Episode 04: A Raven's Guidance - Chapter 5 - det2x (2024)

Chapter Text

Scarabia 09

Scarabian Invitation


“Sheesh Yuki, That trip with the twins yesterday was really not a good idea.” Grim whined worriedly as the Ramshackle Duo were sitting near the fireplace of the empty school cafeteria. Yuki kneeled in front of the fireplace and gently placed each block of firewood they got from the storage while Grim was standing watching her work. “Now your small cold has gotten worse.”

“No, it doesn’t. I’m fine. Besides, I'm completely dressed up for winter.” Yuki reassured, pointing that she’s wearing her RAD coat made of thick fabric over her usual NRC uniform. However, Grim gave her a stare.

“For some reason, I’m not convinced.” Grim said and looked at the firewood. “Anyway, How’d we get the fairy to come out? I’m freezing!!”

Yuki glanced, staring at Grim. “How can you say you’re freezing if your ears are technically on fire?” She then wondered how Grim's body works. How does he have fire burning inside his ears…does that mean his head is filled with fire? Additionally, it’s blue fire so it’s probably stronger than regular ones and if it is…why is he freezing?

“Myeh…Who cares…If I’m cold then I’m just cold okay?”

“Do you want to put your head on the fireplace?” Yuki asked suddenly.

“What? Why?”

“So that the fire pixie would come.” Yuki said. “You know, like giving Azul-senpai a nice collateral in exchange for a favor.”

“No way! Stuff like that is bound to cause problems! I’ve learned my lesson and I’m not putting my head there.” Grim retorted. “what if fire suddenly came out and my head would burn whole!”

Yuki blinked, he’s right. Grim indeed learned his lesson but That is a possibility. Curiosity took over as she stared at Grim’s ears. Since it’s winter and all, she just realized, Grim is a walking fire hazard even with or without magic spells.

“What’re you gonna do with that?--Myeh!!”

Yuki didn’t say anything as she took one of the blocks and had the edge of the wood sit in Grim’s fire ears making the dire beast flinch and froze where he stood, waiting for the blue flame to transfer to the wood. Grim’s with her for months now so the burning sensation of blue fire against her skin doesn’t bother her. She has dealt with fire magic before but she threw the burning wood regardless, to the pile of wood.


Ashes spread and the blue flame grew. It immediately erupted like a volcano reaching what she assumed to be the chimney. If Grim really did stick his head there, there’ll be serious injury or probably death. The once wall of fire grew smaller and the blue flame turned reddish orange, crackling like a normal firepit in a fireplace.

Soon, a little head with twisted fiery hair emerged from the top of the crackling fair, it yawned and immediately bounced, stretching its arms and legs as if it just woken up from its nap. Yuki just smiled as she met eyes with this fairy, her eyes filled in awe as the little fire pixie reminded her of an infant but that immersion stopped when Grim shouted.

“See! I told ya my head will be roasted!”

“Ah..mmm…I’m sorry…” she stuttered trying to find words to prove a point but she just apologized. She looked at the fire pixie once more. “So Grim, you ready to look for more firepla--”

“Hold that thought! Yuki! I smell something good!” Grim cheered as he ran on all fours and went straight to the kitchen leaving Yuki behind. The pixie also was surprised as they both exchanged looks. A soft ring of a bell echoed as the pixie waved hi, making Yuki smile.

“Do you know where the other fireplaces are?” She asked the pixie who nodded.

It took a while for Yuki to figure out what the pixie is trying to say, that the pixie needs a map or any kind of paper to list the areas that require the magic heat source. Looking around the empty cafeteria, there wasn’t anything useful there until she remembered Grim.

Yuki wondered what’s taking him so long, making her decide to follow and check the kitchen. The perfect opened the door and peeked her head inside when a strong aroma of spices lingered her nose and the sizzling sound of cooked food was heard the moment she opened. Was Grim cooking? no way…

“Ah…hello.” Yuki greeted, seeing the person in front of her, a tanned young man in braids and with his black and red hood up, stared at her with his eyebrows raised.


The young man turned away immediately as the loud sizzling sound rang and a nervous student flinched, staring at the pan. “Don’t let the nuts overcook so scoop it up!”

“Yes, vice housewarden!”

Yuki squinted, staring at what she assumed to be the leader. She saw him before, trying to recall the faces, she realized, Yuki kinda knew this guy. Even though they haven’t met on a name basis, she saw this guy once or twice before. It’s a vice housewarden but she doesn’t know which house since it’s the first time she saw the dorm uniforms.

“Yuki! Over here!” Grim called, waving towards her and she slowly joined her friend who’s standing on the counter and closer to the unknown vice housewarden. She nodded nervously as they met eyes.

“Yuki! I made a good deal with this guy.” Grim whispered against her ear, looking so proud of himself. Yuki however, widened her eyes, glancing at the boy who’s guiding the other students.

“You didn’t make a contract or something, did you?” Yuki asked nervously, squinting at Grim.

“Eck! No! I told you I learned my lesson from that anemone giving scammer!” The dire beast cackled angrily then beamed with a smile, his paw pointing . “Jamil offered us to join their breakfast feast if we helped with the cookin’!”

“Isn’t that the same thing Azul-senpai put you through?” Yuki asked, remembering Grim’s labor of dishwashing duties last month.

“Of course not, compared to Azul, I didn’t even lay a finger on the little guy.” Jamil said, approaching the two completely. He smiled as he nodded in greeting. “I’m Jamil Viper, the vice housewarden of Scarabia Dorm, nice to officially meet you Prefect Yuki!”

Yuki nodded, assuming he knows Azul and also assumed that Grim talked about her already hence knowing her name.

“Aye? I’m surprised you know her name already!” Grim complimented.

“Of course, I make it a point to remember names and faces of people. Not to mention, it's really hard to forget a girl living in the abandoned dormitory inside an all-boy’s academy.”

“I guess that’s one of my titles around here.” Yuki couldn’t help but chuckle sarcastically.

Jamil nodded, chuckling along and crossed his arms. “So what say you, Miss Prefect? Do you want to join our meal?”

Yuki squinted and bit her lips inward as she thinks, she still got errands from the headmage about tending the fireplaces but she still hasn’t had breakfast yet. It would be rude to refuse an offer when Grim is considering it himself and is obviously excited about it.

“I’d like to but I’ve got some errands to do from the Headmage and I don’t know how long it’ll take so I might not make it.” Yuki said worriedly, fidgeting and caressing her hands.

Jamil nodded, holding his chin while in deep thought. “Right, Grim told me about you tending the fire,” he stared then smiled at Yuki. “How about this, you’re welcome to visit and join us in Scarabia once you're done, may it be brunch or lunch, please come visit.”

“Really? That isn’t a bother?” Yuki asked in excitement, her smile reaching wide up to her ear, like a child.

“No,of course not.”

“Alright! Then I’ll just find some paper and be quick about it.”

Yuki nervously looked over and walked looking for paper in the drawers, trying not to bother and disturb other Scarabian students from their cooking. Luckily, Jamil calmly called her as he already found what she’s looking for.

“Are you not coming along, Grim?” Yuki asked, noticing Grim standing from where he was as she was about to leave.

“Nope! I’d rather be close to food besides, me not being with you will make you remember me and you’ll be sure to visit Scarabia!” Grim said happily. “I don’t want us to skip this free meal opportunity, got it hench-human?”

Yuki was silent as she frowned hearing Grim’s reason but she understood since she knows Grim is into food. It’s like Beelzebub all over again, the love for food is superior and she can’t argue with that.

“Okay! I’ll get myself some matches then.”

Scarabia 10

An Exciting Hospitality

Yuki entered the Mirror to Scarabia as promised but she didn’t expect the temperature upon entering. The Hall of Mirrors was chilly but Scarabia is tropically hot. She immediately took off her coat and blazer and tied them around her waist. She also folded her sleeves at elbow’s length to lessen her layers as she made her way to the palace. Seeing a grand palace like this before her eyes, along with the other three dormitories she's been to. She admits that all of the house dormitories are very special and have a unique flair and theme. She's not even gonna ask what Ramshackle is.

Passing by the swan fountain and climbing up the marble staircase, she stared at the giant bronze doors. Should she knock? Can she peek at the tall arched windows? She felt a bit guilty of not asking for Jamil’s number--not that she’s bragging about her pink phone or anything.

She immediately sighed in relief as she heard and noticed Scarabian students passed by, she asked for assistance and she received it quite well.

She was accompanied by two students as they climbed the stairs to the third floor and walked a bit more in the hallway, The decoration of the palace is made of marble and gold to which she kind of expected for a palace but compared to the interior of the Royal Academy of Diavolo and Night Raven College, this palace looks the opposite. It’s both bright and clean with the white painted marble and the golden metallic patterns found in doors and window grilles.

They stood at the door and she heard music when the student knocked and peeked his head inside.

“The Ramshackle Prefect is here.” The student said followed by a loud chuckle on the other end of the room.

“Let her in!”

With a nod from the two students serving as permission, she entered but as she looked around because it’s hard not to ignore the decorations and the natural view from the window nearby, she flinched and found herself wrapped in a warm hug. Half of her face is pressed against a soft textured fabric smelled like tropical flowers on someone’s shoulder.

“You’re finally here!”

The hugger cheered and Yuki saw Jamil standing smiling at her just a few meters away and Grim lying on a cushioned pillow on the floor completely bloated. Yuki grinned with her eyes as a form of greeting to Jamil.

“Yes, I’m here.” she said as the hug grew longer and tighter. The hug loosened a bit as the same arms wrapped around her back and held her shoulder as she got dragged along towards the banquet table full of dishes. She doesn't know what happened but she found herself pushed down to sit on the cushion on the floor.

“We’ve been waiting for you! How’s your errands doing? You should’ve asked for help from anyone from my dorm with all those firewood carrying stuff. You must be starving! Oh I’m Kalim by the way!” Kalim greeted with a cheerful excited tone as he sat next to Yuki and held an empty plate.

“Kalim, give her some breathing room, you’re probably scaring her with that high positivity.” Jamil sighed seeing Kalim’s huge grin.

“Hahaha! My bad, it’s just, it’s always so great having guests over, I can’t help it.” Kalim laughed then looked at the plate he’s holding and to Yuki, still wearing a goofy smile. “Ah…what’s your name again?”

“Yuki HItsuji from Ramshackle Dormitory.” Jamil introduced on her behalf. “She’s the one that fell on the broom at the beginning of the Spelldrive tournament last October, remember?”

Yuki flinched remembering that specific moment where Grim accidentally hit her with a spell drive disk and then she fell.

“Yes, yes! Yuki! It’s Yuki! I remember Cater talking about you. Okay!” Kalim said, taking a long sigh then, still grinning. “What’cha wanna eat?”

Yuki is surprised but used to the excessive warm hospitality Kalim is giving. She stared at Kalim waiting for that plate to give it to her, that is…if her assumption is correct and that plate he’s holding is for her. She doesn't have the nerve to ask if that was her plate or not as that seems rude of her to ask.

“Kalim, I think it’s best to give her the plate--”

“Here’s some freshly baked bread!”


Yuki has been shoved bread in her mouth by Kalim.

“I’m sorry Yuki…” Kalim apologized, giving her the plate

“No, it’s fine. I’m used to being shoved food in my mouth during banquets and stuff.” She said, taking the bread away and chewing it slowly as she gave a small smile, remembering the time, Mammon or Beel sometimes shoved food in her mouth whenever they wanted to share the food. “It’s a good thing it’s not a spoon.”

Jamil just stared. “Sounds rough…I feel like that’s something you don’t want,”

“Hnnngh…Yuki, is that you?”

Yuki didn’t say anything, giving Jamil a small nervous smile still and turned to Grim as he groaned and touched her arm like a gentle pat. She saw Grim, completely full, his stomach pressed against the cushion.

“Yes, it’s me…you look satisfied.” she said and chuckled when Grim managed to let out a burp.

“Yuki, guess what, Jamil fed me the food so I can poison-test it…can you believe it? Me being a poison-tester?” Grim protested letting out another burp.

“Kalim is the heir to a wealthy family. Unfortunate dangers are possible meaning everything he eats must be vetted.” Jamil explained before Yuki could even ask why.

“C’mon Jamil, no one has tried to poison me since four years ago, it’s a thing in the past.” Kalim said reassuringly with a smile.

Jamil then crossed his arms. “Yes, because there’s someone preventing you from being poisoned. I always ensure that anything hazardous is identified and disposed of before it crosses your plate.”

“Hm? Don’t go pale Yuki, you can eat without worry! There’s no poison.” Kalim said happily when he caught Yuki staring blankly at them.

“Yes..uh..thank you.” Yuki managed to say. In fact, she doesn’t care if it’s poisoned or not since she knows she developed immunity for poison by eating poison apples in the Devildom. The reason she was staring was because, these banter between Kalim and Jamil…

It’s similar to Diavolo and Barbatos.

Scarabia 11

A Happy Prince

At first, she thought maybe Azul and Jade are the Diavolo and Barbatos dynamic she can’t help to compare because of Jade’s butler style attire and Azul’s sophisticated demeanor plus the Mostro Lounge atmosphere but Kalim and Jamil hits differently.

This familiar setting as well, a private luxurious area with great scenery, with mountains of food on the table, lovely music, being in the presence of a happy go lucky wealthy being and a calm servant-ish person who knows his employer and is very obedient…definitely like Diavolo and Barbatos.

“This is supposed to be a feast, right? So should the others be joining us?” Yuki asked while she eats, wondering about the whereabouts of the students even though she clearly knows this food is exclusively for them only.

“Ah…well they’re studying actually.” Kalim sighed then smiled. “Well, you know the Spelldrive tournament then was followed by our exams, right? Well…our dorm placed bottom in both.”

“There’s a ranking amongst dormitories?” Yuki asked, wondering what Ramshackle Dormitory is ranked at since there’s only one student named in said dorm on the whole student roster. She can’t help to think that does that mean she and Grim are better than Scarabia’s general average score?

“I heard Heartslabyul have a tutoring class within their dormitory and Savanaclaw has a special trainer for Spelldrive practice almost everyday which is surprisingly not Riddle and Leona.” Kalim explained enthusiastically. Yuki’s mind completely turned to Satan and Levi who are somewhat the cause of those special training.

Satan started tutoring sessions in Heartslabyul because Deuce asked him first to be his tutor then every Heartslabyul student came along and for Levi being that special trainer for Savanaclaw…well, Leona forced him to do so after seeing how Levi somewhat took leadership in defeating Azul’s overblot.

“So I thought if the whole Scarabia dorm could hold a voluntary special training too but during break to avoid any distractions from other things.” Kalim finished with a closed fist.

“On our winter break, we’ll be spending six hours a day on studies and practical magic training.”

“I was also thinking of hiring a tutor and trainer too but Jamil said it wouldn’t be a good idea since it’s the holidays.”

“Six hours a day? That's like regular school hours.” Grim commented then crossed his arms. “Wait…if you don’t want to bother some teacher during holidays…then why bother everyone else?”

Everyone blinked at Grim.

“Yeah, isn’t it unfair for your housemates to not enjoy the holidays?” Yuki agreed, asking as well.

“Hmm..” Kalim grumbled once more, eyes closed as he leaned back on the pillows. “When you put it that way, it is unfair. ‘My dad did always say: “Work hard, play hard, know when to do which’ all the time.”

“Got it!” Kalim snapped his finger and pointed the finger gun at Jamil. “Jamil! Let’s take our break when we get them and have everyone go home tomorrow.”


“Well, I was thinking of you going back to school at an earlier date before class resumes again. If you really want group study sessions but okay.” Yuki mutters to herself but seeing Kalim’s enthusiasm for the decision makes her not say it.

“Do me a favor and make sure everyone shows up tonight for the announcement.”

“R-right, of course.”

Ah yes, Kalim is definitely like Diavolo. Happy go lucky Kalim.

“Thank you Jamil!” Kalim said happily then turned to Yuki. “Say, Yuki! Grim! How about I’ll give you a special grand tour around? I'd love to show you a few things.”

“Kalim, please! You’ll be setting a bad example if you leave the students to study while you slack off.” Jamil scolded.

“But it’s not everyday we have guests, it’s rude to leave them not entertained.” Kalim defended with a smile.

Yuki immediately stare at the food thinking these food are already entertaining to begin with.

“Kalim…” Jamil squinted angrily, both hands on hips.

“Erk…okay. Fine. Just don’t get mad.” Kalim gulped, then looked at Yuki. “Be right back for a second.”

“No, it-it’s fine, please take your time.” Yuki said, smiling with nods, encouraging Kalim to do what Jamil said.

Kalim let out a soft chuckle and faced Jamil’s glare once more and walked to the doors. “Okay, I’ll do some defense magic training.”

“Yuki, Grim…let’s go.” Jamil said, gesturing to them to follow.

“Yuki…can you carry me?…I can’t move.” Grim whined, reaching his paws up towards her and Yuki obliged, cradling him like a baby with a lot of weight.

As Yuki watches Jamil from behind as they walk, she is convinced that if Twisted Wonderland is an alternate world of those she knows in the Devildom then Jamil is definitely Barbatos. The passive aggressive persuasion…yes. She needs to know for her own amusem*nt and curiosity, All she needs to figure out who Solomon is in this world.

Episode 04: A Raven's Guidance - Chapter 5 - det2x (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.