5-Day Marseille Itinerary (2024)

For day 1, we strategically grouped the most popular attraction, Basilica of Notre-Dame-of-la-Garde at Marseille, with surrounding point of interests to start your trip off with a bang. Combining the average time spent at each location and traveling time in between, it should fill up about 7 hours of your day.


Basilica of Notre-Dame-of-la-Garde at Marseille

5-Day Marseille Itinerary (1)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (2)

5-Day Marseille Itinerary (3)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (4)


(41600)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (5)


(13558)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (6)


Sights & Landmarks


Sacred & Religious Sites

The basilica Notre-Dame de la Garde is a popular tourist spot in Marseille that features intricate architecture, stunning mosaics and murals, and breath-taking panoramic views of the city from the church.

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Its a quite the steep journey however it is worth it once you reach the top. I can not describe just how beautiful and stunning it is when you are there. The pictures do not grasp the amount of beauty. Highly recommend this. If I had one place to visit in Marseille I would pick the top of this church. You can see everything from there. It looks like Greece :D

Michael's V — Google review

It is a place where one can find peace in midst of Marseille crowd. A place to stay calm after roaming around the city.The view of the city from here is just fantastic. To reach here, I’d suggest to have a walk from vieux port. It’ll be bit of a hiking like and then stairs however it worth because as one climbs up, the view on their back keeps growing into something superb.Though, there are buses and touristic train available to reach there. You can also take your own car. There’s a parking for them.The sunset view is worth viewing from here.

NITENDRA S — Google review

Amazing views! Bring water or money to buy it though. After the stairs you will be thirsty. A little scary when the winds pick up but truly an amazing place to see old Marseille.

Hannah D — Google review

マルセイユのどこからでも見えるランドマーク。入場は無料ですが、歩いていくと。。。ちょっと坂道が大変です。バスもあります。ここは、とても良い雰囲気で、見晴らしも良く、気持ちの良い場所です。マルセイユに来たなら、一度は行くべき場所かなと思います。(Translated by Google)A landmark that can be seen from anywhere in Marseille.Admission is free, but you can walk there. . . The slope is a bit difficult.There are also buses.This is a very pleasant place with a nice atmosphere and a great view.If you come to Marseille, I think this is a place you should visit at least once.

Toru ( — Google review

Die Kathedrale thront über Marseilles und man hat einen traumhaften Blick über die Stadt und die Umgebung. Zu Fuß kann man sie in ca. 30 Minuten vom Alten Hafen gut erreichen. Oben angekommen, kann man die Krypta besichtigen, geht man die Stufen hinauf, gelangt man in die eigentliche Kirche. Diese ist sehr schön und von der Decke hängen verschiedene Schiffsmodelle als Mobile, sehenswert. Leider waren an diesem Tag 2 Kreuzfahrtschiffe im Hafen, so dass sehr viele Touristen den Weg hinauf gefunden haben.(Translated by Google)The cathedral towers over Marseilles and you have a fantastic view of the city and the surrounding area. You can easily reach it on foot in about 30 minutes from the Old Port. Once at the top you can visit the crypt, if you go up the steps you get into the actual church. This is very beautiful and various ship models hang from the ceiling as mobiles, worth seeing. Unfortunately there were 2 cruise ships in the harbor that day, so a lot of tourists found their way up.

A. N — Google review

A truly incredible Basilica perched high on the hill overlooking the city.We chose to take the €10 Little Blue train to visit the Basilica. When you go in, you must look up. The decoration on the ceiling is sublime and the building is in such great condition.The view from the grounds is equally as stunning. As you move around, you get a 360 degree panoramic view of the city below.A true treasure and a site not to be missed.You can visit the Crypt downstairs also and light a candle.Entry is free - no tickets requiredHighly recommend

Samantha P — Google review

Being located in a very high place, you can have an amazing view over all of Marseille. The church is very beautiful and I would recommend to go there to see the sunset. The church does close around 6pm, but then you can still go down the stairs and watch the sunset there.People told us is wasn't worth walking up there because it took them around 1h climbing and they had to walk on the road not even a nice path, we took the bus 60 from the port which costs 2€ and it takes around 15min. To walk down, we did go by walking because it was only 23min and we didn't have to climb.

Daniela D — Google review

Absolutely stunning basilica - and a must-see in Marseille.I first visited on the Saturday, but because of high winds the entrance to the basilica was closed. I was told I could enter via the crypt, but there was a mass happening and nobody was allowed to enter either the crypt or the basilica.Luckily I was able to return on Monday (thought I’d give Sunday a miss as there was only a half hour window to visit at 9am due to masses being held throughout the day). I’m so glad I had the time to come back, as the basilica is absolutely stunning. The views from outside are pretty gorgeous too.Entrance is free, but I’d recommend paying 1€ for the pamphlet at reception - which points out some interesting facts and items to view.Also, the walk up is hard going - even for the fittest of walkers. I’ve climbed Ben Nevis, so I know what I’m talking about! If the weather is cool then go for it, but when it’s hot…no thanks! You can get the No.60 bus from Vieux-Port (I’d recommend getting on there as the bus does get packed pretty quickly). The journey takes around 10-15 minutes by bus and drops you off directly outside the basilica. It costs 2€, and if by chance you can’t get in because of high winds (or mass) it covers the cost of the trip back down - as long as it’s within an hour of purchase.

Caroline F — Google review

Contrary to what visitors might think, Notre Dame de la Garde is not a cathedral but a basilica. Really easy to get to by bus and worth seeing - inside and outside. The view is simply stunning. Beware of pickpockets. But no more dangerous than any other site.This monument of Marseille is located on the highest hill near the Old Port, at an altitude of 150 metres.

J B — Google review

Great place to visit .you need a couple of hrs to see it all .plenty of steps to climb .we got the little train up to notre dame .you can take as long as you like walking around .and get a much later train down .there's the sightseeing tour bus that also goes up there .bur much more expensive. And it's not really worth it . Enjoy your visit.we did .

Lucia P — Google review

A Catholic basilica with a beautiful Roman/Byzantine architectural style. Inside there were many statues; golden Mary was the most stunning. There was also an outdoor area, giving you a view of the city.

Angel K — Google review

Stunning view of the city and easily accessible via public transport services. Unfortunately the church was closed during our visit but the crypt was open. Definitely a place to go if you visit Marseille.

Carlo C — Google review

The grand basilica is at the city's highest point.Really wonderful place to visit. Quite a slog up there (if walking), really steep and uneven in places so ensure the usual precautions are taken- suitable shoes, suncream etc.The walk is absolutely worth the views from the top.It can get very busy. Multiple Asian tour buses arrived whilst I was there so it's less than peaceful

Daniel E — Google review

Wer hier nicht war hat etwas verpasst. So ein grandioser Blick über Marseille... unglaublich. Parkplätze unterhalb der Kirche sind rar. Lieber mit dem Bus aus der Stadt hoch fahren - zwei Erwachsene und zwei Kinder kosten 8€.(Translated by Google)If you weren't here, you missed something. Such a magnificent view over Marseille... unbelievable. Parking spaces below the church are rare. It's better to take the bus up from the city - two adults and two children cost €8.

Danne D — Google review

This is an amazing architectural masterpiece. The views are magnificent. You can see 360 degree view of the city.There is a restaurant but it was closed on Monday. There is a nice gift shop with a lot of cool inexpensive curios.Note: There is an elevator that takes you from the parking lot to the top floors. So less stairs.Note: We went in Monday before noon and it was not crowded. There were a lot of people but it wasn't too hectic.Note: The restrooms charge .5 euros, no card but they will let you go in without paying. It's a suggestion but they won't stop you.Note: DO NOT park at the bottom unless you want to walk up a ton of stairs. Park right next to the church. Just keep going up.

Daniel V — Google review

Pretty cool little place. We walked up from the port, which was quite a walk, but pretty cool to see the city that way. Safe area to walk around in. The view from there was unique and made it a great stop. The boats everywhere in the church was also really unique and interesting. I definitely wouldn’t pay a tour guide if any kind and was glad that admission was free. They charge you to use the restrooms, which was wild to me but maybe that’s normal in this area.

Angela B — Google review

We were staying on the other side of the marina and decided to take a day trip. The hills and stairs are no joke in near 100 degree weather. I got sunburned and we stopped for a quick cafe when we made it up the first round of hill. The walk/hike was WELL worth it the basilique is beautiful as are the views... I highly recommend the trek if you are up for it... I believe there is also a bus that runs every 20 minutes...

Emily A — Google review

The location of the basilica is simply breathtaking, situated atop a hill overlooking the city of Marseille. The panoramic views it offers are absolutely stunning, providing a captivating perspective of the cityscape, the harbor, and the surrounding coastline.The basilica's architecture is equally remarkable. Its ornate design, featuring a combination of Romanesque and Byzantine elements, adds to its charm and grandeur. The intricate details, vibrant colors, and beautiful mosaics inside the basilica create a truly great atmosphere.

?mer T — Google review

The highlight of the city. It’s not too much of walk to, a little hilly but an enjoyable walk. Amazing views of the city. There also parts of the structure you can pay your respects to the fallen so feels a little nostalgic too. Well worth the visit.

Stephen R — Google review

Worth the climb for the spectacular views alone. Fortunately, there are stopping points on the way up the 267 steps. If you're really struggling, you can take a lift from the crypt to the chapel.Once inside, you will be impressed by the beautiful art.There is also a shop to buy your souvenirs.

John W — Google review

This Basilica is like a lighthouse of Marseille, it is almost always visible when walking in old port or most of the city side.Apart from the architecture, this natural high point gives stunning view of Marseille in all directions. It’s easy to reach by city bus from old port, and is also covered in most of the city tours.

Mayur S — Google review

Not a church person, but an amazing spot with amazing views. So much history and a really important spot in the history of Marseille and to the seafaring tradition of the place.Get there early...before 10:30am.

Craig A — Google review

Definitely worth the walk up the hill! Beautiful cathedral with beautiful views of the city and the sea. Enjoyed the walk up. There are bathrooms and some vending machines if needed when you get there too. One of the must visits in the city.

Kevin M — Google review

Wonderful architecture can be found at this basilica. The views, however, make this a very special place. You can see Marseille in its entirety as well as the sea and local islands. A long steep walk, but absolutely worth it.

Monty M — Google review

Die Kirche, die majestätisch auf dem Gipfel des Berges thront, ist zweifellos ein atemberaubendes architektonisches Meisterwerk. Die beeindruckende Lage verleiht der gesamten Szenerie eine beinahe überirdische Aura, die Besucher in ihren Bann zieht. Der Blick von Kirche die malerische Umgebung ist schlichtweg atemberaubend. Die sorgfältig gestalteten Verzierungen und kunstvollen Details im Inneren der Kirche versetzen die Besucher in Ehrfurcht und lassen sie die handwerkliche Meisterschaft vergangener Zeiten bewundern. Ein Besuch in dieser Kirche ist ein unvergessliches Erlebnis, das die Schönheit der Natur und die Kreativität des Menschen auf einzigartige Weise vereint.(Translated by Google)The church, which sits majestically at the top of the mountain, is undoubtedly a breathtaking architectural masterpiece. The impressive location gives the entire scenery an almost unearthly aura that captivates visitors. The view from the church to the picturesque surroundings is simply breathtaking. The carefully designed decorations and ornate details inside the church leave visitors in awe and admire the craftsmanship of bygone times. A visit to this church is an unforgettable experience that combines the beauty of nature and human creativity in a unique way.

De ( — Google review

Seeing this Basilica has been on my bucket list for many years and I am so happy I was finally able to visit! The exterior is so beautiful and unique, and its prominent position on the hill overlooking the harbor of Marseille makes the Basilica look absolutely magical. The interior matches well, with rich murals and paintings. As someone who loves boats, I especially appreciated that many of the religious artifacts had nautical themes and felt this was very unusual for a church. The panoramic walk around offers beautiful views in all directions. Strong recommendation for a visit from me!

D S — Google review

Absolutely Breathtaking. Definitely a must see just for the craftsmanship of the inside of the building. It’s great to watch the sunset from here as you get great views from the city. The museum wasn’t open which was a little sad but everything else was great. Bear in mind that you need €0.50 coins to use the toilets here.

Clara S — Google review

The Basilica of Notre-Dame of la Garde is a prominent landmark located in Marseille. It is situated on a limestone outcrop on the south side of the Old Port of Marseille, offering a panoramic view of the city and the Mediterranean Sea. The basilica is an example of Neo-Byzantine architecture, characterized by its ornate decoration, mosaics, and use of multi-colored stone and marble. One of the most distinctive features of the basilica is the large gilded statue of the Virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus, which stands atop the bell tower and serves as a beacon for sailors.

Highway V — Google review

Beautiful basilica overseeing all of Marseille. The 60 bus takes you right to the top. If you want to come to the museum on the first floor though be sure it is open. Check the museum page or look up museum on google maps because it is a different schedule.

Z C — Google review

Just the walk up the hill. A long way up but totally worth the trip. Better wear your walking shoes. In November, the hill is pretty windy and sunny at the same time.Beautiful cathedral with breathtaking views of the city and the sea. A must visits in the city.Just sit by the church stairs and breath inFacilities: Restroom, gift shop and parking (for groups or personal vehicle)

Madame T — Google review

What a great place! There is a short, not too difficult hike to reach the top from many parkings at the bottom. There is parking space at the top also. The views of the city and sea and little islands from the top are magnificent. Basilica from inside is very beautiful and tranquil. There is a restaurant, toilets, and museums inside a total of 6 floors of establishment with a lift for easy access to strollers.

Kushant V — Google review

A beautiful building with great architecture positioned on top of a Hill.It is quite a long walk from the center of the city but worthwhile.Dating back to the 1800s.Once there you can see beautiful views over the city of Marseille.It was very crowded when visiting but is a must see destination in Marseille. Well worth a visit if in the area.

Rob Y — Google review

Really beautiful church and I really like the ship theme. Both the insides and the outside of the church is very nice. The views from the top of the hill around the church are also incredible. And in the winter the amount of tourists were minimal and made the visit very enjoyable.

Daan M — Google review

Most recommended place to visit in Marseille.It is located in an interesting area where you can see it from different places of town.You can also enjoy the view of the city and the Mediterranean Sea 🌊I visited on the weekend, and it was busy.For transportation, there is a bus drop you on the goal.Enjoy your time there.

Youcef B — Google review

Mist visit site in Marseille. It offers panoramic views of the entire harbour and the surroundings. Architecture also very beautiful. However always full of people. You can get up here via the little train or walk up. Don’t recommend driving up as parking spaces always filled and cars hard to get out. If you want to enter the centre chapel you have to wait for guided tours

Anthony C — Google review

A beautiful church on the hill overlooking breathtaking scenery of Marseille. We arrived here by taking Les petit* trains de Marseille which stopped by here for us to visit the basilica

Kevin S — Google review

An absolute must see and go to place when you visit Marseille. While the climb up there at the top is quite tedious and rough, once you get up there, the climb up the stairs is absolutely worth it.The view from the top is absolutely amazing and absolutely gorgeous. You get a high, perfectly large overview of the whole city of Marseille and everything surrounded it.The inside of the basilica is also breathtaking and absolutely gorgeous. I most definitely recommend visiting this wonderful place.

LEI. R — Google review

Unbelievable architecture steeped in history. There is evidence in the building exterior of conflict with invaders during WW2. The view from this location is spectacular and a must-see. For all the Christians out there, this is a very old, beautiful, and practicing Church. Allow a few hours to absorb all that is happening here. We took a taxi up the hill and walked down. Many bus trips visiting here so be prepared for it to be busy. We waited an hour for services to finish inside to visit indoors and it was well worth the wait

Scott H — Google review

Interested place with a nice view of the city. Getting there can be pretty tiring, especially during the hot summer days. Basilica works till 6pm. Right at 6pm we were asked to leave. The security guys were nice to allow late people to take a quick look at the Basilica after 6pm

An N — Google review

A must see, with a spectacular view of Marseille.. I got some really good panoramic photos.For those who want to know..Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde is a lavish 19th-century icon that's visible from across Marseille. It sits on the remains of a 12th-century chapel and a 16th-century fort. The structure has been used as both a place of worship and a part of the city's defences. Today, locals come to the basilica to pray for or give thanks for safe journeys and recovery from illness.

Ciaran W — Google review

Best place to visit if you haven't got long in Marseille. This is for me the no 1 thing to do in this city. The view over the city is spectacular. My pictures don't do it justice.

Rebecca C — Google review

Nice view of all the city. We took a mini train that took us there, and then down. Toilets are 1€. It's worth for the views

Héctor N — Google review

Rue Fort du Sanctuaire, 13006 Marseille, Francehttp://www.notredamedelagarde.com/+33 4 91 13 40 80Tips and more reviews for Basilica of Notre-Dame-of-la-Garde at Marseille

8 min · 2.9 mi


Marseille Stadium

5-Day Marseille Itinerary (7)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (8)

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(36133)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (11)


(1335)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (12)

Soccer practice

Sights & Landmarks

Live music venue

Scenic spot

The stadium was rebuilt in 2014 and is known as the Orange Vélodrome. It is located close to the sea and has a seating capacity of 67,000 people. It is popular for hosting football matches, but also indoor cycling and running events.

Visited the stadium in the Feyenoord away end. Impressive atmosphere and acoustics in this wonderfully renovated classic stadium. Too bad that some of the fans behave very badly around matches.

Dennis W — Google review

Nice and modern stadium. We only did the stadium tour in a day without a game but it was worth it. Happy we had this opportunity. Also the OM store was open, very nice one!

Alin M — Google review

Brilliant atmosphere (even though it was a friendly), tickets very affordable, alcohol sold inside, will definitely be back!

Craig K — Google review

Attended the Marsielle vs Brest match and it was amazing! The fans, the atmosphere was crazy! It would have been a 5 star experience if smoking was banned in the stadium. It was really awful taking in 2nd hand smoke the whole night.

Mandy T — Google review

Tolles Stadion. War zum Rammsteinkonzert hier (08.06.24). Einlaßkontrollen schnell und effektiv, auch wegen vieler Zugänge. Tolle Akustik, top Sicht. So wie die Tribünen angeordnet sind, denke ich, dass dies auch beim Fußball so ist (leider keine Vergleichsmöglichkeit). Was aber absolut klasse ist, sind die Vielzahl der WCs und Verzehrstände. Es gab kaum Warteschlangen, insbesondere wenn man zwei/drei Schritte zum nächsten Klo/Kiosk geht. Können sich einige Stadien in Deutschland was abschauen.(Translated by Google)Great stadium. Was here for the Rammstein concert (06/08/24). Entry controls are quick and effective, also because of the many entrances. Great acoustics, great visibility. The way the stands are arranged, I think this is also the case with football (unfortunately no comparison possible). But what is absolutely great is the variety of toilets and food stalls. There were hardly any queues, especially if you walk two/three steps to the nearest toilet/kiosk. Some stadiums in Germany can learn something.

Stefan S — Google review

The great history of OM as well as the beautiful stadium itself does worth a deep tour, but not quite worth the price assigned. A 30mins tour for 18euros did make me considered(should I just buy a deluxe version of team scarf?). Besides that, the overall experience was good, the exhibition is designed professionally.

Ali C — Google review

The place to be when there's a football match. Great atmosphere, efficient security and a really modern state of the art facilities.

Worlanyo A — Google review

Fantastic stadium. We went to a OM ligue game against Lille. Atmosphere is the best I ever experienced at a football match. If you love football you MUST go to a game here. Allez l'OM

Zebradee2009 — Google review

Good ground. Amazing look. Fans support is amazing, the atmosphere is to class. Amazing place to come when in the city.

AKMCO — Google review

Really good stadium, saw the UCL Trophy and some other Trophies, power banks available for charging, absolutely marvelous shop, huge stadium, best locker rooms, 10/10.

Roudy S — Google review

Was amazing beautiful stadium, watched Albania v France in 2016 EUROS we lost but still had a good time great people. I loved it was an amazing city and stadium.

Imflightmode — Google review

Fantastic experience, Indochine concert. Stage and big screen are amazing. Sound, lighting and organizer... Perfect. Looking forward to the next concert.

Kathleen S — Google review

Watched South Africa play France, easy to get in and out and to you seats. Great atmosphere especially with all the Fench rugby fans.

Louis O — Google review

Great stadio, great atmospher, the virage sur is top. Easy to reach

Giacomo M — Google review

Great atmosphere for any Marseille matches in this beautiful stadium

Deepak K — Google review

I love the shape of the construction.This stadium is an awesome sight from the main road with it's spectacular roof and large double steps leading up to the concourse. The front of the stadium. as with the rear, has giant lettering on the side of the roof - Orange Velodrome - along with pictures of the team's illustrious past.

Rem — Google review

Arguably the best stadium I've been to. Access was easy, facilities accessible, seating a little tight but a great atmosphere so hardly noticed. Love the sky through the oval shaped roof as the sunsets. Add to this this silence of the crowd (full respect) as the Tonga Hakka echoed through the stadium; an unforgettable moment.

Robin K — Google review

Besucht aufgrund der Rammstein Show! Tolles Stadion, tolle Athmosphäre. Ein Stern bleibt in Reserve weil ich nicht weiß ob 1-2 Mängel die Regel oder vielleicht doch eine Ausnahme waren.(Translated by Google)Visited because of the Rammstein show! Great stadium, great atmosphere. One star remains in reserve because I don't know whether 1-2 defects were the rule or perhaps an exception.

Stephan L — Google review

Watching the South Africa vs. Tonga match in the World Rugby Championship at Marseille Vélodrome was an unforgettable experience. The stadium's grandeur and electrifying atmosphere added a special dimension to the game. Despite being primarily a football venue, it proved to be a fantastic setting for rugby.

E P — Google review

Stadion ist wirklich klasse. Allerdings sollte vielleicht der Exit nach einem Konzert überdacht werden. Es ist eher ungünstig Menschen in eine Richtung drängen zu lassen. Das wird schnell unangenehm 😫.(Translated by Google)Stadium is really great. However, perhaps the exit after a concert should be reconsidered. It is rather unfavorable to allow people to push themselves in one direction. This quickly becomes unpleasant 😫.

Peter W — Google review

Amazing stadium. To see ot from inside is totally worth. It Is a built simulating the effect of a wave and the sound inside is awesome. Great views from everywhere. The fans dont stop any moment singing. A must to visit

Luis F — Google review

Super Stadion (Konzert) aber diese Stufen. Alle saßen auf den Stufen der aber der einzige Ausgang war = Chaos. Sonst Top von Sound bis Verpflegung(Translated by Google)Great stadium (concert) but these steps. Everyone sat on the steps, which was the only exit = chaos. Otherwise top from sound to food

Barbara H — Google review

Fabulous stadium, would love to go and watch a game in the near future.

Paul W — Google review

What an incredible stadium. Went to see the rugby. Terrible entry led to us being 30 minutes late and then they ran out of beer!! Still had a great time and we won!! You need to find the right entrance or it just does not work and we were lucky nobody got hurt in the crush on the steps..

James M — Google review

Watched South Africa play Tonga here at Rugby World Cup. Great stadium. Easy to get there and in & out. Can take the metro to get there. Nice bars outside to get the vibe going before the game.

Gerrit S — Google review

Great stadium with a few issues that could be easily fixed. There were not enough bathrooms available in some sections. The beer ran out half-time the games and to buy one you had to wait for 40 minutes. People serving them were inexperienced and very very slow.

Ramiro P — Google review

Watched a World Cup rugby match here. Place was very dirty and people were smoking cigarettes in the stadium like it was going out of style. Still an incredible venue. Would be nice if there were baby stations.The police staff were great directing the exodus of fans to the proper metro line. Security was organized and helpful.

Patrick A — Google review

Chaos getting into the stadium for the world cup. Bars are all busy but find the ones tucked behind the stairs are usually OK queues. Beers poured badly with a large head to beer ratio.Good atmosphere, seats were fine, standard for stadiums.

Carmen H — Google review

Eindrucksvolles Stadion, optimal für Rammstein in der Feuerzone 🤘🏻🔥(Translated by Google)Impressive stadium, ideal for Rammstein in the fire zone 🤘🏻🔥

Chris F — Google review

We went to the stadium twice Saturday for the Wales v Argentina match and Sunday for the England v Fiji match. We were on opposite sides for each match and quite high. Plenty of toilets, all with paper and soap and we never had to queue and plenty of bars with only very small queues. We got to the matches very early and so never had a problem with entry.

Suzanne — Google review

3 Bd Michelet, 13008 Marseille, Francehttps://www.orangevelodrome.com/+33 4 84 45 38 00Tips and more reviews for Marseille Stadium

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Rooms and guests






Rooms, guests


5-Day Marseille Itinerary (13)

8 min · 2.9 mi


Centre Commercial Centre Bourse

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(17599)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (18)


(105)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (19)

Shopping mall


Beauty supply store

Book store

The shopping mall Centre Commercial Centre Bourse is located in the city center of Marseille and contains a variety of stores, such as Galeries Lafayette, FNAC, Go Sport, Habitat, along with bars, restaurants, and an SNCF agency. It is also accessible and practical and feels really safe. One downside is that many people do not speak English here, so it may be difficult to find what you're looking for.

I often go to France in order to rest with my family and forget about business deals and my job. Guess that there is nothing better than travelling abroad for finding peace somewhere else. Marseille was one of the towns where I could relax on full. I remember those days when I wandering around this mall with my wife and we were happy. There are plenty of clothes store, thus you can acquire something here. Moreover, you can just walk around the town and enjoy the sceneries. I would advise to visit a port and of course this mall.

Bert W — Google review

I’m a big fan of shopping malls, but this is a big skip. Even the Galeries Lafayette has a poorer selection than similar ones. You even have to pay money to use the toilets. Waste of time.

Ralph N — Google review

Food, shops and even a supermarket. Also, it feels really safe, many guards. Be aware that on most shops, people do not speak English.

Ilana S — Google review

Very weird shopping center. Looks like a maze game. We really liked shop Galerie Laffayette and there is also some kind of pharmacy which sells very discounted cosmetic product. We were very dissapointed because it says on the website and the signs in the mall that there is a Sephora but there isn't!!

David F — Google review

Big mall with a lot of variety... We only had a quick stop here for something to eat and drink

Werne G — Google review

Decent amount of shops. There was a lot of construction going on, and the shops close quite early. But decent enough for a wander and some overpriced goods if you're into that.

Ian J — Google review

It’s have pharmacy, cloth shop, MC Donald, bar, tabac, saloon. Only missing is good restaurant.

Nomade M — Google review

I enjoyed these stores, but the sales associates were not that friendly or helpful. The fashions were nice, but I refrained from purchasing anything because I did not feel welcome.

LaWanda M — Google review

Lots of shops with lots of options and places to eat. I am not a shopping person so I go there mainly for FNAC and Boticelle (the big pharmacy). They also have a fitness park in there.

Raissa C — Google review

Shopping areas are vibrant! So many high quality shops and merchandise.

Sunita M — Google review

Well, there are some good shops but all in all it is disappointing, no proper place for food, yellow-ish lighting makes it dark in the evening and Carrefour stinks with fish. Not a nice experience

Orpheus K — Google review

It is a very nice place for one to make her shopping without having to go outside of the city

Nelly A — Google review

Not a very large mall. Clothing electronic perfume Stores and more. Also restaurants and kiosks around the mall.

Jozi G — Google review

We did souvenir shopping here. Found some beautiful silk and cashmere scarfs and wraps!! Very beautiful 😍

Juice — Google review

Lots of ships and bars etc. The marina is just a very short walk away.

Mr. C — Google review

Not as big as paris but a decent collection...closes earlier than expected..check the working hours

M.Koray T — Google review

Lafayette is a horrible place to do shopping.They say there is a 60% discount on certain pieces and only when you enter the cashier it turns out the discount is only valuable if you sign up to a monthly subscription. That is a massive scam - don't shop there!!Also the cashiers are not well signalised and they didn't even have the original Adidas slippers.I'd love to give some love and support this local independent store but what I experienced there was below anything I ever experienced in any other store.

Josh G — Google review

I went there few to buy a lauggage bag, shoes and sunglasses. It's very expensive unless you want top branded products. Usually I was all by myself to find a product got very less assistance, at some stalls there was none to guide through the product, I wasn't sure if I can touch by myself, had to return a few times even when I liked the product. If you speak English expect little help.

Sanjay K — Google review

the place looks very abandoned. It is very dark inside makes you a bit clastrophobic. No guide or ap showing which shops are in the mall. And lots of closed shops or under construction

Naira I — Google review

17 Cr Belsunce, 13001 Marseille, France


+33 4 91 14 00 50Tips and more reviews for Centre Commercial Centre Bourse

3 min · 1 mi


Mucem - Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean

5-Day Marseille Itinerary (20)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (21)

5-Day Marseille Itinerary (22)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (23)


(21182)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (24)


(6948)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (25)


Art Museums

History Museums

Specialty Museums

The MuCEM is a state-of-the-art museum dedicated to the exploration of Mediterranean and European cultures and civilizations. It is located on a reclaimed land in the heart of Marseille, France, and contains an eclectic range of artworks, artefacts, and photographs documenting different aspects of the region's culture. The building was designed by Algerian-born architect Rudy Ricciotti and is connected to Fort de Saint-Jean through two cantilever footbridges.

The museum offers a free entrance of the yard, bridge and the outside but if you want to take a tour inside to see the exhibitions then you need to pay entry fees. Keep in my that in order to enter you need to have a sanitary pass/ green pass. The outside part of the museum is amazing the first building is very modern with great photography spots and is connected with a bridge to another part that looks more of an old heritage building. The place is worth the visit is very beautiful and one of the must see in Marseille

Marwa S — Google review

Really Great museum with a lot of interesting and different exhibits. The curation is quite different to most museums I have visited and I found the approach very engaging. The architecture and the buildings themselves are also well worth seeing. Tickets are reasonable for the experience. Bear in mind you don't need to buy a ticket to just visit and see the buildings and really through the whole complex.

Kartik N — Google review

Very interesting and unusual building. It’s free to discover, many entrances and exits. The exhibition are changing and very interesting. Most of the exhibition explanations are available in French and in English. It’s located at a wonderful spot, close to the harbour and easy to access.

Martina T — Google review

Visited MUCEM in Marseille last weekend and it was awesome! The architecture is super modern and blends so well with the historic Fort Saint-Jean. The exhibits were diverse and really engaging—loved learning about Mediterranean cultures and history. The views from the rooftop were stunning, perfect spot for some great photos. The cafe had some tasty snacks too. Definitely worth a visit if you’re in Marseille!It is free to enter as well!

Chaitali M — Google review

What a fantastic museum... much more than a museum: an architectural masterpiece, a meeting place, a botanical garden, a playground...is it not enough? No, not enough in one day, that's for sure!

Lucie ? — Google review

Its very nice! It was surprisingly free for almost the entire thing! It has a cool food area and an area to go beside the water!There are some secret doors and tunnels too to explore! And the views are really nice!

Michael's V — Google review

Exquisite museum! You can view certain areas entirely for free and on the roof there is a restaurant as well as a lounge area that has plenty of space and a picturesque view of the port and downwind. There is also the bridge that you can walk across to get to the garden. 10/10 LOVE!!

Ayye Y — Google review

Incredible! Hands down one of my most favorite museums I’ve ever been to. I was incredibly fascinated by yvon lambert’s art collection which kept me enticed through and through. Exceptional pieces on a beautiful displays with audio playing lightly in the background. Truly taps into almost every sense when you step into it. Would recommend if you’re in the area.

Nadia B — Google review

This was a very different place than I imagined, and while I enjoyed it, I can see that the experience isn't for everyone. This is a combination of history and art that I haven't seen before.Coming from the port area, you will walk through the restored old fort and learn about the history of it as well as Marseille through interesting short videos and audio guide you can listen to on your phone. You will walk through little gardens highlighting important plants, both native and imported. In contrast, you will then walk across a high bridge into a huge, modern building that houses modern art as well as a informative look at the history of the Mediterranean through art, artifacts, maps, and more, again with audio guide accessible by phone.The juxtaposition of all these contrasts -- modern vs ancient, black steel vs stone, high tech displays in tiny rooms in the fort -- seemed odd at first. However, then I realized it is just like the Mediterranean itself: a mix of old vs new in layer upon layer that makes European cities charming and fascinating, at least to this American.If you go, realize that there is not a clear path through (likely intentionally). You have to wander and explore and discover, which we enjoyed.We spent four hours there, and didn't feel like we saw everything. If you don't speak French, you will still have a good experience as most of the audio content and many signs are in English. If you also have the Google Translate app on your phone and use it to translate the French-only signs, you will have a better experience.There is a cafe with sandwiches and salads on the bottom floor, prices about 10€. The top-floor outdoor cafe has some dishes for about 15€, and the formal restaurant ranged from 20-50€. There are lots of WCs, but not a lot of seating.On the first Sunday of each month, entry is free!On one hand, I wish there had been more about history, and less art. On the other, I couldn't have absorbed much more in one day. Net, I enjoyed it and am glad I did it, but don't think I would do it a second time unless the content changed.

Michael S — Google review

Expositions extremely well designed and displayed in an engaging and easy to consume way with different types of media. The ancient part of Fort St Jean is also well designed with many outdoor spaces to admire the city. I particularly love the thought they put into the design of the icons and signs!

Anne H — Google review

The Mucem space is fantastic, and the layout is quite interesting.We saw an exhibit on the Romani, which was very enlightening. We wish it was more approachable by including more opportunities to understand in English. We found ourselves looking up words much of the time. Upon entering, the guard asked us to carry our day-bags in front, not on our backs, and not to take photos. After seeing the exhibit, I believe photos should be encouraged so that the message of the plight of the Romani could be better disseminated.We also saw an exhibit on the history of the Mediterranean, which didn't teach us anything really knew, and we are no experts. There were a couple more exhibits that we missed because they were not well marked, and we found ourselves wandering away.

Hunt B — Google review

Get your camera ready to capture postcard pictures of the Basilica and the Mediterranean Sea. I booked the ticket online the day before.I entered from Quay du Port, then followed the walkway surrounding Ford Saint John. Such a view of the Mediterranean Sea. Finally, following the steel beam, I got to the 3rd floor of the museum. I was given a sticker after my ticket had been scanned by the staff. The sticker enabled me to visit any of the exhibitions.The temporary Fashion Folklore exhibition really surprised me. I hadnever seen so many masterpieces of famouscouturiers and haute couture houses all in one place- nearly 300 pieces from the Mucem's collections and loans from French and foreign museums. The Saint Laurent Church exit will lead you to a viewing terrace where you could get the best/unrestricted view of the Basilica. You need to go down from the viewing terrace if you want to catch a bus e.g. #60 can take you all the way up to the Basilica.

Joyce . — Google review

The architecture and the style of the museum are really unique, especially you have to go to the rooftop (it’s fully free) and take a look around the sea.However the exhibitions itself to me were not that good. The permanent exhibition is just a lot of photos of different cities and some of the temporary ones were also nothing special. The only one I enjoyed was about fashion as they had some beautiful pieces of clothing.In the end I suggest taking a free walk around the roof and the castle without paying for exhibitions.

Anna O — Google review

My pictures dates back a bit but only because I had completely forgotten to post my review when I had initially visited the place!It’s a very nice and lovely museum! It doesn’t seem that big but once inside, you have so many things to view and so many expositions to go through! I have learned a lot of very interesting and useful things during my visit here! As someone who loves other people’s cultures and learning about them, this is a perfect museum for it!It’s also a great place to bring younger kids as they have a lot of interactive activities for them and also have little programs made for them! I absolutely loved this place and will most definitely visit it once again if I ever get the chance! Definitely recommend!

LEI. R — Google review

A gorgeous architectural feat and truly designed within the modern and the oldCan be confusing as there is little to no information in English, which I felt was not a good idea. The shows keep changing and is not always for everyone in terms of content.The location with the fort and surrounding water and connection bridges are a great walk. Would advise a visit surely when in MarseilleFor architects and interior design is a must.

Subhashish M — Google review

The museum has a lovely architecture and viewpoints to Marseille and the sea. As we haven’t visited the exhibition for self I just can review these points. The roof is provided with several little gardens. A bridge brings you to the neighbor building with a fancy structure. This whole part is free of charge. Just recommendable.

André B — Google review

The Mucem may be looked at as a symbolical bridge linking different Mediterranean cultures, but it is also literally seen as a central point from which new circulations have been created between the Vieux-Port, the Panier and Joliette districts. Designed as an architectural journey, discover an amazing visit outside the museum by simply walking around. The tour is worth it !Entering the museum, my visit begins with « Connectivités », the permanent exhibition. I immediately dive into the history of the Mediterranean and its famous port cities.The exhibition follows the footstep of the French historian Fernand Braudel crossing along with him the 16th and 17th centuries of the Mediterranean.Here I am, back in time discovering the urban and contemporary development of many different port territories: Casablanca, Cairo, Istanbul, and Marseille megacities.It’s almost noon, the sun is high in the sky. When walking around the magnificent terrace of the museum, the view over the harbour is overwhelming. As I continue my walk outside, dancing points of light reflected by the architecture surround me. Benches outside are a welcome sight to sit in the shade of olive trees and enjoy the atmosphere of Provence.

Md J — Google review

Great outside architecture, you can walk between elevation and a building. Garden area and fort connected with a bridge. Interesting exhibition.

Bogna A — Google review

I learned so much about the history of Marseille here. It's a beautiful and historical place to visit. In addition to the expositions, it also has little gardens, cafés, and places to sit in the sun while enjoying the sea view. I fully recommend visiting.

Jo J — Google review

If you buy your tickets online, you don’t have to wait to get in. There are areas that can be accessed for free. However, I found the expositions quite informative. Thus, paying 11€ was worth it. I learned a lot about the different world maps and calendars. It’s a big museum and I wished I came earlier. Nevertheless, I recommend visiting it. 😊

Vanick K — Google review

Very interesting and cool architectural building at the harbour. Exhibitions were not that interesting but the building itself is worth walking around and staying at the roof.

Anthony C — Google review

It's free on the first Sunday of the month. That gives you access to permanent exhibitions and temporary ones too. Visiting on sunny day will make your visit better as it is necessary to spend time outside to visit the whole place.

Thomas J — Google review

Absolutely beautiful. The view and history is amazing. It's free if charge and definitely a must see.

Andrew P — Google review

Spectacular modern building with great views from the rooftop terrace. The contents are modest but worth a stroll through the galleries.

Jon N — Google review

The museum has great architecture and the exhibits are curated in an engaging and accessible way. The views from the rooftop are also nice.

Edwin C — Google review

Beautiful museum. There was a very thoughtful exhibition about gypsies in Europe. There was English translation for most of it, which I was worried about before going. But what was most impressive about the museum was more the surrounding picturesque environment. The views surrounding the museum is gorgeous, including the fort. You must go up to the fort to see the entire view of Marseille. You can see the view of the sea, as well as both famous cathedrals. The museum itself was a little disorganized in terms of the exhibits. I found myself getting confused about where to go even with an English map. There’s a very cute cafe area outside. The building itself is very interesting in contrast with the old architecture next to it.

Wendy L — Google review

The architecture of the building itself is very cool. Expositions were somewhat limited when we were there and many focused on modern art versus historical. Definitely enjoy a coffee on the rooftop.

Phoebe L — Google review

1 Esp. J4, 13002 Marseille, Francehttp://mucem.org/+33 4 84 35 13 13Tips and more reviews for Mucem - Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean

6 min · 0.29 mi


Old Port of Marseille

5-Day Marseille Itinerary (26)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (27)

5-Day Marseille Itinerary (28)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (29)


(5593)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (30)


The Old Port of Marseille is the birthplace of Marseilles and a thriving harbour for fishing boats, pleasure yachts, and tourist boats. It's guarded by the forts St-Jean and St-Nicolas, with bars, brasseries, and cafes dotting both sides of the port.

It is as beautiful as its expected. I even found a fish market.

Roshni C — Google review

This is definitely a beautiful part. Whenever it is so beautiful with natural sea view and yachts. Lovely.

Rita K — Google review

A vibrant place for the tourist and locals. Get in the Mediterranean museum then walk all the way down to the old port. You will find lot of eateries option there including thai, Italian, Arabic halal, Indian etc.

Md J — Google review

Place of Marsyllie worth to see. You can find a lot of restaurants here.

Robert P — Google review

One of the most beautiful ports in south Europe with its shops, coffee shops and restaurants without forgetting its fish market and its basilica

BenaoumeD — Google review

Beautiful seaside area. Lots of restaurants and things to see. The sea is very blue. We had a wonderful day

Joey — Google review

Vieux-Port had been around since 600 BC and used to be the centre of maritime trades in Marseille. These days it was the hub of the city, surrounded by cafes and restaurants.

Angel K — Google review

The spot to visit in Marseille! People, shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, boats, and views. The ferry can be quite busy, book early for best times. Bring your walking shoes! Bigger than it looks! Short walk to Le Panier for some art, culture, and amazing graffiti. Good spot with stores to buy Savon de Marseille soaps for about 2 to 3 euro per bar. Pay parking is available. Lime and other scooters to rent. Gets crowded! Can walk up to the Fort, Park, and around town fairly easily.

James J — Google review

Must visit when being in marsellie, that place is very old!

Eryk P — Google review

Founded in 600 BC by the Greeks from Phocaea, Marseille is the oldest city in France and the second largest after Paris. It is France's largest city on the Mediterranean coast and the largest port for commerce, freight and cruise ships.

Yasith R — Google review

There is a busy square at the old port of Marseille on which people sell fish and stuff, do street acts and arts, running, skating. And this business is what makes it beautiful.

G?kalp A — Google review

Great for visitors but just be aware on booking accommodations might be OK but outside terrible. My second visit, was spoiled because of issue trying to get in touch with the agent, about issues we have. I got noway with them to solve the problems TV, shower and toaster and etc, having paid £200 deposit, worried that I will not get it back because the way they acting.

Jan Z — Google review

All too brief visit to old harbor area during cruise so just a few phots. Deserves a longer visit next time. The harbor area has the usual tourist attractions and boat rides available. Interesting Mirror Roof structure. See photos and read internet for details.

Doug C — Google review

Lovely day out on a warm day.Boats available for tourists trips

Tez — Google review

If you would like to enjoy the city, being at Old port on a sunny day is ideal. However, in the rain it’s fun to be outside in the evening. Most buses stop here. You can even find city tour buses or trains around here. In terms of food, there are a lot of restaurants ranging from € to €€€. You could easily find the € restaurants/ snacks by entering the city not too fare from the port.

Vanick K — Google review

Historical port now filled with yachts and restaurants and boat cruises. A tourist hotspot. Best views are from the citadel and boat tours.

Anthony C — Google review

Lovely spot for boat watching & the heart of Marseille...planty of options for bars and restaurants, suited for every wallet.

Cosmindorneanu — Google review

Amazing place full of restaurants and lively atmosphere. Great to watch sunset.

Mahmut D — Google review

This historic old port of Marseilles is a must visit place for anyone visiting this most important and busiest port of France. The history surrounding port is amazing, going back to 600 BC! There are so many shops, restaurants, hotels and other attractions all around the port area. If you are into seafood, you have so many options around the port area. The old port is packed with hundreds and perhaps thousands of sail boats, quite the spectacle to see from the shore or on a boat ride out from the port. Would highly recommend walking all the way around the port area on all three sides and also taking at least one boat ride from the port, so you get the whole perspective and incredible views.

Localizer — Google review

In the heart of Marseille lies a charming and impressive harbor with thousands of yachts. There is a lot of hustle and bustle around, day and night. Countless restaurants and bars.However, you should avoid these and try your luck at good food and authentic life 200m further into the city and away from the harbor. The port is just a tourist trap.

Tassilo K — Google review

Great, lots of things to see, really catch the vibe of Marseilles. Lots of shops, great restaurants. Definitely on the to go list.

Vlad I — Google review

A cool place to walk around and get fresh grilled sardines in the morning. Marseille is an interesting port town full of life and history.

Vincent V — Google review

Loved this place, visited every seasons, lively during weekends. I enjoyed the fish market in the morning. I used to walk around the port to the museum one could get nice view from the roof top of the museum or from the Palais du Pharo. One could also spend some time at the fort wall watch boats passby.

Sanjay K — Google review

FranceTips and more reviews for Old Port of Marseille

9 min · 0.49 mi


Cathédrale La Major

5-Day Marseille Itinerary (31)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (32)

5-Day Marseille Itinerary (33)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (34)


(15094)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (35)


(2602)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (36)


Sights & Landmarks

Catholic cathedral

Catholic church

Sacred & Religious Sites

The Cathédrale La Major is a large neo-Byzantine cathedral located in the city of Marseille. The architecturally impressive building is covered in marble and mosaics, and features an opulent interior lined with murals. The cathedral overlooks the sea and provides beautiful views of the city for visitors.

This Cathedral has historic value and represents a lot for the city. It's huge and certainly possess lovely mosaics which one must pay attention to and admire. It has been undertaking often maintenance and looks amazing. A must when you are visiting Marseille.

Celo's P — Google review

Cathédrale de la Major was the oldest church in France with a Roman/Oriental architectural style, and it took 40 years to build! With such a rich history, it was a must visit while in Marseille.

Angel K — Google review

It is quite the cathedral. All of it is pretty amazing, but I honestly couldn't take my eye off the floor. Mosaics run throughout and there are dozens of beautiful designs, expertly laid. Depending on the day and time you're there, you'll get beautiful highlights from the stained glass, many of which have really beautiful palettes. A really incredible space!

Spencer C — Google review

We normally visit churches during our pilgrimages and travels. This time we had to do a guided tour with MSC Excursions due to covid restrictions. We came aboard MSC Grandiosa and our tour guide gave us 10 minutes to be inside this magnificient Cathedral. We have to come back.

Jose V — Google review

Gorgeous cathedral, especially on the outside, now that most renovations are done. Also worth a stroll inside, with a few interesting scenes, and some focus and memorabilia around Johnny Halliday.Some of the glass stained windows and the mosaics are really quite spectacular!

Dani?l — Google review

Obviously a beautiful cathedral. It is very spacious and has a lot of interesting small things around it. I recommend going there on a sunny day as it’s really nice inside. It’s also free and when I was there, there was a subtle melody playing which added to the atmosphere.

Anna O — Google review

The Cathedral La Major is a truly impressive and must-see landmark in Marseille. Its location and architecture are truly captivating. The cathedral's exterior is particularly stunning, with its grand and majestic presence. As a Roman Catholic cathedral, it holds significant historical and cultural importance.The cathedral's construction was completed in 1896, and its architectural style is a blend of Romanesque and Byzantine influences. The intricate details and ornate design make it a remarkable sight to behold. The interior is equally magnificent, with high ceilings, beautiful stained glass windows, and intricate sculptures.Visiting the Cathedral La Major is a truly memorable experience. Whether you are interested in history, architecture, or simply appreciating stunning landmarks, this cathedral is a must-see. It is a testament to the rich heritage and cultural significance of Marseille.

Ömer T — Google review

Beautiful peaceful place. I’m glad I visited here. The area is in walking distance very beautiful too. Must visit here if you are in Marseille.

4KProductions — Google review

I recently visited the Cathédrale de la Major in Marseille, and it was an unforgettable experience. Constructed between 1852 and 1896, this cathedral is a striking example of Byzantine-Romanesque architecture, with its alternating green and white limestone facade that is truly breathtaking. The rich mosaics, marble decorations, and intricate statues inside create a sense of grandeur and reverence. Located near the port, the cathedral offers picturesque views and stands as a testament to Marseille's historical and cultural heritage. The sheer size and beauty of the cathedral, along with its historical significance, make it a must-visit landmark. Highly recommended for anyone visiting Marseille.

Globe V — Google review

In the morning we walked to the cathedral, which reminded us of the cathedral in Siena in Tuscany that had a similar black and white design. I think the best part of walking to and from there was winding through the streets to see the various graffiti art and is plentiful in Marseilles. Just take a walk down seemingly any lane and you’ll run into some graffiti, sometimes big murals, that are extremely well done.

Erik — Google review

Impressive building - Roman Catholic cathedrale, completed in 1896. Beautiful, calm interior that you can enter and enjoy for free. Just pity, that besides one sign you cannot find any information in English for foreign tourists there.

Lidule — Google review

Didnt go inside but the atmosphere outside is incredible, and the views are great too..

Edward V — Google review

The architecture of the Cathedral was designed to reflect the city’s multicultural reputation.Indeed, it combines Roman and Oriental styles, and the materials used for the construction are very varied: white marble from Cararre, green stone from Florence, stone from Calissane and from the Gard, onyx from Italy and Tunisia, or mosaics from Venice, the interior and exterior decorations give an original and particular aspect to the religious building.Built around the 4th century, the church of ‘La Vieille Major’ was the oldest in the city. To build the New Major, the church had to be dut down by two spans! Crushed by the mass of the 19th century Cathedral, it is nevertheless a true masterpiece of Provençal Romanesque art, unfortunately closed to the public.The domes and railings are decorated with elements borrowed from the Cathedrals of ‘Lucques’ and ‘Sienne’. The novelty of the decoration is mainly due to the importance of the mosaic cycles.

Shijo J — Google review

Schöne beeindruckende Kirche. Man muss Treppen hinauf gehen um zum Eingang zu kommen. Die Fassade ist in hell/dunklen Steinen gemacht. Dadurch dass die Kirche auf einer kleinen Anhöhe steht, wirkt sie noch größer. Die Aussicht von oben ist auch gut. Wartezeiten gab es beim Einlass keine.(Translated by Google)Beautiful impressive church. You have to go up stairs to get to the entrance. The facade is made of light/dark stones. The fact that the church stands on a small hill makes it seem even larger. The view from the top is also good. There were no waiting times at entry.

Saskia — Google review

A beautiful cathedral. You can enter without having to buy a ticket and walk around freely, admiring the incredible architecture of the cathedral.There is a plaza around the cathedral which offers views of the port and is great for watching the sunset!

D M — Google review

This beautiful cathedral is a must-see activity when walking the seaport area of Marseille! It’s an active church, so be respectful of that. The architecture is beautiful and grand and all the attention to detail is glorious! It’s huge inside and out, so give yourself time to walk through the entire inside area to see it all and review the story of Christ.It’s an easy walk from the sea port area to get to this cathedral.

F'burg F — Google review

Just wow! One of the most breathtaking cathedrals I've ever been inside.

Michelle F — Google review

Sehr schöne Kirche! Man sieht sie schon aus Entfernung, durch ihre Imposante Höhe. Wenn man dann rein geht bemerkt man schnell die vielen Gemälde und Wände. Auch die Fenster sehr schön, ein toller Ort. Von außen auch einfach schlichtweg genial! Für jeden Marseille Touristen letztlich eine Pflichtaktivität!(Translated by Google)Very beautiful church! You can see them from a distance because of their impressive height. When you go in you quickly notice the many paintings and walls. The windows are also very nice, a great place. From the outside it's simply brilliant! Ultimately a must-do activity for every Marseille tourist!

Ben B — Google review

Very calming and serine, I used to go there once in while, would spend some time in solitude. There was once an art exhibition inside enjoyed it. I always felt at peace when I visited there.

Sanjay K — Google review

Beautiful, massive and ornate cathedral. One of the most beautiful in Europe.

Stephen L — Google review

Amazing architecture and detail inside this cathedral. There are some rules to follow inside - it is a church, after all - but there are many things to see inside. There is no cost to enter, but if you would like to light a candle, those are small charges.

Sun C — Google review

A beautiful cathedral inside and out.It cuts an imposing sight on the edge of the sea, visible to all who enter Marseille Port from many miles away.It is decorated in a beautiful marble style inside and out, and sits in a lovely square, giving it lots of room to stand out in its surroundings.Inside it is so peaceful. The marble pillars and mosaic floors really are stunning. This really is a beautiful cathedral.

Sean O — Google review

Beautiful cathedral serene atmosphere close to the port and all the musuems. Can visit after the musuems are closed.

Anthony C — Google review

A nice cathedral close to the port, it has beautiful architecture and being an active church is very peaceful. It is well worth a visit if in the area.

Rob Y — Google review

An exhilarating uphill walk or simply drive and park at the top. The Basilica is a very small portion of the monument as it has been designed and utilized as a military outpost. Most of the fortifications and spaces are designed for defensive use. With that said its still a beautiful monument to visit and the views of the surrounding area are breathtaking

Bondiamo — Google review

I didn't even know that cathedrals were still being built at the end of the 19th century. This is probably one of the youngest of its kind. A very impressive building in a place that attracts everyone's attention.

Tassilo K — Google review

A must see.. for the British.. it's like Westminster Abbey.. very well looked afterFor those who want to know..The first stone of the cathedral was laid on September 26, 1852 by Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte. It was the architect Léon Vaudoyer who drew up the plans. Upon his death in 1872, the project was entrusted to Henry Espérandieu until his own death in 1874. It was Henri Revoil who finally completed the new cathedral, after 44 years of construction. On May 6, 1896, the cathedral basilica was consecrated.

Ciaran W — Google review

Although the cathedral building is impressive with its size, it did not seem impressive to me since I visited it after the Notre Dame Basilica. My review is purely from a touristic, artistic and architectural perspective.

Oguzhan K — Google review

The Cathedral is certainly impressive in size and is very well maintained.It is not as ornate and decorative as Notre Dame on the Hill.We were surprised how quiet this place was on a Sunday afternoon.There are many different areas to the Cathedral and the domestic are incredible.It certainly is an imposing and beautiful building right in the heart of Marsailles. Well worth a visit.Entry is free - no tickets required

Samantha P — Google review

Pl. de la Major, 13002 Marseille, France


+33 7 72 15 60 10Tips and more reviews for Cathédrale La Major

29 min · 1.5 mi


Les Terrasses du Port

5-Day Marseille Itinerary (37)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (38)

5-Day Marseille Itinerary (39)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (40)


(23357)5-Day Marseille Itinerary (41)

Shopping mall

Les Terrasses du Port is a popular mall in Marseille that offers a great shopping experience, with boutiques and restaurants as well as cultural and leisure facilities. The place has a beautiful view of the port and sea, making it an ideal spot to relax and socialize.

apart from plenty of shops and beautifull lamps, the best part of this mall is the LE TERRACE, absolutely stunning view of port and city across sea.. it provides also binoculars so you can enjoy view. Best place to spend a day in Marseille. It has big lego so as well.

Amv F — Google review

While in port our cruise bus dropped us between the mall and the Port. Walked a bit to reach this mall but well worth it. Loved the food court area- many amazing options; however, the restrooms in this area for public use were just terrible. I'm not sure how the patrons let you get away with this oversight. Convenient grocery store across from food court. Escalators throughout to move you from one floor to the next. Loved the selection of stores. Decorated nicely for the holidays. Did not use the terrace; however, I did observe a large reservation area within the mall between stores for terrace dining reservations. Black Friday sales were promoted within most stores.

E M — Google review

The place looks good but business, nice shops and good restaurants. Offers great view of the port and sea

Eazie E — Google review

Nice place to visit with complete shop on it.You can said one stop shopinh at Marseille.

I A — Google review

Great mall with everything you need. It also has a very nice terrace with sea view, don't miss it.

Ala A — Google review

It is one of the biggest shopping mall in this region loaded with several stores and restaurants. Located just at the port of Marseille it is one of the convenient way to go for shopping and enjoy the view. There are viewing decks in multiple locations and restaurants. Ample parking space beneath.Note: use the shop bills to get the parking fee refund at the accueil.

NITENDRA S — Google review

Exelente ubicación hay todas las tiendas y parking subterráneo dos horas gratis 😄😄(Translated by Google)Excellent location, there are all the shops and underground parking for two hours free 😄😄

Elmer L — Google review

An amazing mall new and trendy with beautiful shops of very nice shops ranging from mid range to luxury. There is an Apple store there and a huge decathlon. The food court is very nice and there are some very nice restaurants in the last floor on the r terraces and on the ground floor on the road in the front. Parking is underground payable and can be refunded when u keep your receipts. 80€ of shopping can make u have 2hrs of parking gratis. Definitely recommend it!

Cynthia H — Google review

Well located, pleasant, you need budget though

Yan G — Google review

I recently visited this shopping mall and had a great experience! The variety of stores cater to diverse tastes, and the ambiance is inviting. The staff were friendly and helpful, making my shopping trip enjoyable. The mall is well-maintained, and there's a good mix of brands. Whether you're looking for fashion, electronics, or a bite to eat, this mall has you covered. Overall, a pleasant place to shop and unwind!

Bahadir A — Google review

Nice foodcourt, you can find all types of food, the mall contains shops for all the known brands all over the world, plus it has a special terrace with sea view where you can enjoy the sunset.

Chris H — Google review

Very lovely view of the port - Good shopping experience in the mall as well

Joseph O — Google review

The only mall worth visiting in Marseille. Especially having a takeaway meal or dessert on the terrasse itself.

Ramy D — Google review

Good place with few shops and also you can get some snacks.

Becouse R — Google review

Nice place, clean and tidy. The choice of restaurants is rather limited, compared to other countries but the outside tarras allows you to relax and admire a sunset.

Orpheus K — Google review

9 Quai du Lazaret, 13002 Marseille, France


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.