Fasting today...are vitamins or Emergen-C packets ok? (2025)

I’ve been doing a bit of research into health type stuff recently. My wife and I are in pretty good shape but we’ve been letting things slip a bit of late. Probably all the stress from the wedding, new business, buying a house, etc. It’s not that big a surprise that we’ve turned to food and booze to take the edge off! Oh, and the holidays don’t help. Seems like everyone is ready with a beer or some delicious eats that goes straight to your waistline.

But it goes beyond keeping the weight down. The holidays and cold weather can do a real number on you in lots of ways.

One of the things I’m going to try really hard to do this winter is not get sick again. I’ve been under the weather on and off for the past week and I’m bound and determined to put a stop to that. Luckily there are all sorts of resources that offer advice on keeping fit through the winter months. I’ve compiled a list of tips for those of you who, like me, want to get a head start on your healthy New Year’s resolution.

Thing you can do to take care of your body during winter

Drink in moderation. I know it can be hard, especially during the holidays, but the more you can limit your alcohol in take the less chance you have of getting sick.

Drink lots of water. A good idea for holiday parties is to substitute a bottle of water for every other drink. This cuts down on your alcohol intake and helps you get the extra water you need.

Wash your hands regularly. You’ll want to keep as clean as you can to avoid germs.

Keep your home and work space as clean as possible.

Avoid smoking. If you’re trying to quit, the winter months is a good time to start. Smoking (or second-hand smoke) greatly increases your chances of getting sick.

Take time out to relax. Try to keep some free time in your busy schedule for yourself. Winter can be stressful.

Get plenty of sleep.

Bitters for digestion. If you’re planning on eating a lot during the holidays you might want to try a digestive aid such as some kind of bitters.

Detox or cleanse. This might be something you want to wait until after the holidays to start. A good cleanse can really leave you feeling better. I’ve done it a few times and my energy level has gone way up after and I’ve just felt lighter. My advice is to start slow and see if it’s right for you. You can find a cleansing kit at most specialty markets or various places online.

Get a flu shot.

Take your of vitamins. Stress and long days and nights can really deplete your body and lower your energy level. Vitamins can help.

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Secret Facts on Curing Cancer! How Massage can be used to CURE cancer!!

Perfect skin.

Sixty-two percent of American women wear a size 14 or larger, so it?s no surprise that women are seriously looking at ways to Fast. Fasting, if done right can be fun. Fasting, if done for just 4 days, can greatly improve your health. Fasting is the safest way to loose weight. All you do is start drinking your own Perfect Skin Soup, and bingo!, you no longer feel hungry. Perfect skin soup. PSS is a soup created by your body. As water passes thru your lungs, heart, breasts and eyes, it picks up all the extra living cells in the tissue. Fastings for just 10 days on PSS can actually cure Breast Cancer. More on this later, but now, back to the Soup.

If you are pregnant, the water picks up powerful new embryonic stem cells, which if now recycled back onto your skin, can form a fresh new soft pink younger skin over your whole body. You will have skin as soft and pink as that of a baby. In fact, if you drink this water, containing the embronic stem cells, it will go inside your body and rebuild your eyes, breasts, heart, lungs and all the organs of your body.

Massage. Likewise, if you massage this PSS, your own perfect skin cell soup oil, onto your own skin for an hour each night, the living cells in the soup will pass right thru your old skin and create a soft new pink fresh skin over your whole body in one month. The secret is in the massaging the PSS oil into your skin for one hour each night. For reasons that are not yet perfectly clear, the massaging of this PSS oil, and it really does feel like skin oil as your rub it in, is the secret power. Then leave it on your skin and, bingo!, the next morning you will have a fresh new layer of living skin. It is amazing. It really will give you a new Zing in your skin.

The first layers will not be visible to the eye, but after a month of this layering, your friends will notice you skin as being more blemish free, softer, pinker and more vibrant looking. It glows. The best part of this whole process, is it is free. FREE. This process puts the power for you to rebuild your whole skin back into your hands. FREE. It just takes one hour of self massage each night for just one month.

Your skin too must be fed. By massaging this perfect skin cell soup onto your old skin daily, your replace and re-surface your old skin with fresh, new, softer, pinker skin.

As the pure water you drink washes thru your body, the water picks up skin and tissue cells from inside your breasts, eyes, heart, lung, liver and kidney. By now rubbing and rubbing and rubbing your own perfect skin cell soup on your skin, you will totally replace all the skin on your whole body.

This living skin cell soup is so powerful that it can totally heal even gangrene in 3 days. Think what it can do to brown spots, blemishs, skin tags and even scars. This skin cell soup has been used to totally replace skin damaged in fires. This is done by wraping a cloth soaked in your own perfect pee, around the gangrene or the burn, and then keeping it moist with fresh new pee for 3 days. In 3 days, the gangrene will be cured. All the green skin will be gone and a new softer, pinker skin will have replaced the dying green skin of the gangrene wound.

My face was totally burned. The skin over 90% of my body was totally destroyed when a huge tub of boiling water fell on my face and whole body. Doctors said my face would probably never recover. Today you can see only 3 scars on my arms & neck, and no trace of the total damage done to my face. At 65, I have the perfect skin of a 30 yearold movie star. It works wonders. PSS is the perfect oil for anyone, like Lisa Nash, who has been burned. Lisa Nash, the 46 yearold Internet marketing executive, was horribly burned in San Francisco when a PG& E transformer blew up in a fire ball that swept over her whole body. One year later she is well, but now her skin, especially her face skin needs nutrients. PSS is the Perfect Skin Solution oil for burn victims.

There is an excellent book on a free way to cure Breast Cancer, using just the Water of Life.

That is the name of the book, by Doctor John W. Armstrong, ...The Water of Life.... It can be found on the internet for a few dollars. Armstrong cured over 1,000 cases of Breast Cancer, using a 2 hour massages, twice a day, in which the woman, or her husband would massage their own perfect medicine, into the breasts of the woman. Yes, preventing breast cancer can be erotic and fun.

Massage is the Magic in Curing Breast Cancer!

The key part of using this water of life to cure breast cancer is to MASSAGE your own perfect medicine into your legs for 2 hours each night and morning for 1 month. Sit in your tub, with a foot basin of your own fresh perfect peepee. Put your feet in. Now massage your pee into the skin of your legs and breasts. It is key that you massage the pee into the skin for 2 hours. It will not work if you just let the pee sit on your skin. This is the discovery Doctor John Armstrong made. We have nominated Armstorng for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for 2008, for his wonderful discover. Hey, it is free and it puts the power to cure breast cancer in the hands of the woman. And her partner.

This massage has cured Breast Cancer, in 90% of the cases. The whole process takes about 10 days, and in some cases it takes 30 days. The beauty of Armstrongs amazing and free discovery, is that he was actually able to cure the breast cancer in 90% of the cases. Even if it is stage Four. I get calls from women every day asking if this really can cure stage 4 cancer. Yes. I do not mind the calls, but you should at least be doing the work for a week before you call.

To understand what the Water of Life is, you first must know what Amniotic Fluid is. That is the fluid you & I lived in, drank and developed in for the first 9 months. It comes from the mothers bladder. Yes, that is what Amniotic Fluid is. That is why babies skin comes out so soft and pink, from soaking in your mothers own holy water for 9 months. What is Amniotic Fluid composed of? It is made of exactly the same things as Mother Milk and blood. It is purified milk. It is purified blood. You have a base name for it, but it is the same as Mother milk, so get ready to take a sip of your mothers own perfect medicine.

The first step in the FREE Armstrong method is the easiest. The woman starts drinking 3 pints of green tea daily, or just water the day before she is ready to start treatme. That night she saves her pee in a gallon jug. The next morning she continues to drink green tea or water, plus then recycling all of her own perfectly fresh peepee. Question: do you have to drink it? Well, the treatment works much better if you do, but I suppose you could just massage it into your legs and breasts and it would cure the cancer, but it would work faster and better if you can drink on glass each morning.

People facing death from cancer tend to not be too squemish having to do this. Especially after they discover it is the same as Mothers Milk. Women who are fat, due to a lack of minerals, due to eating junk food, are facing death at an earley age. Fat will kill you. It is no joking matter. Most jokes today are made about fat people. Maybe it is cruel, but people who make these jokes are concerned. They just do not know what to do. It is not easy to stop eating food.

Here is the easist way to stop eating food.

Start drinking all your own Perfect Stem Cell Soup every day until you no longer feel hungry. If you dare to take this Pioneering trail to health, you will find it works. Just start drinking all your own Water of Life. Fill up your stomach first with PSS. In 2 days you will not feel like eating food. You have in effect, have launched your effort into Fasting without much effort. You can now cut back to one meal each day. Bingo! You have done it.

I know, I know! I was disgusted too, for the first day, but after I broke through the cultural taboo, about drinking from my own cistern, my own fresh beer-like drink, I was moving on, moving on to curing my own cancer. Peepee is not toxic. That is so hard for old people to understand. Women know this better than men, because they have had to change diapers. Peepee is totally safe to rub on your skin.

Get yourself a juicer. Peepee is totally safe to drink. What is the taste? It is like salt water taffy. It depends on what you have been eating. Sugar, wheat, pork and corn give peepee a terrible smell and taste. So quit eating junk foods that make it smell bad. Instead, drink fresh beet and carrot juice made with a juicer. It is an acquired taste. If you like warm beer, you will like warm p....

The next step is to switch your diet to mainly liquids, like beet/ carrot juice, vegetable soups and those fizzy packets of vitamin C drinks, like Ola Loa. Stop drinking fruit juices, as they are mainly sugar and cause cancer. Stop eating sugar, or any form of colas. Stop drinking coffee. Your new pink soft skin is worth the change. I teach a monthly class on how to do all this. The class is a fun event. I teach for an hour, then we have an hour of discussion. Then back to teaching. The class is 4 hours, at my office, near 7th and Bryant, in San Francisco. The class is limited to the first 20 people. The cost is $100. per person. The first hour is free. If you want to attend, please call me, 415-368-8581, and I will give you the address, so you can send a check.

The biggest crisis most Americans face is their medical bills. The lack of heath care in the US is caused by a lack of Freedom. As long as we are not free to practice medicine, we will be slaves to the rich powerful white men who control the medical field. Which is now owned by the Big Drug companies. We must get back our Freedom to practice Medicine, the same way were allowed to practice Freedom of Speech, freedom of Assembly, freedom of Press, to Petition Congress, and the freedom to practice Religion without an interference by the state. There is no license required for a person to Speak up against wrongs committed by the Police. There is no test required for a person to practice any form of Religion they want in their own business, temple or mosque. You do not have to have a state license to circulate a Petition to demand the CIA stop torturing prisoners. You should not have to have a license to be able to examine and diagnosis disease and treat people for cancer. We need millions of people who want to be doctors, to just open up a business and start treating people today. Do not go to medical school. Just start treating people, now, today, before they get breast cancer. I hereby authorize you to break your chains. You are now free to practice medicine the same way you practice freedom of speech. You are free. Thank Gandhi all mighty. You are free. The Salt Tax in India made people sick, because they could not just walk down to the sea and collect minerals from the sea for their soups. Salt water soup was a common soup in India, but the British tax collectors forbid people from taking water from the sea, unless they first had a license from the British Medical Association. People who could not drink mineral water from the sea became sick. Gandhi realized this Tax was wrong, so he lead a huge march to the sea to collect Salt minerals from the sea. We must now march against the AMA here in America and repeal the law that forbids the practice of medicine, unless you are a rich, white male. From this day Oct. 1st, forward, anyone may now practice Natural medicine without a state license. This is the best way to solve the Health Care Crisis in America. And the world. All power to Gandhi and the Gandhi Movement for freedom of medicine. In this way, we can put the power of medicine in the hands of everyone. Gandhi taught that the best way to provide free health care to all people is to allow all people to practice medicine without an interference from the government. Parasitic doctors feed on our slavery to a drug based form of useless medicine. A form of medicine based on lies and big money. I hereby declare you are all doctors. Go heal yourself. Go heal the sick. I hereby give you all Freedom to Practice Medicine without any license. First, do no harm. Second teach what you know to all who seek freedom. Third, provide free safe abortions to all women who seek an abortion, using Penny Royal Tea. You are now all doctors. Go forth and be sick no more. Millions live in this county without access to free health care. The First Amendment now says,: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of medicine, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. When you stop holding onto your chains, you will be free. You are not locked in chains. The AMA keeps telling you that you have no freedom to practice medicine. The AMA is wrong. But that AMA lie keeps you holding onto your chains. Let go of your chains! We are totally enslaved to oil Even most drugs pushed by doctors are made from oil because we lack alternatives like Natral Med which can naturally adapt The world will have burned up all the oil by 2020. Why burn up the oil we need to make plastics, medicine and paints. If we stop burning oil today, we will have enough to last until 2069. If we don?t change direction, we will end up where we are headed. The major cause of bankruptcy is medical bills! This crisis can not be solved by just paying doctors out of the state money. Single Payer Health care is part of the problem, not a solution, because it keeps us going in the direction of more and more money for oil based artificial drugs. We must find medicines to prevent disease that are based in nature. Natural based medicine must be adopted by the majority so we can change our direction, so we can avoid the crisis we can see coming of more and more people who do not have access to natural health care. Drug based health care will just make us all addicts. Addicted to oil based medicine is the problem. Our health care crisis was caused by a mistake made in 1789, when the Freedom to Practice Medicine was cut out of the Constitution by a bunch of stupid white Rich male doctors. That change was opposed by half the Congress and the Surgeon General, Dr. Ben Rush. But the stupid rich white men won the vote, by just one lone vote. We must correct that mistake if we are to ever have a chance of solving the health care crisis we now face in America. And the world.

I urge you to join me on a 10 day Fast of just water and urine if you want to do something about this Constitutional crisis. Defend the Constitution. Not only will your 10 day Fast to Practice Medicine Freedom, help bring back this First Amendment Right, but it will help you prevent and cure cancer. Once you do a 10 day fast, you will understand Natural Medicine. I am Fasting because I did a 4 day total fast on nothing but water and pee pee with Code Pink, their Troops Home Fast, from July 4th. It was great. I became healthier and was never hungry for food all 4 days. That is how you can tell if you are doing the Fast correctly, ie, with all your pee pee and a water chaser.

Can Fasting cure Cancer?

Hormone therapy, using Premarin Hgh pills, made from horse piss, increases risk of: Mental illness, Memory Loss, Alzheimers, heart attacks, strokes and Dementia, studies find. Your MD is trying to kill you!

Quantum leap forward. Are you ready to take a giant conscious leap into the unknown? Away from market drive medicine? Away from money driven medicine? Into truly FREE medicine?

Women should immediately stop taking any form of artifical hormone replacement therapy HGH, Prempro, Premarin, etc., all made from horse urine, advocated by most money hungry doctors, and switch to using only their own natural liquid human hormones. Prempro and Premarin, are both an artificial Hgh, made from dried horse urine. They both cause breast cancer, blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. Stop using all Premarin immediately! About 6 million women take these dried horse pee pills because someone, some MD, conned them into taking this very toxic junk.

Stop taking these weird artifical hormones soy bean plants too! They are not real human hormones. They cause cancer and memory loss. Stop using all hormones made from Soy. Is it time to get real? The only safe form of HGH hormone replacement therapy is for women to, use real human hormone. Get real human hormones from your own perfect skin cell soup. They are FREE.

This may take some serious thinking on your part. I have studied the use of HGH, hormone replacement, by humans for 20 years, before I could make the Big Switch to real human hormones. I now have been using them for 10 years. This will not be an easy discussion for most people. Yet it can be done FREE. Have I got your attention yet? By just collecting a glass of your own hormones, Yes, your own perfect pee pee, and rubbing their own innocent pee pee on the skin of your legs, you can get all the real human hormones you need. FREE. You must feed your skin real HGH every day to stop menopause.

Embryonic Stem Cells. Pregnant women.

Actually, the best source of HGH is from a young pregnant women. Their bodies are also producing the highest levels of Embryonic Stem Cells in the Amniotic fluid, because they are making a baby, so their pee would have the highest level of Embryonic Stem Cells. These are the type of Stem Cell that can become any form of tissue. They are the best for improving your skin. That is why a pregnant womans skin begins to suddenly look so good. They are totally plastic. They are not the low grade adult stem cell, from mere bone marrow, now in use. If you have a pregnant friend, who is under 30, she could be a gold mine for the Gold Standard Stem Cells. This would also create a business for young pregnant women.

They could sell their HGH rich pee pee. If they are not already recycling their own. Which they should be. However, many young women might not be willing to recycle their own pee pee. Most are probably not aware of the great skin health benefits from massaging their own Stem rich pee onto their legs. If they knew, they may prefer to use all their own HGH pee. Most are probably not aware of this yet. If you are an early adapter, you could get a jump on the market, if you have a young pregnant friend.

There is some similarity here with the pregnant mare situation. Should young pregnant women be selling their gold standard pee, to older women trying to replace their skin, look younger and live to 140? Yes and no.

A pregnant women could biologically afford to sell half her pee each day, drink half and and still be very healthy. Biologically that would work. It is like the question of giving blood. Should people give blood? Probably not. Especially, since people who need blood, are usually alcoholics getting a new liver, could supply more of their own blood if they would just drink all their own pee. Yes, pee becomes blood, in the body, in about 24 hours.

It is the same with Mother Milk. Over 100 years of research shows, that if a woman drinks her own pee pee daily for a week, the body can quickly convert her mineral rich pee into Mother Milk, increasing her milk production by 100% in one week. Of course, she must then continue to drink her own perfect pee every day to keep increasing milk production. Whoops. Now we are back to the Hobbs choice. Should a nursing mother sell her pee, or drink it? I vote for her selling half of it, if she needs the money. This would work best if the pregnant women lived in the house of the woman buying the fresh pee. That way deliver would be fresher. This would create a situation where a women with money, who wants fresh HGH could house a pregnant women, in a rental unit, for the last 8 months of her pregnancy. Hey, I like the way this business plan is developing. This could really help pregnant women in so many ways.

The Stem Cells produced by a pregnant women, are the most sought after types, the types banned by the Pope and the idiot Bush administration, derived from women who are pregnant. This means we now have a legal way to obtain these most vital of all Embryonic Stem cells, without anyone knowing where they came from, or who is using them. It is now just between friends.

Back to the Premarin causes breast cancer news story. This is a worldwide emergency! Women have been scamed into using dried horse pee as a hormone replacement by big drug companies. To read more about this, go to 720-406-7630. Women should also take 2 grams of the type of vitamin C, with minerals, like Ola Loa, hourly, to stop the hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and other symptoms of menopause. Just vitamin C alone will not work. You must also supplement with all 69 essential colloidal liquid minerals.

Devastating Avastin.

Genentech has a new drug out, Avastin, which will stop your cancer, by killing you. The operation was a success, but the patient diet. It can kill you by causing: seizures, brain disorders, holes in your nose, headaches, mental disorders and seven other disorders you do not want, Genetech spokes men said.

Since Avastin only kills you if you take the drug, do not worry. Avastin made $1.3 billion in sales last year, so the FDA has been bought off to look the other way if only 1% die. Hey, that is part of the cost of making money. Plus, if only 1% die, we can easily replace them with great TV ads. Doctors are funneling suckers to use by the thousands. Not to worry. Many of the disorders went away, 5 days after people stopped taking the drug. Then why even start taking such a dangerous drug like Avastin? Do you really need a brain seizure?

Michael Moores new movie, a comedy, called Sicko, about the dangers of artifical HGH hormone drugs, being pushed just for money, is right on time.

The movie will be in theaters by Jan 2007. I just saw it at the Toranto Film Festival. What a hard hitting, funny movie. Great stuff. Wyeths stock will be falling for the next year.

This is an example of a major health care issue that was caused by MDs, and can not be cured by MDs, because they are not trainned to think, or do real research. All most doctors do is follow orders from the Big Drug companies. The Drug Companies, like Wyeth, are causing cancer, heart disease and death, by pushing drugs.

Fasting. Can Fasting Cure Cancer?

Yes! My Self-cure. An ounce of experience, is worth a ton of arguments and book learning. Code Pink.

My first patient was myself.

It happened like this. During the war, I volunteered, at age ,for the Army. I was examined and rejected by 4 Army doctors as being too thin, having sciatica and a bad cough. I was told to get into a health program, gain some weight and get over the cough. So, I put myself under the care of a doctor, who advised me to eat better, get more sunlight, fresh air, more sleep and exercise. I did so for a year and gained 28 lbs. I still was not satisfied, so I consulted with another doctor, who told me I had a lung infection and needed a diet high in sugar and starch. I followed his prescription and soon had Diabetes.

The same doctor then put me on another diet of 3 pints of water for 4 days of the week, and then said I could snack for 3 days a week, but had to chew my food very carefully. This caused me to develop swollen gums and a swollen tongue. In addition I developed insomnia, became very irritable, yelling at friends without provocation, always felt nervous and paranoid. I was a mess mentally & physically. I followed the doctors prescription for 16 weeks. While it did get rid of my cough, sciatica and catarrhal conditions, but the cure seemed worse than the disease. The final upshot was, that after 2 years of these various treatments, I totally lost my faith in doctors, and began my own series of adventures in health care, against the doctors advise.

I will not prolong this story, by giving all the details, but suffice it to say, there came a time when feeling very weak and ill, I recalled the text in Proverbs V, which says: Drink waters out of thine own cistern. I felt this ment drink my own pee. Seemed logical, since Jesus said he drank his own pee for 40 days, on the first page of Mathew. A text, which in turn, reminded me of the case of a young girl from my town, that I had actually met and known, with diphtheria, whose father gave her cups of her own urine to drink every hour. He also had her rubbed her own urine on her skin each day. This treatment actually cured her of her diphtheria in 3 days. Her father was famous for this, in our town, for years. His daughter grew up to become a doctor.

In my weak state, I began remembering things I had heard in life about health. I remembered a case of jaundice, which I had seen cured in the same way. I was getting directions from my memories. My brain was working overtime.

I also remembered asking my doctor: How he could tell my lungs were diseased. He told me he found tissue from my lungs in my urine. I even remembered saying to him, in my then innocence: If I am losing vital tissue, lung tissue, through my urine, then why not have me drink the urine and replace these stem cells and lung cells in that way? To which he had replied: The organs could not assimilate the dead stem cells and dead lung tissues found in my urine. This, however, I have since proven, was nothing but a scientific misunderstanding and another medical fallacy. Stem cells are alive and well in your urine.

The lung cells and stem cells, found floating in urine, are not dead, just separated from the organ. The body can indeed re-absorb Stem cell, lung cells, breast tissue and eye tissue found in the urine, as an example, by rubbing it on the skin! As when gangrene is cured by rubbing urine on the wound, or by just drinking the urine containing stem cells, lung tissue, or eye tissue. Urine is like a living paint, rich in stem cells and all living organ tissue. The cells are not really dead. They are kept alive by the Amniotic fluid, the urine, the same way a baby is kept alive in the womb, as it floats in this hot tub of Amniotic fluid, from the bladder of the mother.

Did you ever wonder why a new born baby is so soft and so pink?

The baby comes out so pink, so soft and so healthy just because it has been soaking in Amniotic fluid from the bladder of the Mother for 9 months. Your bladder is your second Amniotic Sac, in which your living tissue, from your lungs, is stored, waiting for you to recycle your living lung and heart tissue back into the body. What are you waiting for? Please do not wait for some doctor, some god, to tell you it is OK? There is no money in this treatment. No doctor will ever give you an OK.

To test this idea, just treat any case of gangrene with a cloth soaked in urine for 3 days, and notice that this treatment will cure gangrene quickly!. Please see pg. 31 of the Water of Life, by John Armstrong.

Today, in 2006, there are more children in Iraq, dying of gangrene, than any other problem. Gangrene the Pentagon caused. One of the reasons I write this article, is in hope that this knowledge can reach even one child in Iraq, and save one child from having a leg amputated. Code Pink helped provide the leadership that lead to this article. Let us now try to save one child in Iraq.

We now know, the body can indeed repair: skin, liver, kidney, lungs, eyes and heart organs, just by recycling the stem cell tissues found in pee pee.

And here to digress for a moment. I grant that if is unwise to assert than, any given text of the Scripture denotes this or that. For many people read into the Bible wording exactly what they themselves wish to find there. Nevertheless, I believe that the text I have quoted, and many other also, refer to the science of the day, back in the time of Jesus, and in 1,000 BC, to the science as they knew it back then, of that vital liquid tissue, of how they used their own perfect medicine, their urine, which was all they had, which the body gives us, which is made by our own bodies, our internal pharmacy, having the innate natural healing ability to repair all skin, all tissue, and all organs: and I believing it, I acted in accordance with that belief, to find in the end that it proved out to be my physical salvation.

Fortified by my research, by science, as I understood it then, in 1918, when I did my Fast, and by my own faith in my own understanding of the science from 1,000 BC, and from what my mother taught me, when she cured my tooth ache with urine in 1891, I Fasted for 45 days, on nothing but my own perfect medicine, my urine and water.

I told everyone what I was planning to do. I did this as a precaution, so that I would have a circle of friendly support, if I needed it. Plus, as they say, Begin with the End in mind. By telling people what I was planning to do, I made a deeper commitment to myself to actually carry out the Fast. I knew I would have to break my fast eventually, so I had a plan for how I was going to spend my time on my Fast, and to break my Fast.

Before you begin a Fast today, in 2007, go buy yourself a good juicer and a large bag of beets and carrots.

To begin my Fast, I ate a normal breakfast and lunch the day before, but had no dinner, just carrot/ beet juice. I had been saving old urine in several amber gallon jugs for several months, planning this Fast, so I had a good supply of this perfect skin lotion for the massage aspect of my Fast. A daily massage is a key part of rebuilding your own skin, during the Fast. A Fast should be fun and make you healthier. A Fast should not be hard on your health or head.

The next day I began my Fast, by drinking all my morning urine, followed by a half of glass of water. I did not just drink the mid-stream, as some do. I saved and drank all of it. I kept a diary, a calendar and tried to just relax in the sun each morning and evening. It takes 3 days to acquire a taste for fresh pee. You can flavor it with a bit of Tumeric. The taste gets milder the longer you do it. Seriously.

I did some mild stretching exercise just to stay limber. I also did 20 minutes of Laughter Yoga daily, to keep my body producing Endorphins, which increased the amount of Endorphins in my pee pee, to help keep me happy. Does that rhyme? Happ-P. Laughter will also cure depression. Keep laughing. Laughing is a form of exercise. You do not need jokes to laught. Laughing is a great form of exercise when you are Fasting. Turn off the TV. I watched no TV duing my Fast. I took a 20 minute nap about noon each day.

As I went along with my Fast, friends, neighbors and family came by to visit me, at my small farm, to see and discuss what I was doing. I took each day as it came. I kept several empty pint amber bottles by my bed, so I could take a leak at night, without having to get up. This is one advantage of being a man.

Feed your skin. I would then save the night urine in amber bottles, with a cotton ball cork, to allow it to breath and age. Urine is a living tissue. It needs to breath. The aged urine I would then rub on my arms for 20 minutes each morning and evening. I would do this by sitting in my bath tub, with an inch of hot water on the bottom, for heat, put my feet in a large pan of warm urine and rub small amounts of old urine on a leg for 20 minutes. In this way I was able to feed and improve my skin daily. You get use to the smell of urine.

It is very important to feed your skin daily. Old pee is the best food for your skin. This is also a form of exercise. This process would take me an hour each morning, and an hour each evening, just before bed. This rubbing can be strenuous, so you need to switch from one leg to the next, when you get tired of doing just one leg. I had a few healing crisis in the first week. A headache lasted for a day and then went away, on its own. I had diarrhea one day. That cleaned out the years of encrustations I had developed inside my gut, stomach and colon. It felt really good to get rid of all those years of encrusted waste. I felt and was lighter.

My stomach got flatter each day after that. I was looking and feeling so much better each day. On day 4 I noticed I still was not hungry. Very curious, because I had never done this before. This was all just a new experience. I just kept going day after pleasant day. I was on my great adventure into understanding my body.

On the 11th day, even my doctor came by, and told me, that, Eleven days was the most any human could go on just urine and water. I of course ignored what my doctor said. He had always been wrong in the past. He was wrong again. And I proved it. So I just kept on drinking all my urine each day, with a half glass of water chaser, after each glass of urine.

Most of my friends were amazed by what I was doing. They were very supportive. It helped that I had told them all what I was going to do, before I did it. They kept coming by and encouraging me. I knew I was on the right track, because I was usually feeling fine.

When I got to 30 days, I though very seriously of breaking my fast, but my skin was looking so much better, and I was not feeling hungry, so I decided to just relax, and go with the flow, to see how far this adventure would take me. My wife told me all the big brown moles, some 30 moles on my back, had suddenly disappeared. They had apparently been falling off for the past week. She was amazed and curious. Onward I went.

Spiritual support. On the first page of Mathew, it talks about how Jesus Fasted for 40 days, while walking on the desert, drinking only the water from his belly. Probably because that was the only thing wet he had to drink. I am not religious, but I do look at the Bible as some sort of historical record. I figured I could do the same thing Jesus did, because what it is written he had done was just part of the scientific record of human history, from that period.

So I eventually made it to 40 days, and still did not feel hunger. Even if friends brought over soups and salads, by for me to use to break my fast, I just thanked them for their concern, and told them to bring me the soup next week, to see if I was ready to break my fast.

How to break your Fast. If you are blood type O, as I am, you can eat some raw red meat. Blood type A and B, should only break their Fast with some sort of vegetable soup.

I finally broke my Fast on a small amount of raw beef, and though it gave me no discomfort, beyond a ravenous hunger, I none the less ate cautiously for a time, eating mainly egg soups, fish soups, vegetable soups for the next 3 days and continued to drink all my own urine, noticing that it changes in temperature, quantity, taste, depending entirely on what I ate or drank, and on the amount of exercise I did. To this day, I still drink all my urine each day. By doing so, I feel less hungry and so can usually feel fine on just one meal each day.

At the end of this treatment I felt and was an entirely new man. And I was. My face skin was a new soft pink skin. My skin was now free of most blemishes, and even old scars and skin tags went away.

The new soft pink color of my new skin was the most striking thing. I actually looked younger too all my friends. They were the first ones to notice the new pink skin of my face and arms. I now weighted a normal 140 lbs, up from my sickly 110 lbs, I had been 2 years before. I was full of vim and vigor. I looked about 11 years younger than I actually was, and had a new skin like that of a young girl. The most amazing change in those 45 days of Fasting was the skin on my face and arms. I had a totally new skin over my whole body, but especially on my face.

I did not see this coming. But when I noticed the new skin on my face, I was shocked. It was a new baby pink skin everywhere, especially on my face. And I am a man. My face is not suppose to look like the skin of a teenage girl. It was a great new change for me. I had this new pink skin over my whole body. That one change alone was well worth the 45 day adventure. I was thirty six at the time, and now, as I write this article, am over 60. By just drinking every drop of the living water that I have passed over the last 20 years, living on a diet that is correct for my blood type, and never eating more food per day, than I considered the body requires, my health has improved greatly. I can now go on just one meal a day. I feel great.

I look and feel much younger than most men of my age, especially since the color & softness of my skin is now so pink. My face looks like that of a teenager. I feel pretty. Silly thing, for a man to say, but I do appreciate all the compliments I get on my skin and how I look younger. At a theater I went to, I told the clerk I was, 65, a Senior, and wanted a Senior ticket, and he did a double take. He looked at me, said I looked 40, I thanked him, and he sold me a Senior ticket.

Since I ended my Fast, many of my friends are now Fasting, and they come to me to ask them to guide them. Which I do. One of the advantages of telling all your friends you are planning to do a Fast, is it gives you strength to continue. Plus when you are done, they know they now have someone who can them help guide them through their adventure in healing. An ounce of experience is worth a ton of book learning. For the rest of my life, I intend to drink all my urine daily, because I feel less hungry, when I do, so I can usually feel satisfied on just one meal each day. Plus, I want to maintain this new fresh pink skin I have. It is fun to grow a whole new skin. I now also take one of those vitamin C fizzy packets of Ola Loa, each hour, to try to extend my life beyond age 100.

This article is based on an article written by John W. Armstrong in 1944, after his actual 45 day Fast, and an actual 45 Fast, by Paul Kangas, from July 4, 2006, to Sept 26, 2006, in the Code Pink, Troops Home Fast. I am proud to say I could not have done the 2006 Fast, as long as I did, with Code Pink, if I had not read the life story of John Armstrong, and then had the leadership of Code Pink, to kick my butt into gear in 2006.

Thank you Code Pink. Your name now has a double meaning to me: because your Fast caused my skin to become more Pink, more soft and new. Code Pink taught me a cure for gangrene. Code Pink is a cure for the green skin many children in Iraq have, because of war wounds, and are loosing dozens of legs and arms every day, to gangrene, or dying of gangrene every day, from internal bullet wounds.

How can we get this knowledge to the children of Iraq? There are only 10 degrees from you & me in the Code Pink Fast, to the children in Iraq. I hope this knowledge gained by this Code Pink Fast can reach the children of Iraq & save one child one leg.

My goal is to have one child in Iraq thank Code Pink for saving one leg from a Gangrene amputation. There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come. I hope we can do another Troops Home Fast next summer in 2007. I am sorry we will have to, but we will.

Is all this necessary?

Did you see the news stories, 9-16-06, about all the hospitals nationwide, that are closing, or closing their emergency rooms, due to going bankrupt, due to over use by illegal immigrants, and other who refuse to pay for services? Yes, you now must become your own primary care provider. The US is now in a war zone.

I never use hospitals, because most of the services they provide are too barberic. Sure, they can fix a broken leg. Or if someone with insurance, hits your car, and you are injudred, you do have to go to a hospitals to be seen by a doctor, to protect your right to sue, but for most problems, you are better off treat yourself, going to a Chiropractor or a drug store. For get hospitals. Now you have to understand your own health care needs.

Even if a Democrat is elected President in 2008, the war for oil will continue. Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL) will not stop if a Democrat is elected. The President must follow orders from the Pentagon, or he will be assassinated. That is the lesson from 1963. We have money for war, not for real, natural health care. The US is now a war zone. None of the candidates running, supports our First Amendment Right to Practice Medicine, without a state license, just like we have the Right to Freedom of the Press wihtout the need to have a license, and practice Religion wihtout a state license. Under the original First Amendment, you actually had the Right to Practice Medicine without a state license. Go read the Original version. We lost that Right late one night, because George Washington was drunk. The revoultion continues, until we win back that Right too. We are winning.

Having been involved in the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, which President Kennedy order stopped, I too realize that Bush killed JFK, just because JFK refused to follow orders from the Pentagon and the ruling class to invade Cuba. Bush killed JFK because JFK stopped the 1961 invasion of Cuba. Stop the new 2006 Chritmas invasion of Cuba! Please address comments to me labeled: Fast.

Selenium cures cancer.

It has been known, and verified for about 14 years now, that selenium cures cancer, since Biologist, Dr. Will Taylor discovered that, in the West African nation of Senegal, the soil has a very high level of organic SELENIUM. That means the grains and vegetables grown in this selenium rich soil can actually prevent and cure cancer. By testing the blood of people in Senegal, Dr. Taylor discovered the reason people in Sengal get very little cancer or aids: they have very high level of Selenium in their blood, from the food they eat. American food is very low in Selenium, especial Marin County California. You can buy high quality Selenium, very cheap, at any health food store. By taking 3,000 mcg, daily, that is micro grams, a very tiny amount, you can cure most cancers. Not all, but most. This fact has been published in over 1,000 articles and books in the last 10 years. For a list of the top 10 books, go down to our list of sources below. Just google the question on the internet: Does Selenium cure cancer. You will get hundreds of sites. None as clear as this one, but they will agree.

Check Out - http:/

Flash! Fri Aug 1, California has just passed the best anti cancer Legislation ever written. The law orders California to reduce green house gases by 25%, by 2020. Perfect. There is a real desire by the majority to fight cancer by stopping global warming, by taking toxics caused by coal burning out of the air.

The new law will be critical to reduce green house gases worldwide over the next 20 years. This will reduce cancer by 10% worldwide. California is again leading the way for the world in the war against cancer. In actual fact, Holland and many European nations have better laws and make more efforts to stop air pollution from industry and cars, but because California is such a huge economy, this amounts to a quantum level shift in the worldwide effort to stop global warming and cancer. I cite Holland because they use more bikes per 1,000 population, than any other country in the world.

China would do well to design more cities, like Leiden, Holland, where a person can live without a car all their life. In Leiden, the birth place of Rembrandt, you rarely need to use a car, because, it is flat and you can easily walk most places, they have a great mass transit system, canals allow many people to travel by small sail boats, and boat taxis and car taxis are everywhere. I love Leiden. We should all celebrate what California has just done, by only riding bikes or taking the bus for for the next month. We can not ask others to be responsible, unless we first act responsible. Ride a bike daily. That gives you the authority to tell the president of PG & E to stop polluting the air. Walk. Stop driving cars. Those who ride bikes for a month can have a real impact on the war on cancer.

Al Gore should be very happy that his movie, An Inconvient Truth, probably had a key impact on influencing the final vote on this new law. Is Al Gore making a run for Governor of California? Al Gore just registered to vote in California.

Back to Selenium. You can cure your cancer, just by taking 15 selenium pills daily for a year or 2. You can do the same thing I do, just by going to any local health food store, or drug store, and buying a bottle of liquid, or pill form, of SELENIUM. It will cost you $9. Just take 15 pills a day, and you can cure your cancer. I like the liquid selenium, because it is odorless, colorless and tasteless. Selenium will prevent cancer if you start taking 500 mcg daily, before you get cancer. It is great for people who have a hard time swallowing. Parents can put it in their babies bottle to insure their baby does not get brain cancer.

Selenium works best if you take 5 pills a day before you get cancer. The bottle will say, take only 1 pill per day, but that is way to low to prevent cancer. The FDA requires them to say that, but it is not true. Instead, start with 15 pills daily, for a month, just to be safe, then drop down to 5 pills a day. I take 15 pill each morning with breakfast, and have for 10 years. I feel fine. You can safely take up to 15 pills daily for 6 months. The only side effects are your toe nail will get a little wavey after 6 months of this much. If that happens, just cut your dose in half.

There is no money in this treatment to cure cancer, because SELENIUM is so damn cheap. For this reason, the media and the medical profession ignore selenium.

There are numerous books on the fact that Selenium can cure cancer. Go to Yahoo and punch in Selenium cures cancer. You will find a dozen sites that agree. Hey, it is a cheap wat to prevent and cure cancer, and you do not need a doctor. You are your own best doctor. It is totally safe.

There is an excellent book on a free way to cure Breast Cancer, using just the Water of Life. That is the name of the book, by Doctor John W. Armstrong, ...The Water of Life.... It can be found on the internet for a few dollars. Armstrong cured over 1,000 cases of Breast Cancer, using a 2 hour massages, twice a day, in which the woman, or her husband would massage their own perfect, fresh pee, into the breasts of the woman. Yes, preventing breast cancer can be sexy and fun.

The Massage is the Magic in Curing Breast Cancer!

The key part of using pee to cure breast cancer is to MASSAGE your own perfect pee into your legs for 2 hours each night and morning for 1 month. Sit in your tub, with a foot basin of your pee. Put your feet in. Now massage your pee into the skin of your legs and breasts. It is key that you massage the pee into the skin for 2 hours. It will not work if you just let the pee sit on your skin. This is the discovery John Armstrong made. We have nominated Armstorng for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for 2008, for his wonderful discover. Hey, it is free and it puts the power to cure breast cancer in the hands of the woman and her husband.

This massage cured their Breast Cancer, in 90% of the cases. The whole process takes about 10 days, and in some cases it took 30 days. The beauty of Armstrongs amazing and free discovery, is that he was actually able to cure the breast cancer in 90% of the cases.

The first step in the FREE Armstrong method is the easiest. The woman starts drinking 3 pints of green tea daily, or just water, plus then recycling all of her own perfectly fresh peepee. People facing death from cancer tend to not be too squemish about this. I know, I know! I was disgusted too, for the first day, but after I broke through the cultural taboo about drinking from my own cistern, my own fresh beer like drink, I was moving on. Pee pee is not toxic. That is so hard for old people to understand. Women know this better than men, because they have had to change diapers. It is an acquired taste. If you like warm beer, you will like warm ....

You may remember the 21 yearold man in Utah, who, in May 2004, was lost in a desert canyon, in Blue John Canyon, when a 1,000 lb. rock fell on his right hand, and he was trapped for 6 days with no food or water. He eventually cut off his right arm with his pocket knife. While he was doing that, he lived on just drinking his own pee pee for 6 days. Plus, he lost 50% of his blood, while he was cutting off his own arm. Then he walked 20 miles to a hospital. O.K., if he could live on just pee pee for 6 days, so can you.

My point is this, part of the treatment for Breast Cancer involves, the patient not eating any solid food. Just drinking pee pee and water for 10 days. A great way to loose weight and cure Breast Cancer. I just finished a 4 day fast, with Code Pink, on nothing but recycling my own perfect medicine. What is the lesson Dick Gregory, Code Pink and Paul Kangas learned from Fasting? You can live on far less food than the TV would lead you to believe. After I broke my Fast, I now live on just one meal daily. I have a breakfast of sardines and an egg. That is all. I continue the Fast, by drinking all my own perfect warm beer each day. I make it. Why not drink it? My Fast continues.

Next month, I will do a 20 day fast drinking only Green Tea, those fizzy vitamin C drinks, Ola Loa or Emergen-C, and all of my own pee pee.

The other steps in the Breast Cancer cure, are doing urine massages for 2 hours, twice a day, plus urine compacts, on the Breasts. Read the book, "The Water of Life", by John W. Armstrong. Hey, the treatment is free. It just takes 2 hours a day, and the full cooperation of your husband or partner.

Breast Cancer case notes of Dr. John Armstrong.

Case #1 Laura A., a 42, blood type A, Irish, diagnosed with breast cancer by her own doctor, referred to a specialist, who confirmed the diagnosis. Surgery was advised, but only a faint hope of cure was offered by the doctors because her breast cancer was so advanced. She felt no pain from the large cancer growths. Patient, on her own, refused surgery strongly advised by her doctor, refused chemotherapy or radiation. Patient instead, came to me & ask me how she could treat herself, using free, safe, urine therapy. I had been treating people, for various diseases, for the past 10 years and she liked what she heard about my success. She began by sipping 3 pints of pure, mineral water daily, stopped eating all solid food, and recycled all her fresh urine daily, by drinking it all.

As I suggested, she did massages of her whole body, using her own perfect urine, for 2 hours each morning, then again just before bed. At bed time, she put urine compresses on most of her skin for the night. I told her to do this, because in my experience, her skin would want to drink the hormones & peptides from the urine to fight the breast cancer. She achieved a complete cure of her stage 4 breast cancer, by using this method of massaging urine onto her skin for 2 hours, twice a day. She came to see me recently, 1941, and is still alive and well, 21 years after our first treatment. From: The Water of Life, John Armstrong, pg 44.

By sipping water all day long, you cause your body to manufacture stem cell tissues, which are stored in the urine. By then massaging the natural solution of stem cell tissue onto your skin, you can actually paint it onto the skin, so that it re paints the skin, to make the skin smoother. Your body also manufactures these Peptides and Hormones that are stored in your pee. By drinking your Pee, you sent repair paint down into the stomach, to repair the stomach, colon, blood and all areas that are be wearing out. When tissue gets "rusty" it gets attacked by cancer viruses. Do not let your tissue rust.

Re paint it daily, by drinking your Pee daily. To uneducated people this sounds disgusting. Once you understand that pee is actually a Formular 4x Super Food, you will realize it is Gold. The best way to understand this whole new science, is to start by doing it, by rubbing it on any mole, wart or skin blemish. Once you see what it can do on your skin, you will want it back into your whole system. Pee can repair your whole system.

What is wrong with Market Driven Medicine? I will answer that question next.

Case #2. Hilary K., Nurse, 69, English, blood type O. She had nursed over fifty cases of breast cancer in the course of her professional activities. She had long ago vowed she would never do surgery, radiation or chemotherapy if she developed cancer.

She was one of the many in the know, from the suffering & early death she had witnessed, that however painful a growth may be before an operation, the pain is mild compared to what is experienced after the operation, when the cancer recurs. When I first examined her, the growth extended from both breasts right over both shoulders. It gave her little actual physical trouble. She had not consulted a doctor about it, but one day when she had the flu, while a doctor was examining her, discovered her condition & the doctors said he felt that it was already too late to operate. In his best bedside manner, he gave her 10 days to live!

The case then came into my hands, because the Nurse heard of my natural urine treatments for cancer & many diseases. I put her on a short, 10 day water & urine fast. I then put her on a diet that was correct for her blood type, plus, liquid, plant derived colloidal minerals, plus all her own perfect urine daily.

I urged her to stay on this diet for the rest of her life. No effect on the growths was observed, but the general health & spirits of the Nurse improved in an astonishing manner. The growth never gave her any more pain or trouble. She later retired to a seaside place to live with a relative.

She did not continue to follow the urine therapy, due to the daily ridicule her relative heaped upon her, after they found out she was massaging her breast with her own fresh urine daily. Otherwise, she lived quite happily there, for the next 6 years, without any pain, until she came down with the flu. She saw a local doctor, who gave her a powerful drug for her flu & she died 2 hours later from the drug the doctor gave her.

This case was unsatisfactory, but it shows, what many doctors maintain, that if growths are not cut, or treated with drugs or radiation or vaccines, they do not necessarily grow into cancer and so kill the patient, and may even cause no trouble. This case also shows the value of life style changes, ie., using urine, & the danger that can happen if a person abandons a free natural cure for the flu & cancer, due to insensitive criticism from friends and family.

Case #3. Mrs. R. (1923), age 43.

She looked and was anemic, under average height, below normal weight, and had a lump about the size of a hens egg in one of her breasts. Diagnosed as breast cancer by Dr. George Rabagliati, and an immediate operation urged, but she firmly refused to undergo the knife.

As I suggested to her and her husband, she Fasted on just pure water, 3 pints daily, and she drank all of her fresh warm urine. Her husband was a great help. He rubbed from head to toe with his own fresh urine for 2 hours in the morning, and 2 hours each night, just before bed. At bed time, he applied cloth packs soaked in his old urine, over her whole body, so her skin could absorb the peptides all night long. In the daytime he kept cloth packs soaked in his old urine on top of her breast all day long. Her husband was a real hero.

He had heard about my methods, so he had started saving all his urine for a month before they came to me, so they had saved gallons of aged urine, which is best for massaging into the skin. She was cured of her breast cancer in 10 days. One of my best cases. See page 41, The Water of Life, Armstrong.

Restoring Memory. Case #4. ( 1924 )

Here is how Dr. Anderson restored the memory of a Male patient, Richard, age 60, gray hair, so arthritic he could not walk across the room, and bald, blood type O. The Medical verdict was Richard had only a few weeks left to live. This all started when Rich, a vegetarian, tried to cure his Flu by drinking lots of fresh fruit and fruit juices. After 10 days of eating fruit, he had two paralytic seizures. The first seizure scared him. The second seizure he totally lost his memory, and appeared to be in the final stages of life, called Dotage, acting as if he was dying, though he was only age 60. His doctor said there was nothing more he could do to help. The MD gave him a few weeks to live. His wife, Elizabeth, was very upset that he could not remember who he was, or who she was. See pg. 89, The Water of Life. Richard was brought to me by his wife Liz. I decided to try to help him.

I explained to his wife that she needed to start rubbing his body with HER own pee pee, every morning. Rub pee into each leg for 20 minutes. Upon waking, collect all of his fresh urine. Put it in a baby bottle and have him drink from it from each hour. Plus have him sip 3 pints of water daily. Plus start saving all his pee today, in an amber bottle, with a cotton plus, because pee is a living tissue, so it needs to breath. Save a whole gallon of his pee for one month. Use old pee to rub on his head and ears. For some reason, old pee is better for the skin, than fresh pee. It makes skin smoother than fresh pee.

Each morning, put 20 drops of his own fresh warm pee into each nose and each eye. Then rub each arm with month old pee for 20 minutes. Then massage month old pee into his back and head for 20 minutes. Feed him all his own fresh urine each day for 60 days. Finally, rub pee into his trunk and face every 20 minutes. This whole process takes 2 hours. His wife, Liz, was a real heroine here. She kept rubbing his whole body, 2 hours each morning and 2 hours each evening, just before bed, plus feeding him all his pee for 59 days. He seemed to be improving greatly. So much, he wanted to each food. So he broke his fast for 10 days, a fortnight, and began having a breakfast of steak and eggs.

Even after the 59 day Fast on just water and pee, he did not feel hungry for more food than just one meal a day. He was feeling so good, he wanted to continue the Fast again. So for the next 35 days he quit eating any solid food and began drinking all his pee. What is pee? It is actually just like Mother Milk. It is made of the same peptides, proteins, hormones, minerals and vitamins. That is why people who drink all their own pee daily do not feel hungry.

Richards memory retuned totally, during the first 20 days of the first Fast. During the second Fast, his body healed his Arthritis totally. Urine is a total food, just like Mothers Milk. Just like blood. It can repair and re-build every tissue in the body. The urine totally rebuilt the cartilage joints of his knees and all the joints of his body. He could walk again without pain! It was great to see Richard back on top of his own life, at age 60.

The kicker was, his hair came back in the next 2 months, not gray as it had been when I first met him 3 months ago, but dark brown, the same color it had been when he was age 20. The trick was, his wife Liz, kept rubbing old urine on his head and trunk. Richard was smart. He continued drinking all his own fresh pee daily for the rest of his life. He live to age 95, in fact out lived Dr. Armstrong. His memory remained sharp up until the day he died. See page 90, The Water of Life.

The reason urine seems to work to cure breast cancer, is because it contains: peptides, proteins, hormones, stem cell tissues and over 69 essential skin nutrients, that when rubbed and massaged into the skin for 20 minutes, on each leg, arm or breast, for a total of 2 hours, the stem cells rebuild the skin. Think of it this way: if you can repair skin tissue by rubbing urine on your face and breasts, what would happen if you were to drink a glass every couple of hours and let it sit in your stomach. It will repair all the tissue it comes in contact with.

Kidney Disease. Can urine be inserted into your Fartster to apply it to the Kidney?

Yes. According to Burton Goldberg, The Voice of Alternative Medicine, has now begun applying urine into his lower colon, with a syringe. He found this works really well to repair his Kidney. He just collects a glass of his own perfect urine, then asperates 50 cc into the syringe and then squirts it up into his Fartster. Burton is successfully treating his Kidney Disease applying urine to his kidney this way. Great work Burton.

It takes an only 2 hours a day to prevent cancer. You, yes, YOU, can prevent cancer. You have more power to cure your body than any doctor.

You are your primary health care expert. However, once you have Cancer, it is a full time job, 10 hours a day, treating your Cancer. No MD can cure your Cancer, as well as you can cure yourself. Especially if you take selenium daily before you get Cancer.

If you want to avoid Cancer, spend one hour a day taking Selenium, and other supplements, and reading this website. Study. It is not hard to Prevent Cancer, it can be done. Study this site. We will all die of something, but Cancer can be defeated. We have declared War on Cancer. Join our movement. We can defeat Cancer in your body in 2006. Defeat Cancer before you get it.

What is the best thing you can do today to prevent cancer? Rev up your bodies electrical system.

Your whole system depend on a good flow of electricity to all parts of your beautiful body. Your nerves carry electricity around your whole body. Each nerve passes through the spine bones. When you knock one of your spine bones out of place, it may cut off the flow of electricity to your heart or lungs or a leg. Most people knock a spinal bone out of place once a month and never realize they have done it. It may be painless, at first. That dislocation will cut off the flow of electricity to your lungs, or some other part. That lack of electricity will cause that part of your body to stop functioning at its top speed, and slowly die. Has any MD every told you that your bodies electrical system can do much to prevent cancer? Probably never. MDs are useless at preventing cancer. That is why 25% of MDs die of cancer, before age 50. Follow the leader? Whatever an MD tells me to do, I do the opposite. Why? Because I want to live beyond 50. The average MD dies at age 57. Sure one or two make to 74, but most die at 57. Show me an MD who lived to 100? You can not find one. Why? Ask Michael Moore. Go see his hillarous new movie on how MDs kill themselves and patients by poisoning them, burning them to death in cancer wards and slashing them to death in surgery. Funny, bloody stuff. You will be entertained, once again, by Michael Moore. Did you enjoy his first 4 movies? If so, you will really dig this one. This movie, SICKO, is Michael Moores best movie ever!!

BL Fisher Note: For the past six months, representatives of autism advocacy organizations have been working with Congress on federal legislation which will allocate nearly one billion dollars in congressional appropriations to autism research and educational and social service support for autistic children. Some of the autism advocacy organizations represent parents who believe their children's autism was vaccine-induced and other advocacy organizations either take no position on the hypothesis that autism is vaccine-related or disagree that vaccines play a role in development of autism in some children. On August 3, 2006, the Combating Autism Act (S. 843) was passed by the U.S. Senate. It still must pass the House and then be signed into law by President Bush.

According to Shelley Reynolds, co-founder and president of Unlocking Autism, who has been working on the legislation, "Politics is a tricky business. Sometimes things must be positioned in a certain way to get the end result passed. It is a constant procedure of negotiation until the bill is signed into law. In this case, the word vaccine had to be removed from the bill itself and substituted with the less inflammatory word, "environmental." Senator Enzi assured the organizations concerned that he would submit what is called a colloquy when the bill was passed that would define that the intention of the use of the word "environmental."

Below are statements by Senators Enzi (R- WY) Rich Santorum (R-PA), Edward Kennedy (D-MS) and Christopher Dodd (D-CT) made on the floor of the U.S. Senate on Aug. 3 explaining the intention of the language in the bill. Colloquy of Sen. Enzi, Santorum, Sen. Kennedy, and Sen. Dodd Senate passage of S 843, Combating Autism Act August 3, 2006 Mr. ENZI: Mr. President, I rise today in support of S 843, the Combating Autism Act. I?m pleased to note that the Senate will pass this bill today. This legislation, which was recently reported out of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, focuses on expanding autism spectrum disorder research and coordination at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It also increases awareness of autism spectrum disorder and its symptoms through the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Additionally, the bill integrates our various health, education, and disability programs that serve individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorder and ensures that the community of people affected by this disorder have a voice in all of this. No one knows exactly how many individuals are affected by autism spectrum disorder, but some studies suggest it could be as high as 1 out of every 166 American individuals. But there are many things we do know about autism spectrum disorder. We know we need to begin intervention as early as possible to help individuals with autism spectrum disorder reach their full potential. And given the importance of early intervention, we need further research into the possible causes of autism spectrum disorder. We need to understand more about the various forms of autism spectrum disorder to improve our ability to provide the right kinds of intervention and support. And, we need to provide better integration of the health, education, and disability programs already available to meet the increased demand for these interventions, supports and services. I believe the ?Combating Autism Act? is an important step toward addressing these needs and finding some solutions that will improve the lives of individuals and families whose daily lives have been turned upside down by autism spectrum disorder. This bill is the result of a tremendous amount of work across party lines. I want to thank the original bill cosponsors, Senators Santorum and Dodd for introducing this legislation and for working with me to fine-tune it. I would also like to express my deep appreciation and thanks to the Ranking Member, Senator Kennedy, for his hard work during this process. Of course, in providing thanks to the members, I would be remiss if I did not mention the staff. Specifically, I want to thank Jen Vesey with Sen. Santorum; Jim Fenton, Ben Berwick, Tamar Magarik, and Elizabeth Hoffman with Sen. Dodd, and Caya Lewis with Sen. Kennedy?s office, as well as my staff ? Steve Northrup, Aaron Bishop, Tec Chapman, Martina Bebin, and Shana Christrup. I also want to thank the various groups and individuals who work on behalf of individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorder. I appreciate the way in which this community of advocates has come together to work with me and my colleagues on this. If they had not worked together so well -- with each other and with us as our Committee worked on this bill -- I doubt we would be here today. Mr. SANTORUM: Chairman Enzi, first let me express my sincere gratitude to you and your staff for investing so much time and thoughtful effort in this important legislation, as well as thank Senators Dodd and Kennedy, and their staffs. Few things are more important than the health and happiness of our nation?s children, and the Combating Autism Act will go a long way to helping those diagnosed with Autism live up to their full potential. We have a tremendous opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of children with autism and their families. This federal investment will lead to better understanding of autism, increase awareness, diagnosis and intervention - all things that will make a profound impact on families struggling for answers and hope. Autism raises complex and emotional issues. All of us who worked so hard on this legislation sought to keep the primary focus of the bill on autism research and awareness. However, in addressing the key issues within S 843, some have raised concerns regarding a potential link between vaccines, vaccine components (such as thimerosal), and autism. Mr. Chairman, can you clarify your position on this issue? Mr. ENZI: I?m happy to do so. In 2004 the Institute of Medicine?s Immunization Safety Review Committee concluded that the body of epidemiological evidence ?favors rejection of a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism spectrum disorder? and also

?favors acceptance of a causal relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism spectrum disorder.? The IOM committee also found that ?potential biological mechanisms for vaccine-induced autism spectrum disorder that have been generated to date are theoretical.? However, the IOM committee also acknowledged that ?Absent biomarkers, well-defined risk factors, or large effect sizes, the committee cannot rule out, based on the epidemiological evidence, the possibility that vaccines contribute to autism spectrum disorder.? The IOM committee also noted that ?experiments showing effects of thimerosal on biochemical pathways in cell culture systems and showing abnormalities in the immune system or metal metabolism in people with autism spectrum disorder are provocative,? and suggested that ?the autism spectrum disorder research community should consider the appropriate composition of the autism spectrum disorder research portfolio with some of these new findings in mind.? I agree with the IOM committee?s recommendation that ?available funding for autism spectrum disorder research be channeled to the most promising areas.? The HELP Committee reported this bill without making the determination for the autism spectrum disorder research community of what are the ?most promising areas? for investigation. Instead, the bill reported by the HELP Committee contemplates key research activities, including environmental research, that focus on a broad range of potential contributing factors, with meaningful public involvement and advice in setting the research agenda.

However, I want to be clear that, for the purposes of biomedical research, no research avenue should be eliminated, including biomedical research examining potential links between vaccines, vaccine components, and autism spectrum disorder. Thus, I hope that the National Institutes of Health will consider broad research avenues into this critical area, within the Autism Centers of Excellence as well as the Centers of Excellence for Environmental Health and Autism. No stone should remain unturned in trying to learn more about this baffling disorder, especially given how little we know. I also want to note that this broad statement is appropriately limited to biomedical and not epidemiological research. Although S 843 provides for specific centers of excellence to examine epidemiological issues related to autism spectrum disorder, there is currently no expectation that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should further pursue additional epidemiological research regarding the link between autism spectrum disorder and vaccines or vaccine components, unless new biomedical research provides additional information about specific at-risk subpopulations. At this point, given what we know and what has already been done in this area, no new epidemiological research is required.

Mr. SANTORUM: I agree with your comments, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for clarifying, and again for all of your hard work on this legislation. Mr. KENNEDY: I also agree with your comments, Mr. Chairman. Mr. DODD: As my colleagues are well aware, the prevalence of ASD in the U.S. is 10 times greater than a decade ago. In my own state of Connecticut, ASD diagnoses have increased by close to 1100 percent since 1993. What these numbers tell us is that ASD diagnoses are rising at truly alarming rates and we simply must provide more answers to all those affected by this devastating condition. We must also create a larger pool of experts in the field so that families can be directed to nearby specialty clinics for confirmation of diagnosis, care and services. Waiting lists at the nation?s top developmental disability centers are as long as 2 to 3 years, and families are often forced to travel far from home to receive needed care and to participate in clinical research studies. Increasing the number of trained physicians and allied health professionals who can provide a medical home for individuals with ASD will enable all those affected to receive the optimal and timely care that they deserve. It is my sincere hope and expectation that by expanding the federal response to ASD and other developmental disabilities through the Combating Autism Act, we will see improved research on ASD, including its causes, and families across America will get the services they so urgently need.

In our search for the cause of this growing developmental disability, we should close no doors on promising avenues of research. Through the Combating Autism Act, all biomedical research opportunities on ASD can be pursued, and they include environmental research examining potential links between vaccines, vaccine components and ASD. NVIC E-News is a free service of the National Vaccine Information Center and is supported through membership donations. NVIC is funded through the financial support of its members and does not receive any government subsidies. Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Co- founder. Learn more about vaccines, diseases and how to protect your informed consent rights at Most people who get lung cancer do not even smoke! That is shocking, but true. Why did they get lung cancer? I think you now know the answer. One of their spinal bones was out of place since they were 9 years old. They may have been hurt in a car accident. Or fallen down a flight of stairs. Being young, everyone assumed they were not hurt bad. Being a kid, most people ignore kids if they say their back hurts a little. You will get over it. Right? Wrong.

The flow of electricity to their lung was cut back. Just a little. The lung got weak. The lung was attacked by a virus. Bingo, cancer at age 30. Go ask any Chiropractor if this happens. She will probably be amazed that you even asked such an intelligent question. Just like you need your teeth checked every 6 months, you need your spine checked every 6 months. I go once a month, just to keep it straight. How often do you have your car tuned up? Most people take better care of their car than they do their kids, or even their own body. Get on the phone right now and call your nearest Chiropractor referal service: 415-368-8581. Give them your zip code and they will give you a great doctor who can check your spine and make your body hum better. Avoid cancer.

Hot New Comedy movie:

Michael Moores has another exciting new Movie: SICKO!

A comedy about how your favorite doctors kill 3,000 Americans each day! Calling Doctor Kildare. They are not my doctors, because I never go see an MD. Can you name 5 better forms of doctors that are safer to go to? Think: DC, Chiropractor, ND, Naturaopaht, Acp, Homeopathic, Iridologist and Ayurvedic. The movie opens in 2006. When we get a more exact date, we will post it here. We will know before any other site. We have an inside contact.

Do MD doctors really kill babies? Sounds impossible, but that is correct, the women & men in the clean, starched, white jacket kills 3,000 innocent Americans each day, by giving them the wrong doses of Chemo, the wrong surgery, the wrong drug, and using X-ray that causes brain cancer, etc. That is why Michael Moore made this hot new movie. Is Michael Moore the new Sinclair Lewis??

Doctors & the media have the majority buffaloed into believing they can cure or treat disease. Doctors will tell you they can replace a hip joint better than Mother Nature can. Doctors are wrong. Your body can heal itself, if you take the right minerals and even replace hip joint cartilage, if you just eat gelatin. Few doctors will tell you how to Prevent joint loss. Michael Moore has declared WAR on the Big Drug Companies and the army of bloody MDs who murder more people each hour than all the WARS in the world. Yes the insane U.S. & Israeli war for OIL is bloody and murdering thousands of innocent babies, just for OIL, but the MDs of the US alone kill more people in one day, 3,000 people each day, in the US alone.

Have you ever heard a MD laughingly say, The OPERATION was a success, but the patient died. Every MD loves to repeat that joke. They call it stress release. Or gallows humor. Most MDs only realize they do not know what they are doing, when their own child dies. Or their wife. That is how Doctor Semmiwise was shocked into realizing something was terribly wrong. When several doctors delivering his baby, killed his new, young, wife of 1 year, he suddenly woke up to the terrorists hiding behind the white jacket. Most doctors lie. They know they do not know what they are doing. They just hope they can con you. And it is very funny to watch them lie, looking you straight in the eye, smile, and lie to you.

Worse, doctors now give our children more than five times more , than we did 10 years ago. It is very funny to see how evil doctors treat children. Yes, this is black humor to say it is funny. But, in a sick way, it can be very funny to watch doctors kill our children, while they claim they are really just helping the child. It is a double edged sort of humor. Huge amounts of children have been put on psychiatric drugs. Would you give your child cocaine? The DEA classifies the ADHD drugs in the same class as cocaine. This is all so sick. Yes. That is why Michael Moore made this dynamite new movie: SICKO.

The best way to stop this creation of a new generation of drug addicted children, is if a few smart parents sue their doctor. Many parents will not believe this situation until a doctor kills their child. Or they see the movie Sicko. Yes death by doctor is funny, in a sick kind of way. A lot of doctors are going to be sued, as soon as this movie hits the silver screen. Watch and see. Yes it it sick, in a hilarious kind of way.

Yes, our nice, polite, white male doctors kills 3,000 American each day, and they do it all just for the money. And with a big smile. And they make $300,000. a year doing it. Yet nobody is in the streets protesting this mass murder! Why?? And who is making the big money off this mass murder? Could it be the Big Drug Pushers? Go see this shockingly funny new movie SICKO. You will laught until you die. We are offering free tickets. Read below on how you can win 2 free tickets. Who is the real SICKO?

New reports from England show even many doctors now believe vaccinations cause Autism, Cancer and death in babies and children! Experts call for a one year end to all vaccinations, until further investigations can determine the facts. Parents, immediately STOP giving vaccinations to your babies. Read the report on page 3 here.

A Scary Warning About Soda Pop Soda drinkers, beware! Consume too many fizzy drinks and it could raise your risk of esophageal cancer, which is usually fatal.

A research team from Tata Memorial Hospital in India found a strong relationship between the rise in per capita consumption of carbonated soft drinks in the past 50 years and a documented increase in rates of esophageal cancer in the United States, reports Reuters. Since 1946, consumption of carbonated beverages in the United States has risen a staggering 450 percent from 10.8 gallons per person each year to 49.2 gallons for each person by 2000. It may not be a coincidence that over the past 25 years, the rate of esophageal cancer has increased by more than 570 percent in white American men--and killed almost all who were afflicted with it.

The Indian researchers think this isn't a coincidence, citing a biological basis for the increase in esophageal cancer cases. Soft drinks cause the stomach to distend, which in turn causes the gastric reflux associated with esophageal cancer, reports Reuters. The United States is not alone. Similar trends were found worldwide. Other countries with a per capita annual consumption of at least 20 gallons of soft drinks also had a rise in the rate of esophageal cancer. "The surprisingly strong correlation demonstrates the impact of diet patterns on health trends," study leader Dr. Mohandas Mallath said in a prepared statement. Here's another reason to pay attention to how much soda you drink. It's what you drink--and not what you eat--that packs on the pounds. That's the surprising news from researchers at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health in Chapel Hill who determined that, on average, we're consuming 83 more calories a day from caloric sweeteners than we did in 1977. And 80 percent of that--66 calories--comes from soft drinks and sugary fruit drinks, reports HealthDayNews. If you think 83 additional calories a day isn't that much, think again. If you were to consume an additional 10 calories a day, in one year you would have gained a pound.

What is the best thing you can do today to prevent cancer? Learn to use Silver solutions. There is a lotion made from silver, by Home Cure, 800-559-2873, ( www. home, that may help prevent skin cancer. I use it on all my children and myself to prevent and treat skin cancer. We also all drink 1 oz. of the silver solution daily to boost their bodies electrical system.

Your whole system depend on a good flow of electricity to all parts of your beautiful body. Your nerves carry electricity around your whole body. Each nerve passes through the spine bones. When you knock one of your spine bones out of place, it may cut off the flow of electricity to your heart or lungs or a leg. Most people knock a spinal bone out of place once a month and never realize they have done it. It may be painless, at first. That dislocation will cut off the flow of electricity to your lungs, or some other part. That lack of electricity will cause that part of your body to stop functioning at its top speed, and slowly die.

Most people who get lung cancer do not even smoke! That is shocking, but true. Why did they get lung cancer? I think you now know the answer. One of their spinal bones was out of place since they were 9 years old. They may have been hurt in a car accident. Or fallen down a flight of stairs. Being young, everyone assumed they were not hurt bad. Being a kid, most people ignore kids if they say their back hurts a little. You will get over it. Right? Wrong.

The flow of electricity to their lung was cut back. Just a little. The lung got weak. The lung was attacked by a virus. Bingo, cancer at age 30. Go ask any Chiropractor if this happens. She will probably be amazed that you even asked such an intelligent question. Just like you need your teeth checked every 6 months, you need your spine checked every 6 months. I go once a month, just to keep it straight. How often do you have your car tuned up? Most people take better care of their car than they do their kids, or even their own body. Get on the phone right now and call your nearest Chiropractor referal service: 415-368-8581. Give them your zip code and they will give you a great doctor who can check your spine and make your body hum better. Avoid cancer.

Kiss for 30 Minutes: Surprising Benefit! Go on and pucker up with the one you love. A half-hour of smooching reduces the body's allergic reaction to pollen, according to Japanese researchers at Satou Hospital. How? Kissing relaxes the body and that reduces the production of histamine, the chemical that is released in response to allergens and then causes the airways to swell shut, report The Boston Herald and the Glasgow Daily Record. The study: Twelve couples, all of whom suffered from hay fever, participated in this small study by kissing while listening to relaxing music for 30 minutes. At a different time, the same group just cuddled for a half-hour.

The results: Blood samples that were taken before and after the kissing sessions showed significantly lower levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE), which prompts the release of histamine and triggers hay fever and asthma symptoms. "The results indicate for the first time that kissing may alleviate allergic responses," lead study author Dr. Hajime Kimata told the Glasgow Daily Record. What about cuddling? It didn't have the same protective effect from allergies. The Boston Herald reports that scientists found similar results in another group of patients with dermatitis, a skin condition triggered by allergies. Who needs allergy shots or a medication when you can just kiss?

Scared UK Docs Won't Charge Wakefield

"The General Medical Council has indicated that it will not proceed with charges against Dr Andrew Wakefield, who first suggested a link between the triple jab and autism. Dr Wakefield has been strongly backed by the parents of autistic children allegedly damaged by the vaccine, who refused to condemn his actions when interviewed as part of the inquiry. Last night the families claimed the investigation had been used to discredit his work and prevent further study into the risks of the vaccine." - The Daily Mail, UK

BL Fisher Note: It has been eight long years since British gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield, M.D. and colleagues from the Royal Free Hospital in London published an article in The Lancet urging further scientific investigation into the possible link between MMR vaccine, inflammatory bowel disease and autism in some children. Ever since, Wakefield has been subjected to a vicious personal and professional smear campaign at the hands of public health officials and medical doctors in Britain, the U.S. and Canada, who have no tolerance for scientific investigation into the biological mechanisms for vaccine injury and death.

Britain's General Medical Council (GMC), which is the equivalent of a self annointed Medical Supreme Court, has publicly been conducting an "investigation" for the past two years into whether Andrew Wakefield should be convicted of "professional misconduct" and have his medical license taken away. For the sin of trying to prevent healthy children from regressing physically, mentally, and emotionally after MMR vaccination into autism, the GMC has been determined to make sure he cannot find ways to help autistic children recover from MMR vaccine induced autism.

Now, at the eleventh hour, just before Andrew Wakefield was to have his day in court and publicly defend himself against nearly a decade of baseless charges by those seeking to silence him, the doctors in charge of the GMC have put their collective tails between their legs and run. Just like a common street bully, who blindsides an innocent with a sucker punch in the dark, doctors inside and outside of government and industry are too chicken to stand ground and fight in the light of day. The GMS has apparently figured out it won't stand a chance fighting Wakefield under the bright lights of the media it has duped and exploited in order to hide the child victims of one-size- fits all vaccine policies that end up targeting the genetically vulnerable for sacrifice.


How to tell if you are developing Cancer, long before any doctor can tell if you are developing cancer.

Bowel Movements. One of the first signs you are developing cancer, is you have less than three bowl movements daily. That means the toxic waste products, from your digestion, are stuck inside your colon. It would be like if the exhaust from your car had a leak, and the exhaust was going inside your car, poisoning you and your family, before it went out the windows. To increase your rate of bowl movements, start taking 2 grams of vitamin C hourly. You should have at least 3 bowl movements every day. They should be loose, very loose. It should not come out in hard turds! It should flow out like honey or molasses.

What kinds of vitamin C works best? Those little packets of fizzy vitamin C drinks, like Ola Loa, which also contain minerals. Another one is Emergen-C. Those drinks are a balanced, neutral form of vitamin C, so they do not upset your stomach. In the 1960's, Linus Pauling use to drink 2 grams of straight vitamin C powder every hour as an experiment. While he was able to prove that much C taken every hour would extend your life by 30 years, he also proved that straight vitamin C is hard for some people to take.

That is why Dr. Richard Kunin, probably the foremost expert on vitamin C therapy alive today, now recommends using minerals with the vitamin C. Buy a product that contains at least 30 minerals in the vitamin C drink. That way you get both the water you need every hour, the minerals and the C. Pauling lived to age 94. Can you do better? I will live to 140, because I learn from Pauling how to add 50 more years onto my life span of 90. Both my parents lived past 90. Let us have a race. I bet I can make it to 140 before you can. Most MDs die about age 57. That is the average life expectancy of the average MD, according the the AMA records. Race your doctor to the grave. Tell your doctor you will outlive him by 50 years. See what he says. He will not understand the concept. He who laughts last ....

Toe Nails. Look at your toe nails. They should be pink, smooth, thick, and tough. If they are thin, you are not taking enough organic Selenium. Run immediately to a health food store and get a bottle of Selenium. Start taking 3,000 mcg of Selenium daily, all at once, with breakfast. Selenium is one of the most powerful anti Cancer minerals there is on Earth.

Go Natural. Do not paint your toe nails. Do not cover up the evidence. You want to be healthy, and not just look good. Women who paint their toe nails get Cancer 4x times as often as women who do not paint their toe nails. Why? Because they can not see the Cancer coming. Your toe nails are like a computer screen that looks inside your body. Do not cover up your computer screen with paint. I know! I know. Everybody does it. That is why almost everybody is getting Cancer. They are kept blind to the evidence until it is too late. Would you rather look good and be dead at 60, or would you rather look great and feel sexy at 100. Take a look at my body. I look great and am fully functional at 65. From the way I feel now, I convinced I will be able to get an erection until I am 99. Maybe longer. I take 3,000 mcg of Selenium daily. I take 2 grams of mineral ascorbate vitamin C hourly.

Asset Protection. What is more important to you, your money or your health? Billionaire Ken Lay is dead at 62, from heart disease, because he put more value in the mineral gold, and money, that he stole from his employees, than he did in the mineral Selenium. Protect your most important asset, your health. He who laughs last, laughs best. Lay is dead. You and I are still laughing at the fools who put money first. Yes, you should value the mineral gold and money, but you should invest in your health first. Hide your assets in your body. Buy Selenium. Hide that mineral asset in your body. Take Selenium. The real gold of the future.

How to survive during the Bird Flu epidemic.

You will need to survive for 50 days without any contact outside your house. The epidemic will probably not happen, but it is usually better to be safe than sorry. Plan ahead. Avoid the panic.

Look at the people of New Orleans, who did not believe the Mayor, when he told them to get out of town on a bus. Now in Aug 2006, when Huricane George Bush hits New Orleans, all will understand and leave, when they are told to leave. New Orleans is built below sea level. It cannot be rebuilt where it sits.

Those who advocate rebuilding New Orleans are putting People in harms way. It must be moved to higher ground. The same goes for Sacramento, California. The ocean will rise 20 feet in the next 20 years due to global warming. All flood plains are going back under water. Especially New Orleans. This may be an uncomfortable thought, but it must be done today. In the next 20 years, 100 million people will be forced by floods to move, worldwide, because too many cities are built, too close to the oceans, on flood plains. Holland does not allow houses to be build on flood plains. That is where they grow tulips and food. Holland is smart. New Orleans is stupid. Why wait for the next flood? If the governor of California and Lousiana want to be remembered in a positive light, for the next 100 years, they must make some hard choices and move those 2 cities to higher ground. Today. They must set a good example.

It will take a year to move each city. This is a difficult truth for most people to understand, but we must learn to see the facts of a rising ocean.

When the Bush crime family (Prescot Bush, 1938 ) hired Hitler to attack Moscow, the Russian people moved Moscow 100 miles East, to protect the government from Bush & Hitler. The movie, An Inconvenient Truth, by Al Gore on Global Warming, is the most scientifically accurate movie ever made. Do not ignore this reality. Move New Orleans today, 7-11-06, or Mother Nature will drown it. Did you know that Bush hired Hitler? Read the hidden history of the Bush crime family.

I predicted the Bird Flu was a hoax in 2005, and sure enough, now in 2006, we are seeing it only killed blood type B people, who eat & work with chickens. Same goes for Global Warming. It is real & can not be stopped as long as people drive cars. We must rebuil our cities so we no longer need cars. There is only 20 years of oil left in the world. Stop driving cars.

Back to the Bird Flu. Here is how you can protect yourself in 2006. Buy a bottle Pro-Biotics. This is the same type of friendly bacteria you find in yogurt. Take one pill each morning before breakfast. This good bacteria will protect you from the bad Bird Flu. Also, start taking 2 grams of vitamin C hourly. The best form of vitamin C to use is a neutral form, that is balanced and contains minerals, like those little fizzy packets, like Ona Loa. Buy a box and take one each hour. They also suppress hunger, so you do not feel a need to eat food every hour.

Rev up your bodies electrical system. Your heart and whole system depend on a good flow of electricity to all parts. Your nerves carry electricity around your whole body. Each nerve passes through the spine bones. If you knock one of your spine bones out of place, it may cut off the flow of electricity to your heart or lungs or a leg. This will cause that part of your body to stop functioning at its top speed, and slowly die. During a flu epidemic, you do not want your lungs to be cut off from electricity. The way you can improve the flow of electricity in your body is to get a spinal adjustment, once a month from a chiropractor. Even better, send your daughter to Chiropractic school.

Store 50 lbs. of brown rice & 50 gallons of water in gallon jugs, or in your bath tub. Get on the internet. Be prepared to do your job from home for 3 months. Start a second job selling things on E-Bay. Get a solar cell to charge your cell phone & computer. Move to higher ground.

Smart people will survive.

Eat right for your blood type. Blood type B people are alergic to chicken. A bird. Stop eating chicken today. The people who survive the great plague of 1918, were people who raised lavendar, made tea from lavendar, made oil from lavendar. Read the book, Eat Right for Your Blood Type. Turkey is actually a bird that does not carry bird flu. All blood types can eat turkey. Do not trust anything your MD doctor says. They will want to vaccinate you with mercury, which will give you Autism. Read the label. Vaccines are poison. Read this whole site, we have researched the best NEWS on how to prevent & survive. Tell a friend about this free site. All your friend has to do is go to Yahoo and put in the name Paul Kangas, to find us.

How would you like to learn 16 free ways to Prevent cancer?

Cancer can be totally prevented, in most cases. You will learn from people who are 50, 60, 70, 80, & even 110 years old, who have never had cancer, because they practice these cancer prevention methods daily. Cancer survivors are mainly those who have never had cancer. You can not really call someone who had cancer and then is still living, a cancer survivor. Most people who get cancer, and get treated by MDs, die in 6 years. What would you rather be, someone who got cancer and was treated, or someone who never got cancer in the first place. Those of us who prevented cancer are the real cancer survivors. Join us.

It is no secret what prevention can do. Doctors try to keep these free forms of cancer prevention secret, but we reveal all of them to you, free, so you can stop cancer before it grabs you. Free.

Here are the first 3 free, or low cost Cancer Curing Secrets you will learn here:

Massage your lymph nodes in your neck each day, for 5 minutes. They may feel sore at first. As you rub them, they will get more fluid and feel better each week. By keeping track of your Lymph nodes, you can prevent cancer.

Use minerals like selenium. How much? How often? Will eating right for your blood type actually prevent cancer? What is AUT and how can your body diagnosis & treat cancer faster & better than any doctor?

What animals are immune from CANCER? Do any animals get Breast Cancer?

Actually, most animals produce about 2,000 mg of vitamin C hourly, so for this reason, they are immune from cancer until their liver stops functioning. The liver of most animals makes 2 gm. of vitamin C minerals ascorbates hourly, except for fruit bats, hense their name & diet. Also some gorillas, guina pigs, and humans. Cow never get Breast Cancer! Only humans get Breast Cancer. This is due to a defect in the genes of these animals. No MD knows that 99% of the animals on the face of the Earth are immune from CANCER. Why is that? You can not show me one doctors who knows this fact. I challenge you to show me a single doctor who has ever written an article stating that most animals are immune from cancer, prior to 1990. You can't find such an article. The doctors are not doing their home work. They are not serious.

Nature always provides a solution,

To help us with our evolution,

It seems clear to me we need vitamin C,

To combat excessive mercury pollution. ---P. Holford

What are the 16 best forms of cancer treatment, including Breast Cancer, available to you today? Why doctors only want you to use the 3 most expensive and least effective forms of cancer treatment. Do they really want you to keep coming back for expensive office visits weekly? Which blood types get the least amount of cancers? How you can make your body bullet proof against most cancers.

Can dental fillings cause Breast Cancer?

Breast Cancer. Great new research from Europe points to mercury dental fillings as the major cause of Breast Cancer.

In 93% of the Breast cancer patients examined in Europe, they had mercury fillings on the same side of the body as the Breast Cancer.

Breast Cancer. This new research was just released in the US. The researched, Burton Goldberg, The True Voice of Alternative Medicine, who documented this new research in Europe will be speaking on April 22, 23 & 24, at 10am, in San Francisco at 8th & Brannan, the New Age Expo. His full report is now available on a new DVD, for free. The DVD is 90 minutes showing 9 new Breast cancer treatments. For a copy, e-mail Ask for the Breast Cancer DVD. Breast cancer & brain tumors can now be cured in 90% of the cases. We are winning the war against Breast Cancer.

Women who had a single mercury/ silver filing on the right side of their jaw, had Breast Cancer on the right side. This was found to be true in 93% of the cases. Women who had not mercury filings, or even better, had a full set of dentures, had no Breast Cancer.

What animals do not get Cancer?

Most animals do not get cancer, because their livers make about 2 grams of mineral ascorbate vitamin C hourly! This means humans can totally prevent cancer by taking 2 grams of vitamin C hourly.

New article here: Treating cancer with vitamin C injections.

See the new book, "Vitamin C, Infections Diseases, and Toxins", by Dr. Tom Levy, MD, JD.

You can now inject yourself with vitamin C solution, thanks to needle exchange groups make needles available over the counter, at Walgreens and most drug stores, for $0.50 each. Your local nurse can teach you how to inject yourself. By injecting vitamin C weekly, you can totally prevent Cancer and flu. Yes, including bird flu. You can buy the vitamin C solution already prepared at a pharmacy. Defend yourself. Do not wait for the government. Under the First Amendment, you have a Right to treat yourself. Injections work 10x better than taking vitamin C by mouth, to prevent Cancer.

Boy is Awarded $43.1 Million: The 7-Year-Old's Settlement Comes Under a National Vaccine Compensation Program. By Julius A. Karash, The Kansas City Star, Mo.

In what is thought to be one of the largest such settlements ever, a quadriplegic boy has been awarded $43.1 million under a government vaccine injury program. Seven-year-old Mario Arturo Rodriguez, who once lived in Kansas City and received a vaccination at Children's Mercy Hospital, will receive the money under a settlement reached this week through the no-fault National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Mario's case alleged that he became a quadriplegic after receiving a measles, mumps and rubella vaccine at Children's Mercy Hospital's pediatric clinic on Jan. 25, 2000. The hospital was not named as a defendant in the lawsuit. Under the guidelines of the program, the litigation was filed against the Department of Health and Human Services. Kansas City attorney Leland Dempsey, who represented Mario, said Thursday that it was his understanding that the settlement was one of the biggest ever reached under the program.

"One unusual aspect of the case is that Mario is expected to have a normal lifespan, and therefore will require more years of care that will cost more money," Dempsey said. "He will need round-the-clock care, including extensive medical intervention, throughout his life." Treating liver cancer with urea

Dempsey said the money will be paid over Mario's lifetime, probably beginning with about $2 million this year. The boy lives with his mother in Oak Harbor, Wash., he said. Bill Hall, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, said Thursday that he was not familiar with the case and therefore could not comment. According to statistics on the department's Web site,, in fiscal year 2006 the fund paid out a total of $38.2 million in cases involving 47 awards.

The program was established in 1988 to ensure an adequate supply of vaccines, stabilize vaccine costs and establish an accessible forum for those injured by vaccines. A small percentage of children have serious reactions to vaccinations. Dempsey emphasized that Mario's injuries are highly unusual and that parents should not hesitate to get their children immunized against diseases. "I can't imagine that anyone would refrain from getting their child immunized," Dempsey said. "It would be irresponsible." To reach Julius A. Karash, call (816) 234-4918 or send e-mail to

Letter from Michael Moore:

Friends, Just a quick note to let you know how things are going. Back in February, I asked if people would send me letters describing their experiences with our health care system. I received over 19,000 of them. It was truly overwhelming as we literally took a month and read them all. To read about the misery people are put through on a daily basis by our profit-based system was both moving and revolting. That's all I will say right now.

We've spent the better part of this year shooting our next movie, "Sicko." As we've done with our other films, we don't discuss them while we are making them. If people ask, we tell them "Sicko" is "a comedy about 45 million people with no health care in the richest country on earth." But like my other movies, what we start with (General Motors, guns, 9/11) is not always what we end with. Along the way, we discover new roads to go down, roads that often surprise us and lead us to new ideas -- and challenge us to reconsider the ones we began with. That, I can say with certainty, is happening now as we shoot "Sicko." I don't think the country needs a movie that tells you that HMOs and the pharmaceutical companies suck. Everybody knows that. I'd like to show you some things you don't know. So stay tuned for where this movie has led me. I think you might enjoy it. At this point, we've shot about 75% of "Sicko" and will soon begin putting it together. It will be released in theaters sometime in 2007.

And if you don't hear much from me in the meantime, it's only 'cause I'm busy working. I realize that my silence doesn't stop the opposition with their weird obsession for me! It seems like not a week passes without my good name being worked into some nutty news story or commentary. (I have to say, though, I did enjoy Tom Delay blaming me and Ms. Streisand for why he had to resign from Congress!) I hope all of you are enjoying your summer. If you're near the state of Michigan later this month, I'll be putting on the second annual Traverse City Film Festival in Traverse City, Michigan. I've personally selected 60 or so movies that I love, many of which did not get the notice or distribution they deserved. Others are brand new independent movies and documentaries that I hope will find a large audience when they are released. The film festival will take place in this beautiful town in northern Michigan, from July 31st to August 6th. Appearing in person with their films will be David O. Russell ("Three Kings"), Lawrence Bender ("An Inconvenient Truth"), Terry George ("Hotel Rwanda"), Larry Charles ("Borat"), plus Jeff Garlin, Jake Kasdan, and other filmmakers. We're also going to show every feature film made by the greatest American director of all time, Stanley Kubrick. Joining us in person will be his executive producer, Jan Harlan, and actors Malcolm McDowell ("A Clockwork Orange") and Matthew Modine ("Full Metal Jacket"). We'll also be presenting a special salute to films made in Iran (a sort of "Let's get to know them first this time!" effort).

If you'd like to see the entire list of films, click here. Tickets go on sale today (July 7) at noon. To purchase your tickets (all seats $7), click here or call 231-929-1506. Last year we had 50,000 admissions, and we expect most films to sell out early this year. Well, that's it for now. Bush has quietly closed down the special section of the CIA that was devoted solely to capturing Mr. bin Laden, so we can all rest easy now. I wonder who his next scary evildoer will be. A fearful nation awaits its marching orders, sir! Yours, Michael Moore P.S. Don't forget to visit my website which I update every day with all the news the Bush stenographers (a/k/a "Mainstream Media") fail to put on page one.

Treating liver cancer with urea.

Probably the best way to prevent and cure cancer is by taking organic selenium daily. Your body has a need for selenium daily. If you do not supply your body with all the essential daily minerals, you will get cancer.

The body has NO need for sugar or drugs offered by your doctor to treat cancer. There is no minimum daily requirement for sugar. There is a minimum daily requirement for selenium and all 69 essential minerals.

Selenium can now be purchased in an odorless, tasteless, clear liquid. One company that makes it is: www. NutriCology .com. It is easy to drink, because it has no taste or smell. Great idea. This makes it easy to give to kids. Or people who can not eat. I have no financial interest in the company.

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Nov, 2005 by Wayne Martin Artemisinin: from... Gingival bleeding:... What can you say about... Heliobacteriosis

Dear Editor, I was more than pleased with the review by Alan Gaby, MD that was in the Townsend Letter in the July 2005 issue, on treating liver cancer with oral urea. He had told of a report by Professor Evangelos Danopoulos of Athens Greece that was in Clinical Oncology in 1983. I made contact with Professor Danopoulos in 1975 and we became dear friends until his death in 1995. In June of 1985, I had a phone call from a patient with colon cancer, Paul C of Singapore. He had had surgery for colon cancer and a large metastasis was found in the liver. His doctor had told him that he could be given chemotherapy which would do but little good and that he should expect death in six months.

I sent him 5 lbs. of urea from BioTech in Fayetteville, Arkansas by air. He took 15 grams of urea a day for one year and he was living a normal life with no symptoms at all. He had put 15 grams of urea in a quart of water and had divided the quart in seven equal portions, taking one portion every hour and a half during the waking day.

He thought that his doctor (MD) would have an interest in his good fortune. His doctor did a liver scan and the tumor was the same as it had been a year before. His doctor said that this proved that urea was no good. So his doctor secretly called Customs to ask them to seize shipments of urea from the USA. Nice doctor. ( Doctors are trained to lie, cheat & steal.) Paul called me in great distress and I called Mallencrodt Chemical Company in St. Louis. They had an office and warehouse in Singapore. He could buy urea in Singapore.

He took urea for four more years and in 1990 a liver scan showed that the tumor was gone. He stopped taking urea then. I last heard from him in 2000. He was cured of his liver cancer.

In 1986, I had a call from a woman in Australia, R.E.V. who had breast cancer with a liver metastasis. She also had swelling in the area of the liver. Her oncologist told her that urea was a deadly poison. ( Doctors are taught to lie.) She found a woman doctor who called Danopoulos by phone. She took urea and she wrote that the swelling had subsided.

Here is a report by Danopoulos in Clinical Oncology 1983, 9, pp 89-90. Here was a hopeless patient with rectal cancer. The patient had a large tumor mass in the pelvic area. The rectum was blocked with many metastases in the liver. A colostomy was done. A 15% urea solution was infused into the colon through the colostomy tube and the patient was given 15 grams of urea each day. This treatment went on for a year at which time the patient was free of cancer. ( Can cancer be cured? You be the judge. The FDA & doctors will lie to you as they steal your money and tell you, "You have 6 months left to live. Give me all your hope and your money.")

New research shows, the main cause of brain cancer seems to be dental x-rays. Over 80% of the people who get dental x-rays develop brain cancer. People who get no dental x-rays get no brain cancer. Do you suppose their might be a connection? Dentists are trainned to lie and pretend dental x-rays are safe. Obviously, they are not. If you have received over 1 dental x-ray in 5 years, you are in grave danger. Stop taking dental x-rays. Start taking selenium daily, to counter the danger of the cancer. Do not panic. Just start taking your selenium. Find a dentist who will tell you the truth. Most will not.

Vaccines are unnecessary to prevent cancer if you take 15 selenium pills daily. That is about 3,000 mcg daily. Those are Micro grams! That is a tiny, tiny amount. Notice, it is not milligrams.

Parents need to teach by doing, to inspire their kids to take 15 selenium pills daily, so as to prevent cervical cancer in young girls. Just pretend they are peanuts when you pop down 15 pills with breakfast. Easy. Vaccines do not work. Prevention does work. If you believe in Prevention, then grab a handfull of selenium pills and prepare to live to 140.

What blood type are you?

Cancer happens if your cells are dying. Dying flesh gives off an odor. The virus can smell the dying flesh. Viruses are everywhere. They are attracted to the dying flesh, like flies to dead meat. The dying flesh is attacked by the cancer virus. The virus then forms a protein, a new form of tissue, their new base inside your body, feeding on your dead flesh, which begins growing inside your body like a alien life form, a city of viruses, growing inside your body. Cells die when they have a lack of minerals. Minerals like: zinc, magnesium and selenium. Most diseases are caused by a diet lacking minerals.

Another easy way to Prevent cancer, is to eat foods that are right for your blood type. Stop eating sugar, wheat, milk, pork and alcohol, if you want to avoid cancer. Read the book: Eat Right for Your Blood Type, by Dr. DaDamo.

Cancer cells hate Oxygen. An easy way to increase your Oxygen, is to get a bottle of food grade Hydrogen Peroxide, add a teaspoon full to a pint of water, and sip some all day. You can buy such water already laced with Oxygen, but you can also make your own much cheaper. Just by increasing your intake of Oxygen daily you can totally prevent cancer.

If you already have cancer, you can stop it from growing by taking a high dose of Oxygen and selenium. Ask your doctor. He will tell you that she knows nothing about the role of Oxygen in preventing cancer. That is why the average doctor dies at age 58 from cancer. Most doctors know nothing about preventing cancer. They just want to milk your insurance company to pay for their new house. They could care less if you live or die.

CHICKEN POX VACCINE FAILS TO PROTECT CHILDREN. "Protecting the health and informed consent rights of children since 1982." ========================================================================================== "Forty-three of 48 students (90%) who developed varicella had been vaccinated, the findings indicate, and the highest attack rate occurred in a first grade classroom where all of the students had been vaccinated." BL Fisher Note: In 1995, when the FDA licensed Merck's live varicella zoster vaccine, the AAP denied that the vaccine for chicken pox would be mandated. Anybody who knew anything about mass vaccination policies in America knew that was not true. Every vaccine which has been recommended by the CDC for universal use in children during the past 50 years has eventually been mandated. In 1995, the National Vaccine Information Center opposed mandated use of chicken pox vaccine because (1) the vaccine was known to be only 80 percent effective; (2) the disease was mild for 99.9 percent of children with most children obtaining a qualitatively superior immunity that lasted a lifetime; and (3) because mandates would take chicken pox out of the normal childhood population, where it was primarily benign, and drive it into older adult populations where it can cause severe complications.

Sure enough, the AAP was not telling the truth in 1995 and eventually the AAP and CDC both lobbied with Merck for state mandates. Today almost all states mandate chicken pox vaccine for school entry. As a result of a decade of mass vaccination of all American children with chicken pox vaccine, there are (1) serious reactions (brain inflammation and death) from the vaccine; (2) transmission of vaccine strain chicken pox to vaccinated and unvaccinated children; (3) an epidemic of shingles in adults because older children and adults no longer have their immunity asymptomatically boosted by coming into contact with young children with chicken pox. Now a study confirms that lots of vaccinated kids are coming down with chicken pox anyway. No surprise here - the vaccine was never more than 80 percent effective in preventing chicken pox. So what do the experts suggest? Why more chicken pox vaccine of course! Another booster dose that will boost the numbers of vaccine reactions and chronic immune system dysfunction of vulnerable children as well as boost the profits of Merck. No vaccine delivers lifelong immunity. All vaccines carry an inherent risk of injury or death. Vaccine consumers are always taking two risks: the risk of a vaccine reaction and the risk of vaccine failure to protect. On the other hand, Mother Nature usually gets it right the first time. Medscape

Click to read about:

Mother's Milk

Post Partum Psychosis (PPP)


Avian Bird Flu

Case report: Beets may have helped reduce Hepatitis


Mercury Contamination

Bodily Fluids and Autoimmuneurine Therapy

Breast Milk and Radiation

Stem Cells 2005

The Body's RADAR: Rapid response by the body to diseases.

Vietnam War

McMartin Pre-Schooler: 'I Lied'

The notorious McMartin molestation case

March Against the War! Sept 2006

Mother's Milk

Post Partum Psychosis (PPP)


Avian Bird Flu

Case report: Beets may have helped reduce Hepatitis


Mercury Contamination

Bodily Fluids and Autoimmuneurine Therapy

Breast Milk and Radiation

Stem Cells 2005

The Body's RADAR: Rapid response by the body to diseases.

Vietnam War

McMartin Pre-Schooler: 'I Lied'

The notorious McMartin molestation case


Mothers Milk.

The TV show Chicago Hope has started a fire around the issue of if mothers milk is safe. It is not, in most women. But here is a safer alternative.

Radiation concentrates in mothers milk, so women who breast feed give radiation to their children. The radiation comes from many sources: mammograms, dental x-rays, chocolate, atomic testing dust, etc.

There is a form of milk that does not collect radiation. Women & men in many parts of the world, especially desert people, feed their babies cows urine and human urine as a safer substitute for milk. Please do not be shocked. The health of future generations is more important than maintaining worn out old tabbos. Welcome to the new world health.

Another bonus of using urine to nurse babies, is that the father now has a safe form of food to nurse the baby with. Especially in an emergency, like when 5,000 people were trapped with babies in the New Orleans Super Dome.

How much better those babies would have fared if their parents were use to nursing using their own perfect water of life, instead of just pissing away all that nutritional fluid. Once people overcome the taboo, & look at the nutritional content of urine, they will realize it is just as nutritional as milk. It contains a great source of human growth hormones, from both parents, that can help children grow up healthier. It also contains over 100 nutritional substances like: proteins, minerals, antibodies against cancer, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, etc. Urine is a more perfect food than milk, in many ways.

While there is a shortage of breast milk, there is no a shortage of urine to use as milk. Another advantage to using your own perfect urine to nurse you baby, is that both parents can contribute, & so in the process the child will probably grow up more healthy that children who do not get breast milk, or get radiated breast milk.


Post partum psychosis ( PPP )

One of the advantages of working on issues like PPP is that you gain a deeper understanding of how to build & maintain close personal relationships between all people.

No relationship should be closer than that of a parent & a child.

If people can't figure out how to keep that relationship peaceful, how can people hope to keep love/ sex relationships between strangers from going South?

To maintain a close personal relationship between people, each person has to keep a high level of all 69 minerals, that the brain depends on daily. Women especially, pregnant women, or those who have had a child in the last 3 years, need to be sure to get a high amount of chromium in their daily diet.

Example: Have you ever experienced a ringing in your ears?

That is not god ringing a bell in your ear. That is caused by a shortage of the natural organic mineral tin.

If you just supplement with tin, the ringing will go away. I know few doctors, especially ear doctors know this, but that is why people who go to MDs die so young. Dial MD for murder is no joke. MDs only live, on average to age 56. MDs know next to nothing about health.

Many women complain about hallucinations, like seeming to be able to see their children on fire. The good parent will stick the kids in the tub, under the water, until the fire goes out. This is why women who lack chromium or the natural organic mineral lithium will drowned their children, or toss them into the Bay. The Mother, Lashanta Harris, dropped her 3 boys into the SF Bay today. We are explaining her lack of intent, to the public.

It may be hard for you to understand how such hallucination could lead a parent to try to save their child, and in the process, kill the child, due just to the hallucinations caused by a lack of chromium.

Intergrating the best of Alternative Medicine, Natural Medicine, Traditional medicine and Folk medicine approches to treating CANCER. FREE. ( From the new book: How to Play Doctor!, by Biologist Paul Kangas, ND)

Headaches. Olive oil works better than any over the counter medication, because it relieves headaches just as well, without causing liver cancer and stomach bleeding. And I mean any! Start by drinking a table spoon of olive oil each hour and your headache will soon be gone. Hold the oil in your mouth, if you can, to let it absort in the blood vessels under the tongue. Even better drink some 3 times a day, before you get a headache. Prevention works better.

Simply take one table spoon on virgin olive oil and swallow it slowly. Even better hold it in your mouth for 1 minute. If it is Italian, organic, cold pressed olive oil,from the Tuscan region, it will have a sharp grab on the back of your throat. If it does not grab the back of your throat, then it has been too highly processed and so it will not prevent pain and headaches. The reason you want olive oil from the Tuscan region, is because it is a high cold area, where the olives do not ripen on the trees. They must be harvested & pressed when they are green, before the first freeze, which produces this sharp grip effect. Olives raised in warm areas where they let the olives ripen on the trees are not effective at stopping pain.

This will usually make headaches go away in 1 hour. In some people, the effect will not be noticed for 2 hours. That means you should start taking olive oil today, to prevent, I say prevent future headaches. This is how prevention works.

This new study was discussed on ABC Good Morning America on 9-10-05, and was published on Pub Med and in numerous other sources. It was discovered when a Naturopathic Doctor was in Italy, tasting oils from different regions and noticed the effect and did a 3 year study on if olive oil can stop pain & headaches.

How to save Yourself from the Bird Flu.

What causes the Flu?

I have been treating a patient with the flu for a week. In the process I kept asking questions. The one big questions I did not ask, in the beginning, was When was the last time you had a bowel movement?

She said 3 days ago!! I was floored! I immediately put her on 2 gm. of Emergen-C, ( minerals ascorbate vitamin C ) hourly. In 2 hours she had a bowel movement & in 2 more hours her flu was gone!

Flu is caused by constipation and the constipation is caused by scurvy.

If you read most Naturopathic books on symptoms of the flu, they will tell constipation is the main symptom. Next is eating foods that you are allergic to, because they are wrong for your blood type.

To prevent the Bird flu, all you have to do is take 2 gm of vitamin C hourly, before you get the flu, and eat right for your blood type Bingo. This prevents constipation & so the flu. I love it when I discover something I forgot from last year. I knew that, but had forgotten the role of constipation as a cause of the flu. Remember to take 2 gm of CMA at bed time so you et a time release vitamin C all night long. I am so happy now. It is so much fun to cure someone of an illness.

The weakest link between humans and chickens are people who are blood type B. They are allergic to all chicken meat, eggs & products. Including chicken soup.

If the Bird Flu does leap from birds to humans it will be thru a blood type B person, like my Mother. Type B who have cancer, are obese, or have AIDS, hepatitis, heart disease, sugar diabetes, or asthma will be the first million to die. Obviously, the best prevention would be for all people to eat right for their blood type. I actually do not think Bird Flu will ever strike humans. I think this media talk is just hype being used to distract people from the illegal war on Iraq. Ever time you see a scary story about bird flu, write a letter to your Congress Person demanding the impeachment of Bush I & II for the assassination of JFK, King & RFK, and the immoral war on Iraq. Lets beat the drumbs for a real news story.

How do vaccinations work? If you get a flu shot, it is suppose to cause your body to create anti-bodies, which now circulate in your blood, that are capable to killing the flu virus that is attacking your body. This is one way. The other way for your body to create anti bodies, is for you to self vaccinate, using your own perfect medicine. This also creates anti-bodies that are now circulating in your blood and are then collected in your bladder.

Is the Bird Flu scare a hoax? Avian Flu hoax?

The Bird Flu is a Hoax.

Are there any facts that tend to reveal that the Bird Flu is a Hoax?

Experts advise, farmers that they should not co-mingle chickens & ducks to prevent the virus from going to ducks. Ducks have been found to be carriers of the virus, but are not made ill by the virus.

No turkeys have been found be carriers of H5N1, or to have been made sick by the virus. Enjoy your Thanksgiving bird.

The only humans who have died from H5N1 have been blood type B, who live with chickens 24/7, and who eat chicken. Blood type B people should not work with chickens, or eat chickens.

Blood type B people are known to be allergic to eating chicken meat, so obviously, type B should not eat chicken. There is no danger to blood types O & A from the Bird flu.

The vaccine, H5N1 is being made in chicken eggs, from last years flu virus.

Viruses can mutate into a totally new form in 72 hours. No matter what vaccine you are given, the virus can mutate around it.

The vaccine contains mercury as a preservative. Mercury is known to cause Parkinson?s & Alzheimer?s and other brain damage. Mercury causes death in thousands of people every month.

Dick Cheney is a major stock holder in the major company that is making the main vaccine being used against H5N1.

The Bush family is also a major stock holder in the Big Pharm company that makes the Bird Flu vaccine.

No one should accept the Flu vaccine, because it is always one year behind the actual virus.

Self vaccination, using AUT, auto immune urine therapy, ie., drinking your own perfect urine, is the best known way to protect yourself from Bird Flu , or any flu. Why would I say this? Obviously I can have no financial interest in this treatment, unlike Cheney, because it is free.

As of today, 11-13-05, this is what we know. This story will be update weekly.

Prevention. The world today faces a possible deadly threat from Bird Flu. The best known treatments is prevention. America needs to have a Plan developed & communicated to everyone before the Flu hits to avoid the panic seen in New Orleans. However, from our research, it looks as though 60% of the data on bird flu is just hype to scare people into buying the vaccine lie. The vaccine does not work. It can not. The virus can evolve faster than the government can develop a new strain.

In the few cases, 79, where Bird Flu has jumped from birds to humans, it has been with blood type B people that work & live with birds 24/7. Right now there is almost no danger. However, blood type B people should never eat chicken or any fowl , except turkey. Vietnam should switch to raising turkeys, not just killing off all the fowl.

Flu is a secondary disease to TB, AIDS, Hep, cancer, scurvy, heart disease, etc. Healthy people, who take vitamin C hourly do not usually get the flu. Most Americans have scurvy & do not realize it.

Should people take the Flu vaccine? Absolutely NOT. The shot contains mercury, which causes Alzheimers & Parkinsons. Instead, to prevent the spread of any new flu people need to be serious about 3 steps:

1) Taking vitamin C in the mineral ascorbate form. (Those little fizzy packets (E mergen C)

2) Eating right for ones blood type and

3) Using AUT (autoimmuneurine therapy).

These 3 steps are the best way to guarantee that adequate vaccine is available to everyone worldwide, before the flu hits.

Book Sources: #1,

Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins, by Dr. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD.

#2, Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr. Peter DAdamo

#3, The Golden Fountain. Coen van der Kroon,

3 Key facts cover by these 3 books:

1) The 3 main mammals subject to the flu are the 3 whose livers do not make vitamin C: man, monkeys & guinea pigs. Dogs don?t get the flu because their lives make high amounts of mineralize vitamin C hourly.

2) A third of the world population has TB. Because their immune systems are already compromised badly, people with TB are more likely to catch a flu.

Discussion. The book listed in #1 explains that if people would increase their intake of vitamin C mineral ascorbate ( like Emergen C) to 1,000 mg/ hour, the spread of the Bird Flu can be prevented.

Book #2 reads along the line of the famous quote from Thomas Edison: The doctor of the future will interest his patients in his diet, exercise and avoid taking drugs. It is far easier and much cheaper to inspire large numbers of people to simply eat right for their blood type, than for governments to try and treat infected million of people after they have come down with the flu. By keeping people healthy first, we keep them productive and taking care of themselves. If the flu hits, as predicted in 2006, all medical facilities worldwide will be swamped. While such a crisis would bring the illegal war to a halt, it would also result in far more deaths than if we first move to prevent the flu.

Mad cow disease teaches us that cows should eat right for their blood type, and should not eat cow. People are different. Cows have only one blood type. People have 4 blood types and some should not eat red meat, (type A), while type O should eat red meat.

Knowledge is power. These 3 steps are the best way to guarantee that prevention can protect everyone worldwide, before the flu hits people. The problem the world faces, if this epidemic is real, & there is a 60% chance the epidemic is just a scare story being pushed my vaccine manufactures, then all governments must find a way to treat everyone in the world. This FREE system I propose probably the best way to face the epidemic, with the limited time & resources we have. This FREE system allows millions to self vaccinate daily at no cost. All it takes is education. If we can do this, we can totally shift the world medical system to a FREE system. Re: Avian flu defense Plan

The blood type of the 60 human victims may be the key to understanding the bird flu. Blood type B is allergic to chicken. If type B eats chicken, it can cause a collapse of their immune system.(2) Especially if that type B has TB. If, as many Biologist suspect, all the human victims who died of Bird Flu, were blood type B, who have eaten chicken, had TB, Hepatics or AIDS, this may help us understand the epidemic. Blood type B is allergic to chicken, due to the lectins in most fowl meat, & should not eat any fowl, except turkey.(2) The only meat type B can safely eat is: goat, lamb or beef. ?B? should also take a probiotic.

Type B is 20% of the population and 1/3 of them have TB. This is the 200 million people who may die if they eat chicken & so catch the bird flu. Knowing this can lessen the panic. Other blood types might catch the bird flu if they have TB.

The best known treatments is prevention. America & the world need to have a Plan developed & communicated to everyone before the Flu hits to avoid the growing panic seen in New Orleans.

To prevent the spread of this new flu people need to be serious about 3 steps:

1) Taking vitamin C in the mineral ascorbate form hourly.

2) Eating right for ones blood type.

3) Using AUT (autoimmuneurine therapy).

Knowledge is power. These 3 steps are the best way to guarantee that prevention can protect everyone worldwide, before the flu hits people. The problem the world faces, if this epidemic is real, & there is a 60% chance the epidemic is just a scare story being pushed my vaccine manufactures, then all governments must find a way to treat everyone in the world. This FREE system I propose probably the best way to face the epidemic, with the limited time & resources we have. This FREE system allows millions to self vaccinate daily at no cost. All it takes is education. If we can do this, we can totally shift the world medical system to a FREE system.

The vaccine the CDC is pushing is the wrong strain & can?t reach most people in time to prevent an epidemic. Besides, vaccines don?t work. These 3 steps are simple, free and available worldwide today. All it takes is the political leadership to enlist the voice of a dozen of the most famous actors in each region of the world.

Sources: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins, by Dr. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD. (2) Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr. Peter D?Adamo

(3) The Golden Fountain. Coen van der Kroon,

3 Key facts cover by these 3 books:

1) The 3 main mammals subject to the flu are the 3 whose livers do not make vitamin C: man, monkeys & guinea pigs. Dogs don?t get the flu because their lives make high amounts of mineralize vitamin C hourly.

2) Blood type. People with blood type B are allergic to chicken & so are very likely to catch bird flu from chickens, if they eat any fowl, or live around fowl. The only meat that it is safe for type B to eat is goat, lamb, turkey or beef. A third of the world population has TB. Because their immune systems are already compromised, type B people with TB are more likely to catch a flu.

Discussion. The book listed in #1 explains that if people would increase their intake of vitamin C mineral ascorbate ( like ?Emergen C?) to 1,000 mg/ hour, this can help prevent spread of the Bird Flu.

Book #2, blood type, reads along the line of the famous quote from Thomas Edison: ?The doctor of the future will interest his patients in his diet, exercise and avoid taking drugs. It is far easier and much cheaper to inspire large numbers of people to simply eat right for their blood type, than for governments to try to vaccinate millions of people. By keeping people healthy first, we keep them productive and taking care of themselves. If the flu hits, as predicted in 2006, all medical facilities worldwide will be swamped. While such a crisis would bring the illegal war in Iraq to a halt, it would also result in far more deaths, than if we first move to prevent the flu.

Mad cow disease teaches us that cows should eat right for their blood type, and should not eat cow. People are different. Cows have only one blood type. People have 4 blood types, and some type A, should not eat red meat, while, type O should eat red meat. B should not eat fowl, except turkey.

Self vaccination.

Book #3, explains how, one hour after you are exposed to Bird Flu, your body will develop an anti-body. The anti-body is stored in your bladder. You can access this life saving anti-body by taking one drop of your urine & putting it under your tongue.

Ayurveda. The President of India, Morarji Desai, cured his brother of TB using this free perfect medicine of urine. While this idea may seem unusual, remember that this perfect medicine is universally available free today. This fact makes using auto immune urine therapy the most attractive preventative system, if your goal is to save lives. All it takes is political leadership to alert the population to include just one drop of urine as part of their daily prevention routine and we may be able prevent a major part of this coming bird flu epidemic. We can make a major effort to prevent bird flu by educating people to take one drop of their own urine & put it under their tongue daily. I realize this may be difficult, but it is free, and people will appreciate the governments advocating something that is free, safe and effective. At first people will make jokes, then they ignore the idea, but if the idea is out there, then if the epidemic hits, it will dawn on people that urine will not kill them and it might actually save their life by preventing the flu. There may be considerable panic if the flu hits hard. It will be far too late then to try & educated people about how to self-vaccinate themselves using urine. Given adequate time to think about this, people may be able to make these life style changes necessary to adopt urine self- vaccination. It may help preventing the swamping of our medical systems, if a panic starts. We can save far more lives if people know about numerous forms of treatment available. In our nations defense, we do not just have a Coast Guard. We also have a Navy, Marines, Air Force and Army. Same goes for the flu. We need several different forms of defense, from AUT to minerals to urine.

People can be reached & educated with just a few radio shows. We now have adequate time for scientists & Hollywood actresses to discuss the validity of this safe treatment on TV shows & radio, to get themselves up to speed. The TV series ?Sex in the City? has already done one show on urine therapy. More bold shows need to follow suit. It will be too late to take time to think, meet & talk, after the epidemic starts. Use this lead time wisely. Get on the air with the debate. The Green Festival should take this issue seriously & have a panel on this issue. The great advantage of this treatment, is people will not have to go to a clinic. They can just grab a glass. It is free & available to millions now. All it will take is a good speech on a few TV shows to motivate the people to saving their own lives by recycling their urine. The President of the US should consult with the President of India for more guidance.

Can the Bird Flu be detected in time to prevent a serious epidemic?

Flu tends to spread very fast because the incubation period is so long. By the time a person knows they have the flu, they have already spread it to 1000 more people. Some of whom have then traveled worldwide. So by the hour the CDC detects its first report of a Bird Flu case in Florida or Texas, the flu has already spread to New York and Illinois. At this point, the CDC will start manufacturing some new strain of vaccine, say H9N3. It will now take 90 days or more to make and distribute the first 10,000 units. Which will all go to rich CEO?s, Senators, Generals and such. It will take another 6 months before the average working class clinic in L.A. is able to vaccinate 1,000 children. May people, myself included do not believe vaccination, like H5N1, offers any protection. None. My children have never been vaccinated and I wouldn?t vaccinate them under any conditions.

That is the problem with the wait and see method of vaccinating people after the disease has hit. It is always trying to play catch-up. Always too late. There really is no way to make a vaccine ahead of the flu that is genetically correct for this particular flu. The flu can always mutate around any vaccine people develop in a test tube, but it can?t mutate around the anti-body each person develops in their own blood. For this reason, the best defense against this flu is for people to self vaccinate using their own perfect medicine, their urine. This form of personalize medicine was discussed in the SF Chron article of 10-20-05, as something doctors might be able to develop by 2020. Surprise! It already exists in a form that is free, free, free, today! The biggest issue with using urine self-vaccination, is it is free. It works and there is no way to make money with it. This is good for people. For over 5,000 years, frontier scientists, biologist, bioneers and naturalists have been using the fact that urine has a memory and is capable of transferring information, to restore a persons health back to normal.

Doctors give lip service to Prevention, but they don?t know how to do prevention. Doctors rarely even recommend people take the most simple prevention, vitamin C.

A big reason why the US has only one form of medical defense, is because the section in the First Amendment that originally gave us Medical Freedom to practice any form of medicine we chose was amended out. We basically have a one legged stool. Our medical system is now undemocratic and fragile, making us one of the sickest people on Earth. We need to work our way back to how our Medical System was in 1776, when anyone could just declare themselves a doctor, apprentice with another doctor for a year and then hang out their shingle. Let the market select who are the best doctors. Let a thousand flowers bloom.

Commissioner Paul Kangas, Biologist, pg paul 7 kangas @ Self vaccination. Book #3, explains how, one hour after you are exposed to Bird Flu, your body will develop an anti-body. The anti-body is stored in your bladder. You can access this life saving anti-body by taking one drop of your urine & putting it under your tongue. Imagine crossing a line you never thought you could cross ....

Who benefits from this 24/7 scare the media is pushing? Big Pharm? The drug companies? The more they keep you scared & using their junk medicine, the less likely your are to think about alternative medicine. What if by you just drinking 1 oz. of your own pee pee daily you could save $$$ thousands and save your live from Parkinsons caused by the mercury in vaccine??

Ayurveda. The President of India, Morarji Desai, cured his brother of TB using this free perfect medicine of urine. While this idea may seem unusual, remember that this perfect medicine is universally available free today. This fact makes using auto immune urine therapy the most attractive preventative system, if your goal is to save lives. All it takes is political leadership to alert the population to include just one drop of urine as part of their daily prevention routine and we may be able prevent a major part of this coming bird flu epidemic. We can make a major effort to prevent bird flu by educating people to take one drop of their own urine & put it under their tongue daily. I realize this may be difficult, but it is free, and people will appreciate the governments advocating something that is free, safe and effective. At first people will make jokes, then they ignore the idea, but if the idea is out there, then if the epidemic hits, it will dawn on people that urine will not kill them and it might actually save their life by preventing the flu. There may be considerable panic if the flu hits hard. It will be far too late then to try & educated people about how to self-vaccinate themselves using urine. Given adequate time to think about this, people may be able to make the life style change necessary to adopt urine self- vaccination. It may help preventing the swamping of our medical systems, if a panic starts. We can save far more lives if people know about numerous forms of treatment available. In our nations defense, we do not just have a Coast Guard. We also have a Navy, Marines, Air Force and Army. Same goes for the flu. We need several different forms of defense, from AUT to minerals to urine.

People can be reached & educated with just a few radio shows. We now have adequate time for scientists to discuss the validity of this safe treatment on TV shows & radio, to get themselves up to speed. It will be too late to take time to think, meet & talk, after the epidemic starts. Use this lead time wisely. Get on the air with the debate.

The great advantage of this treatment, is people will not have to go to a clinic. They can just grab a glass. It is free & available to millions now. All it will take is a good speech from the President to motivate the people to saving their own lives by recycling their urine. The President of the US should consult with the President of India for more guidance.

Can the Bird Flu be detected in time to prevent a serious epidemic?

Flu tends to spread very fast because the incubation period is so long. By the time a person knows they have the flu, they have already spread it to 1000 more people. Some of whom have then traveled worldwide. So by the hour the CDC detects its first report of a Bird Flu case in Florida or Texas, the flu has already spread to New York and Illinois. At this point, the CDC will start manufacturing some new strain of vaccine, say H-13. It will now take 90 days or more to make and distribute the first 10,000 units. Which will all go to rich CEO?s, Senators, Generals and such. It will take another 6 months before the average working class clinic in L.A. is able to vaccinate 1,000 children. My children have never been vaccinated and I wouldn?t vaccinate them under any conditions.

That is the problem with the wait and see method of vaccinating people after the disease has hit. It is always trying to play catch-up. Always too late. There really is no way to make a vaccine ahead of the flu that is genetically correct for this particular flu. The flu can always mutate around any vaccine people develop in a test tube, but it can?t mutate around the anti-body each person develops in their own blood. For this reason, the best defense against this flu is for people to self vaccinate using their own perfect medicine, their urine.

Doctors give lip service to Prevention, but they don?t even know how to do prevention. Doctors rarely even recommend people take vitamin C.

A big reason why the US has only one form of medical defense, is because the section in the First Amendment that originally gave us Medical Freedom to practice any form of medicine we chose was amended out. We basically have a one legged stool. Our medical system is now undemocratic and fragile, making us one of the sickest people on Earth. We need to work our way back to how our Medical System was in 1776, when anyone could just declare themselves a doctor, apprentice with another doctor for a year and then hang out their shingle. Let the market select who are the best doctors. Let a thousand flowers bloom. CC: Dr. Julie Gerberding, CDC Sen. Tom Harkins, Iowa Dr. Wm Schaffner, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Nashville Dr. Anthony Facui, NIH Dr. Michael Leavitt, Sec. Dept. Health & Human Services. from, Commissioner Paul Kangas, Biologist, paul 7 kangas @ 415-368-8581 20 Boardman SF, Ca 94103

Case report: Beets may have helped reduce Hepatitis (HCV viral load)

C LeBeau

July 31st. Today I talked to a person in Milwaukee (H.H.) who has been dealing with hepatitis C for several years. H.H. has been taking interferon prescribed by his doctor for over 8 years on and off. About 2 months ago, I told H.H. that methyl donors in beets should help protect his liver and might help lower the HCV viral load. In May, H.H. began to eat a serving of beets daily while continuing on the interferon.

He told me he ate one 15 ounce can of beets daily and drank the juice in the can also. He did this for 2 months. He did not juice raw beets. Today, 7/31/05, he reports his last lab results since adding beets to his daily diet for the past two months. The latest test results showed the HCV virus is now non-detectable. The doctor told him he thinks he is cured and has stopped the interferon but will monitor his blood for the next several months to see if the virus comes back. H.H. however, does not give special credit to the beets which he said he ate tons of, but to God. He said several people prayed for him and that God has answered his prayers. I will continue to follow this case and report any new findings. To his thoughts I might add: God created beets.

Update: The significance of this case is that H.H. are canned beets and did not even try to make raw beet juice. This also raises the question of what a can of cooked beets might do to treat cancer and a wide range of other conditions linked to elevated levels of interleukin 6. Early in September, H.H. reported the HCV viral load had returned after he had stopped the daily beet serving and had also stopped using the interferon. He has again resumed eating the beets and his doctor is giving him interferon at half the regular dose. While on the interferon treatments for the past 8 years, his HCV viral load never reached non-detectable levels until he started on the beet regimen. It is evident he stopped the beet therapy too quickly to have a cure. He can always retry. It should be noted that the cases of cures for hepatitis C are few and far between. In view of his results the use of beets and most certainly plant based selenium should be part of a treatment protocol.

Published quarterly. Copyright 2005- To subscribe to this newsletter, send $20 to Keep Hope Alive, PO Box 270041 West Allis, WI 53227 Phone 414-545-6539 Note: You can read other past newsletters online at

Sex hormone levels in a 16 yearolds blood: 696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Real human hormones for sale! No horse hormones. No vegetable hormones. You can now buy real human hormones from humans age 16.

Women! We can make you feel and act age 16, once again. We make it simple for you to do. It takes 3 minutes daily. Once you hear what we do, you will be convinced. Call us for a 10 minute explanation. This is not hype. It is not magic. It is a new, modern scientific breakthru. In many ways, science works magic.

Aging happens differently in each person. Science can now extend life to 160 years. This means a woman can look and feel 30 far longer now than in the past. Don't wait. The secret is in the blood. Let us show you how to improve your sex hormone levels in your blood quickly. Improve skin smoothness dramatically, eliminate fine lines, and large lines, improve general health, doubles life expectancy.

Hormone levels in a new born babies blood.


Sex hormone levels in a 16 yearolds blood: 696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Hormone levels in a woman age 50.

Estrogen: oooooooo....

No wonder women loose their sex drive at age 45. Aging happens differently in each person, depending on their blood type, diet and drugs being used. Most drugs doctors put women on cause a loss of sex drive. We can reverse that. Yes, we do show you how to prevent health problems with minerals, so you can cut back on drug use. But we also do so much more with your blood. Science can now extend life to 160 years. This means a woman can look and feel 30 far longer now than in the past. Don't wait. The secret is in the blood. Let us show you how to improve your sex hormone levels in your blood quickly. To discuss how you can obtain your own daily supply of age 16 human hormones, please call Paul Kangas now, 415-368-8581. Have your credit card ready for the first consultation. The cost is reasonable, considering the benefits.

Once you learn this method, it will last you a lifetime. You will become connected to our network of experts who will supply you with age 16 hormones for the rest of your life, daily, at a price you can afford. If you want to return to the days of raging sex hormones racing thru your blood, driving you mad, mad, mad with sexual desire and drive, call now, 415-368-8581. You will absolutly love our results, or your money back. Imagine crossing a line you never thought you could cross .... Imagine looking beautiful at age 60 and feeling sexual impulses you haven't felt since you were 16. You owe it to yourself to experience lust like that again! Especially now that you know what you know.

By Dan Olmsted

WASHINGTON, DC, United States (UPI) --

Have America`s medical authorities -- including pediatricians -- lost their credibility on an issue involving the well-being of the nation`s children?

It`s hard to avoid that question after New York Gov. George Pataki Tuesday signed a bill banning a mercury preservative from medicines given to children under 3 years old and pregnant women. The law takes effect in 2009 and exempts mercury-containing flu vaccines in case of an epidemic.

The measure was strenuously opposed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and concern about the preservative as a cause of autism has been dismissed by government regulators. As late as last week, parent advocates feared a veto due to opposition from the doctors and the state department of health, despite overwhelming bipartisan support in the legislature.

A last-minute effort by a number of groups, including A-CHAMP -- a parents` organization that advocates elimination of mercury exposure, particularly in vaccines -- prevailed in the end. "I think this bill sends an important national message that elected officials in the states are looking at federal policy and coming to the realization they can`t trust Washington to do what needs to be done," said John Gilmore, president of the New York Chapter of the National Autism Association and treasurer of A-CHAMP.

"Something is fundamentally broken at the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control," said Gilmore, whose son Luke, 5, has autism. He noted that Missouri, Delaware, Illinois, California and Iowa have passed similar bans, and legislation is pending in 14 states from Florida to Washington. The mercury preservative is called thimerosal, a component of many childhood vaccines until it was phased out beginning in 1999 at the urging of, among others, the pediatrics group. But as states have moved to ban the substance in childhood vaccines and in medicine for expectant mothers, the pediatricians have objected, citing evidence that it has not harmed anyone. "CONTACT GOVERNOR IMMEDIATELY AND URGE HIM TO VETO THE THIMEROSAL BILL," said a statement from the District II New York Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics before Pataki signed the bill.

"This legislation represents very bad public health policy that is based on junk science and mass hysteria, not on the evidence of science. We at the AAP District II believe this bill is bad for our patients and bad for all New Yorkers, so please act now." Ha, ha, ha! The AMA was finally put in the gutter where it belongs.

At issue is whether thimerosal -- which is 49.6-percent ethyl mercury by weight -- caused an autism epidemic. While most mainstream experts dismiss the idea, some parents, doctors and scientists say it`s too early to rule out thimerosal. They allege flaws and conflicts of interest in some of the studies and say too many parents have watched their children become autistic after vaccinations.

The pediatricians say a ban just reinforces the discredited idea that thimerosal is toxic and might scare parents away from vaccinating their kids. "This bill, designed to protect individuals from alleged adverse effects of thimerosal which contains ethyl mercury, is completely unnecessary," said the AAP statement. "To legislate based on fear and misinformation is an anathema to those of us who work tirelessly for the health and welfare of our communities. "To enact this legislation implies that the vaccines that have virtually eradicated many diseases, constituting one of the greatest public health accomplishments of the past century, are dangerous. This bill denigrates our informed scientific and medical communities while supporting all of the anti-vaccine factions in our society. This legislation potentially jeopardizes our most vulnerable communities." Thimerosal`s opponents argue such logic shows why mercury stayed in vaccines so long in the first place: Doctors can`t face the prospect they caused harm to children and are still in denial.

"Why would pediatricians now want to continue injecting children with a known nerve poison?" asked Dr. Alan Clark, a founder of No Mercury, which has pushed for the thimerosal ban nationwide. He said such legislation "directly contradicts their previous position in 1999 that thimerosal should be removed from childhood vaccines." Gilmore, of the New York autism association, says the law will affect as many as 300 vaccines now under development.

The Buffalo News said in an editorial last week that Pataki should sign the bill. "While it has not been proven, some experts link mercury-laced thimerosal, used to prevent bacterial contamination, to autism and other neurological disorders," the newspaper said. "If there is even a slight chance thimerosal could be linked to these neurological disorders, why take chances?"

After the great Governor Pataki signed the bill, supporters slammed the pediatricians` position. "We continue to question why an organization consisting of pediatricians feels no need to protect New York`s children," said a spokesman for the law`s proponents. "They have opposed legislation similar to New York`s in almost every state, but they should get the message, after losing now in six states, that the will and the power of parents will prevail to protect our children from neurotoxins. "We are not anti-vaccine. We are opposed to injecting mercury, a potent neurotoxin, into babies."

One group,, has begun serving as a clearinghouse for parents interested in treatments based on the premise that autism is in fact mercury poisoning by another name.

Bodily Fluids.

Are most body fluids interchangeable?

Where does amniotic fluid come from?

Does the embryo function as a new organ in the pregnant woman, making amniotic fluid?

Is amniotic fluid nearly the same as urine?

Can the body convert urine into blood? Meaning, if you were to drink urine, would the body be able to convert it into blood more quickly than if you drank water?

If you are lost & bleeding to death, can you regain lost blood and save your life by drinking your urine?

Can urine be used to replace milk for a baby, if the woman is trapped in an area where she has no food or water for the baby, or herself?

Do women who rub urine on their skin really have better looking skin than women who use commercial products?

Do people who drink 1 oz. of their own perfect urine really live longer than the average person?


Dear Dr. Luis Gomes Sambo, Mozambique WHO.

Prevent & cure: cancer, obesity, pain, TB, skin grafts/ burns & Hep C. Free.

New Orleans. Safe water. In an emergency, like the flood in New Orleans, educated Survivalist know the secret to survival. Humans carry a supply of their own safe drinking water. Survivalists know the human body has a great filter, that supplies safe drinking water, as urine. People need safe water. Urine is a safe form of drinking water. There is no way the government can supply safe drinking water during this disaster in New Orleans. However, each person trapped without water is carrying their own water. It is too late to try and educate the people caught in the New Orleans flood, but we should learn from this disaster. If you are in an emergency need of safe drinking water, you can use your own perfect medicine, your urine, to save your life. You and I are the real government! While VP ******** Cheaney vacations in Wyoming, and Bush vacations in San Diego, 9-1-05, people are dying in New Orleans from a lack of leadership. You and I must now try to provide that leadership. Those understand the value of urine therapy, must educated a younger, new generation,

Discovery. When the space shuttle Discovery flies, the crew drinks all their urine. Why? A gallon of water weights 8.5 lbs. They save 600 lbs. a week, by recycling all their urine. A trip to Mars will take 2 years. If they do not recycle, they would have to carry an 440,000 extra pounds of water. In space travel, you can not be a girlie man. You have to be able to win at fear factor.

Urine is a safe, form of water used by people in developing countries. The body can filter out many forms of water pollution.

New blood. When Aron Ralston hacked off his arm with a pocket knife, in the Utah desert, Blue John Canyon, in May 2004, he lost half his blood & was without water for 6 days. He saved his own life by drinking all his urine. His body turned his urine into new blood, thus saving his life & allowing him to walk 20 miles to a hospital.

Hormone replacement. Urine contains: hormones, enzymes, stem cells, minerals, amino acids, amniotic fluid, & over 69 useful nutrients. This is the best way to do hormone replacement therapy to prevent PMS, night sweats, loss of sex drive and improve skin color, tone and smoothness.

Krebs Cycle. Blood, milk, amniotic fluid & urine are all the same fluid. The body can transform one into the other. You drink urine for the first 9 months of life.

Cancer. Dr. Burzenski in Texas has cured 5,000 cases of cancer using urine.

Self curing. The President of India, Desai, cured his brother of TB with urine in 1970.

Burns. The first 9 months of your life, you soaked in a hot tub of amniotic fluid. This is baby pee pee. That is what makes a babies skin so perfect. Burns. I was burned over 90% of my body, when I was age 1, living in Michigan. My face was totally destroyed. Treatment was barbaric, painful & the pain drug were addictive. What now has been found to work far better is soaking a burn victim in a tub of urine. You were born in a tub of urine called the amniotic sac, full of urine. The skin grows much faster, smoother, more naturally & less painful, after a burn, if you soak the burn in pee pee. Survivalists have known this for years.

My burns came from a boiling tub of water on a wood stove. The stove was small and the tub was large. My Mom was putting wood into the stove. I was watching. The tub tipped over onto me me.

Protein drink. Urine is actually a high quality protein drink that is used as a Jamba juice drink, as it has been for 5,000 years in India.

The news (8-26-05) announced today that TB is a major cause of death in Africa, killing million. Urgent measures are being called for. One measure leaders could take would be to drink their own urine & teach others. Will leaders do that? Real leaders will do that extraordinary step. TB is rampant even in American prisons. The free cure is here.

Discovery. There are 3 big advantages to using urine as a form of food for space travel. 1- Because urine contain a dozen known and many more unknown hormones, urine becomes a form of natural medicine space travelers can use to prevent diseases while they hurtle thru space towards the red planet. Scientists have identified a new hormone in urine that significantly extends lifespan. Take twins.

Fountain of Youth. This could mean that if one twins stay on Earth, & the other were to travel in space and drink her urine, the one who stayed on Earth would age twice as fast as the one who travels in space. This hormone is produced by the Klotho gene. There is a peptide protein in the hormone that has very positive effects on the human body. It extends life by 30%. The hormone is then stored in the bodies bank, the bladder, until you drink the hormone. When consumed, the hormone modulates a crucial biological pathway involved in a panoply of key metabolic functions that extend life by softening arteries, improving bone mass, makes skin tone better, and improves lung tissue and strength. This is a pathway that most people do not use, because they do not have access to this unique hormones, unless they drink their own urine daily. The more you drink, the younger you stay. I now drink all my own urine daily.

2- Obesity. I experience no hunger when I drink all my urine each day. For this reason, astronauths would need less food. How does all this weird science relate to me on Earth today? Obesity is a major disorder amoung women in the U.S. People who seriously want to loose weight can more easily stay healthy and loose weight if they will start each day drinking a full glass of urine. I cover the taste with the spice tumeric. Then all day long drink all of it. The more you research urine, the more comfortable you feeling drinking it.

Warm beer. All the people who drink urine as a form of health, do it mainly because they have studied the science carefully for years. It suddenly dawns on that that this is the Fountain of Youth. It is hidden by taboo. Most valuable things are hidden from the masses. Once you just read the list of the valuable hormones in urine, you will be drinking it daily, just like a great warm German beer.

3- Replaces water for traveling. There are thousands of documented cures of diseases using free urine. This class will explore the real science behind auto immune urine therapy :

Class: Tuesday 7pm or Sunday noon, 3 hours, $69. Those under 21 admitted free. 7th & Bryant, SF,

For a copy of the CD, video tape, book or audio tape send only $39. to: Paul Kangas, 15 Boardman, SF, Ca 94103

Victoria Vanayerst & Biologist Paul Kangas, have been researching urine for 20 years. World Commission on Water Recycling.

paul 7 kangas @ 415-368-8581

Fact: a typical drive to work generates 5 tons of pollutants a year. Auto pollution is a major contirbutor towrds global warming, smog, asthma, cancer, war, imperialism, rape, greed and other polution related problems. Driving a car costs $60. a day. You can buy a house for the same price. BART riders get 250 miles per gallon/ dollar spent. How You can use Stem Cells today.

The science of stem cells is quite simple and you can do research with your own stem cells for free. The media makes stem cells sound like some complex science, which it is not. It is easy, simple and can be done for free.

Here is an example of how the media paints stem cell research today. Doctors in Korea made front page news all over the world when they reported they had created the first blood type specific, stem cells built to carry the DNA of those with genetic or mineral deficiency diseases like cancer, or injuries.

Human embryonic stem cells, from cord blood or from the urine, of an adult, can duplicate themselves and so can go back into the digestive track and go on to form any cell type needed by the body. The therapeutic potential seems unlimited. Your body can absorb these stem cell straight from your urine, and so convert these cells into neurons, and so cure Parkinsons disease. The deliberate conversion of embryonic stem cells into any other type of cell can be done today by your body. The future is here now.

Biologists have not yet figured out how to do this, exactly as the body can, but they are trying. Is there a simple way to make cause adult cells to become more flexible, or juvenile and more stem cell like? While some narrow minded biologists ponder how to introduce stem cells back into the body commercially, at a high cost, other, more advanced thinking biologist, who actually practicing free natural medicine, by massaging free urine onto skin blemishes, and so remove blemishes. By rubbing your free urine onto your skin cancers, and wrinkles, we have proven we can easily convert older dry adult skin cells into young, soft, smooth juvenile skin cells, or stem cells, just by applying urine to the skin twice daily for 20 minues.

Urine massage can renew cells or tissue we need to repair any part off the human body. When you are in the amniotic sac, your urine coats your skin cells daily for 9 months. There is now dozens of studies going on to test the use of urine on skin to make skin cells younger.

Prevention. Is this how it works?

Studies show, the fewer colds you get, the longer you tend to live. The same goes for CANCER. Why do some people rarely get colds, cancer, heart disease, asthma, aids or any disease and so live very well happy and functional to 160.

Logic rules on the web. If I or anyone writes an article on how to cure cancer, anyone can read it and judge it. This is how the whole medical field will soon become. Those with the best ideas will be the sites people will go back to more ofter. The rich are trying to dominate the internet with slick sites, but they are failing, because those of us who post FREE info on how to cure cancer, have better ideas, most of which explains how to cure cancer FREE.

Logic is more attractive to thinking people. If one doctors says you can cure cancer with 3,000 mcg of selenium daily, costing $1., and another doctor says you should do dangerous chemotherapy, which are you going to go with? Of course! You will go with the treatment that is most logical. Everyone knows chemo does not work and it kills more people than it helps. The market place of ideas is now taking over the whole medical field of the world. This is the best of times for patients. Doctors will no longer be able to hide their dangerous drugs behind their plastic degrees and white jackets. Now doctors will have to convince thinking people on a level playing field. The only way the war on cancer can be won, is if all real research can be read by patients.

Breast milk and radiation.

1 2

How can nursing mothers avoid giving their child cancer from radioactive breast milk?

Breast milk absorbs radiation, concentrates the radiation and then gives the radiation to the baby. This causes cancer in babies. There has been research regarding the effects of radiation on breast milk and on whether or not breast-feeding mothers should avoid mammograms, x-rays, flying, and other sources of radiation for the year prior to becoming pregnant. It is clear that exposure to radiation from airline travel, medical diagnostic procedures, war or occupational radiation does affect breast milk negatively, and breast-feeding mothers should worry about the effects of the x-ray exposure causing cancer in their children.

Many women and children are being exposed to excessive radiation from radioactive bullets being fired by US troops in wars all over the world. For this reason, we must act now to stop all war, to protect women and children from the radiation.

Mothers who receive nuclear medicine procedures (i.e. procedures in which radioactive materials are injected into the body) should not breastfeed after the procedure. This is because some medical isotopes (particularly I-131, used in thyroid studies) are incorporated into the breast milk. Women can remove some of the radiation from this bodies by taking 3,000 mcg of selenium daily before and during pregnancy and while nursing.

Another safe course, is for women to increase their milk production by drinking their own urine. Urine does not concentrate radioactive particles as much as milk does. Thus, it can be used as a safe replacement for milk to feed nursing babies. This means that urine from men can also be used as a safe form of drink for a baby. Urine has been used as a safe drink for babies for over 5,000 years.What does uranium do once it gets into the body?

About 99 percent of the uranium ingested in food or water will leave a person's body in the feces, and the remainder will enter the blood and milk.

Most of this absorbed uranium will be removed by the kidneys, if the person is consuming adequate selenium (3,000 mcg / day), and other minerals, and excreted in the urine within a few days. A small amount of the uranium in the bloodstream will deposit in a person's bones, if the person has a diet low in calcium and vitamin D, where it will remain for years. This can be prevented if a person has a high intake of calcium and selenium.

Here is one study, that suggests the amount of radiation a baby gets from a mother exposed to radiation, may not be a big problem. I disagree, but I publish this study to show you how doctors will try to convince you to accept radiation, even if you are breast feeding. Quote: A breast feeding infant may receive a radiation dose from ingestion of breast milk following the administration of a radiopharmaceutical to the mother. The Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee recommendation to interrupt breast feeding, may not necessarily apply in the period of early lactation when colostrum is being produced. Following a lung scan using 99Tcm macroaggregated albumin (MAA) on a patient approximately 15 hr post partum, radioactivity within breast milk was measured. Milk was expressed approximately every 4 hr during the day and samples were counted. The sample radioactivity concentration peaked at 15 hr, and decayed monoexponentially (half clearance time was approximately 4.8 hr). The estimated effective dose to the infant from ingestion alone, had breast feeding not been interrupted, was approximately 0.02 mSv. These data suggest that interruption to breast feeding may not be necessary, following administration of up to the diagnostic reference level of 99Tcm MAA during early lactation. Again, I disagree with what the doctor said, but this is the position of most western doctors.

Neither of my parents got colds, cancer or heart disease, because they were born and raised in the generation that became aware of the science of using cod liver oil, minerals and vitamin C.

Way back in the 1920s, educated parents were giving their children cod liver oil, minerals & vitamins. After the discovery of drugs in the 1950s, then doctors convinced parents to stop giving cod liver oil and vitamin C, and start using drugs. Big mistake. This made the doctors rich, but lowered the life expectancy in the U.S.

The first step in avoiding cancer, is to avoid the flu.

How can people really prevent the flu. People who get the flu, say, Well, everyone gets it. Not so! The only people who say that, are people who get the flu each year, and their uninformed doctors. These people have a life style that leaves them defenseless to the flu, pneumonia and cancer. People who do not take enough vitamin C hourly, and who eat sugar get the flu often. Here is my new definition of how the body prevents cancer.

Viral Pneumonia is totally preventable and cureable.

Viral pneumonia is a viral infection of the lungs caused by scurvy, due to a lack of oxygen and vitamin C. Lungs become weak from smoking or just living in a world that has only 50% of the oxygen it had 100 years ago. In 1948, one Dr. Kenner showed from his research on 42 cases of viral pneumonia, which he treated with an intervenous drip of vitamin C, at a dosage of only 1,000 mg every six hours. In all his cases, Dr. Kenner had a complete clinical recovery after seven injections, which he verifed with a lung x-ray. Dr. Kenner first used an IV of vitamin C in 1940 to treat pneumonia, in part, because he wanted to increase the flow of oxygen into the lungs. It worked! In 30 minutes the patients breathing improved greatly. In six hours the patient was in total recovery from pneumonia. You can read more about this in the book by Dr. Tom Levy, on using vitamin C to cure many disesaes.

I began research pneumonia, when my 90 yearold mother came down with something. I made the mistake of taking her to a hospital, just for a check up. The doctors, all about 25, began trying to scare me, by telling me my mother has pneumonia. They started her on anti-biotics immediately, even before they knew what it was. Her only symptom was a pain in her left side. She never had any other symptoms. The doctors did an x-ray & claimed they found pneumonia. It was not true. They were just using her to play doctor & run up a huge bill.

Why recycle?

Question: Is there something you could recycle that would: Reduces the bodies need for excessive food and so digestion. Digestion causes the body to age faster, so using or recycling predigested food is easier on the body. That is why yogurt, wine and soy are better forms of food. They are predigested. Now a new form of predigested stem cells has been found. And it is free, so the price is right. Recycling is usually associated with paper bags and such. This form of recycling involves what millions recycle around the world, daily, but only 69,000 American do this form of recycling, so odds are you have never even heard of this form of recycling. I do it. I have done it for 7 years. It is free. Hang on to your wigs.

Answer: Yes, AUT. Autoimmuneurine therapy.

Recycling AUT reduces use of food purchasing and consumption by 40%. This is one of the best ways to fast. It is also the most effective diet for curing TB, cancer and losing weight. Dr. Burzyenski in Houston, Texas uses this to treat cancer. Read on. American are only 5% of the world, but they consume 60% of the resources of the Earth, because our political form of organization, a centralize corporate dictatorship, allows us to dominate the rest of the world. Yes Virginia, you live in a dictatorship, but the media has you hoodwinked into thinking you are free! Free. Free. What a laught.

Some 84% less energy is needed by the body to repair cells by recycling, reusing recovered peptides, minerals, stem cells, hormones, amino acids, etc, that you usually toss away. You just flush your money down the toilet. Here is how to save money, be healthier and live to 160.

Recycling urine, reduces the amount of waste produced by each human, from 5 lbs a day, to 2 lbs a day, dumped into the city sewage system.

The remaining night soil can then be composted into soil for your garden, as is done in China.

When you recycle AUT you will become part of the vast worldwide research project to discover new uses for AUT, that have not yet been discovered, by using your body as your lab to test new ideas.

Can a person really live to 160? Yes. In fact, the Rocky Mountain news reported a great story about a woman in Iran who died at 161, Tues, Jan. 17, 1995. Masoomeh Dousti, who was believed to be the oldest person in the world, died at her home in the Iranian city of Kalatenbala in Khorasan province. Her birth certificate and history has been tightly researched and full documented as true. Read the full story on their web site. She left 6 sons, all between 100 and 128, still living and over 120 grand children from her 6 sons. Her sons said her secret to longevity was she would never go see a doctor. Never. Not even to deliver her 6 sons. She feared doctors were the cause of death and disease. I happen to agree with her 100%. Avoid doctors at all costs.

Stem Cells 2005. What is the real promise? What is the hype? Can stem cells be used to prevent and cure breast cancer? The answer is unequivocaly yes! When? Today! We are now entering the greatest era in human evolution. It is the best of times. It is the worst of times.

Paul Kangas, Stem Cell Journalist, reporting from the epicenter of the next big bio revolution. San Francisco is now Stem Cell Mecca. Starting next month I will have a regular column reporting daily on: Bio Tech Stocks, Stem Cell Research, natural liquid stem cells & introduce you to the top celeberities in the field.

There's a new liquid human liver sitting in a drinking glass in my bathroom, right now. Also a new eye, a new skin for your whole body, new hair and every other organ in your whole body. All in liquid form. They are available for your use right now, and they are free! It is an amazing new discovery in the field of human biology.

Every day in millions of homes around the world, people collect a drinking glass of liquid stem cells and massage the liquid stem cell onto their skin each evening, to replace their old wrinkled skin, with a new smooth skin, layer by layer, day by day. Would you like a whole new facial skin tonight. I can give you one for free using these natural liquid skin cells ( NLSC ) sitting in your bathroom right now. If only you knew how to understand you already have a glass of liquid stem cells in front of your mirror.

Where do embronic stem cells come from? They are made in the amniotic sac, by the division of the egg and sperm forming the new baby, as it sits in a hot tub of amniotic fluid. Here is the secret. What is the amniotic fluid made from? I will answer that in the next 1,000 words. It is easy to understand, but it just takes time. Begin the be gain.

Stem cells are the most immature cells ever discovered, they can grow into any part of the human body you want, if you just rub them onto the old tissue: hair or skin, or injest them so they go to your heart, or inject them into the very organ you want to repair. And now I will show you how you have access to them, free.

While Biologist, at the brand new San Francisco Stem Cell Research Center, ( SF SCRC ) try to figure out how to inspire a few stem cells to grow into a new skin for your face, in a petri dish, which will take years and $ billions, I will show you how to grow a new skin on your face tonight. Now.

It may take the big money Biologists 10 years to catch up to where my lab already is today. And instead of you paying $60,000. for a treatment, for a new face, I will give it to you for free.

Why would I give it to you for free? Whats in it for me if I give it to you for free?

Because it is free, and I just like the idea of advancing a form of free medicine, ---as a service to humanity. Think of all the good I can do! Why does Jimmy Carter do what he does? Because he likes the challenge. I too enjoy the challenge. And you will love your new skin. I guarantee it.

Liquid stem cell massage will usher in a whole new era of natural medicine--one without organ-donor shortages or the tissue-rejection problems, caused by blood type mismatches, that bedevil transplant patients today, because you will be using your own stem cells to repair your own organs daily.

Yes, the era of "grow your own" brand new skin and organs is already upon us, as researchers have sidestepped the stem-cell controversy by making clever use of ordinary natural liquid embronic stem cells available to every single person on Earth today. Re-growing old facial skin into fresh soft new skin is not science fiction. Natural Doctors, NDs, have been doing it for over 50 years, in secret, here in the US, and worldwide. Now, thanks to the new interest in stem cells, now the truth can be told, in public.

Today a mechanic in Massachusetts is using his own liquid stem cells to grow his leg skin back perfectly, after he lost part of his skin in an accident that caused gangrene. A diabetic in Texas is growing back new pink toes, after stopping her use of sugar, stopping her diabetes, and just wrapping her foot in liquid stem cell soaked bandages.

A teenager in California, with half of her facial skin destroyed by fire, is growing a new face, of baby like skin. She wants to be an actress, and she will be beautiful, because the way she is doing it, is allowing the body to naturally grow her new skin to be just like her skin was when she was a baby.

Why has this been kept secret for 50 years? Because the public was not ready. But now the public is ready, especially for this new quantum leap into an era of free medical treatments for skin and organs. Women are going to love this era.

Why now? The other part of the answer is just a massive new understanding of plain old natural cell biology we have achieved in the last 50 years. Teens in high school studying biology today are entering into a period when biology will the greatest force on earth. Biologist will become superstars.

Biologist have discovered that they don't have to teach old cells new tricks; they do not need drugs, all they need is to educate the public on how to use this powerful new / old liquid stem cells. Free. If you are given the right framework, your aging face or body, and the right liquid nutrients, skin cells and all organ cells, will organize themselves into new real living tissues as the old scaffolds, the old wrinkled, dry skin, is dissolved by the new liquid stem cells. It is better than any science fiction movie ever made.

The change will not be over night, but if you take a picture of your face today, in one year you will look younger. I know, because I have been using natural liquid stem cells for years now. This one woman I know, whom I see once a month, for the past 10 years, laughs every time she sees me now. She can not believe her eyes. My facial skin seems to grow younger every year. It works. It is beautiful. I have made a true believer out of hundreds of people over the last 10 years, just by using my body as my lab. The large skin cancer on my head has been totally dissolved, replaced by new soft, pink skin. Life gets better with each passing day.

Is it safe? Totally, as you will discover in our next chapter. I have tested it for 10 years. Others I know, have tested it for 25 years. The President of India tested it for 60 years. There are no negative side effects. And it is free.

Has it been tested? By over 50 million women who have used NLSC on their faces, world wide over the last 50 years. Before and after photo will be published here next month.

Those of us who have been using free natural liquid stem cells for the past 10 years, really believe in the cells. They are not just a futuristic dream. They are ready to work for you today, if you will just catch a small glass full and rub them onto your skin.


Do not be confused. There are 2 kinds of stem cells. They both are formed in the same way. Those gather from embryos ( ESC ) -- which are in the news, and our NLSC, natural liquid stem cells, we use in our lab today. How do the 2 compare? Our NLSC are mainly used for prevention, but can be used to cure breast cancer and all tissue diseases, now, today. Their ESC are only used to try and cure a disese after you have it. It is usually too little, too late and costing too damn much. Ours is free. Theirs is not yet here for the public and it costs a mint.

If you take our liquid stem cells and rub it into your hair for 20 minutes and allow it to soak in for an hour, or even better, overnight, you will get the exactly same results, better thicker, more luxurious hair and more hair in 6 months. And better is better.

Save your hair.

On the other hand, if you wait until 2010 and pay $60,000. and rub the commercial stem cells (ESC ) into your hair, you will get more hair, just like using NLSC. Your choice. Free or $60,000. Now or 10 years from now. Read on. I must confess, there is one big difference, bald men cannot grow new hair with our NLSC, but with ESC you may be able to. The price may bar most men from using ESC, but if you have thining hair and want to prevent baldness, by using NLSC before you become bald, you may be able to save your hair.

One drawback with all the expensive new techniques scientists are experimenting with in the university labs, with embryonic stem cells, ( ESC ) that you read about in the news, is that it may takes time, usually several weeks, to grow a whole new skin or an organ, like a heart, usually takes more time than most heart patients have. And that procedure will be very expensive and not be publically available for the majority, for years. Pie in the sky. Not one disease has been cured by stem cells yet. It is all just a dream to make money. A big gamble by the rich, using tax payers money. Another rip off. And it may never happen. Most high sounding scientific ideas never bear any fruit. Never really cure anything. Never make any money. Especially when there is a ton of public money to throw around. Watch the projects funded. Most of them will similar to underwater basket weaving, style projects. Too airy fairy to ever come to anything, much less ever make any money for the State of Calfornia. You know if it is supported by Gov. Arnold Schwartneger, it is probably too simple minded to work and so useless.

On the other hand, what I am writing about, free stem cells is available now, free, today, by YOU using your own liquid stem cells. With our new NLSC free method, it takes the same amount of time, but you do not have to wait for 20 years and the FDA to get your stem cell today. It is here now. Although using these natural liquid stem cells ( NLSC) sidesteps the rejection problem organ transplants of the past faced, where time is a luxury many patients, particularly heart patients, can not afford, if they wait until they have a major heart problem.

Why wait? That is why we are teaching people how they can repair their heart cells daily, before they have a big problem. You do not have to wait for some old scientist to build a "heart in a box"--complete with chambers, valves and heart muscles--from cells genetically engineered to block the rejection signals, with which the body marshals cells to attack invaders, costing $ Billions, to try and prevent! You can start today, using your own perfect medicine, to re-build your own heart, re-manufacturing, while you keep on using it.

As Time magazine says, ?Sefton envisions spin-offs along the way--like immune-system-resistant replacement valves--to justify the project's $5 billion cost.? Replacement hearts--or even replacement heart parts--are at least a decade off, estimates Kiki Hellman, who monitors tissue-engineering efforts for the FDA. "Any problem that requires lots of cell types 'talking' to one another is really hard," she notes. Bone and cartilage efforts are much closer to fruition, and could be ready for human trials within two years. And what of those magical stem cells that can grow into any organ you happen to need--if the law, and biologists' knowledge, permit? "Using them," says Sefton, "is really the Holy Grail."

Do not look now, but the Holy Grail is already in place and being used, for free. Time says the scientists are a decade off. Too slow. We have it here and now and is free for the asking.

RADAR. Rapid response by the body to diseases.

Can the body respond more rapidly to new and emerging diseases if prevention is practices by people in a way that allows people to live without getting a cold, flu, cancer, heart disease or aids? Yes. Here is how. Viruses evolve rapidly. The body has a means to respond even more rapidly to each new virus threat if we practice prevention R.A.D.A.R.

RADAR is: your body

Responding in

Advance by

Detecting new

Arising diseases with a quicker immune


That spells RADAR. The new Bio Radar.

((( Copy Righted phrase held by Paul Kangas June 2003. )))

Your body has its own RADAR system it can use to prevent diseases from taking over the body, if humans just understand how to connect the dots. Here is how to connect the dots.

Vaccinators vs. Non-Vaccinators: Deciding When (and If) to Immunize Your Child Should you delay vaccinating your child, avoid it altogether, or follow the government-recommended childhood immunization schedule? American Baby July 2006 By Rachel Mosteller

Making the Right Decision for Your Family When Heather Sanders, a mother of three from Huntsville, Texas, brought her youngest child to the hospital to get treatment for reactive airway disease, she was in for more stress than just dealing with a sick child: Doctors tried to blame the disease on her. Why? Sanders had chosen to delay vaccinating her children. She's not alone. A greater number of parents are choosing to either delay or opt out of vaccinating their children. Though the reasons vary from worries about autism to concerns about the ingredients in the vaccines, more and more parents are educating themselves and choosing when and if they will vaccinate. Standing Up for Your Beliefs Because she had investigated her options for her children so thoroughly, Sanders never thought that doctors would try to point the finger at her. "I cannot tell you how much of a challenge it has been to deal with the doctors and nurses that treat me as if I'm the least-informed parent on the face of the Earth," the work-from-home mom says. Thanks to expanding technology, parents are turning to a variety of sources including the Internet to learn about issues that concern their children. Parents on both sides of the vaccination debate are informing themselves and making decisions that are best for their families. Every parent wants what is best for their child. But with all the information available, it is hard to decide what, exactly, is the best thing for kids. Here are the stories of four parents who have made very different decisions about vaccinating their children.

Delay Vaccinations? Vaccines and Autism For Sanders, seeing the 18-month-old son of a family friend react to his vaccines was what helped make up her mind to delay vaccinating her children. According to Sanders, the boy has autism and test results point towards his 18-month vaccinations. "I saw that young boy every single week," she says of the boy who had functioned normally up until that round of immunizations at the age of 18 months. "That was the single largest impact to stand my ground." Sanders has educated herself with books and has received support online. After much study, she decided to delay beginning the vaccination routine until after her children turned 3. She admits that she originally thought not to vaccinate her children at all, but decided to research more and came up with the delayed vaccination schedule. She decided on age 3 because she didn't want to vaccinate the children as babies, but didn't want to give them all their vaccines at once; the delayed schedule will ensure they complete their vaccinations before school. Weighing the Risks Cassandra North of The Woodlands, Texas also follows a delayed vaccination schedule for her 1-year- old daughter, Nell. North and her husband are delaying both the MMR and the DTap vaccines until Nell turns 18 months. She has decided to delay because she believes there is no harm in doing so and because of the limited research she has found linking autism and the MMR vaccine. North cites her grandfather, a physician who was part of the distribution of the first wave of polio vaccinations, as a main influence on her decisions. She said, "I weighed up the risks versus the off chance she were to contract something like pertussis, and the adverse effects an illness like that can have on a little body, and felt confident that I was making a prudent decision for Nell."

Vaccinate on Schedule? For Megan Everitt, the decision to vaccinate her 4-month-old son, Dylan, was based on a belief that vaccinating her son gives him the best chances at a strong beginning. "I know that by vaccinating him, the same way my parents vaccinated me and their parents vaccinated them, I am taking the opportunity to help him be protected and to be able to lead a healthy life," said Everitt, who lives in Akron, Ohio. Everitt has heard about the concerns between the link of mercury and autism and admits it does worry her but points out that she is a new mom and that many things worry her. "[The possibility of a link] scares me, but I've come to realize that everyone will have a different opinion and there is no proof that one opinion is more right than the next," she said.

Everitt admits that she has never really considered not vaccinating an option. "I've read the material that every company and organization puts out there," she said. "I've read the What to Expect books and all the other parenting books...and, in the end, when it came time to really, truly decide on vaccinating him, I didn't second- guess myself. I looked at the history of vaccinations and I looked at all of the people I knew who were vaccinated, and in looking at that and realizing that everyone I knew was vaccinated and turned out just fine, that was enough research for me." Limit or Refuse Vaccines? Before she gave birth to her son, Jagger, in 2003, Kellie Herring wasn't sure how she felt about vaccinations. She and her husband declined vaccines in the hospital but eventually started to vaccinate their son. Herring, however, couldn't stop thinking that there was something wrong with her newborn. "I knew around six weeks that something was not quite right with Jagger," said Herring, who lives in Florida. "He was just different than most babies his age. I never thought about the vaccine playing a part of that." As time went on, however, they realized something was wrong with their only child. Doctors diagnosed him with an autism spectrum disorder in 2005. Right around that time, Herring became concerned with the ingredients in the vaccines.

"My husband and I agreed to not do any 'all-in- ones' and to break [the vaccines] up," she said. "We refused chickenpox and the flu vaccine. The flu was what I was seriously concerned about. The adult vaccine contains thimerosal [also known as thiomersal, an organic mercury compound thought to possibly contribute to or cause neurodevelopmental disorders in children] and the child vaccine contains a lesser amount, but it is still there. I also have issues with fetal tissue being used in vaccines and still do to this day. I am for the most part pro-life, so this issue has caused an internal struggle." She still isn't sure what caused her son's autism, but has decided not to vaccinate Jagger anymore. She and her husband have not decided if they will vaccinate any future children. For Herring, it is an issue of seeking out the truth. "I don't believe anyone can say 'Yes, vaccines cause autism or no, they don't,'" she said. "There is way too much evidence that can support both sides. Not to mention, vaccines are big business here in the States and kickbacks are outstanding. Does that play a part? I believe, in some cases, it does." Doctors Weigh In Presenting a Balanced Point of View For Dr. James Herrin, FAAP, a general pediatrician in Conroe, Texas, having parents with concerns over vaccines is not a recent issue. When a parent comes to him with questions about vaccinating her child, Dr. Herrin seeks to give the parent information so she can make an informed decision: He hands them pamphlets with information on the vaccines and points them to Web sites, including a few of the "anti-vaccine" sites, so the parent can read both sides of the issue.

He, however, believes parents are getting an unbalanced view of vaccines from the media. "[Parents] are concerned," the father of three said, referring to the 'conspiracy theories' and the suggested link to autism. "They've heard a lot of things. The media is not presenting a balanced approach." Dr. Herrin said he is more concerned with the welfare of the children and their families than anything else, pointing out that diseases like diphtheria and polio are just a plane ride away -- or just a plane ride into America -- as in countries such as Russia and Mexico, many parents do not have enough money to vaccinate their children. "These illnesses are still around," he says. "It is not a benign thing." Dr. Herrin chose to have his own children vaccinated. Concern for Future Outbreaks Dr. Martin Myers, the Director for the National Network of Immunization Information, is worried that there will be a measles outbreak in the future, due in part to parents declining the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine. "Measles is a really ugly disease," Dr. Myers says, pointing out side effects such as encephalitis, brain damage, and death. While Dr. Herrin has some patients whose parents choose to delay vaccinating their young children, he points out the risks of doing so. "These illnesses are more serious in younger children. If everyone delays, we'd have a lot of sick kids."

Dr. Myers agrees, pointing out that there is no such thing as a vaccine that is 100 percent safe, but still feels that he supports vaccinations, and adds that his children and grandchildren have all been immunized. Dr. Myers encourages parents who have questions to seek out the answers from a medical profession they trust, and not just what's passed as "truth." "If you have questions, ask a pediatrician," he said. "There's an awful lot of misinformation on the Internet. Google doesn't differentiate between misinformation and good information." Dr. Herrin agrees that when seeking out information on vaccines, it is important to read about it from all perspectives. "I help parents realize it is important to be informed," he says. "It is important to get balanced information and not just one point of view." The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Vaccine Education Center The National Network for Immunization Information The National Vaccine Information Center Rachel Mosteller is a freelance writer and mother of two in Houston, Texas.

Understanding cancers. There are many forms of cancer. There are many causes of cancer.

If you have hepatitis, what do you usually die of?

Liver cancer!

Hepatitis causes liver cancer. If that is so, then the best treatment for hepatitis should be, whatever the best treatment for cancer is?! Then the best way to prevent hepatitis should be, what ever the best way to prevent cancer is.

There was a powerful story in the SF Chronicle today 9-17-04 on how Asians are the major victims of hepatitis. Hepatitis is a disease, they say, with no symptoms. It is a syndrome. It usually leads to liver cancer. By the time you realize you have liver cancer, the disease is usually fatal. My friend Vi has Hep and refuses to belive vitamin C hourly can help. I write this for her and the millions who do not yet understand the power of taking vitamin C hourly.


The best treatment for preventing hepatitis is taking 2 grams vitamin C mineral ascorbates hourly. I know, few doctors recommend this, you might be thinking. That may be why the cancer rates are rising rapidly.

I know 2 grams an hour seems like a lot, but that is only because you have been listening to the FDA tell you to take no more than 60 mg daily. That amount is set by the men of wisdom, to keep you sick, so you have to keep going back to doctors. My goal is to free you of doctors. One of the big reasons we have such a high rate of hepatitis is because the western diet is so low in minerals and vitamins. Especially vitamin C mineral ascorbates. The second best treatment for hep is taking 3,000 mcg of selenium daily. This must be taken with food and 20 minutes before you take your vitamin C. Finally, you must learn to eat right for your blood type.

Other useful supplements are catechin, a substance found in green tea, and available in pill form in health food stores. Also take 5 pills of folic acid with breakfast. Plus eating right for your blood type, avoiding alcohol, sugar, honey and wheat. The point of all this is hepatitis can actually be cured, because the liver can be totally rebuilt, if you take adequate selenium. Western MD?s do a huge disservice to people with hepatitis by advocating interferon, avoiding herbs and telling people there is no cure for hep. The key to finding a cure for hepatitis is to understand the immune system.

Water. Water is normally composed of a clump of 20 H2O molecules. This is a fat clump of water. Which water should you drink? Tap water contains fluoride poison, which causes flu & cancer. Do not drink tap water. Notice, in most city government offices, the people who put the fluoride in our water, have bottled water in their office and homes. They would never drink tap water.

I have been testing a new form of water, a slim water, made of only 5 H2O molecules. It was invented in 1994 and is now sold in stores as Penta water, because it has only 5 molecules. There is quite a bit of good research on this new 5 part water, but the best fact I like, is this thin water penetrates the part of your brain that controls hunger. If you drink penta water, you actually feel less hunger, so you eat less food. You can lose weight more easily if you drink 4 bottles of this 5 water daily. I have no financial interest in this penta water company, but the science is real. So I pass this idea on hoping you will read the research. You can read about it at

How this cure starts in the bodies RADAR. The whole body focuses on the syndrome and then the whole body manufactures the anti body. This is why we call it a holistic system. The kidney then collects it and stores it in the bladder. By recycling your own perfect medicine, your urine, you complete the bodies natural prevention cycle. This is not the final answer, but it strengthens the bodies system so that you have a far better chance to survive any disease attack on the body. Of course, this would take leadership & guts on the part of the medical community to provide advocacy & education, for this lifestyle change, but that is what doctors are for.

The mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newson, recently took a vaccination for his hepatitis B, which will not make any positive change in his health. In fact, the vaccination will do long term damage to Newsoms liver. It is such a hoot to watch public official take a shot containing mercury, when we know that 20 years from now Newsom will have Alzheimers from the mercury. At age 60 he will be a babbling idiot.

A close personal friend of mine, Judge Leonard Louie just died of hepatitis B. Judge Louie had tried everything to cure his Hep. He did not believe in drugs or western medicine. No matter. No western medicine worked. Louie spent $100,000. treating his Hep using Chinese and Spiritual medicine and nothing Chinese medicine had to offer worked, because Judge Louie was not using selenium. Judge Louie is now dead, at 68, due to his trust of just a narrow band of medicine.

Here a comparison of several diseases is useful. Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C in certain diets. Hepatitis B is endemic in Asia, due to the great shortage of selenium in the food of most Asians.

Hepatitis is caused, the same way scurvy is caused, and AIDS is caused, it is caused by a shortage of an essential nutrient. AIDS, an Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is caused by a deficiency of selenium in the soil, and so in the food. The point here, is that hepatitis leads to cancer. That means the way to fight hepatitis is to use the same treatments we use to treat liver cancer.

Now that we know how to prevent cancer, is it possible to also cure cancer? This book will give you the understanding to prevent and cure cancer. Free.

Great news! We had hoped this would happen. And now it really has happened. We have found many cures for cancer! This new research makes new distinctions as to what cancer is. To cure a disease, you first must know what causes the disease. Thanks to the great research by thousands of biologist worldwide, the many actual causes of cancer have been more fully explained. Here, we are going to focus on the main, primary cause of cancer. Yes, there are other secondary causes of cancer, but since it is now commonly agreed that the main cause of cancer is an acquired nutritional deficiency, we are going to focus on that. What is in this site for me, for free? The most up-to-date info available in the world today on how to prevent cancer! Free!

The advantage of focusing on the base issue of a lack of minerals in our food, and so our blood, is, this is something the average person can do at home, daily, today to prevent cancer. Do not wait until you have cancer. Begin your nutritional cancer insurance program before you get cancer. Does that make sense? Does prevention make sense?

Yes, we know smoking is a major preventable cause. Yes, we know air pollution from factories and cars is a major cause. Yes, radiation from all sources, nuclear power plants, a-bomb testing in Nevada & Japan, airline flying, and especially X-rays, will cause cancer. And that is probably the next big issue after a lack of minerals in the diet. We admit that. Would you believe people can die of lung cancer who have never smoked? Why? Due to a lack of minerals, specifically selenium, in the diet, will cause lung cancer.

We are focusing on empowering people to prevent cancer using means that will put power in the hands of people. This enlarges the pool of people doing their own research and proving natural methods for curing cancer. This is good. This gives power to the people to control the field of health. This gives people more confidence. This spreads the knowledge on how to cure and prevent cancer. After 30 years of leaving the research to the "experts" and doctors, we now know the experts and doctors do not know what they are doing.

Cod Liver Oil. I got real lucky. My mother Irene raised me from day one on Cod Liver Oil. Back in 1941 it was just pure fish oil. No flavorings like we have now. It is an acquired taste. I was raised on fish oil so it tasted as good as mothers milk to me. Today most people have a hard time taking stright Cod Liver Oil. Too bad. It is a great way to prevent cancer. Today, when I take a drink, which I do 3 times a day, I flash back 60 years to that little house in Michigan, warmed by a old wood buring stove, where I use to drink CLO with gusto. Read more in our new book. It is guaranteed for 1 year, total refund.

Trust me, I am a doctor.

Most doctors will tell you there is no real "cure" for cancer. They will tell you, "we can "treat" cancer using radiation, drugs and surgery, but no one can prevent or really cure cancer". They tell you that because they want you to believe that. Because the doctors do not want you to defend yourself. Because the doctors want you to leave the treatment all up to them. So they can make money, while you die. Because they want to turn you into a cash cow, who will trust them, and just come into their office, so they can bill you for the visit, and then they send you home to die, helpless and hopeless. The doctors will tell you there is no cure.

But, it is not true. You CAN prevent cancer! You have the power now. We can also actually cure many cancers. What doctors mean is, "we can't cure cancer using drugs, gold shots, radiation and surgery". Doctors are just trying to put you to sleep. That is true. Doctors can't cure cancer using such primative technologies. But now in this modern world, we have 19 alternative modalities, that, if all used TOGETHER, can actually prevent and cure most cancer. We have many examples of people who have developed each of these alternatives, one at a time. The legends of alternative medicine. We are here to give you free help and more hope. Allow me to list a few: Minerals. The easiest way to prevent cancer is to take all 69 essential minerals, especially 3,000 mcg of selenium daily.

When do Clinical Trials on humans count?

Human live a long time. They are not like white mice who live a year. Doing a human clinical trial is something one does after you develop the logic from animal studies and human studies of groups of people who live along certain diets, like the Mediterranean Diet.

There are now thousands of people living on the Blood type Diet and the Atkins Diet. Fifty years from now we will start evaluating their health.

Dr. Linus Pauling told Dr. Pat Holford, Do not worry too much about the double-blind controlled trials. They come much later. It is the logic that counts most. If the pieces of your theory fit the facts, chances are it will hold water. Pauling was smarter than most doctors alive today. Any doctor that whines and says we have no proof until we have done a 90 year double blind study is just plain stupid. We can not wait. Most doctors are too lazy to do the studies.

That is where we are now with cancer prevention. The pieces, as you now see, fit fairly well. There is quite a lot of good science behind our strategy for keeping your body free from cancer using our 19 daily steps. There are now hundreds of great case histories going back 70 years using AUT. But, in terms of actual double-blind, controlled trials, published in peer-review journals, they are some years off.

Of course, some doctors would say it is better to wait and see. That is a backward attitude when dealing with people who can feel and express their feelings. The obvious point is, if you wait and see too long, you might have cancer or be dead before the results are in.

The Beatles. Linda McCartney. Paul McCartney.

That is exactly what happened to Linda McCartney, wife of Beatles Paul McCartney, who died of cancer at age 56. What a loss. That is why we strongly recommend you act now on this advice. Linda McCartney was blood type O. A meat eater. Who was Linda McCartneys doctor. Why none other than vegatarian doctor Andy Weil. Andy Weil does not understand cancer. Andy Weil is blood type A, a natural vegatarian. Andy Weil does not believe in the blood type diet, so he has all his cancer patients on a meat free diet.

Missing Persons Amber Alert

I am searching for John L. Cordova

AKA: Trude Cordova, or ... Trudi J. Cordova. DOB

I will pay anyone $100. who can give me a currant good address for him. He is an important defense witness. Paul Kangas, 415-368-8581

That is another reason Linda McCartney died. The proof is that his most famous patient, whom Weil had been treating for 9 years, died of cancer, when it could have been prevented with just 3,000 mcg of selenium daily. If Weil had had Linda McCartney eating right for her blood type, that would have help greatly too to prevent cancer. It is a secret, but Andy Weil now has cancer, and is dying. He and Peter Jennings. These people have all this money, but they still die of a preventable form of cancer. What is going on?

Do not wait until you are in a crisis. Then the doctors can take over your body, pump you full of drugs and radiation, bill your insurance until they are rich, rich, rich, beyond their wildest dreams, while you die under their knife. You die while doctors get fat and rich off your death.

Herbs. Herbs are very useful in preventing cancer. One good example is Apricot Kernels, which contain excellent levels of LAETRILE, which is vitamin B-17. Apricot Pits have been used to treat cancer for over 50 years. Both the medical community and the Alternative Medical experts have beed discussing the tremendous value of vitamin B-17 in numerous publications for years. Probably the best study was done by Dr. Michael Schachter, MD, who has stated that a safe dose of Pits is 5 pits, 3 times a day. That is what I have used for 40 years.

What I do is put 5 pits in a coffee grinder, add about 15 pumpkin seeds and a table spoon of Flax Seed. I grind it up fresh 3 times a day and sprinkel it over my morning eggs, afternoon bowl of flax flakes or evening salad. I eat a large breakfast, and small dinner salad. You can buy apricot pits at most health food stores, or just buy apricots and save the pits. They are lovely. You can get them for free by buying fresh apricots and saving the pits. If you would like a pound of shelled pits, ready for eating, and can not buy them locally, just send me $39. and I will send you a pound of pits and our book on curing cancer.

Another great herb is Saw Palmetto. Men who use this herb very rarely get prostate cancer. There are dozens of herbs that we can use to prevent and even cure cancer. The best way to use herbs, is to use herbs that are correct for your blood type. Your blood type is your genetic code.

Natures prescription for healing many syndromes is amniotic fluid. I have yet to find a whole food energy source that is as natural, full anti-bodies for whatever syndrome you have today, bio available, and with a full array of bio organic minerals, vitamins, amino acids and electrolytes as amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid, also has an alkaline reaction within the body that can match the one derived from mothers milk. This is a drink that prevents hunger. When I fast by drinking all my urine daily, I feel no hunger.

Can money buy you a better heart?

The AMA claims that people who make six figure incomes have less heart disease. This is a typical false study done by the AMA, which does not consider the role of herbs & the organic mineral selenium.

Nov. 15, 2005 (Dallas) -- Money can't buy happiness, but it may lower a woman's chance of having a heart attack or dying of heart disease, a new study shows. The researchers followed 936 healthy women enrolled in the National Institute of Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-sponsored Women's Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation.

After five years, all of the women who earned more than $100,000 a year were still alive and free of heart disease, compared with just 78% of those earning less than $20,000 annually. The study, which was designed to find out which socioeconomic factors have the greatest impact on heart health, showed that insurance status was the second most important socioeconomic factor affecting survival. Whether a woman had a full-time job also affected her risk of deadly heart conditions, but surprisingly, race did not, says researcher Leslee Shaw, PhD, associate professor of medicine at UCLA.

Overall, a woman's socioeconomic status was the second largest risk factor for dying, trailing only pre-existing heart disease, she says.

"The nail of the matter," Shaw tells WebMD, "is that it is not being nonwhite that is the challenge, but being poor." Many studies have shown that blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and American Indians are at higher risk of dying of heart disease than whites, she notes. Many Elderly Women at Risk More women than one might think fall into low-income categories that place them at an increased risk of dying from heart disease, says Shaw.

"If you look at census data, the median income of 65-year-old women is only $14,000 a year," she says. "That means more than half of elderly women, regardless of race, may be at increased risk."

( This study only focuses on MONEY, money, MONEY, and not on the role of selenium to prevent heart disease. Such one sided views of the world are sick. For $1. a day, the cost of a good supplement containing all 69 minerals necessary for good health, you can invest in yourself. This will greatly improve your chances of living to age 160. A bottle of selenium from most drug stores costs only $9. & will last for 30 days, if you take 10 pills a day. That is 1,000 mcg daily, a safe dose.)

Lower-income women also tend to have more symptoms, yet be on fewer medications, than their wealthier counterparts, she says. Yet in the end, more money may end up being spent on poorer women, as they are more likely to be hospitalized at an earlier stage of illness, Shaw says. Augustus Grant, MD, PhD, a past president of the American Heart Association and professor of medicine at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C., says the study points to an important gap in care.

"We need to look at health care delivery at the societal level and ensure equal access for all," he tells WebMD. The study was presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association."

Yes, there is a gap in health care, & the gap is between the ears of the MDs. They know nothing about minerals and health care.

A Triumph Over Cancer. Facing a terminal diagnosis, one woman beat the odds with a deceptively simple eating plan. Janet Vitt had stage IV lung cancer when she did something she never even though of. Her doctor realize Janet was doing something major wrong when he found she had lung cancer. This is a woman who had never smoke once in her life. She live in the country, away from pollution. What had caused her cancer???

Could it have been something she ate? Or something she didnt eat? Both. Janet was blood type A, and she lived in Ohio, where she ate the standard diet of meat and potatoes. She also did not believe in taking minerals. This caused her cancer. Her doctor did something interesting. He put her on a macro Biotic diet of vegetables and rice. For a blood type A, this was the perfect prescription.

What Janet had been doing wrong was eating wrong for her blood type. If you want to read her full story, go read the Sept 2004 issue of Alternative Medicine magazine, pg 61, by Portland Helmich. It is a great story.

Can Macrobiotics cure cancer? Another book on the subject is, "Recalled by Life."

Eating right for your blood type helps. Please read the book of the same name.

Scurvy. One of the main preconditions for cancer is having scurvy.

Most Americans have scurvy. How much "C" do you need to prevent cancer? Taking 2 grams of vitamin C hourly. Linus Pauling began this research. Now thousands of doctors are improving on what Pauling started. Not all doctors are bad eggs. Many are really trying. How you can tell a good doctor from a bad egg, is ask them how much vitamin C minerals ascorbates you should take hourly. If they tell you, "2 grams an hour.", that is a smart doctor who has done their homework. This is probably the second most important thing you should do to prevent and cure cancer. --- P.S., it has to be a mineral ascorbate vitamin C to really work well.

What was the longest held military secret in history?

Scurvy. How did humans find the cure? In the year 1400, humans built ships that could take long voyages on the ocean for months. Sailors would frequently go out for months, living on fish. Then the sailors decided to try and travel around the world. This was back when the world was thought to be flat. Most such adventures failed because most of the sailors would die of a strange disease called scurvy.

For a 1,000 years this vitamin deficiency disease, scurvy, killed anyone who tried to travel around the world at sea. No one knew why. Doctors treated scurvy with all kinds of drugs for 400 years. Nothing worked. Sailors kept dying by the thousands. Very similar to the way people are dying of cancer and AIDS today, while doctors keep giving dangerous drugs that do not work well in most cases.

No drug was ever found that could cure scurvy. Why? Because ... well, let me continue the story. Do you remember what the British Navy was called? That's right "Limies"! Why? Because a British sailor discovered that he could cure his own scurvy by eating limes and lemons.

Before this discovery, sailors frequently died of scurvy. Then a British Naval doctor watched sailors in a garden cure their own scurvy with lemons, he was amazed. Sailors with scurvy had found the cure for scurvy. That is like an AIDS patient finding a cure for AIDS. So the doctor wrote a research paper on the topic, took credit for the discovery, and became famous. The British Navy marked the paper, "Top Secret" and hid the facts for 400 years.

This is the single main reason why the British Navy alone ruled the seas for 400 years. Their ships could stay out on the sea for as long as they wanted. Other nations, like Spain and France, were dumbfounded by the magic of the British navy. Why were they the supermen of the sea?

Vitamin C had not yet been isolated, but lemons were the cure. And this fact was kept as a "military" secret by the British for 400 years. Just as selenium is now being kept as a secret cure for cancer today, "until more research can verify the facts". We are publishing these secret facts on curing cancer to break the code of secrecy being used by the rich around selenium and pits.

Dr. Pauling and Cameron wrote probably the best research on using vitamin C for preventing and curing cancer. It was published in 1976 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. It still stands as the best study ever done. A few MD's working for Big Pharma have tried to criticize it, but to no real avail. The Pauling and Cameron gold standard study, in which 1000 hopelessly ill, stage IV cancer patients were divided into 3 groups, proved the great value of vitamin C.

The point is, no drug was ever found in 1,000 years that could prevent or cure scurvy. Just like no drug will ever be found that can cure cancer. The minerals selenium, oxygen and apricot pits can prevent cancer, but no drug will ever be found that can prevent or cure cancer. Same for AIDS. Not even in 1,000 years. Just like scurvy.

Group A of 370 patients was given 2 grams of minerals ascorbate vitamin C hourly. Their survival rate was 22%. Those not given vitamin C had a survival rate of only 0.4%. Thunderous criticism of the study arose from doctors who worked for the drug companies. The attack went on for years. Pauling and Cameron had the last laugh, both lived until they were 90+. All of the critics died before they were 75.

Mayo Clinic tried to create a fake, similar study, purposely designed to fail. They used chemical vitamin C, without minerals, knowing it would not work. Every newspaper in the world exposed the fake Mayo study for what it was--- a lie designed by the drug companies.

How are cancer cells different from healthy cells?

What kind of food are cancer cells looking for? Cancer cells are hungry for sugar and other acid based foods like fruit. According to several research studies, cancer cells have up to 24 times more glucose (sugar) receptor sites than healthy cells. That means cancer loves sugar and fruits!, and hate alkaline foods like vegetables.

All research on vitamin C clearly shows increased survival rates in every cancer patient taking continuous mega doses of C hourly. That is why Linus Pauling was taking 2 grams an hour. If cancer loves candy and alcohol, don't you think it is time to quit? A huge study done in Marin County California showed that the one common factor most women who had early breast cancer was, they all drank wine. Expensive wine. Daily.

How many clues do you need? Would you like a copy of our book, audio tape, video tape, DVD or CD? We also will gladly send speakers to your community center, if you ask us. If you have questions: E-mail:


Fasting was first scientifically proven to extend life in 1920. In that experiment, 99 rats, in groups of 33 white rats, were given: (1) vitamin and minerals supplements, but with only half as much food as, (2)the control group of rats were given.

Another group of 33 rats (3) were given a restricted diet with only half the food that was though necessary to keep a rat healthy so they live a normal life span. At the end of 4 years, the group of rats (1), that were given the mineral supplements were all still alive, while most of the rats in the control groups (2) were dead, as were the rats in the (3), restricted diet group.

This proved that fasting extends life and vitamins help even more to extend life. Most people who teach fasting make the mistake of not advocate doubling your intake of minerals, while cutting your intake of food in half. They have not understood the original research.

POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)

Is it cause by the onset of the new period in young women, who have a virus?

POTS most frequently is found in young women who have just started their periods. Is POTS due to loss of minerals from their new periods? With the loss of minerals, young women are open to being hit by a bad virus. If the onset of the period is followed by a virus or a birth, this double whammy knocks the young women flat on her back. There may be a blood type connection, because most of the young women who get POTS are blood type O. This may be an acquired immune deficiency syndrome cause by a lack of selenium in the diet. As soon as POTS develops in the body, the body naturally forms anti bodies to fight the syndrome. This anti body is in the blood. The kidney filters out the anti bodies and stores them in the Bank of the Body, to be used later when the person is ready to fight the disease. POTS Posterior Osteo Taci-cardia Sydrome If you are exposed to a syndrome like POTS, or a disease, like smallpox, automatically, your body creates anti-bodies to the pox: AUT (autoimmuneurine therapy). The body actually manufactures a unique anti body in your blood that can defeat any syndrome or disease. I know this is hard to understand, when you have been taught all your life, that only a doctor can diagnosis a disease. Now only is it not true, that ?only a doctor ...?, but as you probably know by now, most doctors are not very good at diagnosis and they defiantly can?t cure most diseases. They will even tell you so. How this cure starts in the bodies RADAR. The whole body focuses on the syndrome and then the whole body manufactures the anti body. This is why we call it a holistic system. The kidney then collects it and stores it in the bladder. By recycling your own perfect medicine, your urine, you complete the bodies natural prevention cycle. This is not the final answer, but it strengthens the bodies system so that you have a far better chance to survive any disease attack on the body. Of course, this would take leadership & guts on the part of the medical community to provide advocacy & education, for this lifestyle change, but that is what doctors are for.

Massage. This is one of the best kept secrets of the 20th centuery. Would you believe there is a special type of massage that can prevent and yes, even cure breast cancer. There is. It was developed in England by John Armstrong. This cure has been kept a big secret, because it is free. Read the full story below.

What can Chiropractic do to prevent cancer?

Can your local chiropractor help prevent cancer? Chiropractic adjustments turn on the eletricity to specific organs to help your body prevent cancer. No doctor can cure cancer, but your body can cure cancer, if you turn on the electrical power of your body. This is one of the big shocks, in the field of curing cancer, when it was discovered, that a simple adjustment of your spine daily could turn on the power, to help the body to heal itself.

More research is needed in this area to really show the power of the body to prevent cancer. If you are young, looking for an exciting area to do cancer research in, we suggest you combine: Chiropractic, eat right for your blood type, AUT and laughter into one study. You will make great strides. We fully explain this topic in our book. To find out more, go see your local DC, Chiropractor.

Chloramines, Fluoride and Chlorine. Avoiding tap water protects you from dangerous chemicals put in tap water by cities, that cause cancer.

Not drinking more than one glass of alcohol daily , even none is a better way to prevent cancer. All these points will be explained fully, in due time here and in our new book. Which you can preview, for one full year, risk free.

The silver spoon cure. Do you know why humans begin talking about the power of the "silver spoon"? Have you ever heard the expression, "He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth". It means he was born into a family that was educated and healthy and wealthy. Why? Because it was found that when a silver coin was placed in a gallon of milk, the milk would stay fresh longer. Why? Because the silver would give off particals that would kill bacteria. That is why silver throat lozengez are now very popular to cure colds.

What else can we do? Drinking liquid organic collodial minerals allows your body to prevent cancer. After all, cancer is an acquired nutritional deficiency syndrome. If some of these ideas are new to you, don't be shocked. The TV and the AMA work hand in hand to suppress knowledge about how to prevent cancer using natural remedies.

Depression: How to feed women so they will love you nightly. Fight depression.

On Earth Day 2005, John Gray, author of Men are from Mars, gave the best lecture on relationships I have ever heard in my life.

In one word, Gray explained why women can never be happy in a relationship: sertonin!

It does not matter if you give your woman a dozen roses every day, she can never be happy, unless she eats right for her blood type, so that she gets the right protein for breakfast, so her body can produce Serotonin. Grays lecture was shockingly impressive. I have read his book twice, and seen him speak 9 times now, and that was the first time I really understood what Gray is saying. I have known John for 30 years. In the 60's we would meet during anti-war marches. He still marches against the wars. Gray is very humble and so much more impressive because he really can come down to the street with the activists.

John Gray almost got it perfect. John Gray really understands women well. Gray points out that women will get depressed and never want to have sex with a man, unless he feeds her right for her blood type. Blood type O, women do not want sex as long as they have not eaten a real breakfast of red meat and eggs. Type O women who eat wheat & milk for breakfast only want to talk at men, while the man remains perfectly silent, just like a psychologist.

You can take a blood type O woman on a world cruise every month, but she will still not want to have sex, you, unless you gave her a breakfast of eggs and sardines or salmon every morning. Blood type A women need a different food to increase their serotonin. Read the book, Eat Right 4 YOur Blood Type, by DaDamo. Serotonin is the brain chemical of feeling wonderfulness, calmness, wholeness and happiness.

For men, the key brain chemical is Dopamine produced in a mans brain by him eating right for their blood type and having adequate minerals, especially lithium, in a mans diet. Alcohol will destroy Dopamine in a mans brain. As will sugar and coffee and cocaine.


Loose weight without exercise, the John Gray way!

Oxytosin is the key ingredient for producing serotonin. Women on a diet high in serotonin producing foods, like almonds , vitamin C, 69 organic minerals , and flax seed meal, will loose weight without exercise.

You can buy a blood type O women who are short on serotonin, a new outfit every day, and she will still not really want to have sex with you if she is short on serotonin!

If you are traveling with a woman and she says she wants to stop for food. Code Blue!

Men, stop! now!!! Not in 20 minutes. Even better, carry some of her favorite food that is also correct for her blood type. Do not, under any circumstances, give her a Coke or Pepsi. Coke will kill sex drive on women. All soft drinks and diet cola will poison a womans sex drive and make them fat. Women will try to increase their serotonin levels by having random sex with any man they know they will never see again, after they drink Pepsi , Coke or any soft drink, but they will not have sex with their husband if she is low on serotonin.

Oxygen. According to John Gray, women need water containing oxygen to help their body make serotonin. Tap water causes cancer, due to the chloramines and fluoride in the water. Never drink tap water.

Women who do not understand their blood type connection to sex, also will spend $$ millions talking to psychologist, or take vacations, or yell at their husbands, or have random sex, according to Swedish researchers, all of which raise their serotonin levels or 30 minutes, but the next day they will be depressed again.

Why American has the craziest government in the world.

Lithium. John Gray pointed out how the main mineral women are missing, which their body must have to make serotonin, is lithium. Over 90% of the Americans are totally missing Lithium. John Gray was a hero to say this. Lithium is now available over the counter for from John Grays line of health foods, but it is totally missing from all other companies who sell health foods. Lithium is not a drug!! It is a natural, necessary, essential organic mineral.

So if you want to keep your wife in your bed, feed her lithium and food that is correct for her blood type. Of all the speakers at New Age Expo, San Francisco, 4-22-05, John Gray was the hero of the day. He even spoke better than, my hero, Arrianna Huffington.

Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The Chinese medical book, Barefoot doctors manual, got it right 40 years ago. In that book they said, Mens bodies are rich in serotonin. Their urine is rich in serotonin. Womens bodies make huge amounts of dopamine, so their urine is rich in dopamine. This may explain why golden showers is attractive to both women and men. The Chinese have recommended women drinking mens urine and women drinking mens urine for over 1,000 years. Back to the future. Beside eating right for your blood type, the next best source of serotonin for women is urine from men.

News flash: Cher has been treated for breast cancer 4 times by John Gray. Gray reportedly used oxygen to cure Cher of cancer 4 times, at the 4-22-05 lecture.

Cure for hepatitis is oxygen, according to Otto Warburg and now John Gray. There use to be 50% O2 in the air. Now there is only 17% oxygen in the air of most cities. Russian doctors spend all there time using oxygen to try and cure cancer. American doctors would never want to find a cure for their cash cow cancer. Stop Codex!

Zen & cancer

Once you, or a close friend, is in the death grip of cancer you become swept into a confusing maelstrom of feelings, treatments, opinions, death & life. Your mind becomes stripped down to your raw basic politics. How do you resist? Go with the flow? Make love? or war on the cancer? The modern mind responds to cancer as if this is the Vietnam war again. Reflex. Fear. Out come the big guns: napalm the virus, slash & burn the cells with radiation to save the body. Can you destroy the village to "save the people"? Can you destroy the cells and immune system to save the body? No. Oxygen.

If you want to stop cancer, you first must increase the flood of Oxygen into your cells by drinking food grade H2O2 in Aloe Vera Juice.

Radiation is the "big bomb". No matter a person's position was during the Vietnam war, now they have a new chance to be a dove or a hawk on cancer. Can you win the war & lose your life? The operation was a success, but he patient died.

Others have begun to try a more Zen approach to cancer: laugh at the disease (Norman Cousins) resisting actively, or, feed the poverty in the cells selenium, to cure the hunger that caused the (war) cancer (Wallach), & or, listen to the many cries of your body for water (Batmanghelidj), seek to satisfy your bodies need for natural pleasure & healing with a hot tub - (Ariola & Kangas),

Fasting or All you can eat?

Should you fast to fight cancer? Fasting can be fun. Fasting does not have to be seen as a punishment. Which modality works best against cancer? Fasting or eating normal? These are the life styles we embrace or live out, that create the disease we die of.

Mark Twain once said, "Tell me what a man died of & I'll tell you how he lived." No line is more accurate when comes to cancer & Zen. Truly cancer reflects what we ate: sugar or vegetables, alcohol or oxygen, how we ate: wolfing it down, or chewing it slowly, how MUCH we ate, or how little, why we ate: taste?, or to feed our cells, who we ate with, family or strangers, & where we ate: McDeath's or our own cooking.

I find I can cook better than any resturant. My line is, Tell me what a persons blood type is, and I can tell you what food will kill them. Slowly.

As you read this, don't feel compelled to adopt or reject any one form of treatment. Zen is all. Zen is leading with your heart from a place of love, not fear. Release your grip on all the busy work you do, even for just one week. Feel life deeply. Now relax. Now take a deep breath & decide you want to live. Decide to retire from all the busy work, just for a month, & focus on what is most important: your life. Take back your life. Be responsible for your life & the world will follow your lead. Alan Watts tried to teach us this in 1960. So did Lenny Bruce.

So what if it means giving up driving a new car. Would you rather have a new body, a new life for 120 years, or would you rather keep up with the Jones?

Fasting. Here is what I do and recommend for treating, preventing and even curing cancer.

Easy fasting. This consists of eating only break-fast, no lunch or dinner. Eat a medium breakfast that is correct for your blood type. Now drink the fizzy vitamin C drink, Emergen-C, each hour. Drink 4 bottles of Penta water daily. This gives you the 6-8 glasses of water you need daily. Plus, drink all your own perfect medicine daily.

For lunch, drink only herbal tea, correct for your blood, and a glass or 2 of fresh carrot juice, with garlic or onions in the first glass, and water. Skip any solid food for dinner. Carrot juice is O.K. Drink sleepy time tea at bed time. Avoid all fruit juice, because it is pure sugar and lacks most vitamins, after it is 1 hour old. Stop using sugar or honey.

Brain scans. A doctor has developed a really fun technique that allows doctors to photograph the living brain. It shows a great color photo of injuries caused to your brain by a lack of minerals in your diet, or by using drugs. Or accidents. Then they give you minerals for a year and repair your brain. Next they take new scans of your brain and, bingo, your brain is back to normal and you feel Oh so much better.

If you wants to prevent cancer, you must take selenium & eat right for your blood type to cause an alkaline condition in your body. You can cause this same condition if you stop eating all sugars, including fruit, for a month, eat vegetables right for your blood type, take supplements: 3,000 mcg of selenium daily, plus 1,200 IU of vitamin E, & 300,000 IU of Beta Carotene. What is the side effects of taking 3,000 mcg of selenium daily? If you take too much, you get wrinkled toe nails and your breath smells like garlic. So, which would you rather have: cancer or a breath that smells like garlic. I take the garlic.

Drink 8 glasses of water daily, laugh continuously 20 minutes daily. Take 2 oz. liquid "Rainforest" minerals. Would you like to read even more on how to cure cancer? If so, just send for our new book, video tape and audio tape, all free for one year. Free for one year. That is correct. If your order our book, DVD, CD, video or audio tapes, enjoy them for a year, and get tired of them, just send them back for a no questions asked full money back guarantee. I guarantee it. We want you to be happy and live to 140. Such a deal.

Unfortunately, for many people the first step in cancer prevention is breaking their addiction to tobacco. The cancer will come back if you smoke. Insulin treatment & selenium does not mean you can continue to smoke. To break the addiction, you must use the 7 steps of: ear acupunture, eating right for your blood type, chiropractic adjustments, amino acids, liquid minerals, laughter, journal keeping, & the 12 step program.

POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)

Is it cause by the onset of the new period in young women, who have a virus?

POTS most frequently is found in young women who have just started their periods.

Is POTS due to loss of minerals from their new periods? With the loss of minerals, young women are open to being hit by a bad virus. If the onset of the period is followed by a virus or a birth, this double whammy knocks the young women flat on her back.

There may be a blood type connection, because most of the young women who get POTS are blood type O. This may be an acquired immune deficiency syndrome cause by a lack of selenium in the diet.

How can we find a cure? There are 3 main ways: The Holistic approch, who seeks to find the imbalance, or the Reduction method, which seeks to find the missing piece, the magic bullet, the perfect drug, to treat the syndrome. If we use the holistic method, we look at the main systems of the body, the blood type, the Liver - is it in balance, the Lymph system - is it out of whack? Hair testing should tell us if the minerals are out of balance. Dark field studies can look at the blood.

As soon as POTS develops in the body, the body naturally forms anti bodies to fight the syndrome. This anti body is in the blood. The kidney filters out the anti bodies and stores them in the Bank of the Body, to be used later when the person is ready to fight the disease.

POTS Posterior Osteo Taci-cardia Sydrome If you are exposed to a syndrome like POTS, or a disease, like smallpox, automatically, your body creates anti-bodies to the pox: AUT (autoimmuneurine therapy). The body actually manufactures a unique anti body in your blood that can defeat any syndrome or disease. I know this is hard to understand, when you have been taught all your life, that only a doctor can diagnosis a disease. Now only is it not true, that ?only a doctor ...?, but as you probably know by now, most doctors are not very good at diagnosis and they defiantly can?t cure most diseases. They will even tell you so.


Is standing up causing your female childs heart to race? POTS is most common among girls who have just began their period.

A standing posture is a fundamental human activity requiring good circulatory and neurologic adjustment, in order to maintain the correct blood pressure and mental calmness.

The orthostatic tachycardia syndrome is a disabling disease state described, at least since 1940, and is the most common reason for referral for chronic orthostatic intolerance.

Cause. It has been known since 1940 that a diet lacking vitamin B6 (Pantothenic acid) causes tachycardia, fainting, indigestion, depression, sullen, loss of appetite, burning in feet, dermatitis, hyperirritability, convulsions and quarrelsomeness. Food allergies are a leading cause of the body not being able to absorb B6. Everyone cannot eat all vegetables. Some vegetables should not be eaten by certain types of people.

Treatment. Find your blood type. Eat foods that are right for your blood type, foods that contain B6, as this will allow your body to better absorb the B6. If you eat foods wrong for your blood type, it causes your body to fight the toxic foods as if the body was being invaded by a virus, not a vegetable. The body sees some vegetables the same way it sees viruses.

Supplement with B-complex pills to increase your intake of B6. While most MDs, trained in schools not up on modern health thinking, oppose using minerals and vitamins daily, such opinions are not now the currant thinking. Find a doctor, an ND or DC, who understands and advocates using vitamins.

Drink 1 oz. of liquid colloidal minerals with each meal, as minerals are a co-factor of B6.

The most overlooked symptom is quarrelsomeness, because such people are so difficult for their parents to talk to. Parents do not realize that the girls unpleasantness and violent outbursts are a symptom. Such girls are frequently just thrown out of the house.

My daughter, 19, has POTS. But I found the treatment, by accident, while looking under mental illness, because my daughter is very sullen. There, right next to sullenness was POTS. Bingo! I put the 2 together by accident. It was on pg. 295 of Dr. Wallachs book, Rare Earths, Forbidden Cures.

Vitamin B6 is required for the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin. Therefore, a deficiency of vitamin B6 may result in symptoms of anxiety and depression due to inhibition of serotonin synthesis.(3 ) In a study of individuals suffering from frequent anxiety attacks, patients were given vitamin B6 (125mg, 3 times daily) and tryptophan (2 grams daily). This regime enabled in 70 percent of patients (9 of 13) to become free of anxiety attacks within three weeks.(4) Oral contraceptives are known to deplete vitamin B6, which may cause anxiety in susceptible women. In one particular study, administration of 40mg of vitamin B6 daily restored normal biochemical values and also relieved the clinical symptoms in the vitamin B6 deficient women taking oral contraceptives.(5) There are other drugs that deplete B6 in addition to oral contraceptives.

B1 (Thiamine) Beri-beri, inflammation of nerves Liver, unrefined cereal, grains 0.5 mg 0.7 mg 1.5 mg

B2 (Riboflavin) Inflammation of the tongue, maceration at angles of mouth Liver, milk 0.6 mg 0.8 mg 1.8 mg

B3 (Niacin) Pellagra Yeast, lean meat, liver 8 mg 9 mg 20 mg

B6 (Pyridoxine) Convulsions, hyperirritability Yeast, wheat, corn, liver 0.4 mg 0.7 mg 2.0 mg

B12 (Cyanocobalamin) Pernicious anaemia Liver, meat, eggs, milk 2 mcg 3 mcg 6 mcg Vit. C (Ascorbic Acid) Scurvy Citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables 35 mg 40 mg 60 mg Folates (Foloc Acid) Sprue, anaemia, neural tube defects in children of folate-deficient women leafy green vegetables 0.1 mg 0.2 mg 0.4 mg

Here are 10 people who are the same age I am, 63. Linda McCartney, Roy Harrison, Johnny Cochran, Roy Orbison, Jessie Jackson, Andy Weil, Peter Jennings, ABC, What good is it to be rich & famous, if you are also now dead?

Save the Sharks?

What animals do not get Cancer?

Most animals do not get cancer, because their livers make about 2 grams of mineral ascorbate vitamin C hourly! This means humans can totally prevent cancer by taking 2 grams of vitamin C hourly.

The only animals who develop cancer are animals whose livers do not make vitamin C, due to a genetic defect. The only 5 animals whose livers do not make vitamin C are: fruit bats, guinea pigs, humans, gorillas & some monkeys. That was a mistake of evolution, which it is easy to correct with supplements of vitamin C. That is probably the reason few animals develop cancer according to Linus Pauling.

Dogs and cats that drink tap water with fluoride can develop cancer, when the fluoride destroys the liver.

Should shark cartilage be used to treat cancer? My friend from the 60s, Stokely Carmichael went to Cuba to try & save his life using shark cartilage. It didn't work. Carmichael died at 54. I have read most of the research and books on using shark cartilage to treat cancer. It just does not hold up. There is no scientific basis for that claim. There is no truth to using shark cartilage to treat cancer. It is a myth.

Linda McCarth, wife of Beatles Paul, blood type O, tried to be a vegatarian to stop cancer. She died at age 56 of cancer. Vegatariansism will not work for blood type O. The reason some claim shark works, is because sharks rarely get cancer.

The reason sharks rarely get cancer, is because they are blood type O, a carnivore and so eat meat, which contains a high level of selenium & all 69 minerals. This misguided search for a cure is killing off the sharks. A study released in April 2001 shows that shark meat contains the highest levels of metallic mercury. Mercury causes Autism ( 3-15-05, San Jose Mercury News ) Next comes Tuna. Save the sharks. Eat more selenium.

Mercury causes: Autism, Alzheimer's, & Parkinson's.

People should stop eating Shark & Tuna to eliminate mercury from their diet. Since insulin & selenium works better to prevent & cure cancer, we can now cure cancer using selenium & save the sharks. To further eliminate mercury, people should remove all silver/mercury filings from their teeth, since it is 50% mercury & is a major cause of cancer, Autism, Parkinsons & Alzheimers.

How the mercury in tuna, or the silver/mercury filings of your teeth cause cancer, is, the mercury blocks the ability of enzymes in your body to function.

Enzymes is the way cells communicate when they are trying to heal your body. If you cut the wires, knock down the cellular towers of the bodies ability to communicate, by getting vaccinated with any vaccine containing chimerical (mercury), you prevent your body from communicating healing messages, and to allow deadly alien cancer cells to take over your body. (pg 112 Alternative Health magazine, Sept. 2004).

Please stop reading! Take a deep breath! Now laugh out loud for 10 seconds. This will relax you. Laughter is another great way to treat cancer. Now do this laughter exercise for 20 minutes. Do not read another word until you take a laughter break.

Here is a very powerful story. When Linus Pauling was diagnosis was prostate cancer, in 1991, he began treating his cancer using every form of medicine known. This included one of the most effective forms of natural medicine : AUT.

Back in 1960, Pauling worked with Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgi, ("St. Georgi") who, you may remember, discovered vitamin C. Gyorgi was Pauling's mentor. Pauling then went on to popularized vitamin C. Now we have found 19 ways to prevent cancer. If you have cancer, we can show you secret ways to cure cancer, that most doctors will not tell you, even if you ask. Cancer is an acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Cancer is acquired by having a diet deficient in selenium and other diet defects.

In 1960, Dr. Gyorgi isolated an anti-body, an anti-cancer compound, 3MG. (1) Gyorgi spent the rest of his life researching 3MG (3-methyl-glyoxal) and Pauling was very interested in this research. Back it the day, this advanced research was akin to where Stem Cell research is going today. The church, AMA & media was totally opposed to what Gyorgi and Pauling were doing with vitamin C research and AUT.

Science often steps way ahead of public thinking. That is what we want science to do. In fact, Ecology is probably the top form of science, and economics is only a subsection of Ecology. Any calculation about how a business can make money, has to calculate the environmental impact that business will have on the Commons.

Cellular medicine achieves breakthrough in fight against AIDS

Cellular Medicine, it has become clear, can also combat AIDS, the illness which attacks the immune system. Not only can Cellular Medicine decisively improve the immune system of AIDS patients, but in many cases it even reverses AIDS symptoms. Following its conquest of cardiovascular disease and the death sentence of cancer, Cellular Medicine has now declared war on the third great epidemic of our age, the immune system-weakening disease AIDS. In a suburb of Cape Town, South Africa, the Dr. Rath Health Foundation has developed a successful vitamin programme for AIDS patients in collaboration with local doctors. So breathtaking were the results that they were immediately publicised throughout the world.

Publication of the success of this natural AIDS remedy in the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune and other international newspapers makes the breakthrough irreversible. Now the whole world knows that Cellular Medicine offers the first natural, highly effective means to combat AIDS, without incurring side effects: a powerful weapon in the battle against the AIDS epidemic. It goes without saying that this breakthrough has drawn a fierce response from all those who earn billions from the continuing ravages of the AIDS disease. These are the same vested interest groups in the pharmaceutical industry which have already fought so vehemently and with all means at their disposal against the eradication of cardiovascular illnesses and other endemic diseases.

As before, when it became known that cancer was no longer a death sentence, the pharmaceutical-dependent media are again attacking this breakthrough with full venom. In view of the political impact of the AIDS epidemic, the pharmaceutical cartel and its media henchmen are beoming ever more desperate.. The pharmaceutical cartel now finds itself faced not only with this scientific breakthrough but also with the combination of this medical advance and a government the government of South Africa that has the political will to use this vital information at all costs in the service of its countrys people. Effective Cellular Medicine replaces a deadly cocktail of pharmaceutical drugs.

Why do we still study Galileo? Some backward thinking people view scientists like Galileo and Pauling as heritics. That is why Galileo faced The Inquisition at the hands of the Pope, for writing that "the Earth rotates around the Sun".

Thinking they could tell people like Galileo, or Pauling what he could say. It took a 100 years for people to finally understand what both Galileo and Pauling were saying. The AMA still does not understand. America was founded on the idea that anyone can write anything, no matter what the church says.

That is why we have seperation of state and church today. To protect the modern day Galileos. Galileo was a great scientist. What you are about to read now, is probably the most advanced thinking in how to prevent cancer, grow perfect skin in 6 weeks, treat, and cure cancer. I hope you enjoy the show.

Is there any evidence CANCER is caused by genetic defects?

Look carefully at your genes. Genes are made of minerals. The most common minerals missing from the body and so, your genetic code is selenium. DNA and genes look like a ladder.

When you are deficient in even one mineral, like selenium, it is like having a ladder with a rung or two missing. You are going to fall thru the deficit. In a word, there is really no "genetic" cause of cancer, but there are genes that are damaged by missing minerals like selenium.

A lack of selenium in the diet is the major cause of cancer. So if you have cancer, and you look at your genes, you will see a "defect", the missing selenium, so it is possible to misread the facts, to guess that the selenium deficiency is also a genetic defect. Which it is not. Doctor frequently make this mistake.

Hospitals and doctors sometimes misread facts in a way that will then inspire you to take the treatment they want to SELL to you, radiation, surgery or gentic testing. They can bill your insurance company thousands of dollars for these useless tests.

The results can then be used to scare you into doing foolish treatments to make the doctors rich. If doctors were no so overly motivated by just money, they would not have such a one sided view of cancer. Doctors must repeat just what the AMA wants them to say, or else, they will loose their place at the pig trough.

The "war on cancer" is more than 55 years old. Yet today doctors are no closer to any treatment, prevention , much less a cure, that lasts longer than 5 years. How come? Because doctors have discovered they can make a hell of a lot more money by "treating" it in a way that will never cure it. Yes, there really is a safe, excellent cure for cancer, selenium, (and a dozen other combined modalities ) that is very effective and cheap, but doctors will never mention these steps or selenium. That is why doctors will tell you to ignore alternative treatments.

Doctors like to only use the most expensive and least effective way to treat cancer and every disease, just to keep you coming back into their office. To most doctors, you are just a cash cow they can milk. That is why they oppose minerals ascorbate vitamin C and all forms of alternative medicine.

There are at least a dozen alternative ways to cancer-proof your body and your life. Many are free.

Remember, a lack of selenium causes cancer to grow and spread. And in just the opposite way, Selenium, stops cancer cold! Selenium causes cancer cells to commit suicide, the medical term is apoptosis, a very valuable term when your are trying to cure cancer. Selenium freezes cancer dead.

We in the new field of Prevative Medicine and alternative medicine have known this for 18 years. This year, 2004, the AMA finally published an article by Dr. Larry Clark, showing that selenium, even if just used at a mega dose of 3,000 mcg daily, could eliminate 50% of the cancer deaths in America in one year.

This is simply remarkable. This means that over 200,000 lives a year would be saved just from taking this safe, cheap minerals you can buy over the counter, from any drugs for $9. That is a 2 week supply for less than $10.

But, we may never see a cure for cancer written about in the NEWS, because the AMA and Big Pharma, controls the media. Why not? The drug companies are scheming big to grab your cash, and your soul, by selling you drugs that they know don't work to prevent cancer, or cure cancer. At a price you can't afford. Look at the fancy, slick ads on TV! They offer you life, but when you use them, they deliver you nothing. The ads make the doctors rich and most cancer patients die after 7 years.

The cause of cancer: vaccinations, drugs, radiation and surgery, is being sold as the cure! The disease is being touted as the cure. Of course, junk foods lacking selenium, is the main underlying cause, but doctors never say that either. There are dozens of environmental and diet causes of cancer, which we will cover in the following pages. My point is, doctors ignore the real causes of cancer, just so they can try to con you into giving them your insurance money to use a treatment that we all know has never prevented or cured a single case of cancer.

As I write this, my mother-in-law, is dying of cancer, 9 years after the doctors declared she is cured of cancer. She has been relapsing year after year. The treatments get more severe, year after year.

Here is a great example: Lance Armstrong. It is now 2004. Armstrong will be dead by 2009 from cancer. Sure he is winning now, but his cancer will keep coming back, deeper and stronger every year until he is dead, unless he begins taking 3,000 mcg of selenium. The TV ads never tell you that! The drugs can't work, because they can't prevent cancer. Don't fall victim to this new TV scam to con you into buying drugs you don't need. George Orwell understood the power of the TV. His book 1984 was correct, but Orwell did not realize how big the power of the TV is squeeze money out of the pockets of the majority, who don't read carefully.

Ban CT full body scans?

We are experienced alternative medicine experts. We don't use or recommend: radiation, drugs, surgery , vaccinations or any such unproved treatments, or such dangerous methods, until all less dangerous modalities have been tried first. The rule is, first use treatments that do no harm. Start with the least harmful methods first. Very few MD's understand the oath they swore to follow: first do no harm. They usually start with the most expensive treatment first.

So much better to make their house payments easier, while you die. They rarely practice prevention. They just do heroic medicine. They wait until you are in a crisis before they talk to you. Every day the news drops a new bomb of bad news about how dangerous radiation is. Today (8-31-04), the news is that "CT Full body scans are too dangerous to be useful." Did your doctor send you a five cent copy of the news story. No! Instead they will send you an ad for your annual CT scan. Most doctors are mere criminals in a white jacket.

Free. Which free health food drink contains: Calcium, Hgh, human growth hormones, 15 amino acids like lysine, Estrogen, proteins, 69 minerals, all your vitamins: like Thiamine B1, riboflavin B2, B6, B-12, ascorbic acid, (vitamin C), 9 enzymes, frucose, glucose, mannose, fructose, lactose, organic acids, adrenaline, a perfect male hormone for preventing aging, insulin to treat diabetes, DHEA, "gastric secretory depressants", to combat the growth of stomach ulcers and cancer, 3MG, and all the essential elements for extending your life?

Yes, that is what we are talking about: a new perfect food, available free today, to everyone in the world. No prescription required. I offer this to you -- free. It is much better than Gator Aid (tm) or Snapple (tm) to bost your body.

The reason I list many of the ingredients, is because, this is the one set of facts that changed my mind. I was a total skeptic for many years. I had first met someone from India who had seen this drink used. Then I read the list of ingredients approved by the FDA and I knew it must be safe. Once I knew there was no toxic effect and it contained a rich supply of proteins, vitamins and minerals, I was sold. My transformation from total skeptic to scientific supporter and researcher took 20 years. If I tell you how I changed my mind, I hope to inspire you to change your mind faster than I did. This will allow you to cross the line into a free form of health care. This will allow you to teach about AUT and silky skin to teach the world, to reach the whole world. We must. The fate of world health depends on you learning and then practicine and then teaching about this cup of gold.

Gold has again been discovered in California. If you discovered a huge river of gold, flowing from the mountains, like miners did at Sutters mine in the California gold fields, wouldn't you want to share the wealth with the rest of your friends. This is one of the reasons I write about this vast discovery.

Gold miners, Explorers, Sailors, Soldiers, Survivalists, Researchers, Doctors, have all told me of using this drink to survive hardships, isolation, starvation, being lost in the jungles of Vietnam or on a desert. This truly is a man's drink! Male pioneers have used this drink for centuaries to allow them to survive on the edges of civilization, as they expand into the unknown. But wait a minute. Didn't I point out that the use of this lotion as a medicine for skin, was first discovered and used by women to treat scratches on babies? Yes. In fact, in this modern world, there are more women using this great skin therapy as a skin beauty product than there are men using it for reseasrch or survival. Somehow all these great stories of heroism and survival have been suppressed in our "polite" society. Where the cancer rate is sky rocketing out of sight. If living in a "polite" society means I have to die of cancer, just from not being able to talk about our own perfect skin lotion, our own perfect medicine, I will choose the wild society of Explorers, living on the edge.

Take just one thing: Prostaglandid, which is a wonderful hormone, which lowers blood pressure, relaxes the muscles in the lungs, stimulates labor contractions and works great to improve the electrical impulses going thru your heart. Wow. All from a natural health food drink that Jesus drank (John 7:38) " Rivers of living water."

Even Time Magazine, July 1992, wrote a cover story article on America's love affair with vitamins, pointing out that, "when you take mega doses of minerals, the excess does you no harm. The surplus is just stored in your bladder and you get expensive......." pg 21, TIME. Of course, each person is different. Some people will never change because they are still trapped by the mass media, church or whatever. For the rest of us there is freedom from disease and aging using this most refreshing warm beer drink that Jesus drank. Saul Kent wrote a great article on the ingredients, in Geriatrics magazine in September 1982. It was about DHEA and how it can be used to prevent obesity, cancer, aging and AIDS. There are over 200 articles in various scientific magazines on the valuable use of this health food drink. Isn't it time you got hip??

Why would I offer you this new freedom? Why? Because we have to find better ways to cure Hepatitus A, B, C, and all diseses, because too many people are suffering. And worst of all, doctors just want you to take drugs, which don't cure Hepatitus, but just make your skin look like leather. Doctors are trying to get rich selling drugs. I offer you this cure for free. I will sell you 7 different books on the topic, if you need more documentation, if you want, but what you know now should give you more freedom than any doctor could ever give you. Look at my agenda! I am not really trying to sell you anything. I just want you to be free.

There is several great books on AUT that detail all the wonderful ingredients found in AUT. One is "Your Own Perfect Medicine". You just have to ignore what the church has taught you for all your life. Are you ready for the future of natural medicine? It is just a kiss away. Freedom costs less than the present tightly controlled form of medicine practiced by MD's. Once people understood this. In 1869 a movement began in the US to ban all MD's because they refused to wash their hands and so 70% of the women who delivered babies in hospitals died from diseases, caused by dirty doctors hands. Millions of women died, until doctors began washing their hands in 1946. Shocking. Some times views change as to what is clean and what is dirty. This is one of those moments in history. Once doctors hands were though to be always clean. "The hands of god." Now we know better. Now we are in another such time of major changes in thinking about prevention. Today, more and more people now realize AUT is clean, while tap water is dirty, dangerous and deadly.

While attending the 4th World Conference on Nutritional Medicine in San Francisco, May 2004, I met a close personal friend of Dr. Linus Pauling's, Dr. Michael Lesser, MD. Dr. Lesser is a great soul and real historical icon. While I was interviewing him on video, for a TV show on Alternative Medicine, Dr. Lesser revealed to me the details of what Pauling told him in 1991. It was as wonderful as being told "the Earth rotates around the Sun in 1631". Pauling told Lesser he had been treating his cancer using autoimmuneurine therapy (AUT) for the last year. Do you know how AUT works? AUT is a great form of preventative medicine. This is based on the idea that the body is a self-healing mechanism. A sort of RADAR.

Here is how the body works. If you get cancer, the body immediately makes an anti-body, an anti-cancer compound, 3 MG, and puts it in the blood. The kidney then takes the compound 3MG, out of the blood and stores it in the bladder. The body does this hourly. That is why this form of alternative medicine has been compared to RADAR. The blood and all fluids, searches the whole body hourly. When the fluids find a single cancer cell, they test it, determiene it nature, then ZAP!, make an anti-cancer anti-body designed exactly to kill that specific cancer. This anti-body, be it 3MG or any of the thousands of other anti-bodies the body makes to kill cancer, are then stored in the bladder, for your recycling, your use to kill that single cancer cell. All this requires that you be recycling AUT daily, or even better twice daily. Isn't that a wonderful system. And it is free. Now, if only everyone in the world knew this. The reason Pauling has using AUT to treat his cancer, was, while working with Gyorgi, Gyorgi isolated 3MG from urine & told Pauling he was testing the anti-cancer effects of this new anti-body 3MG by drinking his own. Gyorgi understood this system totally. Pauling received a book on this similar research from Dr. Ralph Moss. Pauling wrote back skeptical. Then he talked to Gyorgi and so Pauling overcame his initial skepticism and eventually joined with Moss and Gyorgi. We can document all of these steps, as you will read below.

Are there any modern, scientific uses for AUT?

Skin Lotions. Go look at the most expensive skin creams in Macy's or Sax Fifth Avenue. Read the ingredients. You will notice that only the most expensive skin lotion products contain this AUT ingredient. Which I will soon name, after you understand that it is safe, effective and free. Do you now realize that it is safe, because your body makes it just for you to use? Do you now understand that it is safe, because women have used it on the skin of babies for 5,000 years, with not one reported case of any problem. O.K., if you agree that it is safe, I will now begin to tell you how you can get a free lifetime supply so you too can make your skin more perfect. What other uses can we make with this fluid? It is O.K. for you to say you do not yet understand. All that I ask is that you reserve judgement until you have read the book and talked with someone, like me, with any questions. My phone number is 415-368-8581, if you have any questions. Best time is 7 to 9am, SF time, daily.

Self-Vaccination. By recycling your own perfect medicine daily, you create a form of natural RADAR that is able to detect and destroy any dangerous virus or bacteria or even a nutritional deficiency, that might get into your body. Take West Nile virus. This virus comes from mosquiteos. Western medicine has no known antidote to it. Yet, the body will create a natural anti-body to West Nile virus within one hour of being attacked or biten by a mosquito. Thus your body is able to vaccinate itself against West Nile virus daily and protect your body against the virus. Is that good or is that good?

Here are the top 19 things you can do to cure cancer.

1- Eat right for your blood type is probably the best thing you can do to prevent & cure cancer. Please read the book, Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type, by Dr. Peter D'Adamo. The book explains which foods are right for blood type O, and which foods cause cancer. There are 4 blood types: O, A, B& AB. This means there is one genetically unique diet for you. Example: Type O's should have a high protein breakfast of steak and eggs. And one cup of coffee. That gives you more energy, so you don't need to snack on junk foods. Lunch should be flax flakes, freshly ground flax meal, rice milk and lecithin. The book lists dozens of menus for each meal of each blood type. The food choices for each blood type are exciting. Dinner should be a light salad, made with certain vegetables. Even some vegetables are bad for type O. Life get better as we make new distinctions. Try new foods. Experiment. Expand your taste buds. Life gets more exciting with each passing meal. And love is either in your heart, or on its way. Don't you know that its worth every treasure on Earth to be young ...

Foods that cause cancer in blood type O are: pork, corn, sugar, wheat, fried foods and certain fruits like oranges. I know this sounds strange, but sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Please go and read the book. It is at most libraries. They have a web site of the same name: Eat right .... Relationships. There is also a great book on which blood types make the best mate for each other type. Have fun with science. In San Francisco, there is a resturant with a menu for each blood type. I own the worldwide franchise. Please call me if you would like to start a similar resturant in your area. Thank you.

2- Take 3,000 mcg of liquid Selenium, (or 15 pills) of Selenium daily. I am in the largest government study on using selenium to treat & prevent cancer. There are 22,000 Vets in this study. Were doing this for 12 years. So far, we have been doing it for 3 years. It is totally amazing to me to see the US government doing anything progressive against cancer. We now know that Selenium can cure cancer, if you take it early and take mega doses of it. While the FDA only recommends 200 mcg now, and I recommend 3,000 mcg, in 10 years the FDA will catch up with all the biologists who recommend 3,000 mcg daily. There are no toxic side effects from taking 3,000 mcg daily. Even the University of Oregon has 100 people in a study group taking 3,000 mcg, so you know you are safe. The only known side effects from taking 3,000 mcg, is you may notice your finger nails getting a little wavey and your breath will smell like garlic. Big deal. At least you will live to 100 and not get cancer.

3 - take 2 gm of vitamin C hourly. What kind? The “Emergen-C” from Allacer seems to work best.

4 - Exercise. Is there a form of exercise that can prevent and even help your body cure cancer? Yes! Laughter Yoga! Studies show laughter helps cure cancer. Norman Cousins treated his cancer with laughter. Read his book: Head First!

Laughter Yoga is best if done for 20 minutes daily. Laughter pumps endorphins into your blood. This makes you feel great, cures cancer and you smile all day long. Dr. John Gray, Men are From Mars, has an excellent 1 hour video tape on stretching exercises to do. I did those exercises, but after reviewing his tape, for 3 months, I was able to improve on it greatly. In my new exercise routine, I do a special form of Indian Yoga, but I also laugh while I am doing the stretches, because my main focus is on training my body to cure cancer. I have just produced an excellent new video tape on how we do yoga at my natural health clinic and we all do laughter together to train your body to treat cancer. Once you see the tape, it will totally change the way you do your stretching. Each segment is longer than the previous one.

Curing cancer should be made as much fun as possible. If you make a life style fun, people are more likely to keep on doing it. Isn't it a great concept: train your body to cure its own cancer. I bet you never had a conventional cancer doctor tell you you can train your body to cure cancer. Only the body can heal itself, but only alternative medicine doctors, like myself, understand this. Come train with me and I will set you free. Free from cancer.

The first segment is a 10 minute yoga and laughter exercise. Great to do just before breakfast, when your rushing off to work. Next comes a 20 minute workout. Finally comes a 30 minute session. Use this one on weekends or when you really want to feel your whole body glow. Flexibility.

By having these 3 timed sections, you can decide how long you want to exercise and then you see the stretches, you can follow them and the tape becomes your exercise buddy to get you started each day. If you turn on this video to watch when you are ready to do your exercise, it will keep you focused on what you need to do, so you don't get distracted when the phone rings. Some people do sex just for the endorphin high they get from it. A final word on lifestyle: Don't ride the elevator down. Walk down. Or in my case, I walk up and down stairs if the distance is under 6 floors. Sometimes I just like the challenge of walking up 11 floors. For a copy of my wonderful new Indian Laughter Yoga video, send only $29.

5 - Herbs: Cayenne, Ginger, Garlic, Onions, Saw Palmetto pills & tea. Herbs that are correct for your blood type. Herbs are very powerful ways to prevent all cancers, if used with minerals and all these other modalities we suggest. There is no one magic bullet. Avoid doctors and hospitals like they are a plague. The average MD only lives to age 57, because they use drugs, radiation and surgery on themselves. Their medicine is poison.

6 - Cancer is a life & death issue. No one is going to help you more that you can help yourself, if you start early doing these 19 steps. Take courage. Don't let old taboos block your progress. Don't let the doctors scare you away from selenium and autoimmuneurinetherapy.

Water. The Chlorine in tap water & Fluoride, are major causes of cancer. Even showering in the tap water is a major problem, because your skin is your second largest organ & your skin drinks the water you shower in. Here is a trick I was taught in the Navy. Take a Navy shower. Just get wet. Then turn off the water and soap down. Then do a quick rinse. Get a solar camp shower. Fill it with filtered water. Take shorter showers. Get a water filter. Start a petition to ban chlorine and chloramine from your city water supply. Chloramine, once put in the water, can never be removed. Never is a long time. We are winning this fight too. Stop smoking. I didn't need to say that, but some people still smoke.

7 - Avoid mercury in vaccinations, dental fillings ( silver filings are 50% mercury) since mercury is a major cause of cancer. Mercury causes brain, gum and blood cancer.

8 - Yes, it will really help you cure cancer if you dare to break the taboo around massaging urine into your skin. Can you do that? If your life depended on it, could you do it? I will send you a great book on using urine to treat cancer, if you order it.

9 - Liquid Minerals. It is most important that you drink liquid minerals containing all 69 organic minerals. When you order my book I will give you a full chapter on how and why to use liquid minerals. When you income exceeds your outgo, you up keep it easier for 169 years. Join the race to 100 years.

10 - Chiropractic. This is one step people find it hard to understand. It is just like your cars electrical system. If your nerves are not blocked by bones out of place, your electrical system works Oh so much better. Please just try it for 3 months. People who go see a DC monthly have far fewer medical problems, including cancer and back pain. Colon cancer feels like painful indigestion. Don't be confused. If you see a DC, you will know the pain is not caused by a pinched nerve. Yes, go see a chiropractor near you. I actually go see 3 different ones, so see how each one is a little different. Get a T.E.N.S. treatment from your DC or acupuncturist. This is a very mild electrical stimulation of the ear that helps your body jump start your system and actually helps prevent cancer. In our book we have a list of DC's in your city who give a TENS treatment.

11 - Electro Dermal Screening. This is a new many doctors can give you. Call & find a doctor whose it in your area. If you order our book, we will give you of 20 in your town or city. EDS is a great new modality and our book has a full chapter on it.

12 - Drink Oxygen. If you go to a health food store & ask for food grade hydrogen peroxide, they will have it. Add 7 drops to each glass of water you drink. Why? Because burning gas & oil has destroyed 50% of the Oxygen in the air. Viruses hate oxygen. Cancer hates Oxygen. The more H2O2 you drink, the less chance you have of getting cancer. - Donate Blood. According to several great studies in Finland, Sweden & Japan, people who donate blood at least twice a week rarely develop cancer. Why? Because excess iron in the blood is a cause of cancer. Men more than women need to donate blood, because women loose blood in their periods. For more info.

Read on. And least we forget, 2004 is an election year. Will voting for John Kerry really deliver Health Care for All?? If I though he could or would, I would support him. Kerry and Nader have the same position on health care. Who is more powerful? The AMA or the President? Obviously, the AMA, Big Pharmacudical Corporations and Insurace companies laugh at us and run the government. Our genetic life span potential is 150. We are now in a period where people live to 122. The life span is increasing one year ever 5 years. Paulings parents only lived to age 33 for his dad and 44 for his mom, yet Pauling lived to 93, just using 2 gm of vitamin C hourly. That was in 1994. Look how much more we know now. Pauling did not know about selenium or Saw Palmetto or a dozen other supplements. Now we think we know how to live to 150. I plan to live to 120. So can you. If you play your cards right. But, if you don't take charge of your own health care, you will never live past 75. Just say no to Drugs. I am sure Kerry does not take 2 gm of vitamin C hourly. Since he does not, he can't understand the problem. Who is Kerry's chiropractor? If he does not have one, he does not understand prevention.

Money back guarantee. One full year. If, after one year, you are still not totally satisfied that any of our health books are not exactlly perfect for you, please send it back for a 100% money back guarantee. We want you to be happy and healthy. This power exciting new book on "Secret Facts on Preventing and Curing Cancer", also includes a 1 hour video tape from the TV show by the author on alternative medicine for curing cancer and a 1 hour radio talk show audio tape with the author.

Our newest book is "Chicken Soup from the Gods."

$29. This book includes a 2 hour audio tape read by the Author, Paul Kangas.

"The Earth Belongs to the People." Our great book on Ecology. $29. This book includes a 1 hour audio tape read by the author.

"Eat Right to Break Your Addiction." $29. This book includes an audio tape set of 2 tapes read by the author.

Yin Yang. Dichotomy. The well-known Yin Yang Chinese symbol comes from a study done 5,000 years ago, on the pattern changes each year as the length of the day and night change from longer to shorter from summer to winter. This symbol can be used to explain many forms of science, where one must learn to separate the useful from the useless, safe herbs from poisonous plants, pee from pooh, life from death and the good from the bad.

The Science behind Yin Yang.

Here is where the Yin Yang symbol came from. If you take an 8 foot bamboo rod and make 2 door frames, then cross them into a tent frame and stand it in an open field, as if you were building a bamboo house, you would notice a shadow on the ground from the sun. Now if you mark this shadow each day, it will create a pattern, a circle, the Yin Yang symbol, from the 365 lines drawn on the ground, over a one year period. There is tremendous power in understanding the origin of this symbol.

How? As the seasons change and you get less sun in the winter, the shadows are shorter and at an angle. Just keep marking the shadows. This would be a great art project. Now comes the Ying part. At night mark the dim shadows made by the moon! This will give you the Ying, female part of the calendar symbol.

This means you will now have 24 segments in the full circle. This allows you to notice the longest day and the shortest day graphically. Now, when you have gone full circle, ie., one year, you will now have created a one year calendar of the sun patterns and moon patterns. Doing this form of research, meditation, will also teach you the philosophy of life known at the I-Ching. This was like their sun dial, but it was also their calendar. It explained when the frozen dead earth would give birth to life. They could await the birth of the soil to feed them for another year. This is what farmers did for fun 4,000 years ago. Necessity is the mother of invention. This form of art was necessary to understand when to plan crops. The sun pattern foretold when to plow, when to plant. It also gave them a deeper understanding of life. Yin Yang.

What are you willing to do now, to prevent cancer? What will you do if you are told you have cancer? Isn't your life worth you spending 1 hour a day reading alternative ways to prevent cancer? I will refuse radiation, surgery & chemo. I just stayed for 6 months with a close personal friend Jim, age 66, blood type A, in the hospital, while doctors cut his colon cancer out of him. Several times. The MD's tried everything. Nothing worked. 9 months after he asked me, "what the pain was in his gut", he was dead. He loved good food. But he was blood type A, a natural vegatarian and yet, he loved to eat meat. I, on the other hand am blood type O, and I can safely eat red meat. Which I do every other day.

Who is the best cancer curing doctor in the world today?

In Houston, Texas, lives the great doctor Stanislaw Burzynski. He has researched treating cancer using peptides from human blood and urine. As a result of his careful research for 19 years, he has come very close to what we could call a cure for cancer. If you want more into, please feel free to call Dr. Stan at 281-597-0111. Please tell him I refered you. You can call this number 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The cancer industry tried to stop Burzynski by offering him a bribe. They offered him a chance to work for a huge lab in the department of pharmacology at Baylor. Much to his growing credit, Burzynski refused to be bought. What Burzynski's research shows, is that you, me and anyone can use their own urine to prevent cancer. And maybe even cure cancer. This has now been proven. This is main steam research, but the drug companies hate this idea, so they dismiss it every chance they get. Still, slowly, the word is leaking out, that your own urine is really your own perfect medicine, when it comes to preventing cancer.

Has the FDA become a pawn for the big Phama Companies?

Big Pharma has given $billions to members of Congress, so that Congress they will limit what warnings are on the labels.

Do not worry be happy? A lawyer for the FDA recently told several hundred CEOs from the Big Pharma at a national conference in Denver in July 2004, that if they get sued by consumers who are injured or killed by a drug, the FDA would protect Big Pharma. The lead atty. for the FDA, Dan E. Troy, told the CEOs that it is the FDA that determines which warning the drug companies needs to put on the pill bottle, not the drug companies. Originally, the FDA was set up to protect the public from drug pushers and price gougers. Now the FDA has become the guardian for the drug pushers.

Obesity and Breast Cancer.

One of the best known treatments for Obesity and breast cancer is using DHEA. Male urine contains a high amount of DHEA. Obesity is caused by eating junk food, ie., food that is genetically wrong for your body. By eating right 4 your blood type, you can prevent and cure obesity. Obesity is also caused by eating food that lacks all 69 key minerals. Agains, junk food, loaded with sugar. Which depleats chromium, causing a huge craving for more sugar, as the cycle gets worse , you get fatter. Male urine contains a great this great steroid that prevents hunger. That is why people who drink all their urine each day, don't get hungry. It is easy to test this fact.

Was Pauling a modern Galileo? I am examining Pauling's journals, on line, from 1980 to 1994 looking for notes by Pauling into Gyorgi's research on AUT for treating cancer, and about his drinking his own perfect medicine. If there is anywhere it would be, it could be, around the dates of his birthdays. Most people get introspective just before their birthdays. Pauling did tell several close friends, like Dr. Lesser and others, so it may be in his notes too. It is quite conceivable that Pauling kept his AUT research personal, telling only his most trusted male friends, due to the taboo nature of this in the West. Look how much flack he had taken from doctors for his research on vitamin C. Yet, his on-line notes in 1992, dosen't even mention that he was taking 2 gm of vitamin C hourly. Does anyone doubt that he was? History knows he was, but there is nothing in his notes. This may explain why his lab journals lack the content of his phone calls to his close personal friends.

I too have been drinking my own perfect medicine since 1996 & I too kept it a secret for many years. It is easy. No one watches you go to the bathroom. I even kept it secret from my wife Linda Mani for years. I only told other researchers whom I knew I could trust. I'm sure Pauling did the same. Would a man keep this kind of research a secret from his wife, but share it with a few male fiends like Dr. Lesser? Do men tell sex jokes to men? Sure, but not to women. This topic is taboo, just like sex jokes. Would Pauling have done this kind of research on urine, on himself, like he takes vitamin C hourly, but then does not keep track of it in his science journals?

I finally had to "come out of the water closet" in 1999, simply to do all my research, openly talk to friends, etc. I needed to find like minded people. The only way, was for me to openly go on TV, radio and in the press with what I knew about curing breast cancer with urine therapy. Going public has not been easy. I have lost many friends. Some times the way to really find out who your friends are, is to take a principeled position. I wanted to help improve the health of the world with a free medicine.

What would the press have said if they had found out Pauling was drinking his own pee in 1993? He had his passport taken away for being opposed to the A-bomb. Now this? Think of the headlines! I can see them ow. "Pauling drinking his own Pee!" "Has Pauling lost his mind, again?" Look what the press tried to do to the President of India, Desai, when Desai announced he was using urine to prevent and cure TB. The press represents the chruch. It could still happen. The press could still crucify Pauling for his urine research.

I know a very famous doctor here in California, who told me he cured his own asthma using his own urine. I have known him for 40 years as a personal friend, before he was famous. You know his name. Everyone who reads the news knows his name. All his books on relationships are on the New York Times best seller lists. His exercise videos sell in the millions. Last month, I asked him to come on my TV show and do a 30 minute TV show about how he cured his asthma using urine therapy. He declined, saying it was still too taboo. I understand. To speak up now, would have ruined his million dollar speaking tour business. I understand. So did Pauling. Still, Pauling too kept it a secret from the press and just kept drinking and researching 3MG, cancer and urine. Did it work? Yes! Pauling's father died at age 33 in Oregon. His mother died at age 44 in Portland, Oregon. Pauling was affraid he would die quite young. Pauling was very mentally alive at 93, so it may have helped keep his brain young and alive until he died from the chemotherapy. It was the chemo that killed Pauling, not the caner.

But, there is a positive side to this story. Best of all, Pauling helped make urine drinking, going for the gold, eating yellow snow, almost as acceptable as apple pie, base ball and Mom. Someday Pauling may win a third Nobel Prize in Medicine for his research in AUT. Reagan would have been much happier if he had drunk his own perfect medicine instead of using the terrible drugs they used to keep him as a "living vegetable" It was the drugs that killed Reagan, not the disease. Just say No! to drugs.

There is no one magic bullet in health. Use the top 9 ideas that are known today. You must : eat right 4 your blood type , take 3,000 mcg of selenium , do laughter yoga, chiropractic & AUT. Pauling started his research on using urine to cure cancer after he had the cancer. Many biologist say that if anyone, including Pauling had started using urine before he got the cancer, he could have prevented it. I agree, that is why I do it now. How many of us have enough courage of our convictions to use our own body as a test lab, to fight cancer?

When your time comes, as you face death today, will you run to the doctors of death, the MD's, or will you stand with mother nature & fight death using new natural ideas? Hemingway wrote about when people who know themselves face death,they are good & have integrity, they will begin to live life more boldly. Like Pauling & Hemingway did. False values start to fall away as a good person faces death on their own terms. The fault lines in his life will become visible. They abandon all pretensions & social tensions and will live the final years in truth.

They do, in a word, become their own true self when they face death, be it in street combat against street crime gangsters, or when facing death from a disease like cancer, and they become heros to their family. How will you face death? Pauling faced death day by day. Like a chess game. Advancing his pieces on the chess board of life: vitamin C, vegetables to match is blood type A, herbs and AUT. Pauling died next to the love of his life, his wife and his family. His sons died quite young, because they didn't follow his use of vitamin C, as hourly as Pauling did. Kids feel they must rebel against what the father and mother teach. That can be a deadly form of rebelion.

Hemingway died next to the loves of his life: a bottle , a gun and alone. We each choose the pieces we place on the chess board of life. If we had known about Selenium and chiropractic and cayanne, Pauling would have used those pieces too. Pauling is still becoming a hero as we learn how he truly faced death by drinking, not the hemlock of artificial medicine, but the drink of life, from the golden cup. Would you like a copy of our book?

Now, I don't want to shock anyone, but this next section goes stright to the neat details.

Relax and just imagine you are traveling to India and talking to a Healer in India. That is why people travel, to be exposed to local customs. Here we go on a jet ride to alternative medicine in India.

How do I get started using this free wonder drug? Start by rubbing one drop of your own perfect medicine, your own urine, on a dry area of skin on your knee or leg before you go to bed. No one will notice. I promice. Let it soak in all night. Then wash it off in your morning shower. That is the safest way to start.

Next, start drinking one drop of your urine daily for one month. Using an eye droper, put one drop under your tongue. You will notice at the end of this period, your hunger for junk food is gone. Now increase your intake to one ounce daily. That is why people lost on the desert, who drink all their urine, don't feel hungry. DHEA is also a great treatment for breast cancer and prolongs the life span of people and animals. This is one of those Ying, Yang situaltions where male urine is great for women and female urine is great for men.

How old is this great idea? I have a copy of a book written 5,000 years ago in India, about using urine as a form of medicine. Here are a few relevant lines from this ancient book, which was discovered by Professor Athavale, in a small library in India belonging to His Holiness Shankaracharya of Dwarka. It was written on strips of numbered bamboo. It is titled, Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi. It survived fire, floods and revolutions. It was translated by Arthur Lincoln Pauls from his book AUT. The text details how to used old urine as a massage oil for preventing and treating skin diseases, skin cancer, and all forms of skin problems.

I have 10 copies, replicas, of this original book, on bamboo slats. Email me if you would like a copy. Or even easier, just order a copy thru Pay Pal.

Remember, this idea, this practice, this theory, was discovered 5,000 years ago by women changing a babies diaper, who would see scratches on the skin of the baby and would wipe the wet diaper, wet with urine, on the scratches. I first came across this folk custome in Iceland, at the USN base, in 1962, when an Italian USN sailor roommate, with beautiful skin, told me his mother use to wipe his face and whole body with a wet diaper each time she changed him. He told me his whole family still uses urine as a skin treatment. I have since met other people raised in Italy, who tell me this is still a common folk rememdy for skin health and beauty. It is actually a common practice in half the countries of the world. In the text of this 5,000 year old book, they suggest using old urine for all sorts of skin health issues. I will send you this book, if you ask me for it. It is amazing.

The begining of the ancient document on urine therapy from the Damar Tantra. Remember, 5,000 years ago, in India, writing was done in verse, on strips of bamboo. It was done is the syle of a dialog or story. In this document, it is like a letter from a man to a woman. The man is Shiva, the woman is his dear wife Parvati, whom he is trying to keep healthy, young and beautiful.

"Oh Parvati! Those who practice this method can enjoy the fruits of their meditation and have a longer life, by using this method. For this, certain actions have been recommended along with certain types of utensils. The Shivambu is to be drunk from pots made of gold, silver, copper, glass, earth, bamboo, leather or a bowl made of plantain leaves.

( In India, urine is called Shivambu, which means the water of Shiva. In the West it is called the water of Jesus. In a feminist society it would be called the water of Parvati. )

Verse 6. Such a trained man gets up in the early morning, when there quarters of the night has passed, stands facing the east, watching the sun rise, and passes urine into a glass bowl.

Verse 9. Shivambu is a devine nectar! It is capable of abolishing old age and various types of diseses and ailments. The follower should first ingest his urine and then start his meditations, writings and planning his day.

Verse 10. After getting out of bed, the face, internal nose, eyes and mouth should be washed with this special water. Afterwards, one should drink one's own urine quite willingly and cheerfully. All the ailments you have, even from your birth will be completely cured in time.

Verse 11. If this method is followed for one month, one's body will be internally clensed. Drinking it for two months stimulates and energizes the senses.

Verse 12. If this method is followed for 3 months, all types of ailments will disappear and all miseries will evaporate. After folowing this method for 5 months, the follower will be completely healthy and well be bestowed with divine eyesight.

( As I am typing this document, at 6am, from 5,000 years ago, I feel wonderful. To be able to bring to life, to the internet, a prescription for health from 5,000 years ago is awe inspiring. Here is an ancient health modality that has withstood the test of time. Greater than any other known health practice. This is exciting news. This is very modern. I wonder how long it will take my 3 children: Alisa, Shane and Jessamyn to adopt this health practice. Back to the future. )

Verse 13. After 6 months of following this therapy, the follower will be exceptionally intelligent. After 7 months, the follower will be extraordinarily strong.

Verse 14. After 8 months, the human body will posses divine luster, like that of shining gold, which will be permanent. After 9 months of continual use, tuberculosis and leprosy will perish."

Verse 18. After 5 years, the follower can conquer the element of air. Seven years of use makes the follower capable of conquering his ego."

Verse 20. After 11 years, the follower will be able to listen to the movemets of the internal organs of the body."

( O.K., there you have a taste of what life was like 5,000 years ago. Beautiful in their understanding of the wholeness of the human body. They were good listeners back then. Here you have scientific studies done by thousands of followers, and written down, 5,000 years ago. )

Verse 32. Shivambu should be taken with various spices like Tumeric. A meditator who lives on the juice of neem leaves, pumpkin seed powder and Shivambu attains the status of yogi and posses the divinely pleasant suter full of bliss."

Verse 107. Oh my beloved Parvati! I have narrated the details of Shivambu Kalpa. This is a technique. Attempts should be made to keep it a secret. Do not tell anyone."

Here ends the Chapter on Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi, as described in the Damar Tantra. So, even 5,000 years ago people who drank their own perfect medicine felt they had to keep it a secret. Is it any wonder that Linus Pauling, in 1991, would only tell his closest personal male friends, like Dr. Michael Lesser?

I confess, I am still leary about taking to new friends, especially women about this topic. They may think me strange before they get to know me. I am caught between living my life as a free soul, or, conforming to social "norms" that are unhealthy. I am torn. I want people to be healthy. But I fear being shunned for my work. We only live once. It is far better to live ones life standing for something one believes in, than to kneel under the heel of conformity to ignorance and superstition. Must I give up the company of intelligent women just to be able to leave the world a better place. I hope not. So I do this research. The problem is, it interfers with my love life, when bright women find out I do this research. Maybe some day my queen will come, who will accept me for who I am, warts and all. Now I feel I know how Galileo felt facing The Inquistion. While I am not under house arrest, I am ofen shunned by intelligent, educated women, who do not yet understand this ancient science invented by women. But, I digress. Back to reality of changing our drinking habits.

That may sound strange to some people, even today, but among biologists, who have known about the use of AUT by humans, for over 5,000 years, with not one single case of any toxic effect reported, this is normal, good and the road to the future. Yes, we have thousands of documented scientific studies, well research, well written, using millions of people over, even the past 100 years of science. One of the more modern books on this topic is called, "The Golden Fountain."

Do you read your Bible? Even Jesus drank his own perfect medicine, when he "walked on the desert for 40 days and drank the water from his belly." --Mathew 4. There are over a dozen references in the Bible to Jesus using urine to anoint and cure the sick and to feed himself. If its good enough for Jesus, its good enough for me. This would be a great topic to raise, on the desert, at Buring Man. Where modern people attempt to get native for a week. I am planning to do a 40 day fast in 2004 at Burning Man. Come. Join me. It is free, fun and healthy.

Jesus did it. So did Ghandi. See the Hollywood DVD or video on the life of Ghandi. He does it right there on the screen. Only he does not say what he is doing with that empty rice bowl he quietly slips under his orange Saarri. He then lifts it to his lips and drinks the necter of the gods. It was done without explanation to avoid the Hollywood censors. You can see it. You just can't understand what he is drinking. So do thousands of people I know in the US today. It is normal, especially if you are trying to live to 120, which many health food experts are trying to do. I had a friend, Morton Christiansen of San Rafael, California, who just died at 115. Think how much longer he would have lived it he had known about the golden fountain of youth he holds in his hands every day. In India, there are over a million people who drink their own perfect medicine.

When Pauling came down with cancer, he too began, just in the interest of science, testing 3GM on his own body, by drinking his own urine, to test if the 3MG could slowdown his cancer. Pauling drank it for 3 years. It worked. The 3GM anti-body in his urine helped keep Pauling's mind sharp, all the way until his death. The AUT would have worked better, if Pauling had just started before he was diagnosised with cancer. If you fear cancer, start with one drop today. I hereby pass the torch of science to you. Your life is now in your hands. If Pauling had just used natural medicine alternatives and had not taken the poison of chemo and radiation, Pauling might have lived past 100. Dr. Rich Kunin told me that as soon as Pauling started taking the chemo, his writing ability stopped dead. What a shame. Doctors who prescribe drugs, radiation and chemo for cancer should be ashamed of their backwardness.

Remember, when most of the doctors in the world were washing their hands, from 1600 till 1945, and still are, before delivering a baby, or doing surgery, American doctors still refused to wash their hand, "the hands of god", until 1945. Mid-wifes world wide have been washing their hand since the Plague of 1631. What criminals American doctors still are. They murdered Pauling with drugs and they still don't prescribe vitamin C to their patients. When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

The President of India, Morarji Desai, had become famous in the press, Time Mag.1985, when he announced to the world, in front of several thousand attendees from all over the world, to a world conference on TB, that to prevent TB, he was drinking his own. A few years earlier, Desai said, he "had researched how to prevent TB & cure cancer & using urine". Pauling probably read about Desai in the TIME magazine article, doing the same testing as he & Dr. Gyorgi were doing. It was a "harmonic convergence" between 3 great minds: Desai, Pauling and Gyorgi. Hospital documents from several MD's in the best hospital in India, prove Desai had actually cured his brother of serious TB, by teaching him to to drink his own perfect medicine. Desai should now be nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his great efforts to popularize AUT world wide. He moved me to act. What will it take to move you to save your own life from breast cancer, TB, heart disease, etc., for free. Think about that. It is free. However, there is a view, that people will only value something if they have to pay for it. Find. Send me $29. and I will send you a great book on this topic, as quick as I can. In fact, I have collected 10 of the greatest books on the topic, all brand new, in mint condition, from all over the world, which I will send you a list of when you order the first book. Each book is only $29. Gosh. You could become an expert.

Dr. Lesser said to me, that it was always such a pleasure to listen to a great scientist like Pauling expound on new, ground breaking ideas, that Lesser did not want to interrupt Pauling with his questions, while Pauling was freely explaining his new passion. Pauling's research into AUT is very important to document, because the world faces several major diseases that can be cured with AUT: cancer, TB, polio, gangrene, heart disease and it is a great source of stem cells to improve mental alertness , treat depression & prevent Alzheimer's. Several doctors in LA(Dr. Wm. Fife) are not using it to treat mental illness. In Houston, Dr. Stan Burzenski is using it to treat cancer. If we can prove Pauling was using AUT, this will make AUT more like apple pie, baseball & Mom. It will help make AUT as acceptable as vitamin C. It will once again prove Pauling was a great researcher. This Revelation can not hurt Pauling's great reputation. In fact, it will give him a bigger world stature, because millions in the world already use AUT. We also have a great video with the interview with Dr. Lesser and others on urine therapy. Enjoy.

What will you do to save your life? What will you do if you are dying, like Pauling was? I will live my life then as I do now, in the field of natural medicine. When the pain of death comes, I will take more MSM , white willow bark, cayenne & ginger, as I do now. If Hemingway , in pain from cancer, had known about MSM, he would not have needed a shotgun. The role of the government should be to give all People in the world, the tools they need to prevent cancer, AIDS, heart disease and Hepatitus. Prevention is the key. That starts with education. Notice, doctors rarely suggest what you can do to totally prevent cancer. I am trying to make America smarter, stronger and healthier. America works better when more American workers don't have cancer and can most live past 100. The Democratic Party is walking away from their best allies, in the working class by supporting Big Pharmacy and not being brave enough, in the battle for health care, to speak up for AUT. I know it take a lot of knowledge and guts to speak up for something the majority do not yet understand: AUT. But leadership is standing up for what is scientifically correct,like Galileo and Pauling did, like stem cell research and AUT research, even when the majority do not yet understand the stakes. That takes far more guts than killing farmers in Vietnam. Which Kerry is famous for. Sure, I may vote for Kerry, but, the day after he is elected, we will have to march against the war, because Kerry won't be able to stop it, unless there is a huge Peace Movement behind him. The Peace Movement today is truly the other Super Power in the world. That is what the NYT called the Peace Movement after we put 15 million people on the streets after Bush attacked Iraq. What is the best way to bring free health care to all People in the world? First, actually say you want free health care. Then learn about how AUT, ( Americas United for Truth about urine therapy) , to bring real life saving medicine to the People w/ cancer, TB, AIDS, heart disease, Hepatitus and all diseases. That is the challenge we now face in 2005.

The death of few men have inspired so much creative writing as the death of Pauling & Einstein. It had been widely known by many of his personal friends that Pauling was in failing health from cancer, but was rumored that he was hard at work on his newest research, AUT, which might prove to be his magnum opus; and it seems quite like the inconoclast Pauling, for us to now discover that his research was indeed on the newest and yet the oldest form of natural medicine: urine. Some of the ingredients in the mixture that made Pauling a great thinker were discoverable and some are not. Was it his life experiences, his friends, his co-biologists, his disease or his research, that inspired him to test AUT? We may never know, but we can continue his research. I suspect it was his disease that moved him to ignore the taboo about researching AUT. Please don't you wait until you know you are dying, before you research more about AUT.

Pauling had a profound respect for Mother Nature and his own body, as if it embodied the whole universe, which it indeed does, if one looks at the human body the way Pauling, Krebs, Hoffer, John Anderson & Lesser do.

Like Ernest Hemingway, Pauling was impatient with writers who dodge the truth about how the body works, or lie and doctors who are willing to twist the truth about nature, to fit the demands of the phamacutical companies who now try to control the medical field and so much of the human race. People who watch TV truly are more like sheep than humans. Pauling was like Dr. John Reed, in that he used his own body as lab to test his theories on. Pauling was sometimes criticized for living his ideas up, by testing them on his own body, in order to write them down. That is the true way of science. Pauling outlived all of his medical critics, who all died before they were 70. Pauling did for western natural medicine, in the 20th centerey, what Indian President M. Desir and Dr. Joel Wallach, ND, is doing in the 21st century, giving the world new juice.

For a copy of this new book on Pauling & Hemingway,

send $29.95 to:

Paul Kangas, 15 Boardman Pl.

San Francisco, CA 94103

(1) Page 16, The Golden Fountain, Coen van der Kroon, 1996.

NEWS OF THE DAY. (This section is not part of the book, but is just here for entertainment.)

This will be a running commentary about events of the day.

In America, Elections do not court. We have to find a way to make democracy work daily, in spite of the fact that we live under a corporate run Dictatorship. First, we have to teach the corporations that our schools should be funded, as well as their childrens private schools. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. Our prisons are full of kids who did not finish high school.

Hepatitus. We now have more children dying from Heatitus Vaccines, than are dying for Hepatitus! Hep is an adult disease. There is no valid reason to inject children under 17 with such an untested vaccine. Even the Nazi's were not this stupid.

Epidemiologists battling a fierce epidemic of Marburg virus in Angola suspect unorthodox medical practices by local traditional healers may be contributing to the spread of the deadly disease. The international health specialists suggest that the healers, who lack medical training and supplies but substitute for doctors in many rural African communities, are administering injections in homes or in makeshift clinics with reused needles or syringes. In the northern Angolan province of Uige, where 233 people have died of the Marburg virus, epidemiologists say they must convince people that such practices can mean death in the midst of an outbreak of a virus transmitted by bodily fluids. Dr. Pierre Formenty, an expert in hemorrhagic fevers like Marburg and a member of the World Health Organization's team in Uige, said Saturday that unsafe injections could explain why an average of three people per day continue to die of the Marburg virus, a full month after the outbreak was identified and international teams arrived in Angola to battle it. "I would say it is bit bizarre that we still have these high numbers per week, Is not this a little like the pot calling the kettle black? Autism in America is now known to be caused by vaccination, yet the jerks in white jackets keep on pushing vaccinations.

The Popular Health Movement (1830 - 1840) In the 1830s the Popular Health Movement was started by a number of different reformers and activists, such as Frances Wright, dissatisfied with the practice of heroic medicine by the contemporary physicians of that time period. These activists sought to alter these heroic medical practices by incorporating and emphasizing some of the ideas that midwives and lay practitioners had long used to heal the sick. This was the period of Jacksonian democracy where self-sufficiency was prized. "For success in this frontier environment of growing America, the specialized skills - of lawyer, doctor, financier, or engineer - had a new unimportance" (Boorstin 1965). From the Popular Health Movement several natural health movements developed. * Hydrotherapy * Herbalism from Thomsonianism of Samuel Thompson. * Eclectic Medicine, founded by Dr. Wooster Beech. * Natural Hygiene from the Orthopathy of Isaac Jennings, MD and Sylvester Graham. "The peak of the Popular Health Movement (in America) coincided with the beginnings of an organised feminist movement, and the two were so closely linked that it is hard to tell where one began and the other left off" ( Ehrenreich & English 1973). Between 1820-1845, Samuel Thompson (1769-1843) founded Thomsonianism, an early approach to modern Western herbalism. In 1823, The Association of Eclectic Physicians an organization of herbal doctors was founded by Dr. Wooster Beech. At its peak, eclecticism claimed more than 20,000 qualified practitioners in the United States. Eclectic medicine officially ended in 1939 due to a lack of support of its medical schools by philanthropists. The Hydrotherapy of Hydropathy , was an early nineteenth-century medical sect, which entailed various applications of cold water and zealously advocated the reformation of such personal habits as diet, dress, clean water and air, exercise, sunshine, and herbs. In Europe, interest in the hydrotherapy can be traced back to the ancient Roman spas and the hot mineral springs at Bath, England. The importance of the water-cure movement was over shadowed by allopathy, which viewed hydropathy as quackery largely because of its close association with female social activists of the time period, such as Frances Wright (Sheryl et al. 1987). In 1844, founder of Natural Hygiene, Dr. Joel Shew introduces the European system of Hydrotherapy to the United States. He later adopts the Hygieo-Therapy dietary and exercise plan, as well as its emphasis on fresh air and sunlight. In 1853, he founds the New York College of Hygieo-Therapy. In 1927, Herbert Shelton (1895-1985) of the Natural Hygiene movement was jailed for the first time for practicing medicine without a license. In 1939, Shelton's Hygienic Review magazine was published. Then in 1948, The American Natural Hygiene Society was founded. Antebellum America In 1860, Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894), U.S. author and physician famously promoted the healing power of nature in a widely known annual address voicing therapeutic nihilism when he said "that if the whole materia medica, as now used, could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be so much the better for mankind ? and all the worse for the fishes" (Warner 1986). Progressive Era of Health Care Reform (1890-1920) The natural health movement of Naturopathy developed during Progressive Era of Health Care Reform. In 1895, founder of Naturopathy, Benedict Lust opened the Kneipp Water-Cure Institute in New York City. In 1902, he purchased the rights to the term "naturopathy" from John H. Scheel, who had coined it in 1895. The American Institute of Naturopathy opened in 1902. Henry Lindlahr, MD wrote in his Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure about the very Western concepts of fresh air, a natural diet, water treatment with cold baths, physical culture and the importance of maintaining the right mental and emotional attitude. But, said nothing about the modern notion of stress (See Lindlahr 1922). The Modern Period By the end of the 20th century the following forms of natural health were well established as a part of American culture: health food grocery stores, natural health web sites, self-care health books, and Vitamin & Nutritional Supplement dealers. Basic Core Tenets The ideologies of natural health hold that all health, illness, and healing can be positively affected by prevention and lifestyle modifications. These natural therapies are under the control of the individual. Natural philosophy Just like any other natural philosophy, the word 'natural' in natural health is referring to the physical realm of existence. Natural health excludes all belief systems that say disease is a result of anything other than natural causes. Faith and psychic healing are not a part of natural health. Likewise, Eastern philosophies with beliefs in other worlds or dimensions (such as beliefs in spiritual, karmic, or ancestral forces and personal auras or energy flows around the human body) that are invisible to our normal senses are not a part of the very Western practices of natural health. And, natural health certainly has nothing to do with magic or new age mysticism. Natural health has nothing to say about the creation of life, beliefs in religion, and other worlds or dimensions other than that all health, illness, and healing can be positively affected by simple and inexpensive natural therapies. Nor, does this imply that the role of your mind should be ignored in health, illness, and healing due to its tenet of holism. The core tenets of all natural health practices refer only to the very Western biological factors of health. Early sects of the natural health movement did show an interest in relaxation offered by the water cure. But, concerns over stress and the mind-body connection are a modern extension added to some practices of natural health from Eastern philosophical traditions. Vitalism The most fundamental tenet of the natural health philosophy is that the human body has the capacity to heal itself. In natural health, all healing is essentially self-healing, a basic property of all living beings. Vitalism is an ancient concept that can be traced back to the body's own innate vitality, vital energy, vital force, or the 'vis medicatrix naturae' (i.e., the inherent wisdom of the body) of Hippocrates (c.460-377BC), the father of medicine, who wrote that "the natural healing force within us is the greatest force in getting well." A physician can kill an infection with antibiotics, perform surgery, put a broken limb in a cast, or suture a wound, but if the patient does not respond to the treatment, all the efforts of the physician have been useless since all healing is performed by the patient. In natural health the self-healing of vitalism is paramount. The inherent natural healing process is respected and sought after during treatment, although it is not necessarily understood. Holism In natural health, healing is viewed as a concerted effort of the entire organism and cannot be achieved by any part in isolation from the whole. Holism is an old concept that can be traced back to Paracelsus (1439-1541), the father of modern medicine, who insisted on treating the whole being rather than merely the part displaying disease. Respecting and understanding the defensive abilities of the body and differentiating between disease symptoms and defensive or recovery symptoms has always been an absolutely fundamental part of the various forms of holistic based natural health practices. Under holism, sickness is viewed as a result of a weakened body that has fallen into an unbalanced condition. As such, it is remedied by overall strengthening of the body?s natural resistance to disease. Holism is an ancient concept that only hints at the modern concept of the mind-body connection. The core tenets of all natural health practices refers only to the very Western biological factors of health. Hence, the more fully developed psychosocial treatments are a modern extension added to some practices of natural health from the biopsychosocial model of health. Individualism According to individualistic ideology, individuals are capable of accepting responsibility for their personal health and taking care of themselves. The individualistic ideology of Western society is about: (1) the primary importance of the individual over the needs and concerns of the community, and (2) the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence. True individuals are both self-reliant and independent. Individuals are assumed to have the power to make changes in their own lifestyles. Individualization In all natural health based practices, people are treated as individuals. Human beings are exceedingly complex and highly variable. Natural health based practices are about individual centered treatment which addresses a person's individual needs. Everybody is different due to genetic diversity. But more importantly, everybody behaves differently and lives in a unique environment. Therefore, treatment should not be exactly the same for each person, even if symptoms are identical. Victim-blaming The victim-blaming approach to natural health follows the individualistic ideology of Western society (which is strongly rooted in the development of Protestantism, the work ethic, and American history). Victim-blaming requires individuals to take responsibility for their health. To improve their prospects in life, the victim must change rather than the environment around them. According to the ideology of victim-blaming, health problems should be self-corrected. At-risk behavior is seen as the problem, and improving one's lifestyle is viewed as the solution. When a person gets sick, the assumption is that the victim must have done something wrong. When the victim comes down with a lifestyle disease, the assumption is that the victim must have been doing something wrong for a very long time. The basic notion of a healthy lifestyle requires the ideologies of individualism and victim-blaming, without consideration of socioeconomic or environmental factors involved in individual lifestyle choices. Prevention is better than cure Prevention emphasizes improving health rather than fighting disease. Primary prevention is focused on intervention to prevent the occurrence of an illness, condition, or injury. Secondary prevention activities are concerned with early detection and interventions into disease processes that potentially could develop into a serious disease. Tertiary prevention is focused on treatment of an illness to reduce its effects and to prevent further deterioration. Natural health lifestyle choices are viewed as factors that affect our health. Hence, prevention is considered to be everyone's responsibility. References 1. Andrew Weil, M.D. Natural Health, Natural Medicine: A Comprehensive Manual for Wellness and Self-Care. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, 1998. 2. Boorstin DJ. The Americans: The National Experience. New York: Vintage Books, 1965: 115-23. 3. "The Canoe version of A Dictionary of Alternative-Medicine Methods (, by Priorities for Health editor Jack Raso, is the most comprehensive work on individual alt-med methods that has ever been available to the public." 1. "alternative medicine (..., natural healing, natural health, natural medicine, ...)" ( 4. Ehrenreich, Barbara and English, Deirdre, Witches Midwives and Nurses: A History of Women Healers, Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative 1973. 5. John H Warner, The Therapeutic Perspective: Medical Practice, Knowledge and Identity in America, 1828-1885, Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1986, pages 28, 33. 6. Sheryl Ruzek and Irving Kenneth Zola eds., Wash and Be Healed: The Water-Cure Movement, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 1987. 7. Henry Lindlahr, MD; Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure (, 20th Edition, The Nature Cure Publishing Company, 525 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, 1922.

How did Ho Chi Minh motivate the Vietnamese people to resist the US invasion?

Ho Chi Minh spent his life trying to stop the suffering of his people from the various corporate militaries that were raping Viet Nam. He first became political when he went to Paris and was inspired by learning about the Paris Commune. Then in 1920, in Paris, what he read about how the Russian people peacefully kicked out the US Rockefeller corporations in 1917. The US corporation had taken over Russia in 1890, the year Ho Chi Minh was born. You have to remember, in 1920, everyone, even in America, even the average Joe 6-pack was very impressed by how peacefully the Russian People has kicked the US corporations out of Russia. People were happy to see the underdog winning for once. Likewide, even Ho Chi Minh was happy.

What Ho Chi Minh learned, was that people will act up to stop war and sexism, to take daily actions against the dark side, the UP Pentagon, if they are given good ideas to inspire a sort of eternal flame for freedom in their mind. Ho Chi Minh was able to inspire millions to join his political party and then his army, by all the good things he did, teaching the children about freedom for 30 years. That is how Ho was able to bring peace to Vietnam and America. Hos father had been a very good teacher, and Ho & his sister learned a lot from his mother & father. Both his sister & Ho became leaders of the resistance against the Japanese, French and Americans.

Today, in 2006, Vietnam is on the road towards making the US Constitutional Rights of freedom of speech and all of our Rights, a real part of the daily life in Vietnam. In Vietnam, you have the right to practice any form of medicine you want, the right to own a printing press and print anything you want, and all the rights we Americans hold so dear and precious. Dig. Meanwhile, in 2006, in America, the Pentagon, is attempting to tear up the Bill of Rights. Those of you who want to become lawyers to fight to defend the Constitution, should. We need good lawyers.

Ho always strove to act normal, helpful, trustworthy, friendly, courteously, kind, cheerful, thrifty, clean and reverent. The US media may try to brain wash people into thinking of Ho Chi Minh as a bad person, but to most people of the world, Ho Chi Minh is the George Washington of Vietnam. Too true.

Having been a sailor and traveled around the world, Ho Chi Minh would borrow good ideas from where ever he read about them. He even translated the US Constitution into Vietnamese and handed out over a million copies of it to children in Vietnam, from 1949 until 1963. His positive ideas and deeds have left him a living eternal flame that will last for 1,000 years. Ho also borrowed ideas of democracy from France, England, Spain, Russia, Cuba and made them popular in Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh believed that the members of his political party had to mainly teach young people solid ideas that would carry young people into world leadership roles, long after Ho was dead. Today, on April 30th, each year, we honor Ho Chi Minh for his great efforts to bring peace, love and democracy to America and Vietnam. In 1968 we sang, Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, NLF is going to win. The NLF did win in 1975.

Now the stupid war in Iraq will lead to another great defeat for the US war machine. This war will create a new United States of the Mid-East, and America will decline into a third rate power. Let us pray. Ho Chi Minh died in 1969, ironically, not from a bullet, but from lung cancer, caused by smoking Lucky Strikes cigarettes. What a contridiction. That is why I teach about nutrition and peace in 2006, so that people in the peace movement know about selenium. Now it is your turn to act up now against war and sexism. Start a business selling Peace Liquid Minerals & Herbs. Something! Anything! Do not just hope peace will come. It take 2, you and me to make a dream come true. It takes 2. It takes 2, to make a dream come true. That was Martin Luther Kings dream. If you let me be in your dream, I will let you be in my dream.

How Vietnam Won. Ho Chi Minh had several campaigns to try and unify Vietnam: electoral, a mass movement and a military plan. Ho ran for President from 1952 to 56, then again in 1960 to 64. Running elections is part of any serious attempt to remove the rich from control of any nation. Here in America, we need to run alternative candidates that are totally opposed to war. Ho is a good example of a strong leader, who even after the US stopped the election, Ho kept running to unify Vietnam. Nixon was VP, 1952-60, and toured Vietnam, speaking against Ho in 1953, 1955 and in 1959. Bush & Nixon, as front men for the banks & Pentagon, were the architects of the Vietnam war. Ho had hope for 1,000 days after the 1960 US election, that defeated Nixon. Now Ho could unify Vietnam with an election. Ho was again inspired in ?62 by the Cuban victory over the US, when JFK withdrew the air cover for the Bay of Pigs. JFK then ordered all US troops out of Vietnam, Aug 63! Ho was happy. Ho & JFK seemed to be both heading towards peace. Nixon & LBJ secretly declared war against Ho in 63, when they launched a CIA plan to ambush JFK in Dallas. The day after Bush & E. Howard Hunt killed JFK in Dallas, LBJ sent troops into Vietnam, proving the secret CIA plan to invade Vietnam, just as soon as they could get rid of that SOB Kennedy. N. Vietnamese Col. Bui Tin, said,(8-3-95, WSJ) when Nixon had to resign due to Watergate, we knew we had won the war, politically & militarily. The Watergate hearing actually were about the secret role of Bush & Nixon in the JFK assassination. The split in the US dictatorship that caused the JFK murder helped defeat the US morally. The conscience of America was part of its war making capability, and the Vietnamese were turning that power in their favor. The war was illegal & immoral. America lost because of its moral bankruptcy, after Dallas, it lost the ability to mobilize a will to win. Today, 2005, many Americans feel the war on Iraq is morally wrong. America is split. We can mobilize that moral outrage to build a party that can unify America into a nation for peace. Now look at American candidates from 2004: Gloria La Riva ran for President against Bush and today is helping to stop the war. Gore ran & hid. Kucinich opposed the war every chance he got, but he refused to sign the petition to impeach Bush. Kerry is a wolf in sheeps clothing, for not openly opposing the war at every opportunity, to mobilize for peace. Then when Kerry was told by the CIA that he lost, Kerry just rolled over & dropped out. Question: How did Hanoi intend to defeat the Americans? Answer: By fighting a long war which would break their will to impose an outside government. Ho Chi Minh said, "We don't need to win military victories, we only need to hit them until they give up and get out." Q: Was the American antiwar movement important to Hanoi's victory? A: It was essential to our strategy. Support of the war from our rear was completely secure while the American rear was vulnerable. Every day our leadership would listen to world news over the radio at 9 a.m. to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement. Visits to Hanoi by people like Jane Fonda, and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and Black ministers like Martin Luther King speaking out against the war, gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses. We were elated when Jane Fonda, wearing a red Vietnamese dress, said at a press conference that she was ashamed of American actions in the war and that she would struggle along with us. Q: How could the Americans have won the war? A: The true war is against poverty & ignorance. On this issue, Ho and JFK were great minds thinking alike. That is a war that is winnable. The US, under Nixon & Bush, never could have won the military war, after they killed their own President, John F. Kennedy. Until that one secret crime is exposed, and the criminals, like Bush are disgraced, America will always be on the wrong side of the war against poverty, pollution and greed. Q: Did Hanoi expect that the National Liberation Front would win power in South Vietnam? A: Yes. Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, commander of the North Vietnamese arm, believed that locally created guerrilla warfare was important and sufficient for victory. Regular military divisions with artillery and armor would develop. The Chinese too believed in fighting only with guerrillas. Le Duan [secretary general of the Vietnamese Communist Party] once told Mao Tse-tung that if you help us, we are sure to win; if you don't, we will still win, but we will have to sacrifice one or two million more soldiers to do so. Q: Was the National Liberation Front an independent political movement of South Vietnamese? A: Yes! It was a natural coalition of leaders and groups who came together in a group, a front, to gain our freedom and independence from outside forces. Our main document was the US Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. We are still trying to bring the value of the First Amendment into the culture of Vietnam, such as the right for any person in Vietnam to practice any form of medicine they wish. Anyone who wants to be a doctor, can go to school for 1 year and then be licensed as a doctor, to PRACTICE medicine. Any form of medicine. You gain skill by practice and continually improving your knowledge. Q: Why was the Ho Chi Minh trail so important? A: It was the only way to bring sufficient military power to bear on the fighting in the South. Building and maintaining the trail was a huge effort, involving tens of thousands of soldiers, drivers, repair teams, medical stations, communication units. Q: What of American bombing of the Ho Chi Minh trail? A: Not very effective. Our operations were never compromised by attacks on the trail. At times, accurate B-52 strikes would cause real damage, but we put so much in at the top of the trail that enough men and weapons to prolong the war always came out the bottom. Bombing by smaller planes rarely hit significant targets. Q: What of American bombing of North Vietnam? A: It showed the Americans were morally bankrupt and afraid to fight the war on the ground. As in Iraq, as soon as you refuse to fight on the ground, in the streets, you loose the political leadership of the war. Wars are won or lost in the hand to hand fighting in the streets of the cities. That is also true of fighting the war against drugs, crime and ignorance. Q: What was the purpose of the 1968 Tet Offensive? A: To relieve the pressure Gen. Westmoreland was putting on us in late 1966 and 1967 and to weaken American resolve during a presidential election year. Q: What about Gen. Westmoreland's strategy and tactics caused you concern? A: Our senior commander in the South, Gen. Nguyen Chi Thanh, knew that we were winning the battles. Tet was designed to influence American public opinion. We would attack poorly defended parts of South Vietnam cities during a holiday or a truce, when few South Vietnamese troops would be on duty. Before the main attack, we would entice American units to advance close to the borders, away from the cities. By attacking all South Vietnam's major cities, we would spread out our forces and neutralize the impact of American firepower. Attacking on a broad front, we would lose some battles but win others. We used local forces nearby each target to frustrate discovery of our plans. Small teams, like the one which attacked the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, would be sufficient. It was a guerrilla strategy of hit-and-run raids. By understanding all this, you can see why Iraq will win the war in 2006. Q: What about the results? A: Defeating the US militarily in Cuba and now Vietnam has paved the way for the People of the World to bring Peace to the world in the near future. The US military is on its final legs. A victory in the middle EAst will create a United States of the Mid-East, and the US war machine will be silenced for good. Q: What of Nixon? A: Well, when Nixon stepped down because of Watergate we knew we would win. Pham Van Dong [prime minister of North Vietnam] said of Gerald Ford, the new president, "he's the weakest president in U.S. history; the people didn't elect him; even if you gave him candy, he doesn't dare to intervene in Vietnam again." We tested Ford's resolve by attacking Phuoc Long in January 1975. When Ford kept American B-52's in their hangers, our leadership decided on a big offensive against South Vietnam. Paul 7 kangas @

Witnesses frequently lie in sex molestion cases. In fact, if their lips are moving, they are probably lying, especially if they have been interviewed by CPS.

McMartin Pre-Schooler: 'I Lied' A long-delayed apology from one of the accusers in the notorious McMartin Pre-School molestation case

By Kyle Zirpolo, as told to Debbie Nathan

My mother divorced my father when I was 2 and she met my stepfather, who was a police officer in Manhattan Beach. They had five children after me. In addition, my stepfather has three older children. In the combined family, I'm the only one of the nine children he didn't father. I always remember wanting him to love me. I was always trying excessively hard to please him. I would do anything for him. My stepbrothers and stepsisters and a half-brother and half-sister went to McMartin. So did I. I only remember being happy there. I never had any bad feelings about the school?no bad auras or vibes or anything. Even to this day, talking about it or seeing pictures or artwork that I did at McMartin never brings any bad feelings. All my memories are positive. ADVERTISEMENT The thing I remember about the case was how it took over the whole city and consumed our whole family. My parents would ask questions: "Did the teachers ever do things to you?" They talked about Ray Buckey, whom I had never met. I don't even have any recollection of him attending the school when I was going there. The first time I went to CII [Children's Institute International, now known as Children's Institute, Inc., a respected century-old L.A. County child welfare organization where approximately 400 former McMartin children were interviewed and given genital exams, and where many were diagnosed as abuse victims], we drove there, our whole family. I remember waiting ? for hours while my brothers and sisters were being interviewed. I don't remember how many days or if it was just one day, but my memory tells me it was weeks, it seemed so long. It was an ordeal. I remember thinking to myself, "I'm not going to get out of here unless I tell them what they want to hear." We were examined by a doctor. I took my clothes off and lay down on the table. They checked my butt, my penis. There was a room with a lot of toys and stuffed animals and dolls. The dolls were pasty white and had hair where the private parts were. They wanted us to take off their clothes. It was just really weird. I remember them asking extremely uncomfortable questions about whether Ray touched me and about all the teachers and what they did?and I remember telling them nothing happened to me. I remember them almost giggling and laughing, saying, "Oh, we know these things happened to you. Why don't you just go ahead and tell us? Use these dolls if you're scared." Anytime I would give them an answer that they didn't like, they would ask again and encourage me to give them the answer they were looking for. It was really obvious what they wanted. I know the types of language they used on me: things like I was smart, or I could help the other kids who were scared. I felt uncomfortable and a little ashamed that I was being dishonest. But at the same time, being the type of person I was, whatever my parents wanted me to do, I would do. And I thought they wanted me to help protect my little brother and sister who went to McMartin. Later my parents asked if the teachers took pictures and played games with us. Games like "Naked Movie Star." I remember my mom asking me. She would ask if they sang the song, and I didn't know what she was talking about, so she would sing something like, "Who you are, you're a naked movie star." I'm pretty sure that's the first time I ever heard that: from my mom. After she asked me a hundred times, I probably said yeah, I did play that game. My parents were very encouraging when I said that things happened. It was almost like saying things happened was going to help get these people in jail and stop them from what they were trying to do to kids. Also, there were so many kids saying all these things happened that you didn't want to be the one who said nothing did. You wouldn't be believed if you said that. I remember feeling like they didn't pick just anybody?they picked me because I had a good memory of what they wanted, and they could rely on me to do a good job. I don't think they thought I was telling the truth, just that I was telling the same stories consistently, doing what needed to be done to get these teachers judged guilty. I felt special. Important. It always seemed like I was thinking. I would listen to what my parents would say if they were talking, or to what someone else would say if we were being questioned at the police station or anywhere. And I would repeat things. Or if it wasn't a story I'd heard, I would think of something in my head. I would try to think of the worst thing possible that would be harmful to a child. I remember once I said that if you had a cut, instead of putting a Band-Aid on it, the McMartin teachers would put on dirt, then put the Band-Aid over the dirt. That was just something in my head that was bad. I just thought of it and told [the investigators]. I think I got the satanic details by picturing our church. We went to American Martyrs, which was a huge Catholic church. Every Sunday we had to go, and Mass would last an hour, hour and a half. None of us wanted to go: It was kicking and screaming all the way there. Sitting, standing, sitting, standing. What I would do was picture the altar, pews and stained-glass windows, and if [investigators] said, "Describe an altar," I would describe the one in our church. Or instead of, "There was a priest in a green suit"?someone who was real?I would say, "A man dressed in red as a cult member." From going to church you know that God is good, and the devil is bad and has horns and is about evil and red and blood. I'd just throw a twist in there with Satan and devil-worshipping. I remember going in our van with all my brothers and sisters and driving to airports and houses and being asked if we had been [abused in] these places. I remember telling people [that the McMartin teachers] took us to Harry's Meat Market, and describing what I thought the market was like. I had never been in there before, and I was fairly certain I was going to get in trouble for what I was saying because it probably was not accurate. I imagined someone would say, "They don't have that kind of freezer there." And they did say that. But then someone said, "Well, they could have changed it." It was like anything and everything I said would be believed. The lawyers had all my stories written down and knew exactly what I had said before. So I knew I would have to say those exact things again and not have anything be different, otherwise they would know I was lying. I put a lot of pressure on myself. At night in bed, I would think hard about things I had said in the past and try to repeat only the things I knew I'd said before. I remember describing going to an airport and Ray taking us somewhere on an airplane. Then I realized the parents would have known the kids were gone from the school. I felt I'd screwed up and my lie had been caught?I was busted! I was so upset with myself! I remember breaking down and crying. I felt everyone knew I was lying. But my parents said, "You're doing fine. Don't worry." And everyone was saying how proud they were of me, not to worry. I'm not saying nothing happened to anyone else at the McMartin Pre-School. I can't say that?I can only speak for myself. Maybe some things did happen. Maybe some kids made up stories about things that didn't really happen, and eventually started believing they were telling the truth. Maybe some got scared that the teachers would get their families because they were lying. But I never forgot I was lying. My stepdad was a police officer who had guns in the house. I remember when all of this was coming down, he was put on a leave of absence from work because he was being investigated for supposedly threatening the McMartin family. He was cleared of that accusation?apparently it wasn't true. But being only 9 years old at the time, I thought my dad was saying he would kill the McMartins. So in my mind, I figured no one from the school was going to dare mess with him because he would have hurt them first. That made me feel secure. It could be a reason I never mixed up reality and fantasy and always knew I was lying. But the lying really bothered me. One particular night stands out in my mind. I was maybe 10 years old and I tried to tell my mom that nothing had happened. I lay on the bed crying hysterically?I wanted to get it off my chest, to tell her the truth. My mother kept asking me to please tell her what was the matter. I said she would never believe me. She persisted: "I promise I'll believe you! I love you so much! Tell me what's bothering you!" This went on for a long time: I told her she wouldn't believe me, and she kept assuring me she would. I remember finally telling her, "Nothing happened! Nothing ever happened to me at that school." She didn't believe me.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.