The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

il THE EVENING SUN, BALTIMORE. MONDAY. JUNE 30. 1919. 13 I Batordai'a.

Today's. by Kerceant Bvrne. of the North' TENDENCY WW. C1IKB. l.OW.

district. i'; CC'fA; I I fsAft Chicago Ry 5a Maryland Klee Kvl Uan Vl Tree 7 New News A Pt 1st 5s. 76 so (4 V. 77 The plan provide for the furnishing of most of the funds by the Uailroad Ad-, ministration sod fur the pun-base of the equipment by Ihe carriers iKiimeat to be spread rvir a fair period. It doea cot cover the avocation of Ihe equip-tiient to the different roads.

The member r6ds of the Aitoeiatinn cf ll'ijlsruy Fsecutivce vole on the Rtraw Rtrtipts, ton. ioelndui for Ko 1 fc*ntpM Rr. per ton, S14al.10; PCa.2 per ton. 9tal50; No 1 Tanff.r.1 R.t. Pr ton, 12 50a3 No.

9 nr too. 9U.5Ch.12; No. I Wfal, per too, I Ha R50; No. 2 prr ton, ST. Ma No.

1 Oat, ton. $11 50i 12; No. do per ton. Mill VA ion. 1nrln1in tons for tiDort.

cntv Mill. auot: iW uraaoy 68 60 Nor Ore. 4J, 47 46J Gt Nor Ry S7 7 fsAlf 45M 4 41 Quia Ex 39 Ji Haskell 64H 64X 6H Insplr Con Cop. 64 64 63 Inter Af Op 84 84 TO OFFER ITS STOCK Corporation Succeeding Xe Baltimore Bargain House Will Sell Preferred Sharei. ArrangtmenU are being made by the American Wholesale Corporation, which 74 71 51 Ji 66 3J, 63 84 7X Norfolk Ports Tr4c Norfolk Ky A Light 5s Portland Bv ref 5a t'nl Rys A Elee Co 1st is, MD Lnl Rys A Lire fa toe 4s, '49 MISCELLaXKOl'R.

Ala 0al A Iron Ala Co lt 11M infr. when tbe drrfrymao offieiated at mass io tbe chapel of St. Mary's Seminary, where be was ordained by Area-biehop rSpaldiuf. Tuuigbt from 9 until 11 o'iJok he will be buuured at a iweption in the Hotel Bel wiere, wbere tbe laymen among whom be bas labored will pay their tributes. On next Thursday, tbe fiftieth anniversary of bis first mart.

Mgr. Htarr will celebrate mas at rU. Vincent's Orpbau Anylum, ''CiPTTJRED" E2-S0LDIES 'liter kMt rmn In Haft mmari a-art plan brf' a tlcc: by the ccA'jciatioD is announced. the pir-antim. Dircc-VMIeiieral and Swr.nnr r-'vry.

TOWARD REACTION Actual Advances Ascribed To Manipulation Faeton Presuin- -ably Governing Market the Wall Street Expert of the New York Evening Post, By telegraph to The Evening I per ton; brown nTddllsr. In inn. pt'inrl Mrfca. $1 per ton: white ntd- iiUf Iu M-poiiod wekt. 6B per Arundel 8 fj 6s Atlantic Petrol Aruadel fi A com inter (Jon Cor.

7J. ,7 7H lntr Coo Cor pf 28 29 28 Inter Nickel avrz 32H am ...11 0'i 4't SMi, K2 90 7 Xi HtU. 11 ll1. llallo Tube pfd" Ourmr hai Srnf fmJT-trale Brendet on three eharges tsaaay. and is briaa held tor, the actjoik of the I nited Mtatea aTittorrtars.

1 i According to taas Si aissnsy, -fainter aeroKted Johnaon and naked whether he had his discharge papers. Not having thetn. Johnaon waa forced to forr ward march'' north on Ofaton street, for aeveral squares. A etwnsi gathered about the pair, and ore, when Johnaon refused to go farther. a shot from Palmer's pistol started him again at a lively pace.

tieorge and Ogaton Btreets the policeman appeared and arrested Palmer. r. Promoted By Virginia Railway. A. il.

Traugott, division engineer tbe Virginian Railway, with offices, at Prin-eton, W. bas been appointed acting chief engineer, with baadouartem in Norfolk. Va. lie aun-eeds F. who ia resuming full service.

of ttoe Itsiieoad aloe rcprcst nltd the Iiltoad at ienfer hits held in Ncsv York aurae time ago will probably digeit the i 4-outained ia the plan, and it is that they will make the text COUNTRY PRODUCE Ptifter Trt-anierT, Western oeparator. M-UhV. fimtfl. do.f prints. i antoa Canton Co 5s Cob Coal coin Coden Co com Celesliue Oil It t) Cosrtea Ic Ca pfd Cowlen A Co So (A) Cosden A Co 6a I II 120 1.30 Sum end publitkrd here timullane- 'ulf tcitk the Port.

a New Yoke, June 30. 4-4 4 101 ...100 101 88 --2 ponna. t-xirn( anonie. nr. do, 1 poand.

extra. 5rtn5Tc. flrata. I Nesrby 4'reaiaery, eitra. I flrnto, SSa5.V.; dairy printa.

Maryland, 1 niiy1vania. Vlrioia. exirai, 44s4c. I fcitft-. 4.VtWi.: at ore-packed, fimta, 43c.

Foultrr Chickens. per pou rid, 1 pound and under. 45c. per pound. 1 to pound.

Negro Army Musician Now Faces Three Charges. Forced to walk in front of a loaded pistol in the bauds of Iorxey Palmer, a -olored' Kotdier-mbsician of Camp I'p-ton. X. for several bloaks laet nirtit. public re long.

Indicates 'Shipping Expansion. That the American shipping world sees prosperity ahead aad believes fhut the Government will adopt a itoticv lifter Hit 142 Vj 14IH 141 141 Inter Paper 63 65 63 MX Jewel Tea. 38 41 38)4 Kan City 23 23 23 KeUy Springfield 126 12 126H 137 Kennecott 41 4IH 40X 40 Keystone 104 102 104 Lad 4 netf 84M 86 Laclede Osa r. 68 A3 68 Lee 34 35 S4 35 Mc Co pfd 64 64 64 May Dept Store. 109Jj 109 V)X 109 Max 1st 76 76 7X TX MarMarrUs 62 53 51 62 Mer ctfs pfd.

117K H6 litsj, MexPer 185 186a 184 Cob Coal ref Davison Chemical IE He Horn Coal com YA'i. Horn Coal pld Elk Horn Corn fls 364 37 41 38 it Th lack of excitement with which the exchange received the news of the Mining of peace nKaturdajr whs practical afurauoe that the new would have which will allow eoutinuf-d expansion of our merchant marine, and that shipping ia prosperous is indicated by the fact that for toe lirst time since the membership of the New York Maritime Ex 244 Clarence Jofansnn. iolored, ltil'J Lor-mau street, a discharged Koldier. wax rescued from the hands his captor do after-effect on the market today. with the Norfolk and Southern aystem.

As a matter of fact, though there were many contrary movements in the different stock, the reneral tendency waa uu- i4 02 104'4 will be the successor to the Baltimore Bargain House, to offer a part of its preferred stock to the public. The capitalisation of the new concern will consist of 90,000 shares of preferred, par value $100, and 150 ahares of common stock of do par value. Jacob Epstein, who ia to be president of the new company, stated today that he is not yet ready to announce Just how much of the $9,000,000 of the preferred issue will be offered publicly, but that the amount ind price would be made public in a few daya. Goldman, Sachs Co. and Lehman both New York banking firms, underwrite tbd portion of the preferred stock that ia to be sold.

The incorporators of the new concern are Jacob Kpstein, Nathan Kpstein, Abraham I. Neinburg, A. Kay Kata, Sidney who, together with Meier Katz. K. Charles Ktepbany, David 1.

Nixdorff and Bernard T. Grove, constitute the board of directors for the hnst rear. Calls On Stock Subscribers. Subscribers to the new stock of the Industrial Corporation, which was recently offered to shareholders at par, will be called upon to make the first pay iniHtakubly towards reaction. The apec- li-B Brew Co inc 3s li B-S Brew com O-B-S Itrew 4 DBS Krew fund 66....

Houston (111 pfd Ind Kef Ind com Mt Ver Mills cons Ut Ver Mills pfd Pa Water A Power Ps Water A Power cetn. Robinson Oil com Wayland Oil com. West Va A com Miami Copper. change has been limited to 1.200 members premiums are now being paid to obtain, memberships. Applicants have to bad against each other and the membership price now bas been established at the $200 mtjrk.

Quits Bankers' Association. Milton Harrison, secretary of sav illative ludiifitrais, partcular, after n'Dnt at an advance, loat ground pretty ttmtuuouKlv ail day. Presumably the market waa governed 94 44 1 hs tm 8 4 16 28 61 32 55 Hi 9Ji 11 38 Hi 28M 51 32 57 78 3SX not alone by realizing Bales baaed on 52 33 57 78 38M Make the Most of Your Banking Connection 28 52 S2- 56 37 the fact that the newa waa out," but by the approach of the July interest Mid vale Mtirs Pac. Mice Pae pfd Kan Montna Power. Nat Acme Co.

Nat Nat Ner Coo Cop. aymentg. Banks are not apt to be will ings bank section of the American Bankers' Association since May 1. 1915, has resigned that Office to take the ksi-tion of executive manager of the Savings 129K 129Hi 129H STEEL KEN EXPECTANT Signing Of Treaty Thought To Be ing lenders to speculative borrowers on just such an occasion. The comparatively few stocks in which there were actual advances today moved under the influence of very obvious manipulation.

Norfolk at West 107 Nor Pac. 80 ti 80. ti 80 19 i'X 19 Ji 106H 106 106i 97 96i 87 85 85 84 124 123 123 ii 40 40 40 31 31ti 31 a Commercial Bilii Move Hanks; Association of tbe state of York. The resignation becomes effective Siptember 1. Mr.

Harrison's headquarters will be in New York city. Famous Players To Sell Stock. Tbe directors of the Famous I'layers-Lasky Corporation voted Saturday to offer to stockholders of record on July Signal For Starting Construction Projects. Used For Rediscount. Reduction in the amount of Govern' ment on tneir subscriptions tomorrow.

It will amount to 25 per cent, of total subscriptions. Later payments will be requested on dates that will be included ment secured panpr rediwounted by the reserve banks for members made fur 5 the right to subscribe to the 58 io i iu letters mailed to shareholders io due 58H 10 Ji 8 5SM 97 4 4l 3 IH 58 10i 8Hi 94 46 22 39 55. ther progress) in the past week. The amount was curtailed by bringing the total down to $1,573,000. Nova Scotia NY Air Dock ft Okla Prod ft Ref.

Ont Silver Owens Bottle Pan Am ft Penn R. PeoGaa Pere Mar it Phil Co. Pierce Ar pfd. Pierce Oil Co. 58H 93H time.

Directors have under consideration numerous plans which, when tinlly acted upon, may result in the establishment of several industries in this citr. This compares witu a month ago. Last week's decrease was 58 11 8 58 95 46 51 23 41 55 46 61 22 j4 and 2 pound, per potwd, old Ruoatera, per pound, lit oM lleoti, pvt iound. over 4 pound do, amaH. per pound.

3.V.; white Ierhnrn Sprfti-era, pound. 4ftc Iuiks, White 1'ekltia, per pound, old, Spring, uer pound. pounds and ovr, amatl, poor, PfKeona. per pair, old, youujr, 25a Kjcipa Wentern Maryland and Pennarl-TttnU, nearbv. first Iocs off.

44e. Kant ern Khnre, Marvland and Virginia, tlrntv, loa off, 44e. Western (Ohioi. firnta. Iowa off.

West Virgin ta, lHrsta. loaa off, Houtbern (Nortb CaroJiua) luaa off. 4.1c. MISCELLANEOUS Potatoea(ld Western Maryland and PeitnnrlTanla, per MR pounds, 2a2.2."; New, Kaatern Shore, and VirarinU, per barrel, $4a4 1i5; York River, per barrel, No. 1.

4a4.25; No. 2, Rappnfaannot-k. per barrel. $4aV25; Norfolk, per barret primes $4 2.raii4..H. Vegetables and flreen Fruits Atip1a, KiisterL Ilarrest, per haYrel, S2.3na4nO; barrel hasltet, $ln2.

Asparagus, Eastern Shore, per doren. No. 1. t2s2n. Marvland and VtipinU.

So. 2, Jl sWal m. Bana, native, per hush-el. ftn-n, t0a7V. per bushel, wax, flOriiiVp.

Hlakberrlea, Eastern Shore, per quart. ISjiISc. Beeta, native, per bunrh, 3ii4e. Beet a. Rappahf.nnr.ek, per bunch, Cabbage.

Norfolk, per crate. per bsrrel. $1 "SO KMRtfn Shore, per crnte. 2. Otntulnupes, per crate, t'iai.

Cherries. Maryhond and Virjiiula. red, per pound. innVJe. white, per pound.

2ta22e. Cucumber South Carolina, per basket. ROcaM. CurrHnta, per quart, 1n2(to. Epirpbtnts.

Norfolk, per crate, (irapef mit. Florida, per box, (loflmthi-rries, per pound, preen, 14c. Huckleberries, per quart. 1S22c. Kale, native, per box.

3ua4fV. lettuce, native. pr btitahel box. 50e Onlona, Eiistern Shore, new, per bankt, $2a2 Texas, per crate, new. Sprinjr, iver 100 bunches.

Peaches, Oeorgia. per carrier. 2a3. Peas, native, per biiuhi! peppers. Florid, per crate, fn4.

Hadishes, native, per Hal bunches. 2aS. Raspberries, red. per quart. 2a27c.

Rhubarb, native, per 10 bnnrbes. Rqiianh. Florida, per crate, r.0. Spinach, native, per box. Eastern Shore, per quart.

SOaS V. Anne Arundel, per quart, Tomatoes, Potomac, pr carrier, jipe. fair to good, MiusisKlppi, Pr crate, 1 v. Watcrtuelons, Florida, per t'nTS.

Fish. Frogs. Crabs. Clams Froars, larjr. per dozen, 2 Hard Craba.

per barrel, male, Soft Craba. dozen, as to alze, 50c.a?l. Snappers, per pound, 3b4c SELLS FIRECRACKERS; WOMAN IS ARRESTED Charles M. Cohn, vice-president of S3 45 51 22 39 54 Vi 40 more than offset by the expansion in rediscounts of commercial bills and by additional purchases of acceptances in the open market, the aggregate gain in these two items being The use of commercial paper in rediscount onerntions. rather than Liberty bonds 54 103 103 103 84 23 23 67 Pittsburg Coal 66 and Treasury certificates, seems to be4a-j 1'ittaftWVa 39 Pressed St 85 24 68 39 Hi 86 24 92H 88 77 89 86 24 92 Ray Con Cop 24 66H 39 85 Hi 24 92 87 77 92 Ky Steel 91 Hi 87 shares of beld in the treasury at $100 a share, which will bring the outstanding capital to 200.000 shares, tbe total amount authorised.

Stcx'kholders have tbe Subscription privilege in the ratio of a new share to every enven shares now held. Warrants are to be doted July 12 and issued on or before that date. Pay-meut for new stock is to be made on July 26. Duminick Dominick and Hallgarten Co. are underwriting the offering.

WILL ADVANCE RATES Railroad Storage Warehouses Will Meet Charges Made By Outside Concerns. Beginning the quotation of rates for goods stored in railroad warehouses under tariffs filed in Washington will cease. Hereafter, these warehouses will be placed on the same basis as privately owned warehouses, and rates will he adjusted time to time to meet those quoted by eompefltors. This move on the part of the carriers r.wning storage warehouses, according to 88 79 Beading Rem Type Rep I ft 8 Royal 77 92 94 93 UNDOUBTEDLY there are many Baltimore business men with limited capital who are losing opportunities and profits every day merely because they are not 112X 114 1UX nix 112H 113K lllti 112 44 44 44 44 74 73i 73X 62 62 61 tlU Royal Dut Y. Rumley Co Burnley pfd Sinclair Oil Ref.

The signing of the peace treaty is ei-pected to result in approval being given to the inception of many construction projects involving the use of steel, and which have been held back pending the Long ago many Investors adopted the policy that the period between the cessation of hostilities and the signing of the peace treaty should be regarded as an interim period, and have been unwilling to enter into large undertakings. The character of the steel market in the last few months has shown clearly that investment buying cf steel is practically the. only thing lacking to make a complete market. The demand for steel for everyday consumption has been good, and in some cases far above any previous record. This is true, for instance, of the demand for steel for automobile construction, and is probably true also of the oil country goods produced by pipe mills and nf steel sheets nsed in the electrical industry Granby Passes Dividend.

The directors of the Granby ifonsoli-dated Mining. Smelting and Power Company. have passed the quarterly dividend on the stock. Three months ago l't per cent, was paid and six months ago the distribution was 2 Pi cent. An interest in the company states that the action of the directors was brought about by the continuation of strikes, the unsatisfactory labor conditions and the peculiar situation eiittiug in the copper metal market, Morris Co.

To Share Profits. A profit-sharing scheme for its employes will be inaugurated on Independence Day by Morris the packers. Everyone on the staff will be given an opportunity to purchase gold bonds secured by property of the company at less than market price and will be guaranteed about double the interest these bonds carry, with the certainty of sharing in any increase in profits earned by the company. The company will set aside 5 per cent. Sloss Sheffield making the most of their banking connection.

.5 el 73 73X 71 71 106i 106 iOO 2SX 'MX 29 29Hi f. 67 68 tiOX 68 22 22 21 21 1WX 102 103Ji 100 100 100 The National Union wants to cooperate with South Southern Sou Ry St 8 Studebaker. 8tudevaker pfd, business men who are ready to do their part in making our relations mutually satisfactory and profitable. PHIUIK UB COl.DSBOROUGH. Pmident Stuta 73 the Consolidated lias Electric Light and 1'ower Company, was recently elected president' of the Industrial Corporation of Baltimore City, to succeed John K.

Bland, who retired to become chairman of the board. Western Maryland Gets $146,000. The Western Maryland Railway Company has received from the Government $140,000, which amount ia to take care of obligations maturing tomorrow. The Public Service Commission of Maryland has approved the application of the Western Maryland to issue approximately $2,000,000 of its general refunding bonds. bonds will be deposited with the Uailroad Administration as collateral behind a loan which the Governmeut made to the railway company.

Offering Allied Packers Bonds. Approximately $1,000,000 of the total issue of $10,000,000 20-year convertible sinking fund 0 per cent, debenture bonds of the Allied Packers, Incorporated, which were brought out today by a syndicate of bankers, have been allotted to the Baltimore and Washington territory. Robert Garrett Sons are the syndicate managers for this territory, and many banking institutions here are participating in the offeriug. The offering price is HrSMi and interest. The bonds now being sold are a part of an authorized issue of $25,000,000 dated July 1, 1919.

The securities are convertible into common stock at the rate of 13 shares of stock for each $1,000 bond. The Allied Packers, Incorporated, is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware to acquire many of the large packing concerns throughout the country. Land Bank Bonds Sold. It was announced today by Alexander Brown Hons that all of the $54,000,000 Federal Land Bank per cent, bonds, recently authorized by the Treasury Department, had been sold, These bonds were offered under a Superior 45 shippers, will result in advances of rates 74 72J.J 73 45 .46 46X lay, iax 13X 270 Hi 267 270 66W 61 60 Tenn Cop Chem. 13 Texas 270 Texas Pac 62 Third Ave on all commodities, in so mucn as tna rates charged by the private warehouses are much higher than those quoted by the railroads, and it is the intention NATIONAL I line with the desires of the reueral lie-serve Board.

A loss of $18,000,000 in gold was reported for the system as a whole, doubtless due to the continued export of the metal. Yet there again occurred, as in the preceeding week, an actual gaiu at ihe New York Bank, which on this occasion increased its holdings by An even larger gain took place at Chicago, which reported $18,000,000 increase. Federal Reserve notes in eireu-I linn showed an expansion of nearly If 11. 000.000 in addition to fresh issues the bond secured "bank notes'' total- The latter now totals 177.183,000. as compared with a month ago and.

only this date last year. hme Shares Down After Early Gains lariat Opens With General Advances U. S. Steel And Central Leather Decline. New York, June 30.

Trading in the market this morning continued to vhow the features that have been pronounced for a long period. Nearly everything traded in made some sort of gain during the first 15 minutes, with specialties again moving up with a good deal of violence. United States Steel gained to 108, and other steel industrials were generally strong. Some of the other industrials made good gains. The copper Btocks failed to share in the upward movement.

Just before noon United States Steel was off from the morning high, selling at 3 08; Central Leather was off at 107, and International Paper off selling at 63. With 6 per cent quoted for all maturities and with very little money lending at that rate, the opinion was expressed in the money circle'. that more time money would be available before the end of this week. f- of tbe latter to meet (he outside rates. Tobacco Tob Prod 'J- 25Vi 25 HI 254 113 114H 113X 113Ji 119 119 119 i33X 113H 132i 132 65 MX 55 Authority to withdraw tariffs, storae-e warehouse rates, was given Storekeeper Dismissed Because She Didn't Know Law Covering Sale.

Pleading ignorance of 1 lie fireworks' Union Pac I'ni Alloy UNION BANK Cigar Stores. Unit Dry law, Mrs. Klixabeth Kirknrr. -12 years 8 I 171 irox nox 56HI 55H 65H 15 14Ji 15 33l 30Ji 33X 30X 36X 86 fi 70 691J 69W a storekeeper of "2021 Foster avenue, 8 I pfd. the railroads recently, the carriers in this city being among the last to ask authority.

Some of the trades organizations opposed the move, but as tbe Railroad Administration had permitted such, withdrawals in other cities, it could not well et around allowing the same thing to be done in Baltimore. It is contended that tbe railroads ho Wn at a rreat disadvantage in 55 30 36 68 Hi 80H SCast 01 Maryland. I'SCl Ppfd. of its annual net earnings for distribu-1 was dismissed with a warning, this moru- ing. by Justice tierecht, iu the Eastern Police Station, on a cbarp of selling firecrackers from broken packages.

i a Food 80 Ji 79 80 Fayette Bear Charles ifisfi. aaaaaftaj Ind Alcoi 150 152 146 146W 3H. 99.32 99.38 tion among its employes who bold protit-sfaaring certificates and will guarantee that each certificate earns nut less than 10 per cent. Salt Water In Oil Wells. Renorts continue to eiune forth now The police of the Eastern district are i In the National Union there is strength conducting their sto-age as they were unable to raise storage rates to meet the increased cost of operation whereas the privately owned warehouses, not beiug compelled to tile rates milking a vigoriius campaign to make the Fourth of July celebration in that sec IT 8 1st .94.84 94.90 94.70 94.90 8 2d 4., .93.90 93.90 93.81 93.90 1st 48.95.20 95.24 95.10 95.22 tion of the city ns noiseless suit saue as and then of salt water appearing in Mex.

U8Lb2d4K.94.13 94.16 94.12 lit. la 8 3d 4i.95.06 95. 12 95.08 95 12 possible. Therefore, tucy liave been keeping alert ears for the sound of pie' mature explosions. That is how it hap iu Washington, could aujusr ineir rates to meet yiy new condition that mint arise.

8 4th 4li94.04 94. 16 94.06 94.06 HUB 6th3J100.04 100.10 100.08 100.06 5th 4HS99.94 99.96 99.83 99.90 Rubber 136H 138J4 136 137H 1st 116H 116H H6W 116X 8 Smelt. 68Ji BSX 68 68ti 108 107 107 Steel ..110 116 116 116 Steel Utah 88 Ji 89tf 82 81 Ji co-operative plan embracing the Federal Land Banks and a group of, investment bankers headed by Alexander Brown ft Sons, of this city Harris, Forbes Brown Bros. Lee, and the National City Companv, of New York. Indiahoma Advances.

Indiahoma Kenning stock moved higher today on the Baltimore Stock Exchange, opening sales being made at 0. or V4 of a point up from Saturday. Subsequent sales were recordi'd at a lower level, but later on the stock advanced to 0. liavison Chemical registered a fractional loss at the opening, but the price afterward advanced to SO. Va Car Chem.

Va Chem pfd. 115 Owing to wire trouble, the New York stock quotations are not complete. Closing prices will appear in the 5.30 edition. The railroads finally oeciuen to nave their warehouse placed on the same basis as the privaHy owned warehouses, but before this could be done the Knilroad Administration had to permit all tariffs, covering present rales, to be withdrawn. No more tariffs will be tiled, as future readjustments are to be made without such procedure.

J. W. Opllnger Leaves A. C. L.

J. W. Oplinger, nuperintendent of motive power of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad's second and third divisions, with headquarters at Waycross, Cabas resigned to gd with another company. Philip Petri Fixes Headquarters. Philip Petri, who was reevntly appointed division engineer of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, has established bis headquarters in Cumberland.

Md. a rllatrict enaMReer of 90 82 115 10 Ji 34 13 30 8S 81 115 lOJi 34 Ji 12Ji 29 Ji 88 115 10 Ji 34 Ji 12 wabash i TCab pfd A West Md 12H West Md Kd pfd. 29J West Union 89 88 Ji 8SX 56 Ji Westiughouse. 57 Ji 56 56 West Air 123 Ji 123 H. 123 123J( ft Lake 10 Ji 10 Ji 10 Ji nan ou wells.

Sometimes there in only a trace; but occasionally, as in the case of I'otrero del Llano No. 4, a well is actually ruined." The instances where a well has turned entirely to salt water are the exception, but the appearance of salt water with the oil is not particularly unusual, especially where a well has been flowing for some years. The very fact that salt water does appear is, however, disconcerting. The theory which obtains is that the Mexican oil is floated on salt water, in which case there must eventually be the substitution of salt water for oil. If the Mexican wells all tapped the same pool there might be grounds for fear that the oil would give out before a great length of time.

The pressures at the various wells are, however, different, so that in the majority of case the drilling has tapped large number of disassociated pools. The fact remains that a well cannot go on indefinitely giving a production of thousands of barrels a day. and if there is uncertainty as to the quantity, the price of fuel oil may increase, for there would be no incentive of overproduction. He-fore it was ruined the I'otrero del Liano well produced approximately 100,000,000 barrels of oil. Foreign Trade Needs $3,000,000,000 'It is imperative that way he found to continue the expansion of American foreign trade at a time when virtually the whole world is clamoring for our products Jind materials, according to a circular which lias been issued by the National Park F.auk.

The belief is expressed that relief must come from private sources without too great a reliance on the Government. O.iniin the fiiriires of the Federal Re. Pricea On The New York Stock Exchange Today. Saturday's Today's High. Low.

2.20 Adams hlV, hh 53 55 66Ji 56Ji pened mat rairoimnu l'llwii tound two little boys setting off firecrackers on Foster avenue ycsienlay. The boys told the officer where tbey bought thorn and Mrs. Kirkner was arrested. She admitted that she hail sold the lirecrackers for a penny apiece, but she claimed her husli.ind hurt bought tliem that way and that he didn't know she had violated the Inw. BIG SHIP DOCKS Italian Steamer To Load Grain, Etc.

Ixs al shipping men were reminded of the pre-war immigration days this morning B'hen the I'ulian puss*imer liner (Jeimaro reached port from Naples in ballnst to load enrgo for a return trip. The Knn (ieunain is a line ship and her well-painted and super-structure and shiny fittings were in sharp contrast to the mimeroiis tramps which she pnssed Tin her way to her inoorinirs at the Recreation Pit. The Sun Onnarn is a ll.OOO-tun ship and carries a complement of 172 men. This small army of shipworkcrs brought to mind awnes on the docks of the old North (ierman Uoyd liners wlien they steamed in regularly with their quota of immigrants. These vessels carried great crew, ami no vessel other than some navy ships, which stopped here at times, has biiiugh: such a large crew since the war.

Sun tlenuaro will load some getiernl cargo but most of the cargo will t't grain and foodstuffs. 56 Ji 35 Ji 97 57 35 102i 35 35 Wh te Motor W'i'son ft Worth Pump 97 Ji Mr. Walter R. Nathan 1 After service overseas1, has resumed 1 ml his activities in our hu Real Estate Department Light and Redwood Streets 1 N't'w York Philadelphia I I 1 1 June Thirtieth i Nineteen 11 undred and Nineteen "asa J'i Bai 7 i i i "i i a a i i' i Ufa alaa LJs4a-JSSsaS the Eastern lines of the Baltimore and 82 Ji 80 81 81 Owing to wire trouble, the full report of Baltimore transactions cannot be printed until the 5.30 edition. Sales to 2 o'clock, 872,200 shares.

AjttJC Rubber 100 106 100 104 Alaska Juneau. 2X 1 2X Alaska Gold 3 3H 3 3 AlllsChal 43 45 44 Allls Ch 98 9X 94M 94 AmAgChem 10SX 108J4 108H 108H Ohio at Pittsburgh. Sea'board Promotes B. C. Prince, i.

auuiaiant to the traffic New York Bend Market. Jturnlalied by Hambleton ft Co. I AK manager of the Seaboard Air Line Hail-way, at Norfolk, has been appointed Ann-Kh Ss.9 11-1S 9f 13-Hl j. Km As Ch Mil. loo Mi 100H 100 Sales On Baltimore Stock Exc hange.

I.X'JL""" iiu fi .11 u. A IRl do. eo do. rfd Ot4 45 (i li Li' Si BiUto City com a'js. assistant tranic manager, aim ins position hjJsb2'hdi NEW YOKE COTTON JtABKET NEW YORK.

Jnne 3. -Forsoast ot tuifatnj-aWa Xm Beet Sug. Ktb Bosch Ajn Can Am Car Am Cotton Oil. Am Hide Leath. S7X 6H 86 S6X 102 TS 102 102 57H 60Jj 68 60 iuh in iook now 61 Pi 61 00 61H 33M 34H 33 33H Tuf do.

dell 4. 76(4 T( r. 4,.. lt 75 TM do. mil 5 15 15 do.

con 4m. W4 77 Nor PH. ft t'otoniuo aid 5s. 1,000 Md Klec Kv rs Uni ltj Klec lt 4 1.0O0O-B-S Brew Inc l.ODUCosden Co tfs i.OiiOKIk Horn Corp 0....... unt.itr tn the wntral ana taiin tWt tarlay srnt cotton prirs nnn at th i.iinls Saturday's cluw.

ana 113 Kl 1114 71 24 0i4 WM H)S Ss IN A con do. ronT 4... 45 464ll)r rfd 4 100 101 4'a. 771 4c 1st 5a. 9I1 i .126 130t 128M 130 111 '4 10H 4 nol( Am 11 4 pfd.

Am Inter Corp, In ths fa ot Ijtm.K.1 op-inns lri-a. jl la than tn. Thsrt wa tH -itb Wall ti oB-nm rotton. The do. com 1 cons M'i ft it K.100 iRndint tn 4a.

SS 3'4 Col ft So lrt 4 IVnna ten Kt S6S SiHiet and Mien-nil th. lis. tumMi -0r on a fon-i-asl for much more do. ird Wl lr- 62 78 -87 84 fatorable isaather in Ihe Kasl-rn belt. In the afternoon the market a amet and steady.

do. rfd 4 ft- S71. 64 78 87 83 64M 78 89 84 42 CMftSP rn 44 7U4 T2V4 tin. mill 71 7, y. op 15 to 33 poillU.

Future aesllier pre-aenaed a iso hopeful cutlooa. but crop condiUoii MU-alea continued bearish. pn 11 no tn, 64H 78 88 82 42 112.H 133 105 110. aoj wi So Pac rfd SOVi do. ct 4s ti So dT 66 FINANCIAL, DIVIDENDS, ETC.

42j CRI ft rfd 7.i'4 7k 1 ft It cn 4s 71 Am lea Am Linseed Am Loco Am Smelt ft Kef. Am Steal Am Sum. Am Sug Am Tel ft Am Tobacco. Am Tob 11 112 mt un Hy4m75'4 7i sri Kri. -n llVn 4.

54(4 56 7. iie fen Itrn 4s 54(4 112H I'H 133 133 133 10.1'i 105 105 Jnlw 33 10 33.40 Un Psr 1st Mv4 ja atlH 4'j 11 July Investment Funds 219M 210 219H ioi ifi ioi do. rfd 4s so do. cr 4s S8I4 T7 8 Es.100 101 Va ctfs 6. bS Ch 1st is.

17(4 W(4 West Md WVt ll CHICAGO GRAIN MAEKET 00. POUT A Si It SO do. ran! 4b 47(4 494 Ind Blesl 5.... Nva 97 Int Hn r.ol 4'4s 39 41 IHTlst ft rfd 5s 734 734 8 ft 8 49 864 7 ti ft alwni h.ilj)4 114 SB CHICAfJO. Jon ao.

wun nine 44 Am Woolen 120 12 Am Woolen pfd. 109 109 108 Hi 109 Mi IWPIlN NO. 28 Mil A JshantBf. l.n,l, mnbls on and aW fliv 'm iAv" at tbu olfiw at rour bank, alfh tai rsrlinala VKi it "I AIINOl.l). Treastt-ir.

AMU STOCK IMVIDKND No Th. rJ. Nw IS, IMS. nortanre to trade upnn, bin ana nn in raisins and toitrtn rrsln fn'nres on tli I hi-ew Boari of Td Bear caused drop. bin.

attim twins torecd folartn, result tliat price, to, aliarplf. Hrorieions were hidher. z.wiu uura lorp tis l.ltOot'on ti 1 5. (notes). 4.0011 Baltimore City 3(s.

'SO Vi'i Shores Ind Kef coin 711 Sliures Ind Ref coal 1.0JII Shilree 1 nil Kef com rjO Snares Condon At Co (50 Shares Elk Horn Coal com. 170 Shares Mt Ver Mills IS Shares Houston OH 10 Shares Md Casualty Shares Cosdeu ft Co 5 Shares Cosden Co 5 Shares Davison Chem com. 20 Shares liavisou Chem com. 1IIU Shares Cosden Co pfd INK) Shares i-B-S Brew 1IHI Shares Ind 'Kef com Shares Mt Ver Mills 12 Shares Maryland Casualty. 2M Shares Ind Kef com Ill Shares Con Coal com 100 Shares I'ni Kys ft Klec com lOShares Mt Ver Mills 40 Shares Ind Hef com 15 Shares Con 41 ft com.

100 Shares Wayliind Oil Shares llid Kef com 2T Shares AM Petrol com. 15 Shares Cosden ft Co l.l.'tO Shares Cosden ft Ca 1 ISO Shares Ind Kef com. Ion Shares Ind Kef com 'i Shares Con II 1. ft com. Ill Shares Arundel 8 ft (1 com.

40 Shares ft A Ry Am Writ Pa pfd. Am Zinc 23 -II 61 22 60 73 l52 23 61 74 New York Curb Market. IFurniahed by J. 8. Wilson, ft Bankers, Calfert Buildins.

Quotations at 2 o'clock.) serve Hoard, it is asserted that must be provided from private initiative during the balance of the year if the Tnited States is to be able to continue its foreign trade at the present level. German Gold Falling Fast. The report of the German Reichsbank issued on June 15 shows another big falling off in the. bank's gold holdings, which form virtually the only gold reserve Germany has. The loss for the week under report was approximately and makes the total lost by the institution since the signing of the armistice, last November, slightly more than or more than half of the gold Germany held at the cessation of hostilities.

The total then waa In the last report the total is $74,050,000. The present, tigures represent an amount smaller than any reported since the end of 1013. when gold holdings by the Imperial German Bank were about on a parity wfth those of the present time. Within the next tew months, it 73 18 61 22 vox 73 101 174 101 Hi to a). Seplember openeo aown 'f, snd rose to ftil.

Ueceiotiet oneo at U-SHa. 1U1- Bid. Ak Hldwrst ala i 101 Am Zinc pfd. Anaconda At Coast At Gu ft West. At 8 ft Recent financing of old-estaniisfiecl corporations has brought into the investment market many attractive issues.

Since diversification is so essential to the careful investor, our offerings present selections of this character. Recommendations for' particular requirements made upon request. 101 173 HS do. pfd 3 31 178X 175 Bid. Ask.

tna Vi 10 Amal Ki Amlo-Aro 24(4 Brtt Am. 21 2 lint-Am. 21 noi 101 101 Midwest 1S3 Na Aniline com 37(4 38 do. rfd ilS 4 ehanfed, anil elimbeo r. July oau opened nnehanaed at V.

aoo V. Bepuanber owneJ Jt up snd lost Peeerober oimied at c. and at aooai sias COMMERCIAL RECORD 70 81W 81 nucaera tiisaiiia Nipisaltift -ndi on Ihf lssue.1 Co. 114 Ctl ft Jar f-U Hipi, ho 12 BFOoodrich pfd loan 10 I03M BftO 43 44 43t 43H i. rnwftnKK I eanital i and Kleetrlc tW 34 10', clai Aiutsji 7d Oil 54 Cos IJ Sspuliai 7H CkhxM SatotA Tin 57 II 7 uwisrra lor cas Quarter TSin II WW August slnrJslr ISB 67 56 56 66 10b 104M 100 .133 133 134 1.13 Curtiss Aaro.

V- BftO pfd, Bald Barrett Quotations Given Below Refer To ail 711 rro: -t-in W. W. Lanahan book. i of tbe at tae elsse of busi- r- ( vi Iu aabrnar Kl Sslrador tM fiS Wholesale Markets.

404 87 87 fX 87 87 Ji 112) 112 Investment.Securities Members jiew York Stock Exchange Stock Ext hange Closing Prices On Baltimore Stock 30 32 29 (111 8af 155 'tJJ Herl. ZHf 5in in IIous IH1 com.lH 123 "I "est 1H Inter llnb 2414 21 Hteamahip. Ukc Toruado Ha 1 Martin com 41 Uh Val do. 10 Mmitt Oil 2T14 I7i IToduc ft tH Marc at i. I I 152 It.

BALL. Treasurer. NATIONaf, f-ETItitj BANK OF BA1.TIMOKR. BALTIMOHE, tt tilt itllRK. hsIJ Uis d.r.

A 1 A I A I as dwlared, rayaWs JULY BIST. 1.IH mZl" ftk5.i""' cto" fhfrln milled. llTiflnil KeUoe. 87 87 113 30 151 12 34 29 44 77 is believed, Germany will have little of the metal, if the Allies insist upon payment in gold for food and other supplies which Germany has asked them to advance her, Kven before payment is started on the indemnity, bankers on this side expect that Germany will have ceased to be holder of gold in any large Beth Steal Beth SB Beth St pfd 8 pc. Brook Bums Bros Butte ft Butterlck Butte ft Supe.

Cad Oil dal Tack Cal Pet pfd Canadian GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Ore-a Coffe Th oponiaf prlca on ths New lork Coffa Exchanite today vm: Sfpt-mbor. 20.80c. bid March. 20.40c. bid Mar.

20.300. bid. Market lir. BREA08TUFFS. ETC.

neoeifita of flour, barrels, loolud-laa; 4.052 barrels for eprt. CALVERT BUILDING, BALTIMORE Ta'ephona St. Paul 5775 151 12 34 29 77 13K 34 2H 44 69 mi 34 29 44 69 77 Railroad Equipment Bonds. IPmnlslia.1 by Hambleton ft Co. Bid.

Hid Ak. ft 0 4, '-4. 5.H 50 tiuis ft Nasb 5s 5.K) 5.. Exchange Today. Rid.

Ask. BALTIMORE CITY STOCKS (Reg. J. Kalliiuore City 3'4. 'SO so Baltimore City 4s.

'61 (H L) OAS AND ELRCTRIC. Gas S7 Con (1 I. ti com IWS'4 Con 1 1. ft Ss oil wiaj Con II hi I. 7s (nolea) 101 1014 Con (1 li I'ow 8 u'nl KI11' Unlit at Power H7 BANKS AND T8U8T COMPANIES.

Colonial a Continents) Trust 170 Comi.iercial Credit pfd 28 Calvert Bank Du 11 ft 4V4s.5a 1.10 5 30 Mli IVntral 5a 6.85 5 00 ft 7.00 t.00 Mo Tac 5s 7.75 C. 76 159H loO A aaUII-ailiriatasl ST I IW WU. on the i-jul-iui sfock of the ALaBAM. HOMK BriLniNH it LOAM ASSOCIAtlO of BIRMINriHASr. AT.

will llrt on Jnlj fan I'ac 5.7 55l Can or .2 6W1 ft t(aa 5.9fi 5.10 amount. Ford Motor Shares In Demand. Reports from Detroit are to the effect that there ia inquiry for minority 158 180 100 Jj 106 Hi tit Mslt 75 tfi lha 1 1 OA Central 105ji 108 Mo ft 4W1.5S. 9:10 1 6. 5.7C 25 Cent 24 12.2KS12 SO ll toalS.lS ft 5.W 5.30 HS-paund aacsa.

Winter Patent Winter ftnrins I'atent Spring Strslfht hj Hour, medium to choice Cornmeal, per 100 lbs fltT Mill Winter Patent Cite Mills Winter Straight 8.A 6.UU W.2fi22t shares of the Ford Motor Company, the a tin Ft 4s.4(4s 3.50 3.20 ft f4s5.H0 3 II ft 425 Ha. ft 5a 5 3 5.S5 5.7i Del ft Hud (4S. 5 .75 i Krie II 435 5, 1U Cant 4(4s, 8a ooa a ao 4 25a. 4 40 TIIK KUiriTAfilji' lUititnont, Md.Juiic It, lri A L. as.Ss....

i.A a.w Pac 4(4s 45 1.15 0 Htlj tn iva 12.40a 13 I1 24 62 62 28 47 20 64 70X Cent Fdy 49 Cera de Pasco. 64 28 Hi Chlno Con Cop. 47 CUI ft Gt West 27M 64 FqniUbl Tniit Cmupcnv, thif dir. iifi. Kililltalile Trust 4444 24 50J4 62X 27 47 9M 26 (14 76 68 49 Short-Term Securities.

I Fnrntshed ky Hambleton ft Co 1 statement that this is true being attributed to one of the directors. There hove been many rumors here that General Motors had been endeavoring to purchase the Kord company. Each time, however, the rumor has been denied. If there is an endeavor to accumulate minority stock, it may mean that the step is paving the way for a purchase of a 50(1 100 76H R. LANCASTER WILLIAMS CO.

1Nco*kPOIATKD INVESTMENT SECURITIES MIDDENDORF, WILLIAMS INC. On and after July 1. 1919. the name of this Amsrifan Cotton Oil fj. American ft U24 ft As, lll.y.

Beth Steel Corr. Ts. lgj nail tttHl I'Mn 7a 1120 Citr Mills Sprint Patent Tie abT quotations oa Cliy Mills Floo are Jobbinc prkea. Wbeat-Kecelpts S.214 bushels, Ineluil-Inc 88l htishels sflost ami 9.82(1 bushels by far: shipments from 1,, 14 bushels; atotk la eletators, 0.O.3W) bushels p*rn Beeelpts. 40.4M buahels, lnclorl-inc 20 bushels afloat and 40X77 bushels 7 ana .6814 49 59 controlling interest or perhaps absolute 5 66 28 47 2B 64 76 68 Hi 49J ioo 25 VX 1 84 Hi 95 101 SOU 85 11M 13 Hi Beth Steel Corp ta.

121 Ileth Steel orn fa, 12 Hetll Hi eel Corp ta, 1 99(4 ...1904 9514 ...101 994 '4 ...101 V4 -4 Ilnry Ford is at present the majority slock holder, while among the minoritr lIMftStPpfd Col Fuel Cdl Gas Cons Gas Cdl Southern Cqnt Can Corn Prod Crucible iiw Mint ucuiK FTtbtff JI Li I 1U1S, UUGHL.POPK ggemary. THK TAUMl'ltH AN1 i' NATKIHA-L BANK. BALTIMORE, Jun 1SI. Tin TtmrH at Diwtor thin dav CLAREU A IHYls.F.NO Or 8 for i Dionthi ftidiirf Jhim 3R. 1919, rtoar of alt Uxn pavubl1 July 1, 1919.

Book to be lowd unUl that data. Check will bt diaiIM to srwkholitrt. Jt 'Mhltr. Stock for at lw Mt to putcliiivr. Addrmw 4749.

PROPbsAi bnsbels; stock tn elettators. 120..105 bush (90 410 ISO 4S 125 4t IM Til 5(0 (15 125 (. (.50 5.91) 25 I II 190 IOO, 98'4 lMKj lOOH 100H 101H 192( 94 101(4 1004 lOO 13! 94 9 IOC'. 99'4 loi4 103' Md els gj corporation will be 86 80 95 aea 4 Mf KatltaH ffa ft pa, ini.j Can Psc Fj Ha. Cuban-Amer Sut Cuhan-Aroer StutH, lttt Cud Co 7a, 13 Del ft Hod 5s Cod Sin It.

1920 I. li ft ts. 1S 1 OR 6a. 1919; Pmr ft llam 7a. 173) holders are several who broke sway from the Ford company several years ago.

General Motors is looked upon as a logical purchaser of the company and the reports of negotiations Persist despite 6t 49 69 Ji 100 26 98 83 9X 101 36 8AM llH 18 38 17H sAinMtie rtfsliverv. la ti bial pA bushel 100 5 95 82 94 101 35 85 UH iX 37 fi Crucible St 101 19(4 99 I'lUPllty or ueposll. us Marvland Casualty vfer.Vlei h-lst Natl Bank 2x4 2a Mercantile Tr ft lip inn 200 New Aliiaterdaul Cas '23 dale teoit ft Trust 710 8w RAtl.ROAO STOCKf. Northern Central coin 72 Htrrrt Railxray. Col Kya ft Klec Co 10-4 (V, I) ft A Ry com 274 3D RAILBOAO BOJ4D8.

Atl C. of 8 Car 4s. M4 All It 4s (ctfs) 02 7 Atl 1 It convt 4s 814 Atl of Conn S-20sT 't Hallo ft Annap I. 1st 6s, llalto ft Ohio col 8s OS Carolina Central 4s, '4 774 Kla Cent A I'ensla Con 5s 44 (la, Car It Nor tKi Wl fls, 8011th ft Fla 1st os, 9.14 (144 ()a ft Als Con 834 ft lit North 5s 54 Northern Central 4 4s, 074 Northern Cent Ha A), '2 4 It ft Annuals 6a 103 il ft Weldon gold Da, '3Ti 100 tnt ft Nor fls 05 M4 fifreef fffliltroyt. Ana ft Potomac 5s ft Ana ft Potomac Ktd Bs.

VW Atisnts Con Bt Ry Bs, Bait Trac Bait 1st 5s, lot Cuba Can Sug. 36M tor ti run trn Osts-Receipts. r.i.2n7 bnshels; ments from eles-slors. bushels denials. The increase in the capital of ship, i stork ft He; Proc ft (lain 7a, 1K1 lw Proc ft Dam 7s, 193.

lfjl THK COMMIHUIOX Iu ruieneia. Itanne Prlces-NO. 2 white, soutiisrn tty oa, i. General Motors, It Is pointed out, could not have been undertaken with any other end in view thon increasing the scone TUirT uv rni.rMBiA, ji nk a. 84 MX 13i 37 So.

whit. WMMl C'd Ca Sug pfd Denver Dome Glk Horn Coal. tCrle nu. mi li nnaneia ship- offu-a or the neratt Voani of Commis- H003 AT RECORD PRICE 38 uf the organization. R.

Lancaster Williams Co. Incorporated Business will bm continued at the present 'offices of the company In the Equitable Building, cor. Calvert and Fnyette Streets, Baltimore, Md. Middendorf, Williams Inc. June 30, 1919 aionfin, jpan' uuiimni, until 4 17 HH ments from elerstnrs.

nuariels: stock tn eleratora. 21,282. n.M.inta. lna tans. Iticl*tdlna HOJi Fan HOH 110 Free Tax Oo 49M 49 49 juij u.

Vfivtor niriufthttic and KtaUiDf Itr-frfihnl Cuttpnaut. eampltta arerjp TW-vt andf rad mr opmtiM. lot tM cold mom at th mnlripal ftnfi Darkat at Tenth and Wat at atntfta wnthifft. Blaak frfrna of propaaal, plana, afwcilVattona and alt niMiary Information mar a obtainad from tiaai tons for shipment. No.

1 Timothy, per tan, stsndrrd Timothy. tMi No. Favored By Railroad Men. Among the railroad men who have received their copies of the plan prepared by a special committee of the New York bankers for the financing of the equipment ordered by the Hail. 2 Timothy, Kiia.ii.o" ciw.

e.i.'B si-b. 132 131 Gas Wmsk 86 36 Hi uiniMrrn as mu 49 132M 3K 80 165 t'hi Clerk, Knrinrar Tpartasaot. Bonn 4Mf, IttfttrM Rut Mint, Waahinaloo D. Adapoaitaf Market In Pittsburgh Reachei For All Good Weights. Pittsburgh, June 30.

A world's record price (or bogs was established on the local stork yards today, all good weights selling st $22.05 per hundred pounds. No. I Mht Clover. Mlaed, HosM; No. 1 Clorer, Mliefl, No.

2 Clnrer, iaara Ti1 imiian win am irquirtm wm vtuanw ie hm to I Electric IMtf 165 165 road Administration last year there the return oi tit I4ans ami ajatnocauon BROWNI.OW, UWTJt! OA .337 237 Hi 231 233 seems to be a consensus of opinion in favor of the recommendations made. B4t 94 Meters pf 4. Mixed. Siiiia.H; no. No.

2 Clover, nominal, No. 8 CISTer, aonlaal, 127..

The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.