Online Services (OH|TAX eServices\Electronic Payments\Transcripts\1099s) (2025)

September 05, 2023 | Agency

Online Services (OH|TAX eServices\Electronic Payments\Transcripts\1099s) (1)

OH|TAX eServices is a free, secure electronic portal where you can file and pay your Ohio individual and school district income taxes. You can also review notices and information about those taxes from ODT. It is available 24 hours a day,7 days a week except for scheduled maintenance. Online Services includes:

  • OH|TAX: Allows certain individuals to electronically file their original Ohio IT 1040, SD 100 and/or IT 10 for free. *New with OH|TAX, youcanfile amended returns with this service. OH|TAX provides detailed instructions and performs calculations for you when completing your return. When using OH|TAX, you do not need to submit any paper documentation unless requested by ODT, but you do have the option to upload supporting docs and wage and income statements when filing.
  • Payments: Allows you to electronically make Ohio individual income and school district income tax payments. This includes extension and estimated payments, original and amended return payments, and billing and assessment payments.

    Note: While payments made via OH|TAX with a checking accountincurs no additional fees, a 2.65% service fee (minimum $1) is charged by ACIPayments, Inc. for credit/debit card payments. The state of Ohio does not receive any of this fee.

  • Prior Submissions: Allows you to view/print transcripts of previously filed returns (up to 10 years) and Ohio 1099-G and 1099-INT forms. You can also view outstanding balances (if any) and update certain contact information (i.e. mailing address and or name) with ODT.
  • Check Your Refund Status: Here you can enter information about your return filed and yourself to see if your return has processed and information as to when you will receive your refund.

To use OH|TAX eServices,taxpayers must first register here. To complete the one-time registration, taxpayers must provide their:

  • Social Security Number (SSN) OR Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN);
  • Last name;
  • Date of birth; AND
  • One of the following
    • Previous year’s return information.
    • Wage and Income statement from the prior year (W2, W2G or 1099).
    • A letter that was sent to you from the Department. This letter can be requested.

Note:If the information you provide does not match ODTs records, you will not be able to register. If you are unable to register for OH|TAX, you can file your return(s) electronically using certain third-party software providers or by mail.


  • To recover your username, go to Forgot Username;
  • Enter the email address you used to create your account;
  • Answer the validation question and click Submit;
  • If the email address provided matches the OhioDepartment of Taxationsrecords, an email from will be received and contain your username.


  • To reset your password, go to Forgot Password.
  • Enter your OH|ID (Username or User ID);
  • Answer the validation question and click next;
  • Choose how you want to receive the one-time code, by text or email. You can also use the third-party verification tool from Experian to answer questions.

You can file, for the current and previous four tax years, any or all of the following using OH|TAX eServices:

  • Individual Income Tax Return (Ohio IT 1040): The system uses a series of questions and answers to assist you in completing your IT 1040. It also provides detailed instructions and performs calculations on the return.
  • *New* Amended Individual Income Tax Return (Ohio IT 1040X):OH|TAX can file amended returns for the current and past 3 years. The system uses the same questions and answers used in filing an original Ohio IT 1040.
  • After the Ohio individual income tax return is transmitted, you will be given the option to file your Ohio school district income tax return. The Department of Taxation recommends completing your Ohio individual income tax return before filing any school district income tax returns.
  • School District Income Tax Return (Ohio SD 100): The system uses a series of questions and answers to assist you in completing your SD 100. It also provides detailed instructions and performs calculations on the return.
  • *New* Amended School District Income Tax Return (Ohio SD 100X): The system will ask questions and complete calculations for you to amend your SD 100.
    If you filed your Ohio IT 1040, certain information will automatically populate onto your SD 100. You can file returns for multiple school districts using OH|TAX eServices.
  • Ohio Income Tax Information Notice (IT 10): Taxpayers who are not required to file the Ohio IT 1040 can electronically file this information notice using OH|TAX eServices.

Once you have answered all of the questions asked by the system, you will be presented with a summary of the form prior to submission. At this stage, you should verify your return information and correct any errors. You can also upload any supporting docs and/or wage and income statements.Once you are sure your return is correct, you must electronically sign and submit it by clicking the I Agree- File My Return button.

You will receive a separate confirmation code for each return you file. ODT has not received your return if you do not receive a confirmation code. We recommend you retain your confirmation code(s).

Any individual who has registered for OH|TAX eServices and has been granted full access can file a return unless any of the following are true

  • You are attempting to file an Ohio return for a period out of statute (4 years prior).
  • You are using a foreign IP address.

OH|TAX eServices allows you to receive your refund by direct deposit or by mail. The direct deposit options are different depending on which return you file.

Individual Income Tax Return (Ohio IT 1040): Allows you to direct deposit your refund into one of the following accounts:

  • A checking account;
  • A savings account;
  • An individual retirement account (IRA); OR
  • An Ohio 529 (CollegeAdvantage) account.

School District Income Tax Return (Ohio SD 100): Allows you to direct deposit your refund into one of the following accounts:

  • A checking account; OR
  • A savings account.

You should ensure that the account information you enter is correct and is for a valid, active account. If you choose a direct deposit option, you will receive your refund inapproximately 15 business days.

If you do not choose a direct deposit option,you can select to have a paper refund checkmailed to the address you provided on the return. Generally, your check will be mailed within 30 days.

After clicking the I Agree- File My Return button to submit your return, you are able to print a copy of the return and/or save it as a PDF file.

Additionally, you can view transcripts of any Ohio income taxreturn(s), for the current and previous ten tax years. Simply log into OH|TAXeServices andselect More...the View and print transcript. Here you can request prior return transcriptsthat you have submitted.

OH|TAX eServices allows you to:

  • Pay your tax due when filing your return;
  • Future-date your payment (up to the due date) when filing your return;
  • Pay your tax due at a later date using Payments; OR
  • Pay your tax due at a later date by submitting a paper check with the correct payment coupon.

You cannot make a future-dated payment using a credit card. If you choose to pay your tax due at a later date, you can log into OH|TAX eServices Paymentsand follow the instructions to remit payment.

OH|TAX eServices gives you the option to continue your return at a later time. Simply click the Save Draftbutton at the bottom of the page. The system will alert you that you have not yet filed your return. To proceed, click the Confirm button.

Your return information will be saved as a draft under the Additional Services on the topribbon. To resume filing your return, log into OH|TAXand select the Additional Services. Next under the Payments and Returns Tile, select Manage payments and returns.

Please note, regardless of when you start your return, it must be submitted to the Department of Taxation by the return due date to be considered timely filed. Your return has not been submitted until you click the I Agree- File My Return button and you receive a confirmation code.

Your email address assists ODT in combating income tax fraud. ODT may also use the email address to communicate relevant information and reminders (such as a failure to file or pay a bill) to taxpayers.

No personal identifiable information will ever be requested in an email from ODT. ODT willNOTsell or otherwise distribute the email address you provide.

You are able to make the following types of Ohio individual income and school district income tax payments via OH|TAX eServices:

  • Account payments;
  • Original return payments;
  • Amended return payments;
  • Extension payments;
  • Estimated payments; AND
  • Billing and assessment payments.

NOTE: OH|TAX uses one voucher for all payments to made. This voucher is called OUPC - Ohio Universal Payment Coupon.

Until you click the Authorize Payment button, you have not made your payment. You will receive a confirmation number as verification of your payment. We recommend you retain this confirmation number.

OH|TAX eServicesallows you to make Ohio individual income and school district income tax payments using one or both of the following methods:

  • Electronic Check: This payment method withdraws funds directly from your checking or savings account. There is no fee for using this payment method. Generally, your payment will be withdrawn within 24 hours of the date you choose for payment. You must ensure that the funds are in your account and available on the date you choose for payment. The payment will show on your bank statement as “STATE OF OHIO”.
  • Credit Card (Discover, VISA, MasterCard or American Express): This payment method charges your credit card using ACIPayments Inc., a credit card service provider. You cannot future-date a credit card payment. Your credit card will be charged on the date you authorize the payment. There is also a convenience fee of 2.65% of your payment or $1, whichever is greater. The state of Ohio does not receive any of this fee.

Note:If a problem occurs with your electronic payment (such as insufficient funds or incorrect payment information) that results in nonpayment or late payment, you may be subject to interest, penalties, and other fees.

No, you can not make multiple payments in one transaction.

You can authorize estimated Ohio individual income tax payments orestimated school district income tax payments in one session, but OH|TAX eServicesrequire you to complete each transaction separately. At the end of each transaction, click the Make a payment button to begin the next transaction.

Each transaction will have a separate confirmation code as verification of the payment. We recommend you retain each confirmation code.

OH|TAX eServices allows you to view payments you have made during the previous 61 months.

*NOTE: Any payments made before 09/05/2023 using the Online Services portal will not be viewable on OH|TAX eServices

To view the payments:

1. Log into OH|TAX eServicewith your username and password;

2. Under Payments and Returns tileon the left side of the page, click Manage Payments and Returns;

3. Select which Account (Individual Income Tax, School District Income Tax or both), Select Payments under show, select which Period you would like to view.

You are able to correct any errors prior to clicking the Authorize Payment button on the “Payment Authorization”(step 4) of the Ohio ePayment process.

Current-Dated Payments: Once you click the Authorize Payment button, the Department of Taxation is unable to make any changes to the payment or account information. If the payment was for the wrong tax year or school district, you may send a written request to transfer the payment via either of the following option:

  • Mail:
    Ohio Department of Taxation
    PO Box 182847
    Columbus, OH 43218-2847

Your request to transfer a payment must include all of the following information:

  • Your first and last name;
  • The last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN);
  • Your current address;
  • Your current telephone number;
  • The amount of the payment you want to transfer; AND
  • The tax year for which you intended the payment.

Additionally, if the payment being transferred is for school district income tax, include the school district number for which you intended the payment.

Future-Dated Payments: You may cancel a future-dated payment at any time the payment is in a “Pending” status. To cancel a payment while in a "Pending" status:

1. Log into OH|TAX eServiceswith your username and password;

2. Under "Account", click More;

3. Click the Scheduled Paymentsbutton;

4 Any payments that are future-dated will be viewable and you can also cancel here as weill.

The page will display a heading of "Pending Payment Status Changed" to confirm that the payment has been cancelled and will provide a confirmation number. We recommend you retain this confirmation number. You will also receive a letter confirming that the payment has been cancelled.

Once a payment moves to a “Processing” status, the payment cannot be cancelled.

You can elect to receive certain notices (such as forms 1099-G and 1099-INT) via OH|TAX eServices. When a notice is available, you will receive an email directing you to log into OH|TAX eServicesto view the notice.

During the registration process of OH|TAX eServices, you can choose to elect to receive notifications via email. This includes 1099s.

If you are already registered and have logged into your account, you may update your notification preference.

  • Under the Settings tab, click on the link beside Mail Delivery;
  • Here you may switch between paper mail or Electronic.

You are required to accept the terms of service to receivenotices electronically. To accept the terms of service, review and click the "I Accept" button at the bottom of the page. Simply registering your email will not automatically set you up for emailnotifications.

Note: Once you have elected to receive notices via OH|TAX eServices, you will not receive the notices by mail unless you deactivate this service.

Taxpayers with additional questions on this subject may contact ODT by logging into OH|TAXeServices and selecting "Send a Message" under "Additional Services" or by calling 1-800-282-1780 (1-800-750-0750for persons who use text telephones (TTYs) or adaptive telephone equipment).

Online Services (OH|TAX eServices\Electronic Payments\Transcripts\1099s) (2025)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Job: Sales Producer

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.