerves 'catnejin later with the higher pressure of living with picturesque: afid prematurely grey hair with these later decade of hurried living and sudden dying When people had time td travel by canal life wa po geed of a calm and a dignity and repose that now it lacks The canal lay through the laiid where it was always afternoon It was the dreamy drift ing movement of the barje Ills the one sort ot locomotion that unites in equal quan tities motionand rest Take Cleopatra from her barge and put heron ijtoard a steam tug and see what will become of all the delicious languor that pervades this picture ancy the Lily: Maid of Astolat hurtled down the river on board a tow boat There was a pleasure in that easy jaunting about tliat the modern traveler whose suite idea of a Journey is knows not of Then the canal boat fell) into bad repute Modern civilization wa exacting and left no margin for such a wate otj time The pres ent generation will hardly bc able to recall a single instance In which they have 'heard anything creditable said about a canal boat pr a canal All its association were low All canal men swore all canal horses were wretched creatures which St was penance to behold Now the re action basset in lifted the canal oat into literature It seems to hve come it with the same mania for the antique tliat has dragged dis tails out of the garrets set them in the corner of jarlors smile on the canal boat The rench aud English lega tions at Washington charter it for a jaunt up to the Great alls ot tire Potomac and areenthusiastic over its possibilities for a pleas ure trip And now it seems and that is has suggested all these remlnlcencera that tlie most artUtic of all the dilettante club that take Ute name of art In vain are going to take their summer ooitog in a canal boat Tyle fit Xv York Mart In a few dm a tMr flnwl Thc'Qnartelte Two Months Old uul wH Hearing ot remarkable Srriv! on tS jj train front Baltimore Monday evening a investigator bled him to to? BldnioreAvM depot The objects of (hi! earehhd transferred to Mr Dan hotel ontte opposite corner Mr Johni Wihon in third floor room I evening Mr Wilson want to ka ril about your Mr here they are four of them 04 two month do you propose to do wst net! queried! have come to get living for the chlldr teflflslr died a month before they were born bei kilted while building a Uridgei near Wilkeson? be vas a stone mason werte they I know the name of tbe place Itsn in the country among the Blue Ridge wou tain in At thi i Juncture a shrill treble VOlcivabuiHltj Just behind the chair This was up from the other side of thte room and btl many moment four pairs bf blue eyes opened and a babel of baby Voices struck ap 1 chorus ot ear splitting sounds Bustlingra the woman ot much maternity soon bad the tag THE DAILY POST Why It is Bead and Why It is Valu able to Advertisers rvr the KtaMl Irra the efrestteHSMS THE OSTVeU nf orriag ta tAtuxt nit year it evattaafU ta lhMghtt atari rtf lift tubfrrHert Mt ft easily iaerfare aaA elc4ett a rmtroe tarry ttaU and itrriltry TH POST eojldM read ty were pq ptetoa trty ritar regylr daily etmlattan lelng larger lifll etf all tha ether? jreej ant It i road iy eltt terry ef Cagrett ViMhtt here or at hoe and it regularly reaeieediy large uuuAern the anal pran Inent and innrnttal yetrtvne tn tha United Stat' 'de a nrwtpaper it it annerjMUted in tnUrprlte eompleieneet and refine hy any paper ndi4 Sne it mare generally guoled linn any other jiaper in Ike eountry and aim I reliabU in it ttalo vtant it I ter and tlgoeon in it tday ttf ptd ting ten eftallifhed on a round jtnaneial leaele andettl eontlnueatllleegandJiaroughly Independent a vull a thorongMy Iemoeratte It it no longer an tapertmeni lent a pretfUoite huein enlerpriee yo intelligent ptronuhodMiretoleepthoTougMy yarded in matter legillation and eximintetration edu afford to le teithend THE DAITY POST It polite he in lhe eouree of a year a mam of fart that mill le found to be invaluable to liemoeratie mriiere and tpeaker everywhere It would bf nod fficuU talk to Jill a column with commendation of Ufffulneti from difttnguiehed loader of the party Dorth BVf and South if pac permitted That it i the duty of liberal Democrat to giro to tach a Journal a fupport rommenrunUe with it merit may aleO go without argument It it itnpoitible to exchange with all the paper loltrlllng the faror Our ifl it already ewolten out Of fair proportion Term of exchange hereafter will Irt elated by letter on application 1 THE POST will be tent by matt prepaid to any addrefor 12 per quarter or 3 rent per month Kuminrr tovriit con have their addreiie changed a tfteri a detired jlddretf for tpCcimen copte and' information err order STIDSOH HUTCIIIXS 341 Penntylvania Am WASHINGTON JUNE 18 1879 I 11 Xil Ba iufe POBTWAHHIJMiTUN WKDNraHA'f Huraun Tv St HI St' I fcM ft a ftftlBUftla "1 Tftft CMftCl lft mW Mm JBftX A wftIWIW wfti iftM MOM MM IM ONn MMT I' MMfe 4 I 1 Kt Mt ft ft itn la a.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.