Deep Dive: Beta Ray Bill (2024)

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    EdisonLaw Posts: 4,497 ★★★★★

    August 3 in General Discussion


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      Darkraw346 Posts: 2,195 ★★★★★

      August 3

      TIME TO PAY DA BILLS 🗣🗣🗣🔝🔝🔝


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      Emilia90 Posts: 3,034 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it


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      EdisonLaw Posts: 4,497 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Darkraw346 said:

      TIME TO PAY DA BILLS 🗣🗣🗣🔝🔝🔝



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      Buttehrs Posts: 5,261 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Is it just me or did he have a special animation for his sp3 fighting against og thor? Which looked absolutely sick btw.


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      Darkraw346 Posts: 2,195 ★★★★★

      August 3

      So, his dmg never goes away? You can keep reapply the Shocks with his speical attacks, they don't fade after the big burst, unlike with QS

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      Emilia90 Posts: 3,034 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Darkraw346 said:

      So, his dmg never goes away? You can keep reapply the Shocks with his speical attacks, they don't fade after the big burst, unlike with QS

      Yup it looks like that and you also stack 3 furies with the sp1 so his damage will keep rising and you’ll have constant damage for longer fights as well


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      ItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,753 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.


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      Darkraw346 Posts: 2,195 ★★★★★

      August 3

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      Just take the dmg u saw and have it-40%


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      Darkraw346 Posts: 2,195 ★★★★★

      August 3

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      Just take the dmg u saw and have it-40%

    • Options

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      The starting shows a 6* that’s unawakened with only 2 shocks and it still does decent burst (minimal shocks + no sig + 6*). The burst on a 7* r3 would probably beat a 6* R5A even without high sig though cause it’s enough to compensate for the 40%. I’m sure that you might not even have to sp2 sometimes if you have a max sig one and get enough shocks and you could yolo it, but the sig doesn’t look like it’s a must tbh


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      Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,780 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Seems like they learned from Morb


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      ItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,753 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Darkraw346 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      Just take the dmg u saw and have it-40%

      Well, 10 shocks did 91k on Red Skull with a r3 sig 200 BRB. If you reduce that by 40% you're barely looking at a 54k burst, that's a pretty good amount of damage you're missing out on, and 54k burst at 10 shocks for a r3 sounds very underwhelming. If that is the case then this is already starting to sound like Midbius 2.0 in terms of damage that's why I was wondering if they showed any actual unawakened gameplay.


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      Emilia90 Posts: 3,034 ★★★★★

      August 3

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Darkraw346 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      Just take the dmg u saw and have it-40%

      Well, 10 shocks did 91k on Red Skull with a r3 sig 200 BRB. If you reduce that by 40% you're barely looking at a 54k burst, that's a pretty good amount of damage you're missing out on, and 54k burst at 10 shocks for a r3 sounds very underwhelming. If that is the case then this is already starting to sound like Midbius 2.0 in terms of damage that's why I was wondering if they showed any actual unawakened gameplay.

      The 91k is a bug. Bursts show how much health the opponent has left, not the actual burst amount. Someone pointed that out already and that’s how it works for a lot of champs


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      Emilia90 Posts: 3,034 ★★★★★

      August 3

      When the opponent is KO’d with it (to clarify). The burst number subtracts their health and not the actual damage number for some reason


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      ItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,753 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Emilia90 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      The starting shows a 6* that’s unawakened with only 2 shocks and it still does decent burst (minimal shocks + no sig + 6*). The burst on a 7* r3 would probably beat a 6* R5A even without high sig though cause it’s enough to compensate for the 40%. I’m sure that you might not even have to sp2 sometimes if you have a max sig one and get enough shocks and you could yolo it, but the sig doesn’t look like it’s a must tbh

      But something there is not adding up cause how is the 6* unawakened dealing 28k with two shocks meanwhile the r3 with 10 shocks would've barely dealt 54k since at sig 200 he dealt 91k?

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      ItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,753 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Emilia90 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Darkraw346 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      Just take the dmg u saw and have it-40%

      Well, 10 shocks did 91k on Red Skull with a r3 sig 200 BRB. If you reduce that by 40% you're barely looking at a 54k burst, that's a pretty good amount of damage you're missing out on, and 54k burst at 10 shocks for a r3 sounds very underwhelming. If that is the case then this is already starting to sound like Midbius 2.0 in terms of damage that's why I was wondering if they showed any actual unawakened gameplay.

      The 91k is a bug. Bursts show how much health the opponent has left, not the actual burst amount. Someone pointed that out already and that’s how it works for a lot of champs

      Oh okay thank God, I was very concerned just now.


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      EdisonLaw Posts: 4,497 ★★★★★

      August 3

      So it looks like the glance immunity only triggers at the start against Techs and when immune to shock or power drain, this means it’s specifically against Future Ant Man, or am I missing something?

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      Priyabrata Posts: 1,172 ★★★★

      August 3

      EdisonLaw said:

      So it looks like the glance immunity only triggers at the start against Techs and when immune to shock or power drain, this means it’s specifically against Future Ant Man, or am I missing something?

      Yep specifically for Fantman

    • Options

      EdisonLaw Posts: 4,497 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Priyabrata said:

      EdisonLaw said:

      So it looks like the glance immunity only triggers at the start against Techs and when immune to shock or power drain, this means it’s specifically against Future Ant Man, or am I missing something?

      Yep specifically for Fantman

      So does it mean he can’t counter Storm X or Ant Man?


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      jcphillips7 Posts: 1,325 ★★★★

      August 3

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      The starting shows a 6* that’s unawakened with only 2 shocks and it still does decent burst (minimal shocks + no sig + 6*). The burst on a 7* r3 would probably beat a 6* R5A even without high sig though cause it’s enough to compensate for the 40%. I’m sure that you might not even have to sp2 sometimes if you have a max sig one and get enough shocks and you could yolo it, but the sig doesn’t look like it’s a must tbh

      But something there is not adding up cause how is the 6* unawakened dealing 28k with two shocks meanwhile the r3 with 10 shocks would've barely dealt 54k since at sig 200 he dealt 91k?

      I think for those of us investing in the 7*, the key until he’s awakened will be to time those shocks expiring during our sp1 for the big 200% bonus burst damage. 200% is already wild enough where not having the full 240% from sig 200 shouldn’t be an issue if your Bill is ranked high enough.


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      EdisonLaw Posts: 4,497 ★★★★★

      August 3

      @jcphillips7 so kinda like prowler

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      Wolf911 Posts: 270 ★★

      August 3 edited August 3

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      pay attention at 2:30 the fight against quicksilver

      it's R5 unduped and NOT ascended bill vs 7* duped quicksilver

      each shock that expired during the first sp1 deals 14k+ damage

      Edit : also check 2:58 the fight is R2 unduped vs duped 7* thor

      shocks expiring during sp1 deal 14073 damage each


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      captain_rogers Posts: 6,560 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Great damage. Nice flexibility.
      Finally a good champ this year.


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      EdisonLaw Posts: 4,497 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Wolf911 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      pay attention at 2:30 the fight against quicksilver

      it's R5 unduped and NOT ascended bill vs 7* duped quicksilver

      each shock that expired during the first sp1 deals 14k+ damage

      Edit : also check 2:58 the fight is R2 unduped vs duped 7* thor

      shocks expiring during sp1 deal 14073 damage each

      That’s near Scorpion level damage with a few power stings

    • Options

      ItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,753 ★★★★★

      August 3

      Wolf911 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      pay attention at 2:30 the fight against quicksilver

      it's R5 unduped and NOT ascended bill vs 7* duped quicksilver

      each shock that expired during the first sp1 deals 14k+ damage

      Edit : also check 2:58 the fight is R2 unduped vs duped 7* thor

      shocks expiring during sp1 deal 14073 damage each

      I saw that yes, it doesn't make sense though cause the 7* r3 sig 200 dealt 91k with 10 shocks, if each shock dealt 14k for a r5 unawakened 6* then with 10 shocks that would be 140k damage right? that's 50k more damage than the r3 sig 200 7* which makes absolutely no sense. I'm told it's a bug and it's not showing numbers as it normally should when you ko them so let's hope that is the case indeed.

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      ItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,753 ★★★★★

      August 3

      jcphillips7 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      The starting shows a 6* that’s unawakened with only 2 shocks and it still does decent burst (minimal shocks + no sig + 6*). The burst on a 7* r3 would probably beat a 6* R5A even without high sig though cause it’s enough to compensate for the 40%. I’m sure that you might not even have to sp2 sometimes if you have a max sig one and get enough shocks and you could yolo it, but the sig doesn’t look like it’s a must tbh

      But something there is not adding up cause how is the 6* unawakened dealing 28k with two shocks meanwhile the r3 with 10 shocks would've barely dealt 54k since at sig 200 he dealt 91k?

      I think for those of us investing in the 7*, the key until he’s awakened will be to time those shocks expiring during our sp1 for the big 200% bonus burst damage. 200% is already wild enough where not having the full 240% from sig 200 shouldn’t be an issue if your Bill is ranked high enough.

      I know, I'm just saying the numbers on the deep dive aren't adding up so there's definitely something wrong there.


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      EdisonLaw Posts: 4,497 ★★★★★

      August 3

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      jcphillips7 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      The starting shows a 6* that’s unawakened with only 2 shocks and it still does decent burst (minimal shocks + no sig + 6*). The burst on a 7* r3 would probably beat a 6* R5A even without high sig though cause it’s enough to compensate for the 40%. I’m sure that you might not even have to sp2 sometimes if you have a max sig one and get enough shocks and you could yolo it, but the sig doesn’t look like it’s a must tbh

      But something there is not adding up cause how is the 6* unawakened dealing 28k with two shocks meanwhile the r3 with 10 shocks would've barely dealt 54k since at sig 200 he dealt 91k?

      I think for those of us investing in the 7*, the key until he’s awakened will be to time those shocks expiring during our sp1 for the big 200% bonus burst damage. 200% is already wild enough where not having the full 240% from sig 200 shouldn’t be an issue if your Bill is ranked high enough.

      I know, I'm just saying the numbers on the deep dive aren't adding up so there's definitely something wrong there.

      We’ll see once we have him, but don’t be concerned, his damage will be good

    • Options

      ItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,753 ★★★★★

      August 3

      EdisonLaw said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      jcphillips7 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      The starting shows a 6* that’s unawakened with only 2 shocks and it still does decent burst (minimal shocks + no sig + 6*). The burst on a 7* r3 would probably beat a 6* R5A even without high sig though cause it’s enough to compensate for the 40%. I’m sure that you might not even have to sp2 sometimes if you have a max sig one and get enough shocks and you could yolo it, but the sig doesn’t look like it’s a must tbh

      But something there is not adding up cause how is the 6* unawakened dealing 28k with two shocks meanwhile the r3 with 10 shocks would've barely dealt 54k since at sig 200 he dealt 91k?

      I think for those of us investing in the 7*, the key until he’s awakened will be to time those shocks expiring during our sp1 for the big 200% bonus burst damage. 200% is already wild enough where not having the full 240% from sig 200 shouldn’t be an issue if your Bill is ranked high enough.

      I know, I'm just saying the numbers on the deep dive aren't adding up so there's definitely something wrong there.

      We’ll see once we have him, but don’t be concerned, his damage will be good

      Been down that rocky road countless times this year, I am concerned 💀


    • Options

      Emilia90 Posts: 3,034 ★★★★★

      August 3

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      jcphillips7 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      ItsClobberinTime said:

      Emilia90 said:

      Looks amazing. Even with minimal shocks his burst was doing good damage and that’s without the awakened ability. Up to 100% damage reduction when unstoppable is awesome, 50% res to poison and bleed makes him very suicide friendly and he’ll heal from WP, glance and unstoppable counter, and massive base and burst damage with the furies

      Sig ability is very nice to have but not needed. They nailed it

      Where did they show the burst damage without awakened ability?
      Cause I checked the whole video and I only see sig 200 r3 burst damage. I still think he's going to be great but I've yet to see the burst damage when he's unawakened which is worrying me a bit.

      The starting shows a 6* that’s unawakened with only 2 shocks and it still does decent burst (minimal shocks + no sig + 6*). The burst on a 7* r3 would probably beat a 6* R5A even without high sig though cause it’s enough to compensate for the 40%. I’m sure that you might not even have to sp2 sometimes if you have a max sig one and get enough shocks and you could yolo it, but the sig doesn’t look like it’s a must tbh

      But something there is not adding up cause how is the 6* unawakened dealing 28k with two shocks meanwhile the r3 with 10 shocks would've barely dealt 54k since at sig 200 he dealt 91k?

      I think for those of us investing in the 7*, the key until he’s awakened will be to time those shocks expiring during our sp1 for the big 200% bonus burst damage. 200% is already wild enough where not having the full 240% from sig 200 shouldn’t be an issue if your Bill is ranked high enough.

      I know, I'm just saying the numbers on the deep dive aren't adding up so there's definitely something wrong there.

      Just tested and here’s a vid with something similar. His damage decreases in the final hit and deals remaining health instead of the actual burst it would’ve done it seems. I’ve seen this happen to a lot of champs and idk why

      Deep Dive: Beta Ray Bill (33)

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      Garlo Posts: 230 ★★

      August 3

      Where are his hashtags? It would be great if he has #clarity.


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    Author: Corie Satterfield

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    Name: Corie Satterfield

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