Use the example below to identify this information:
Ⓐ This is the Routing & Transit number for all First Financial Credit Union member accounts.
Ⓑ This is where your Checking account number appears, plus an additional 2-digit suffix that is necessary for proper check processing. It is not necessary to include preceding zeros when setting up automatic deposits or withdrawals.
Ⓒ This is where you will find the 2-digit suffix for your Checking account.
If you would like to make a deposit into another First Financial account, use your member number plus your 2-digit suffix of the desired account.
Here's a few examples for First Financial account suffixes:
Member Number: 1234567
Account Type | Suffix Example |
Stakeholder (Savings) | 00 |
Convenience Checking | 07 |
Platinum Visa | 31 |
Auto Loan | 10 |
Share Certificate | 12 |
The above examples of our suffixes may appear different on your account. Please refer to your statements or call us (800) 537-8491